What I Hope to See in Season 7 #1: Couples

    Welcome back everyone, and happy Friday! We are coming to the home stretch in this ever moving count down to WCTH. I mean it's only 9 STINKING DAYS till we finally, FINALLY put an end to this whole love triangle craziness! (At least I hope we do...) Now don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed this crazy ride. It's exciting, and fun, but I'm ready for Elizabeth to finally pick whoever she's going to pick and stick with it.

    Now, I usually do an article listing the different things I'd like to see before a season starts, but this time I thought I'd do an extended one over the next three posts leading up to the "big day."

    I'll talk about the different characters, couples, and what I'd like to see for them this coming season, and even future seasons. I'll also talk about different plot lines I'd like to explore, and fun dramatics that could take place.

    So for today's post we're talking couples! Next we'll do single characters, and then end with the love triangle!

Lee & Rosemary

    Ah, everybody's favorite comedic duo, Lee and Rosemary. Not only do they bring a smile to our faces with their fun banter and bickering, but they just love each other to death. Everytime they have an obstacle thrown at them, they overcome it together and grow more and more in love.

    Now what I want to see happen with them is pretty obvious. It's the first thing you'd hear just about every Heartie say. I want to see them as parents! Whatever it takes, whether by pregnancy or adoption, they are SO ready to be parents. My personal opinion is that I want Rosemary to become pregnant, as I want to watch her and Lee go through that journey. I want to see Rosemary waddling around with a baby bump, frustrated yet amused with the awkwardness of it. I want to watch Lee be disgusted by Rosemary's crazy cravings, and then panic when it comes time for the birth. I want to watch Rosemary in labor, and then I want to see Lee's happy and awe-filled face as he looks at his child for the first time snuggled in his wife's arms. They'll share a tear-filled, loving glance at each other as they realize that they're finally parents. (Sighs contentedly.)
    All these things I never got to see with Jack and Elizabeth because...well...you know.😭 To me it took away so much of the fun of Elizabeth being pregnant, and I would love to get to watch the experience with the Coulters.
    Now of course if they can't have a child then obviously they should adopt from the New Hope Orphanage in Brookfield. (Hello, cross-over appearance.) I'm thinking a cute little six year old boy or girl. Either one could be fun, but it would be fun to watch Rosemary as the mother of a messy little boy. Who knows? Maybe we'd get to watch Rosie make mud pies with her son in the backyard! (Oh please do this Brian Bird!)


Jesse & Clara

    Now we come to the newly engaged couple, otherwise known as Team Classe. These two have come far. They started way back in Season 3, and now, in WCTH fashion, they're finally getting married. Despite all that these two have come through, and all the stories they've had, they can never seem to make it to the season covers. What do I want to see with these two this season?

    A wedding. Duh. I want to know where they're going to have it, what it's going to look like, what Clara's going to look like, is she going to wear her hair up or down, what does her dress look like, are Jesse and Clara going to have a big cliché fight/break up before the wedding, who is going to be the groomsmen, and bridesmaids...(GASP!) Yes. I have lots of questions. Despite Elizabeth's romantic story line being my favorite, Team Classe has always been what I deem as more realistic in their relationship. Neither one is perfect and they've both made mistakes, yet their love has never died. They've stood by each other, (Clara standing up for Jesse even while they were on a break) and now they're about to spend the rest of their life together.
    Now obviously, one of my biggest questions is who are the bridesmaids and groomsmen going to be. Obviously Lee would be Jesse's best man, and Rosemary could be the matron of honor. But that's only one for each. Jesse and Lucas have mended fences, and Clara may very well make Elizabeth a bridesmaid too. Especially now that Abigail's gone, and Clara and Elizabeth share similar experiences with the deaths of their first husbands. Are you seeing what I'm seeing? That maybe, just maybe Elizabeth will pick Lucas, and dance together at the wedding? Wouldn't that make for a good Hallmark ending?

    Anyhow I'll get back to them in a future post. The other things I'd like to see this season include...

    Jesse building Clara and himself a house! That would be really neat to see!

    Meeting some family of either the bride or groom could be fun. I'm not sure if either of them have any family. Clara and Jesse's parents maybe both died, but I'd hope that somewhere they'd have somebody. An aunt or uncle or a cousin or two. Maybe even a long lost sibling! (Dum dum dum!!!)

    And of course it would be really neat to have Pastor Frank come back and officiate the wedding! (All the Hearties stand and cheer!) He's like family to Jesse, and it would just be so fun to have him back. It wouldn't have to be for long! Just one episode! (Please, please come back Frank!)


Carson & Faith

    And for the final couple we have the recently reunited Team Infirmary! Now I may have said before how these two are my least favorite couple. The chemistry just isn't there for me the way I want it, but I have to admit that I felt it more in this past Christmas Special so hopefully that will continue. Yes they may be the cliché doctor and nurse romance, but I'm okay with that. 

    Now, what could the future hold for these two...hmmm... Well, for one thing a proposal. Alright now, hold on to your mugs, and wipe that spray of coffee from your screens. I didn't say in this season, and I didn't say that I want it 100%. Personally, I might like it better if they went their separate ways, so in that sense I may not want a proposal to happen at all. (Guess that makes this a, "Could See," more than a, "Hope to See.") However, that doesn't mean that I want it to take an eternity for them to finally marry should all go well for them.
    I think I could use some more time seeing them as a couple, as it only just happened last season, and they need some more time too. I'm thinking Season 8 might be good for a proposal if they're still a couple by then. (Hey, you never know.)
    I just don't want it to take years and years to happen. If the writers plan to keep these two together forever (Hit it Rick Astley) then why wait so long? It's been, what now, three seasons since these two have met, and we're about to hit a fourth. Four seems to be the magic number when it comes to engagements. Jack and Elizabeth, Jesse and Clara... (Lee and Rosemary are an exception.)
    True, Carson and Faith haven't been a couple for all that time, but why wait forever? The writers could marry them off to join the other married couples. After all, Little Jack needs some playmates. (Yep, I went there.)

    Okay as for things that could happen this season.

    I'd like to see Faith and Carson's first big fight as a couple. (Man, from one extreme to the other!😀) It doesn't have to be anything serious. Just a silly spat that can be cleared up in an episode or two. It can be comedic, and help them realize just how much they do care for each other in the end.

    It would also be fun if something happened to Faith and Carson saved her! (Then again, that would be fun if it happened to any couple.) It could be anything from a twisted ankle, to getting lost in the woods, or a deadly illness. It would just add to the drama!

    Also, I think that just like I said about Jesse and Clara's family coming, Faith or Carson's could come too. Faith's father could come to visit and see where his daughter lives, or Carson's mother could come, and Faith is all flustered like Elizabeth was with Jack's mother's surprise visit. It's not at the top of my list, but it is a thought.

    Lastly, and this is not a plot line, but I'd just like to just get better chemistry between these two. Right now I'm not a huge fan of them together, but I'm hoping that changes. As I said, I think I felt it more in the Christmas Special during the moment when they were finally reunited. Hopefully I get more of it this season.

    Well, sadly that's it for now. However, hopefully by the end of this coming season I'll have more couples to talk about. (Yeah, you know who I'm thinking of. :D ) Next time I'll be discussing the futures of Hope Valley's single residents!

    Thanks you so much for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered in a separate blog post titled, Answering Your Comments.) God Bless!


  1. So excited for the premier!! It's funny seeing differences in opinion between Hearties -- I have been rooting for Faith and Carson to get together since he defended her from Ray Wyatt in season 4! I love Team Infirmary :) I like that you're doing this series of three blog posts before season 7 starts. I'm waiting not-so-patiently for the 23rd, lol! Great post, as always!

  2. waiting for season 7 cant wait i hope lee and rosemary have a baby and would love to see Faith and carson stay togethier love them two as a couple and cant wait for jesse and clara wedding come on season 7


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