What If _____________ Came to Hope Valley?


    Happy Friday Hearties! I hope your week has been going wonderfully so far! 

    Today's post is inspired by a conversation I had with my friends the other day, listing Hallmark actors and who they'd play if they came to Hope Valley. It was such a fun topic, and made me really want to see some of the stories we created actually happen!

    And so I thought I'd share some of these crazy and fun ideas with you guys!



Lacey Chabert



    Of course, I'm starting with the queen of Hallmark herself. :)

    Now this may seem like quite a stretch, especially given the lady I'm referring to. But hear me out..

    What if Lacey....was a bandit? And I'm not talking about your average stage robbing bandit. This girl would be ruthless. Can't you picture her with her hair back in this messy bun, with a few wisps framing her face? She'd wear pants like Jack's mother did, a cowboy hat, and one of those neat long riding coats to boot. (Oh! And boots too! Lol!)

    She wouldn't show mercy to anyone, and would absolutely not be above kidnapping Elizabeth....AND Little Jack so she could hold them for ransom! (Yes, I just went down that road.) After all Lacey's character would be a smart woman, and obviously would know that Elizabeth is the daughter of Hamilton royalty, William Thatcher, who would pay any price to get his beloved daughter back. (Dum, dum, dummmm!!!)


Kristoffer Polaha


    I absolutely had to include this guy in my list. I mean, come on! It's Kristoffer Polaha! He's totally a favorite amongst the Hallmarkies, and....yeah I'm going villain vibes again. But I just love the idea of this guy being a thief! (I shall dub him as Jared)
    Now this guy wouldn't be your normal bank robber. No, this guy would be the most clever villain Hope Valley has ever dealt with. Think Mission Impossible mixed with the Riddler. He'd be well educated, maybe leaving notes from famous works of literature as his signature at the scene of the crime. 
    He'd also be a more reasonable villain yet highly dangerous. Not the dirty blood-thirsty stagecoach robber you're used to seeing in old western movies. Someone who finds pleasure in a well executed heist and constantly out smarting the law.

    However he doesn't have to be a totally unredeemable character, granted it may take something quite drastic to change his ways. Which brings me to my next character....


Jill Wagner


    Jill Wagner is obviously a Hallmark favorite. (Especially when she's paired with Kristoffer Polaha! :)

    So, the character that comes to mind if she were to take a trip to Hope Valley is another woman of the same personality, but with some western period drama added to the mix. I see her as someone who lives just outside of HV in one of those infamous little cabins with her two children. (We'll name Jill's character Katlin, AKA Kate, and her children Cassie and Will.) She came out west two years ago with her beloved husband to start a new life out west, but the dream ended suddenly when he was killed by a gang of out-laws. She now runs their small farm on her own, growing their own food, and selling some of their produce to survive. All the while toting her trusty rifle, and accompanied by her faithful handkerchief wearing dog Biscuit. (Am I getting too detailed here? Lol!)

    Being a woman on her own has made her suspicious of strangers, especially men. Then one day she finds a dark haired man lying injured and unconscious in the woods with two gun shot wounds. (AKA, Jared) She takes him in, not knowing that he's really the criminal that he is, and nurses him back to health. (Because Kristoffer Polaha and Jill Wagner just have to be paired together, of course! Lol!)

    Jared would then begin to fall for this kind, strong woman, form an attachment with her kids, and soon discover that he no longer wants to live a life of crime. Kate would also start to fall for him against her better judgement. but soon his gang shows up, she learns who he really is, and must decide if she can trust him anymore. (After they fight off the gang, of course!)


Peter Benson 

    Okay, my friend came up with the perfect role for this guy! Peter Benson would make such a fantastic barber for Hope Valley! Oh my goodness, that would be so fun! I've watched Peter Benson in many Hallmark movies, and my favorite role totally has to be Arthur in the Aurora Teagarden Mysteries. And his personality is just perfect for the role!

    He'd be a man of information, hearing something new each day from someone who came in for a haircut or a shave. He'd also become the men of Hope Valley's listening ear. If someone's got lady problems, or a sticky situation, good old, (We'll call him, Pete) would be there to listen, and offer some advice on occasion. I think it would be really hilarious if he was there while the triangle was going on, as both Lucas and Nathan could come in and state their girl trouble. Pete would give what he believes is great advice on how to woo a girl, having no idea that both guys are after the same girl. And the rest is up to your imagination. 

    (And now I need this guy to come and play HV's barber.)


Ryan Paevey


    I've seen this guy in a lot of suits (Unleashing/Marrying Mr. Darcy) and he would totally work as a childhood friend of Elizabeth's from Hamilton. Perhaps she even dated him briefly for a moment in her life. (One dinner to be precise.)

    He'd come to Hope Valley as perhaps a possible investor for the failing oil company. Lucas would be overjoyed at the prospect of saving the worker's jobs, and work on a deal, having no idea that Elizabeth knows the man until afterward.

    Of course (We'll call him, Edward) has no interest in Elizabeth as anything other than a good friend. But Lucas wont know that at first, and feel the need to hide his feelings so Edward doesn't pull out of the deal they're making. Yet, the whole incident would drive him crazy (Especially when he hears Elizabeth jokingly calling the man, Eddie) until finally right as he's about to sign the deal, he comes clean and admits his feelings. And then his face turns bright red as Edward laughs and says that he and Elizabeth are just friends, and he even has a fiancé back in Hamilton waiting for him.

Taylor Cole


    Okay, so if you've seen the "Ruby Herring Mysteries" this idea may not sound too original, but this girl would work very well as an up and coming reporter. She'd come to Hope Valley looking for her first big story that would launch her career and shoot her to stardom. She could also end up digging a lot of dirt up on some Hope Valley citizens... (Especially, on two particular men who we've yet to get a whole lot of background on....)

    She'd try her hardest, maybe even publishing something that causes trouble for one or two town members. But in the end she'd realize her wrong, and do everything she could to make it right. She'd then start her own newspaper (Possibly in Hope Valley) where she can tell the stories she wants to. Ones with heart, and not just gossip and dirt.



Ashley Williams


    This fun and bubbly lady would sweep into Hope Valley as Elizabeth's sweet cousin, Samantha, (AKA Sammy) from back East. Between all Elizabeth has told her through her letters (And since her famous relationship with a prince just fell apart) she's decided she just had to come and see Hope Valley for herself. She has a bit of a rough go of things to start, but eventually finds a freedom she's never experienced before, and people who actually care about her. The real her.

    She also would find her true love there, as everyone does in Hope Valley! Although I'm not sure who the dude is. (Feel free to create your own man for her to fall for in the comments!) She'd find what it's like to truly be loved for herself, and to truly love someone else. But then (Gasp!) a reporter just begging for a juicy story discovers who she is, and soon spreads it all over in a crazy news article. This brings Sammy's fiancé to Hope Valley, as well as her overbearing father, who try and force her to return to society, meanwhile her dude now knows who she is and believes that he isn't good enough for this wealthy woman.

    But Sammy is now a new woman, with a mind of her own. She kicks her jerk prince fiancé to the curb, goes against her father's wishes, and runs after her true love. She then marries him the next day in a beautiful, but simple wedding the town lovingly threw together for them, and they live happily ever after! (I love it when that happens! :)


Sam Page


    I've seen Sam Page in a few roles (The most resent one being his Christmas movie with Lacey titled, Christmas in Rome.) and I have decided that he shall be, Donovan White, the world famous author. He's been around the world, sold thousands of books, and has a loyal and adoring fan base. He's read Elizabeth's, now published novel, and was so inspired he's invited her to do a book tour with him, to help her become more well known.

    However after agreeing Elizabeth soon finds that he's handsome, charming, and apparently has eyes for her. And Lucas (Who came along to support Elizabeth) can see this. But little do they know that really the only thing Donovan has his eyes set on is stealing Elizabeth's newest novel she's working on. He hasn't been able to write something worthwhile in years, and this inspiring school teacher's work is just what he needs to get back on top. So long as he blinds her with his charm and attention she'll never be the wiser.

    But he doesn't know who he's dealing with. Elizabeth will believe him to be an innocent man at first (Although she's not at all interested in him) but will quickly find out his true colors. (After he steals her chapters of course.) She'll then confront him with her "scary school teacher face," teach him a lesson while assuring him that he's talented and doesn't need to steal, retrieve her chapters, and Donovan will become a changed man. The end.



Bethany Joy Lenz

    I've had my sights set on this lady for awhile now, and for a very particular role. This role would be a bit more....permanent however. I've thought that her and Kevin could be a lot of fun together and would totally... Okay, yes! I'm pairing her with Nathan. There! I've said it!

    However, just as a disclaimer, I think they'd work well in their own Hallmark movie outside of WCTH as well.

    So....here's how it would all go down. (Team Nathan may want to skip this one.)

    This bright woman (We'll name her, Sara) comes to Hope Valley looking to make a fresh start in her life. She adores cooking and would eventually come to work at the cafe along side Bill and Clara. Then one day as she's taking an order of spaghetti out, a kid goes running past her who knocks her off balance, sending the plate flying onto no one but Mountie Nathan Grant. She's horrified, yet manages to reply nervously, "At least it goes with your coat."

    So days go by, Sara gets to know Allie due to the fact that they both enjoy fishing, Allie then invites her to join her and Nathan at church, and then on their picnic afterward, Nathan and Sara get to know each other, and BOOM! Sparks fly and both of them slowly begin to fall for each other.

    But nothing is ever that easy.

    Suddenly Sara receives a strange telegram that makes her blood run cold. Her past has finally caught up to her. Vince, her cheating, dirty boss from her old job has found her. He also knows that she has evidence against him, evidence that could put him behind bars for a long time. He gives Sara two options, accept his advances and keep quiet, or her and the people she loves will suffer.

    Sara is distraught. She loves Nathan and Allie too much to put them in danger, but she could never accept Vince's advances. So she packs a suitcase, and fleas in the middle of the night. But little did she know this is exactly what Vince expected her to do, and he was watching and waiting to follow her.

    He catches her while she rides through the woods, and holds her at gun point. But low and behold, Nathan sweeps in on his trusty steed Newton, wacks the thug on the head, rescues the damsel in distress, and they all live happily ever after! (Fin)

Jen Lilley


    So, should the WCTH writers decide not to use my "brilliant" plan for the character of Jeanette (Read my fan fiction to find out what it is. :) I could see Jen Liley playing her. She'd come to Hope Valley as a sweet young widow, looking for her friend Lucas so she could repay him for saving her life.

    However their sweet friendship wouldn't go unnoticed, and pretty soon everyone would start talking. (Including Elizabeth) Lucas will be feeling heart-broken over that death grip hug he saw Elizabeth give Nathan, and find solace in talking to Janette about it. Elizabeth will then see them together all the time, and eventually realize she's jealous. 

    And it will all end with Elizabeth confessing her feelings to Lucas, Lucas telling her that him and Janette are just friends, and BOOM! A Team Lucas ending! (Sorry. I had to throw that in there. Lol!)

Tyler Hynes


    And last but not least we have a Hallmark fan favorite, Tyler Hynes. So this guy could play a couple of different characters, but here's the role I've given him.

    I can see him as a sort of drifter, going from town to town, odd job to odd job. He's a jack of all trades, and has done a little of everything during the course of his life. He'd show up in Hope Valley and Lucas would hire him on as a waiter/bartender. And then Lucas and him (Let's call him, Hank) would become buddies! (Yay!) He'd tell it to you how it is, sprinkled with that dry humor of his.

    Eventually Hank would become charmed by Hope Valley, and the people who treat him like family, and consider staying. (Especially since the beautiful widow, Janette has caught his eye.) But of course his past would catch up to him somehow. Perhaps we learn that his family is wealthy and he left because he wanted to make his own way, causing him and his father to part on very bad terms. Then when his father comes to town as an investor for the oil company....You get the picture. 

    Like I said I think there are a couple different kind of characters he could play, but this is just one idea I thought of!

    And there we have it! Eleven different Hallmark stars, and who they could play should they make a trip to Hope Valley! Now I know there are a LOT of actors and actresses that I didn't include, but let's face it, there are way too many for one blog post. Lol! If you guys enjoyed this post maybe I'll do another one in the future with a whole new selection of Hallmark actors!

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to tell me what actors you'd like to see come to Hope Valley and what their roles would be in the comments below or on my Twitter page! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


  1. I really came here to tell you I am amazed at your talent. Seriously, girl, your imagination runs rampant! You should be writing novels for a living.

    I love to write, but I struggle with scenarios and plots. I started reading this and was blown away by how easy this seems to be for you. Just story line after story line. No wonder I enjoy your ff so much.

    A couple of things you mentioned I have thought about putting into my new ff. I'll be cautious so it doesn't sound like I stole your ideas- no writer wants that!

    I love your actor ideas! Someone had mentioned Andie MacDowell could come to HV and play Lucas' mother- I could totally see that!

    I totally enjoyed reading this post. No surprise there, I always enjoy your posts. :)

    Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

  2. Girl, you're just too sweet! But I can't take all the credit as me and my friends spent close to an hour just throwing out name after name and who they'd be in Hope Valley. (That's actually how I got the idea in the first place for this post.) My one friend also acts as my editor and gave me some of these fun ideas! (And the Lord gave me this crazy brain of mine. :D ) But honestly you're so sweet, and I thank you so, so much for your love and support!

    And I never thought about that but I can definitely see Andie MacDowell as Lucas' mother! Everyone else I think of would be more "uppity" in their manner, if you know what I mean. Andie has this soft and calm voice that would add a nice new dynamic. I can see her being so sweet and supportive of Elizabeth's writing, and loving her son to bits. Lol!

    Thank you so much for the comment! Have an incredible weekend! God Bless!

  3. I would love to see Kris Polaha, Jill Wagner, Jen Lilley, and Ryan Paevy in Hope Valley! Also Emilie Ullerup. I read something where Ryan said it might be fun to play a villain in HV, and I could totally see it! It would be so much fun seeing some regular Hallmark stars in this series. Yes, please!

    1. Oooo! I hadn't heard that about Ryan! Cool! I would love it if he played a villain! Someone on Twitter mentioned him playing a Mountie. So maybe he could be a rouge Mountie that Nathan discovers his plans and arrests! (With the help of Bill, of course! ;)
      Thank you for the comment! God Bless!


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