What's Next For Team Infirmary?


    Hello Hearties and welcome to today's blog post! I hope you're having an epic week so far. Fall has decided to poke it's head in, and I have to say I am not a fan of this colder weather. (Although I am a fan of sitting on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, and a hot cup of coffee. :) 

    So I've done a "What's Next" post for Team Classe and the Coulters, and only have one couple left to write about. Yes, it's Team Infirmary, AKA Carson and Faith. These two have had SO many obstacles to overcome, and after seeing this Tweet by Andrea Brooks things don't seem to be slowing down anytime soon.


    A roller coaster, huh? Oh, boy.....😬

    Anyhow, I thought I'd write about a few things I could see happening for them in this coming season!


Faith Becomes a Doctor



    Obvious, right? Now, I understand why Faith had to leave this last season, (Andrea Brooks went on maternity leave) but let's face it. She's been gone for awhile. However if you've seen a good portion of Season 8's BTS pics you will know by now that Carson's girl is coming back. And from what I've seen she's coming back in style. (But that's for another post. ;)

    Anyhow, I think it's safe to say that everyone is expecting Faith to come back and start learning under Carson's instruction how to be "Doctor Faith." And it absolutely wouldn't surprise me if by the end of this season Faith becomes a certified doctor. That would be such a moment for her, as it would be her dream coming true, thanks to the man she loves no less. (Which just makes the moment even more special!)

An Engagement?



    Yep. I went there. But it really could happen. These two have been a couple ever since Season 6 which isn't too long in WCTH standards, as it's only two years. And yet it's been less then that actually as in both seasons they were not together for very long. So, how do I see a possible engagement?

    Well, despite all the obstacles they've had to face, (And even the fact that they're not my favorite couple) the one thing that stands out about these two is the love that they have for each other. I mean, come on. Who can deny that these two are seriously in love? They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and that seems to be the case for Faith and Carson. I definitely could see Carson popping the question this coming season.

    Now, again this is just me saying he could. Maybe the writers have another idea for Team Infirmary and want to have them finally have a solid WHOLE season together before an engagement comes. Or maybe Carson will propose in the beginning to mid season and we'll end with another wedding. (Gasp! Where did that come from? Lol!)

Faith's Father



    With all the talk there has been over Faith's father I think it's about time he came for a visit. After all, how special would it be if Faith's father came and showed his support as his daughter became a doctor? That would be so sweet!

    And of course there's an important conversation Carson needs to have with the man. (Cough....Ask for his blessing...Cough!) 

    And who knows? Maybe some of Faith's siblings could come too. It could be cute to see one of Faith's brother come to town, maybe bringing their wife and perhaps some kids. (We know someone has one, as Faith's father was playing with a grandchild.) It would be a great opportunity for Carson to get to know the family better, and could make for some sweet moments.

Carson Gets Sick?


    This is something I just thought of, and it's brilliant. (I mean, if I do say so myself....) So Faith is studying to become a doctor right? Under Carson's mentoring, right? And there may be a big decision making moment where Faith has to make a choice for a patient without Carson's help, right? (I mean, there could be. I don't know.) It would show us that she really is a ready and capable doctor. So....what if Carson got seriously sick!

    I mean he's always helping everyone else, even if they're not physically hurt. Maybe this time it's Carson who needs help. Maybe Faith has to make an extremely difficult choice to save Carson's life! (Que the dramatic music) It could be the big thing that happens before she finally becomes a licensed doctor. That ultimate moment where she proves that she has what it takes, and truly is a great doctor like Carson! (Dum, dum, duumm!)

    Well, there you have it! Just a few ideas of what could be next for Team Infirmary! Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your ideas for Faith and Carson in Season 8 below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


  1. Oh my gosh! I love your idea about Carson getting sick! Team Infirmary is not my favorite either, but I would love to see something like that to give them a little excitement!

    1. I agree! Team Infirmary isn't my favorite but some drama would be fun! And it would work so well with Faith on her way to becoming a doctor!

      Thanks for the comment! God Bless!

  2. I'm not a huge fan of this couple. I'm not exactly sure why either as I love Carson. I don't dislike Faith, I think perhaps she is too sweet and girlish? I haven't quite put my finger on it yet. I did watch an episode from season 6 recently- again- and found I actually enjoyed their scenes together. Perhaps my focus has been so much on another couple- cough- that I haven't given them enough attention.

    I want to see Faith come back more mature, how could she not after going to doctor school? lol I like your idea of Carson getting sick and Faith trying to figure out what he has and have to nurse him back to health. (see what I did there?)

    Great blog, as always. :)

    1. Thank you! And yes I see what you did. Lol! As you know I'm personally not a huge fan of Team Infirmary either. There's just something about them together that just doesn't click the way I want it to. But like you I'm more focused on another....cough....couple.

      I am interested though to see what Faith is like when she returns. Living in Chicago is WAY different then living in Hope Valley.

      Thank you for the comment! God Bless!

  3. Ummm, yes!!! To everything you wrote in this one! I love Team Infirmary so much, and am so happy that they'll finally be together for a full season! To be honest, I'd be shocked if they're not engaged by the end of the season. Like you said, they're so clearly in love and know they want to be together; might as well make it official! I don't know whether there will be a wedding or not this season, but I would love it if there was! Who says you have to wait every other season for a Hope Valley wedding? 😁

    And I absolutely LOVE the thought of Carson getting sick and Faith needing to care for him! Yes, please!

    So excited for their journey in S8! Thanks for a great post!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes! Faith and Carson are so due to finally have a whole season together as a couple. And now with the added episodes to Season 8 an engagement is totally doable. And yes! Who says we have to wait every other season for a wedding? Why do these things have to take so long? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Thank you for the comment! God Bless!


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