What I Hope to See in Season 7 #3: The Love Triangle

    We've come down to this! 2 days, Hearties. 2 days and our beloved show, When Calls the Heart, returns with yet another season. How did we get here? How is it FINALLY time? How is it that we may actually find out who Elizabeth chooses!?!

    I have such high hopes for this season! Even if Elizabeth doesn't choose Lucas (And I will be VERY sad if she doesn't) I'm just still hoping this will be one of the best seasons yet!

    Now disclaimer for you guys. If you don't know yet, I usually do not watch the episodes when they air. Maybe one or two, but most always I watch them a day late. I also don't really live tweet, and especially since I'll be watching a day late most of the time I really won't be able to. (Sorry!) AND I also avoid watching trailers, and such. So if you don't see me liking and commenting on some of your tweets, just know I may be avoiding spoilers.

    All that, however, does not mean that I will not have a lot to say, because believe me I absolutely will! After all, I've been talking about Season Six for around nine months, so some new content will be super appreciated!

    Anyhow, what would be more appropriate than having my last post before Season 7 be about my favorite topic: The Love Triangle!!! (Yay!) Elizabeth, Nathan, and Lucas. What does this season hold for them? Well, I'm not sure, but here's what I hope it does!



    Let's start with the guy that in previous posts, let's just say, I haven't been all that kind to. Yes, poor Nathan Grant. Now don't get me wrong, Nathan is a good man. He's got a kind and caring heart, and works to keep all of Hope Valley safe. He does, however, have his flaws, just as everybody does, and doesn't always say the right thing. (Or anything at all.)

    When I first watched Nathan in Season 6, he did not win me over. Then he went on When Hope Calls, and started gaining some points with his witty lines and cocky attitude. Then I saw him again in WCTH's newest Christmas Special, and those points started dropping. What happened to that side of Nathan? However, I'm sure we'll get some fun moments with him this season. Here's what I hope to see...

    More of that fun personality I saw in WHC! I want some confidence, but not yucky arrogance. (If that makes sense.) I want fun one liners. Something that will make me laugh.

    I'd also like to see him fall in love. (Say what???) Yes. Just because I don't want him with Elizabeth, doesn't mean that I want him to stay single forever. I actually think he needs someone to love him. I wonder if he's afraid to love someone after losing his sister, or because of whatever his father did. I'm not sure who it should be though. Obviously Elizabeth seems to be the perfect choice. ("You trader!" shouts all of Team Lucas.) I didn't say that's what I want, but I have to be honest. Elizabeth and Nathan would be the perfect Hallmark story.
The only other girl I can think of is Fiona, and I'm not sure if I want them together either. Preferably I'd like a new girl to come to town, which I've mentioned before.

    Another thing that I want to see, doesn't exactly have to do with Nathan, but he could have a part in it.... I want some bandits! Remember the Toliver gang? I want some more dirty, no good guys to come and some real danger to take place. True, we already had some last season with Amos, but I want more!!! It would also give Nathan a chance to show his Mountie moves!

    I also want to learn more about him, and finally learn what happened with his father! It obviously wasn't good (or legal) and has really shaped who Nathan is. I also would like to hear of Nathan's past, childhood, etc.

    Again this is kind of a joint plot line, but I'd also like to see more Allie shananigans. Then Nathan has to come along and straighten everything out. I'd actually like to see some funny moments between the uncle and niece. It doesn't have to be bad either. I'm picturing they go on a fishing trip, have a sweet moment, and then both end up in the river. Just a fun moment that would make me smile and laugh.

    And lastly, (This is more of a "Need to See") Nathan has got to FINALLY pull it together and tell Elizabeth how he feels. If he really wants her he needs to fight for her! Even if he doesn't end up with her, he needs to speak up, and not keep glancing, and walking away. Because believe me, I'm going to call him out if he does. (Can you see my fingers, Nathan? Yeah, they're going from my eyes to you. :D )




    Now let's move onto my favorite side of the triangle. ;) Lucas Bouchard has made quite a mark in Hope Valley, first in Season Six, and then in the Christmas Special. Now while he's won over some Hearties, (Me for instance) a lot of people don't think a saloon owner is fit to marry Elizabeth. Again for the umpteenth time, I am bias as I enjoy watching Chris McNally over Kevin McGarry. (Again, sorry Kevin.) But I do believe that Lucas would give Elizabeth's story a fresh start in a very different direction. Some may say that that's not like the WCTH books, but pretty much nothing has been like the books in terms of characters, setting, story, etc.

    I just get more sparks from Elizabeth and Lucas. More romance, more feeling, more of a "Yay! I'm really excited for this!" kind of vibe. It is perfectly okay if you disagree. (Not that you need my permission. :) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    Now, (Slaps hands together) what do I hope to see for this suave French speaking man? Come on, say it with me...

    A romance with Elizabeth! Yes! I want them to fall in love, and live happily ever after! It doesn't have to happen in the first episode. They can slowly realize their feelings for each other. Elizabeth will then get scared, break things off, maybe go with Nathan for a bit, realize she loves Lucas, find out he left Hope Valley, chase him down in the pouring rain, reunite at the train station, confess their love as they get drenched in the rain, and finally share a kiss in the last five minutes of the last episode. (Not that I've thought about it or anything...)

    (Cough) I also would love to learn more about this guy. His family, his childhood, his past. I want to finally know who he is! We got a bit more in the Christmas Special about his parents, and childhood, but it wasn't really enough for me to get a full picture of who he is.

    I'd also love to see some good battling going on between him and Nathan! It would make for so many fun scenes! I even think it would add some good drama if they got into an actual fight! (Gasp!) Yep, I'm talking fists flying, eyes blackening, and the whole bit. I'm not sure who would start it, but it may have to do with a certain lady...

    This next idea is kind of random, but I think it would be fun if Elizabeth couldn't make it to teach one day, and Lucas took over! He might do it just to impress Elizabeth, and blunder to start, but in the end the kids would really enjoy it and may learn a lot. (Again, it's kind of random. :)

   I also think it would be fun if Lucas turned to his new friends, Jesse, Clara, Gowen, Hickam, for advice on how to win over Elizabeth. Remember when Abigail told Jack that honey catches more flies than vineger? I can just see it. Lucas unsure what to do, maybe sweating because he saw Elizabeth with Nathan, and he gets some friendly advice from Jesse on how to win a girl over, or Clara tells him something about Elizabeth that may or may not help.

    There are LOTS of things that I would love to see happen this season for Lucas, but in the end one tops the list. (I'm not even going to say it... ;)



    And finally we come to the one, the only, Elizabeth Thornton. If you've seen the early promos of Elizabeth walking down main street to see the two guys I just talked about standing there, then you know that this girl has got quite a predicament. Not only is she adjusting to life as a single mom, and still grieving over her late husband, but now she's got two handsome suitors vying for her attention. As if she needed her life to be any more complicated.
Obviously Elizabeth's story is the main running plot line through our beloved show, and one of my favorites. Until Lucas came along, it was the main one I cared about. (And seeing as how his story intertwines with hers, it's kind of the same thing.)

    What do I hope to see for the lovely school teacher? Let me hear you all...

    A romance with Lucas! (Duh, right? :D ) Yes, I'm hoping that by the time I see the end credits for the last episode play, Lucas and Elizabeth have finally have become a couple, and this whole love triangle will finally be OVER! Believe me, the writers knew what they were doing when they started this whole thing, and it has been quite the ride, but it will be nice when it's finally over. Of course I'm not sure if it will be by the end of this season, but I'm REALLY hoping it will be.

    What else other than romance do I hope to see, you ask? Well, some danger would be nice! Yes, yes, Elizabeth saw her fair share last season, but I love the drama! It also could be used to help Elizabeth, and whichever guy she goes with to realize their feelings for each other. It could be anything from bandits, to wild animals, to getting lost in the woods, to getting stranded by a runaway stagecoach in the middle of the prairie! (I told you. I. Love. Drama!)

    I also think that a visit from Elizabeth's family is SO over due. Baby Jack has never met his Grandma and Grandpa Thatcher, his Grandma Thornton, or his uncles and aunts, and none of them have come to see Elizabeth after Jack died. Of course Elizabeth spent some time with her family in Hamilton it would seem, but still a family visit of some kind is in order.

    I also want to see Elizabeth really challenged by one of her students. Like back in Season One with Rosaleen, or Bo. Something that makes her really have to study and think hard. Maybe she'd turn to Lucas to help her, and together they'd figure it out. (Just a thought...)

    This doesn't have to happen this season, but one day I want Elizabeth to finally have a house like Jack promised her. I can see Hope Valley couples building beautiful neighboring houses, on land like Jack's, raising their kids together. I don't know when this would happen, but some day it could definitely happen.

    Another random thought, and I'm not sure about it, but maybe Elizabeth could get a dog. Or maybe Bill will secretly buy one for Little Jack, and surprise him and his Mama. But a dog could be good for her, and it could stand guard against crooks. (Or unwanted suitors...) I know. Random.

    Well, there you have it! We've reach the end of Season Six's reign. Soon we shall enter the realm of Season Seven and who knows what craziness lies within! Man, just think! A new season of WCTH is almost here! (Sigh!) I've waited SO LONG for this, as I know you guys have. Just two days! TWO DAYS!!! Well, that's it for now! However, or whenever you get to see the first episode I wish you happy watching! (Or tweeting!)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered in a separate blog post.) God Bless!


  1. I just found your blog yesterday and have really enjoyed reading your thoughts! Of course, I'm Team Lucas all the way so we're in agreement on what you say :) Like you, I'm hoping for a resolution to this triangle by the end of this season and for her choice to be Lucas!

    Season 7 looks promising so far. I really loved this quote from Chris McNally on what we can expect from Lucas and Elizabeth this season (kind of spoilerish):

    "Lucas is able to push Elizabeth in a way that no one else does and challenge her when she needs to be challenged, in order to help her grow as a person. The thing he has most going for him is his ability to do that." (I especially love the "like no one else does" mention.) I think Elizabeth needs a man like this over someone complacent like Nathan. From what I've observed about love, a relationship with someone who challenges you is more complete than one that is just agreeable.

    Looking forward to Sunday!!

  2. Yes, Nathan and Elizabeth would be the perfect Hallmark story :D I really hope to see that play out. But I'll be honest, I really like Lucas, and I do want him to find love as well! Just not with Elizabeth. I have a lot of thoughts in relation to things you've said in this post, but I'll keep them to myself for now since you don't like spoilers. We'll chat once you've watched each episode! Great post, as always! (Is it Sunday yet???)


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