What I Hope to See in Season 7 #2: Singles

 Found this pic at Parade.com 
    Happy Hump Day Hearties! Hope your day is going well so far. Yeah, mine isn't. I just get this feeling that there was something important that I was supposed to tell you. Don't you hate it when that happens? You know, where you know there was something you wanted to say but...OH! Now I remember! It's only 4 DAYS TILL WCTH!!!! (Runs around the room in hysteria.)

    Oh. My. Goodness. 4 days. 4. The day is just getting closer and closer when we may finally find out who Elizabeth is going to pick, and discover all the new happenings in our favorite character's lives. (Yippee Skippy!!!)
    Well, while I can't tell you everything that's going to happen, I can tell you what I hope will happen. This post is the second in three posts I plan on doing, listing what I hope to see in Season 7 of WCTH and even beyond. Last Friday was about the couples, and now today is about the single folks of Hope Valley. Let's dive in!

Side Note: Although this is about the single people, all characters pertaining to the love triangle are not included. You'll just have to be patient and wait for them! :)

Bill Avery

    Good, ole Bill. Somehow throughout six seasons this guy has managed to remain single. Now of course he's had his fair share of romance. His non-intentional affair with Abigail, his kiss and run with the recently widowed Dottie, and his now and then romance with the prisoner he arrested, AKA AJ Foster. (Wow. When you think about it, it sounds really scandalous!😂)

    Yet with all these things what do I hope to see for Bill this season? Yep, you guessed it. Romance. I think we're due for a visit from AJ, as she failed to make an appearance last season. AJ is my top pick as of now for Bill. I've already seen that Jack Wagner and Josie Bissett work together in the Wedding March, and AJ challenges Bill unlike the other girls he's fallen for.
However, should that relationship bite the dust as well (Which would be sad for a lot of Hearties I'm sure) I still hope he gets some romance this season.

    I also might like to see him as the judge for another court case, maybe even a really important case. Maybe for a crook who has killed and stolen, but nobody can pin any of the crimes on him, until Bill gets on the case!

    It is sad that Bill isn't the sheriff anymore, but it makes sense now that Nathan is here. After all, Bill was never sheriff when Jack was the Mountie, and he only became sheriff because Jack left. I wonder if Bill will give up being a judge, to go back to his previous vocation. I might be okay with that, but he's barely had a chance to slip into his new shoes as judge. I just want to wait and see how this all goes before making my final judgement.



    Ah, Hope Valley's newest ankle showing telephone girl. (And only! :) She has already won over Hearties with her spunk, and girl power, and has people pairing her off with both Lucas and Nathan. I, however, am not convinced that I want her with either. Again, I need to see more of her, and learn more about her before I make a final decision. What do I hope to see for this girl?

    Romance, of course! I'm not sure who with, but I think she could do with a bit of heart fluttering.

    I also want to hear more about her. Her family, her past, and more of her personality.

    I think it could be fun, as well, if she became friends with one of the kids, (Maybe Allie...) and they got into some kind of trouble together! (And then maybe a certain red serge wearing guy would have to come along and help them...)



    And we now come to the star of the show. (JK!) Henry Gowen has had one of the biggest story arcs out of everyone! Finally we got to discover the truth about the mining accident, and it has put such a twist on this guy's character!

    This season I want to see Henry Gowen in love! (What? I'm a hopeless romantic!) Before I wanted him with Abigail. It would have been such a story! But alas it will probably never be. (Sigh...) However, someone new could always show up. Maybe a woman from his past? Someone brand new who takes his breath away? It would be such a tug of war for him since he can't forgive himself. He would want to be with her, but at the same time pull away because he feels unworthy! (Am I the only one with these thoughts?)

    I also want to see what happens with his new oil business and his partnership with Lucas. I would totally feel bad if it all crashed and they lost everything! Especially for Henry! He's already been through so much! Now he finally has, what appears to be, a legit business, and is doing quite well. I'm definitely curious to see how this all plays out.



    And now for Miss Molly. She hasn't ever really had a big story line. One of the biggest was in Season One with her now long gone daughter, Rosaleen. She has never been a favorite of mine, but lots of Hearties love her. Personally, I like the gossipy side in her. The one who gasps at Fiona's ankles, and whispers with her best friend, Florence about the possible romance between the town's doctor and nurse. And this is what I'd like to keep seeing in this future season. The woman who makes Rosemary jealous so she'll confess her feelings to Lee, and will drive Bill crazy. :)



    Now for the other half of Team FloMo. Yes, feisty Florence. We got to see two interesting things happen with this girl last season. One, her taking, what we learn is, her first job, and the possibility of her starting a romance with Ned Yost! (Gasp!) They both deserve to be happy, and I think they could actually work together. I'm not positive about it yet, but I think it could be fun, and humorous! I've already written a post about these two which you can click here to read.

    Also I'd just like to keep seeing her as Hope Valley's prickly, but sweet gossip. She's great for this role, and meanwhile we keep getting to learn more about her. We get these little tid-bits of info painting her as more then just the prim and proper Florence Blakeley.

    This season it would be fun to see Florence get out of her element and even be adventurous! Whether it's trekking through the woods to find a lost kid, or opening her heart to love again, it would be fun to see her push herself out of her comfort zone.


    And finally we have another fan favorite, Mike Hickam! This guy never fails to keep coming back season after season, and while he definitely has his moments, he never really gets a story line of his own. This is something I'm willing to bet many Hearties would love. I myself might even like to see one. True he wouldn't be as main a character as Faith and Carson, but the writers could certainly give him a life too. 
    Henceforth, here I go again saying that what I'd like to see this season is a romance for Hickam! Why can't he have a sweetheart, or even a wife and kids? It would just add more to his character, and may even give us some more funny Hickam moments.
    Speaking of which, that is what I want from Hickam! He brings a smile to our faces, and makes us laugh. Simply put, I want more of that. (Then again, who wouldn't? :D )

    Well, that does it for the single folk! Come back Friday for my final post in this series of three. I'll be talking about my favorite topic! Until then!

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered in a separate post.) God Bless!


  1. Love this! I so want to see Bill have a love interest. It would be so cool if they could get Josie Bissett to be a part of the cast, take over Abigail's Cafe, and be a love interest to our dear Bill. Of course, if that's not the case, I was kinda getting Bill/Molly vibes in the Christmas episode, so maybe there could be something there? As far as Fiona, I would love to see her with Lucas -- they would have off-the-charts chemistry and fun! (But you already knew my thoughts on that...lol :D). If Elizabeth ends up choosing Lucas, I do NOT want to see Nathan and Fiona together. I just don't see that working on any level. What about Fiona and Hickam?? That could be fun! The poor man needs a love interest! He's been around since season 2 and hasn't had a single love interest. Boo. And yes, Henry does too. Not sure who. I really wanted to see him and Abigail together, but as you said, that's not likely to happen now. Maybe Nora could come back? He seemed to genuinely care about her. Only four more days.....I'm running around the room in hysteria right along with you!!! :D

  2. Also, just a thought, since there is a reply option at the bottom of each comment, would it be possible for you to create a Google username separate from your WCTH Blog one to answer comments with? It might be easier. Though posting them is working really well too! I do appreciate that you take the time to answer comments! It's really neat getting to chat with other Hearties.


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