What to Do About the Cafe?

    Happy Friday Hearties! Only 16 more days to go until the big premiere of Season 7! Man we are getting close!

    Today I thought I'd tackle a question that's had to of crossed every Hearties' mind at one point or another. No, not who will Elizabeth pick, or what will Clara look like on her wedding day. (Although that's a good question!) No, this matter came right after the departure of a certain beloved character. Yes, the mother of Hope Valley herself, Abigail Stanton.

 Image Credit: Parade
    Now, I've already talked about her character in a previous post, and she is not the main topic of this post. (Although, it is because of her that we are here.) I'm talking about the gaping hole she left in Hope Valley or more specifically her cafe.

    Who on earth is running that place? I've seen Bill, Clara, and another nameless woman all trying to keep this place afloat. (If they've said that girl's name please comment below, as I might just not remember.) Now while this will work for the time being, (and I'm not even sure how it is right now) I think that we need a solution to this problem.

    Bill does have some time on his hands it would seem. After all, he can't always be in the courtroom, and with a small town like Hope Valley I don't think they'd have a trial everyday. But what happens when he's busy? Who can take over for him?

 Image Credit: Parade
    Then we have Clara...Oh, poor Clara. That girl must have Wonder Woman strength, and not a mere second for herself. (And yet she does.) She's running the dress shop all day, being a waitress at the saloon at night, and now planning a wedding, managing finances for her new married life...(Gasp!) And yet...and yet somehow she still finds the time to help out at the cafe. It seems to me that one of the new story lines for WCTH should be about Clara getting gravely ill because she worked herself to the bone. This poor woman doesn't need the hassle of trying to help keep the cafe running. Not to mention, once she gets married she's going to have even more to do with housekeeping and cooking her new husband dinner. Yet, she still always is willing to lend a hand when needed, with a smile on her face. (And the gold star goes to, Clara!)

    It's good that they have the other girl that I've seen working there. (I don't know if she has a name!) But even so, she's on her own if Bill and Clara get busy at the same time, and she can't run the place herself.

    Henceforth, I declare that Hope Valley needs a new character to arrive! (Trumpets sound) Yes, someone bright and fun, and who loves to cook. I'm thinking a new girl would be fun, as there is a lot of single guys around. (Bill, Gowen, Hickam, Lucas, Nathan, Ned, Kevin...You get my point.) 

    Okay and maybe I want her to be for Nathan. (Or Lucas if I'm denied the privilege of seeing him with Elizabeth.) I've discussed plot lines before for such a character in a previous post so I won't bore you with them again. I'm just picturing a sweet, and spunky girl with a love for cooking.

    Anyhow, as for the present there is no such girl and so here is an option with the characters we already have. Ready for it? Drum roll please....

    Okay, yeah, I can't think of anybody perfect for the job. (Wa, wa, waaaaa...) But here are some ideas.

    How about Fiona? She's taking turns with Florence at the switch board, so she'd have time. Not to mention we've already seen her helping Grace with the pancakes. (Yes, holding the plate is helping.) Who knows? She might be a really good cook.

    Or maybe Molly. I know she's Bill's new maid, but that doesn't  take all day everyday. (Unless Bill is a real slob.) Now Rosemary may disagree with this idea, but it might work out fine. Any help is appreciated, right?

    Or maybe AJ will come back, and surprise us by being an amazing chef! Okay this one is more far fetched compared to the other options, as I don't get that impression from AJ. She looks like she wouldn't know how to cook, but you never know. Looks can be deceiving.

    Really, I'm not sure what they can do to remedy this problem. Except, maybe, I don't know, use my idea!!! (Pretty please, Alfonse?) I guess for now things will just have to continue as they are. Maybe we'll get a surprise new character, or someone we never thought of will step in. Let me know your ideas on who could either help, or take over the cafe.

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered in a separate post.) God Bless!


  1. i think clara should buy the cafe or recast the part of abigail they are sooooo many good people to play her part i really dont miss lori if she comes back it will put a bad taste in my mouth like other hearties she knows she did wrong and cody had to pay the price loseing his part on the show i wish theywould bring him back i miss him

  2. I feel like this would be a perfect way to bring A.J. into the show permanently. Bill needs a love interest, and the sparks between him and A.J. were great! That would add a lot of humor into the show if they brought her in. I can just imagine the fireworks between them! :D


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