The Fate of Faith

    To leave, or not to leave. That is the question wrestling inside of Faith Carter's head right now. Whether tis nobler to stay with her beloved Carson, or to leave for a job as the poor man's last love interest did. (Honestly, why do all of Carson's girl's leave him for a big city and job opportunities? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
    Hey, guys and welcome back to another post! I talked a bit this Wednesday about Faith's new predicament. Since then I have discovered something that may seal her fate. Now before you turn away at a possible spoiler, I just want to clarify that everything I have to say was seen in the first episode. I just didn't put two and two together until later.

Note: This is all just my speculation. Nothing I say is sure or concrete.

    Now most of you (if not all of you) are aware of the situation of Faith and Carson. Faith finally came back, Carson was thrilled, Faith sprung the news about a job offer, Carson was sad, he declared his love for Faith and told her to go, Faith declared her love for Carson. The big question is obviously this; Is Andrea Brooks leaving the show? She was absent for a bit last season, but I wondered if it had to do with all the chopping and editing on account of Abigail leaving.

    However, when I went back to re-watch the episode something caught my eye.

    First off is the theme. Faith has vanished! She's completely gone from the intro. (And, Jesse and Clara have finally made it! Congrats Aren, and Eva!)

    Now this right off the bat would cause questions, but then I realized something. Upon further inspection of the intro, I noticed Carson's clip. Here's a pic.

    Now, of course I'm most definitely not the first person to realize this, but it makes for good conversation. Most of the WCTH cast is standing on the stagecoach platform, and who's front and center? Carson. Now they seem to be saying good bye to someone, and with Carson in front that leads me to to think the obvious.

    Faith is leaving. She took the job, and is headed for Hamilton, leaving behind a sad and lonely Carson. Once again I'm not positive about this. I'm just stating what I thought when I saw this. 

    Another thing to think on is why she would do this? I'm not sure that this is just a creative plot line. I'm thinking that either Andrea Brooks wanted out of the show, or she took maternity leave. The later makes sense to me. She gave birth in November, so she must have been pretty far along when they were filming. If that's the case then maybe it will be like last season. She leaves for a time, and then comes back. Yet then again, she was in the theme last season, and was removed this season.

    Yet, after stating all of this, we also can consider the opposite as well. What if she was coming back? What if everyone is waiting for someone to get off rather than on? Or what if it's not even Faith on the stage!!!   

    I really don't know what's going to happen. She could leave forever, leave and come back, or never leave at all. I really don't know. Again, this is only my speculating. Who knows what will transpire? Either way you got to feel sorry for Carson. The poor man. Everyone he loves seems to leave him.

    Well, maybe this next episode will shed some light on the matter! (Where's Sunday when you need it, right? Although it's Monday for me! :D )

    Have your own ideas? Feel free to share them below in the comments, or on my Twitter page! (But please no spoilers! :) Thank you so much for reading! God Bless!


  1. Gosh, I hope she stays! Carson doesn't NOT need a broken heart! Especially since Faith is the first woman he's loved since his wife died. I really hope it was just a maternity leave thing and that she'll be back. Faith is such a sweet, kind hearted character! And we've already lost Jack and Abigail and Cody and Frank; it would be hard losing another cast member.

  2. i hope faith dont leave i would to see faith and carson get married one season i dont understand why she would leave all the hearties love her on the show i miss cody i wish they would bring him back it wasnt his fault that lori didnt think her kids where smart enough to go to get in to collage on there on


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