Answering Your Comments #4

   Hey everyone! Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed WCTH's premiere episode! (Yes! It's FINALLY here!!!)
    If you've been wondering where I was, then I've been on a Twitter hiatus since Friday. (Too many spoilers out there! :D ) I, however, am back now and I have SO MUCH to say about the episode!!! I will save most of my thoughts for my episode review, which I should have out by sometime tomorrow. All I'll say for now is, LOTS OF LUCAS!!! ;)

Now onto onto you guy's comments! Thank you so much for all the love, and support!


Love this! I so want to see Bill have a love interest. It would be so cool if they could get Josie Bissett to be a part of the cast, take over Abigail's Cafe, and be a love interest to our dear Bill. Of course, if that's not the case, I was kinda getting Bill/Molly vibes in the Christmas episode, so maybe there could be something there? As far as Fiona, I would love to see her with Lucas -- they would have off-the-charts chemistry and fun! (But you already knew my thoughts on :D). If Elizabeth ends up choosing Lucas, I do NOT want to see Nathan and Fiona together. I just don't see that working on any level. What about Fiona and Hickam?? That could be fun! The poor man needs a love interest! He's been around since season 2 and hasn't had a single love interest. Boo. And yes, Henry does too. Not sure who. I really wanted to see him and Abigail together, but as you said, that's not likely to happen now. Maybe Nora could come back? He seemed to genuinely care about her. Only four more days.....I'm running around the room in hysteria right along with you!!! :D  

Also, just a thought, since there is a reply option at the bottom of each comment, would it be possible for you to create a Google username separate from your WCTH Blog one to answer comments with? It might be easier. Though posting them is working really well too! I do appreciate that you take the time to answer comments! It's really neat getting to chat with other Hearties. 

My Reply

Thanks! It's definitely time for Bill to have a love interest. If it's going to be AJ you might think it would happen sooner rather than later. Like during this season or the next should there be one. (We didn't see her last season.) I'm not feeling it for Bill and Molly, but she also seems due for a love interest too. I don't want Bill for her, but I can't think of anyone else who would work at the moment. We'll have to see what happens this season. I'm not sure about Fiona going with either Lucas or Nathan as well. I'd have to see Fiona and Lucas together to see if I like them, but I'm still hoping he'll go with Elizabeth. (As if you didn't know that already! Lol!)
Fiona and Hickam could have some funny moments. He's always tended to be more of the comic relief, and with Fiona's determination and spunk who knows what would happen? However, once again I don't think I want her with him either. Man, who's the right guy for this girl? :D

It's sad we most likely wont  get to see Henry have a romance with Abigail. It would have been such a dramatic story! I hope he gets a romance soon. I'm not a fan of Nora, but again I can't think of anyone else for him. I'm hoping for a new girl to come to town for him!
By now you've probably seen the premiere episode. It's so great that it's finally back! I hope you enjoyed it! Also thanks for the idea about commenting with a separate user name. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but for now I'll stick to answering in blog posts. I'm glad it's working for you! Thank you so much for all your kind words and support!💗 God Bless!


I just found your blog yesterday and have really enjoyed reading your thoughts! Of course, I'm Team Lucas all the way so we're in agreement on what you say :) Like you, I'm hoping for a resolution to this triangle by the end of this season and for her choice to be Lucas!

Season 7 looks promising so far. I really loved this quote from Chris McNally on what we can expect from Lucas and Elizabeth this season (kind of spoilerish):

"Lucas is able to push Elizabeth in a way that no one else does and challenge her when she needs to be challenged, in order to help her grow as a person. The thing he has most going for him is his ability to do that." (I especially love the "like no one else does" mention.) I think Elizabeth needs a man like this over someone complacent like Nathan. From what I've observed about love, a relationship with someone who challenges you is more complete than one that is just agreeable.

Looking forward to Sunday!! 

My Reply

Thank you very much! I'm glad your enjoying the blog! Also it's always great to hear there's another supporter for Team Lucas! This love triangle is going to drive me crazy, as I want Elizabeth to pick Lucas, but the show makes it feel like she may pick Nathan.
That quote from Chris McNally is definitely interesting. Lucas is so different than what Elizabeth is used to, and could make for so many good stories. I don't just want to see Elizabeth go with someone, and everything be perfect. I want to see them disagree, challenge each other, and grow even more in love and be stronger for it. I'm hoping we get not only some cute and sweet moments with Lucas and Elizabeth this season, but also some fun bickering like her and Jack used to. It doesn't have to be super serious all the time, but I don't want their relationship to be super easy all the time either. It would make it more relatable and realistic. Well at least the season is finally here! (Yay!) Hopefully we'll get an answer to this love triangle one way or another. Thanks so much for sharing! God Bless!


Yes, Nathan and Elizabeth would be the perfect Hallmark story :D I really hope to see that play out. But I'll be honest, I really like Lucas, and I do want him to find love as well! Just not with Elizabeth. I have a lot of thoughts in relation to things you've said in this post, but I'll keep them to myself for now since you don't like spoilers. We'll chat once you've watched each episode! Great post, as always! (Is it Sunday yet???) 

My Reply

At last WCTH is here! I've seen the first episode now, so feel free to share your thoughts! (Just please no spoilers. Lol!) Thank you very much for considering my request for no spoilers. I really appreciate it. It's really hard to avoid them, running a WCTH blog. :D
Hopefully everyone will be happy with whatever the outcome is. I know that Nathan is a good man, and will love and support whichever girl he ends up with. I'm just not feeling it between him and Elizabeth. Boy this whole situation is going to drive us Hearties crazy!😂 At least the season is finally here! I wish the next episode was on today! God Bless!

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with me! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page. (Blog comments should be answered in a blog post next week.) Thanks again! God Bless!


  1. Oh good, you've seen the first episode! :) I was going to say with the pic of Elizabeth hiding behind the curtain with Lucas there that I thought it had to do with him reading her story. Which it was! I will say I enjoyed Lucas' growth in this episode, and it's heartwarming seeing him make himself at home in Hope Valley. I'm growing to like him a lot. He's a good man, but...(I'm sure you can finish that sentence, lol). I was bummed that Nathan wasn't in this episode much, though that bridge scene was adorable! Annnnd that's all I'm going to say for now since anything else would spoil for next week. Can't wait to read your thoughts on the episode...even if it is Lucas-focused...:D

  2. This love triangle driving me crazy too. It's my least favorite plot point and usually the writers don't know when to quit and end up milking it longer than necessary.

    I just don't like her with Nathan. I fast-forwarded through all their scenes in the premiere because I honestly don't care what their interactions are like. I know that the writers seem to be skewing it in his favor right now, but since it's only the first episode, I'm okay with it since a lot can change. My gut tells me that in the end it'll be Lucas.

    I think the writers strengthening the fact that Elizabeth and Lucas love literature and having her work on this novel is a big deal. Sharing her writing is extremely personal to Elizabeth -- we know that the last person she shared it with was Jack. I love that Lucas has inspired her to start writing again and that he's the catalyst for her writing this novel. Knowing Lucas, I have a feeling he'll make her dream come true and get her novel published. Throughout that writing process, I too, am hoping for scenes like the ones you mentioned! Chris's comments certainly seem to be hinting that we're trending in that direction. Are you familiar with the show 'One Tree Hill'? This novel story arc reminds me a lot of the love triangle on that show (and guess what, the one who inspired the main character is the one he chose in the end!)

    Thanks for responding - sorry this ended up being so long :)

  3. PS - The username of my last post is showing up as "Unknown", just to clarify: it's Divya again :)


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