Answering Your Comments #3

    Hello, hello, and welcome back to another comment answering session! (The imaginary crowd cheers! Or crickets chirp. Whichever... :) Thank you guys for sharing your thoughts, and all the kind words you've given me! I really appreciate it, and I'm grateful that God has blessed me with you!💗 Well, without further ado, let's get to the comments!


So excited for the premiere!! It's funny seeing differences in opinion between Hearties -- I have been rooting for Faith and Carson to get together since he defended her from Ray Wyatt in season 4! I love Team Infirmary :) I like that you're doing this series of three blog posts before season 7 starts. I'm waiting not-so-patiently for the 23rd, lol! Great post, as always! 

My Reply

Thanks so much! I'm always glad to hear people are enjoying the blogs. I agree, it is fun to hear other Hearties opinions. I too had been routing for Faith and Carson for awhile. It just made sense, especially after he saved her! (That was a good scene!) Sadly, I'm just not feeling it between them, the way I want to, but who knows. Maybe this season I'll think differently. After all, they have only been together for one season, and even then they were apart due to Faith's father's health. And yes, I'm definitely excited for this coming season! Can you believe that it's almost here!?! Thanks for the encouragement, and sharing your thoughts! God Bless!


Waiting for season 7. Can't wait! I hope Lee and Rosemary have a baby, and would love to see Faith and Carson stay together. Love those two as a couple, and can't wait for Jesse and Clara's wedding. Come on Season 7! 

My Reply

Yes! Come on Season 7! I wish the premiere was today! :D I too hope the Coulters have a baby. It would be lots of fun, and very sweet. Just imagine their joy after they find out that they are expecting! (I'm sure tears would be shed, and not just by them. :) I'm also looking forward to Jesse and Clara's wedding! I wonder what it will look like, and what kind of dress Clara will wear. It's also totally okay if you want Faith and Carson together. (Not that you need my okay. ;) Maybe I'll like them better this season. Thanks for sharing! God Bless!

    Thanks again for all the comments! Feel free to drop one below, or even on my Twitter page. I'll be responding to this week's comments next week. God Bless!


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