No Christmas Special???


    Hey Hearties! This is just a very quick post today, but I need to address some very interesting news that has come up in the WCTH world.

    Most of you may already be aware that Hallmark put out a tweet recently which had this to say....


    So it appears that WCTH will not be having a Christmas Special this year. The previously announced movie has even been removed from Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas movie lineup on their website as well, and it's just even further proof. This was quite a shock to the Hearties, including myself. I also find myself excited, and yet bummed at this news. Let me explain.

    I'm excited as ten episodes was honestly such a short season, and two more is such wonderful news! Just think of all the added storylines they could do! Not to mention it would be super odd to just jump right into Christmas after that "hug felt around the world." It wouldn't make sense. Of course this still doesn't mean that time will not have passed as let's face it. Little Jack isn't as little as he was in Season 7 anymore. Not to mention they started filming in summer, when Season 7 ended with everyone wearing their cold weather coats, and so I have absolutely no idea how this will all work. So I'm extremely curious on how the season will start and what the added two episodes will mean for our beloved characters.

    On the down side, I realized the fact that we now possibly don't get any WCTH this year. (This is the part I'm bummed about.) It was really nice knowing I had that to look forward to while I waited for the season to premiere. I know the Christmas Specials didn't move the plot along a whole lot, but it was still more WCTH and I always look forward to them. This brings me to the last part of that tweet.

    What on earth is a "special surprise on Christmas Day?!?" I'm very curious to know what this is! My hope is an announcement that Season 8 will be airing sooner this time! (Hopefully in January!) Another hope I have is that it's an announcement for When Hope Calls Season 2! That would be nice!

    It could also be a promo for Season 8, or maybe a special 2-5 minute sneak-peak. But that's not really what I want it to be, as my friends will probably bar me from my remote so I don't spoil anything. Lol! (It's just so tempting!)

    The thing is that Hallmark didn't directly say "an announcement" but called it a "special surprise." Is that different from an announcement? I don't know. So I'm really not sure what this "surprise" is but it's at least something WCTH related to look forward to on Christmas Day. And I'm very happy about that. :)

    I honestly could go into a lot more detail about what this piece of news could mean for the season, but I'll save that for next time.

    Thank you so much for reading this little post. Feel free to tell me your thoughts on this piece of WCTH news in the comments below or on my Twitter page. Have a wonderful weekend, and God Bless!


  1. Hi Joy!!! ;)

    I have a few ideas, some of which you mentioned already.

    My favorite would be if the season started in January, since we aren't getting a Christmas episode. Fingers crossed on that one.

    I also thought they might announce a Season 9 early as a little Christmas gift- that would be pretty awesome.

    Could be some previews of the season, they have kept everything pretty close to the vest where the triangle is concerned but they might give us a few hints.

    Maybe season 2 of When Hope Calls will be announced.

    Or could be none of the above and we will all be totally surprised!

    What I would really like would be a split-season with less off-season. Only if we get at least 16 episodes though. But, I don't want that until after the triangle is settled, don't want to give them any ideas of a mid-season cliff hanger.

    Wow, three months from today until we find out...tic tic tic...

    Thanks again my friend, always enjoy reading your stuff. :)

    1. I'd be cool with a season 9 announcement on Christmas! That would be awesome.

      And a spilt season with at least 16 episodes total...yes. Absolutely yes! We need to get you Hallmark's contact info so you can pitch that idea! 😁

    2. You're welcome, Sue! (Can I call you that?) Yes, I really, REALLY want to hear that Season 8 is starting sooner!

      I never thought of a split season, but I'm with you in that I'd only want it if we got at least 8 episodes per split season.

      I really don't know what this "surprise" is, and its got me so curious! Three months is just too long....Lol!

      Thank you for the comment! Have a fantastic weekend! God Bless!

    3. Of course you can call me Sue!

      Three months is wayyyy too long...

  2. I have wondered if they would possibly give us the first episode of the season, in place of a Christmas movie. I wonder if it would be an episode that picks up right where they left off. Could that be the surprise?🤔🤷🏼‍♀️ I have often wondered if they filmed a bit extra beyond the embrace at the end of season 7. Although the way they announced this big change seemed very odd. It was in a response to a comment, instead of an official announcement post. The latter is what I would except to get with a long running show like WCTH. A show with such a huge fanbase. I wonder if we will hear something more official from Brian Bird and Erin anytime soon. That may give us more insight and/or information.

    As much fun as the Christmas movies are, sometimes we don’t get a lot of progression with storyline in the movies since they seem to be more feel good. This really could give us more meat in the storylines this year with 2 extra episodes that are not Christmas related.

    1. I'm with you, Amy! Two more episodes allows for even more time for the plot to move forward, as the Christmas Specials didn't really do a whole lot of that. Brian Bird did put out a statement. Here's the link to his Facebook page so you can read it if you'd like.

      That's a very interesting idea about them filming beyond the hug, and could solve the whole triangle. The thing is that I don't know if they'd want to solve it just yet, and on Christmas, as that would make for a very sad Christmas for a lot of people. But you never know!

      Thank you for the comment! Have a great weekend! God Bless!

  3. I am soooo curious as to why this all happened! First there was a Christmas special, then there isn't, but we still get the same amount of time as WCTH in the past, since two episodes basically makes up for the lack of a Christmas movie. I was seriously disappointed at first, but now I'm feeling hopeful. The Christmas movie rarely moves the plot forward, so now we have two extra episodes that will move the plot forward. I like that. And now I really don't see how they don't address the hug...there's no reason not to. They could be waiting to film that episode when the weather gets cooler, or they already have and just didn't show us them in costume...though they're not always consistent with time, so we could be going straight from fall to spring with the story picking up where it left off...weird, but possible, lol.

    Very interested to know what the surprise is on Christmas. I'm guessing either first episode of the season or an extended sneak peak. We'll see! So many questions. The biggest bummer for me is having to wait two extra months for more WCTH...sigh.

    Anyhoo, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Let’s hope that Kelley’s idea in the first comment about the possibility of the season beginning in January rather than February is correct. That would be amazing!🙌 It shortens our wait time a little bit. Plus if they give us just one episode on Christmas Night. Then it would be like TWO presents.❤️

    2. Yes and yes, girl! I'm so curious how the season is going to start. There is NO excuse for them to not address that hug. They have to. You make an interesting point about waiting to film that episode until the weather gets colder. Do they film the episodes in order? I was thinking maybe they do episodes 1 & 2 first but not totally in scene order. But I'm really not sure what they do.

      I'm bummed that we maybe don't get any WCTH this year but totally excited to have those extra two episodes! And what in the world is that "surprise?" We'll just have to wait and see. (Christmas is getting closer, yet it's not close enough....Lol!)

      Thank you for the comment! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


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