What's Next For the Coulters?


    Hey Hearties! I hope you're all doing wonderfully this September, and have had a great week so far!

    I'm back today to do yet another "What's Next" blog post. This time I'm focusing on a couple who is simply and absolutely adored by the Hearties. Yes, I'm talking about the modern Ricky and Lucy, the dynamic duo Lee and Rosemary! (Applause erupts from the crowd)

    These two are just absolute gold. They're sweet, hilarious, so strong together, and are crazy in love. These two are my favorite couple at the moment, seeing as though Elizabeth hasn't chosen someone yet. (Or at least we don't know for sure if she did yet.) But other then Elizabeth and the possibility of her and Lucas, Lee and Rosie are my favorite Hope Valley couple. They make me laugh, they pull at people's heart strings, and you can literally see how they've overcome the struggles in their life and become stronger because of it. They honestly have just become even more in love with each obstacle they've faced together, and it's beautiful.

    So I'm here today to list a few things I think could be (Or I hope are) next for these two.

A Child


    Duh, right? Lol! This has to be every Team Coulter fan's number one hope and dream for this couple in Season 8. And it's right at the top of my list as well. These two so deserve a child of their own, whether by pregnancy or adoption.

    I've mentioned multiple times that I want to see Rosemary pregnant, as I think it would just be so fun, and emotional to watch. I mean, just picture Lee and Rosemary's faces if they found out that they were going to be parents. Oh my gosh! I'm not a big crier when it comes to movies and shows but....wow. The emotions would be flowing!

    However, should this not happen I would love to see them adopt. I just can't get the idea of them adopting an adorable little six year old boy. Eeek! It would be so sweet!

    I actually think a combination of the two ideas would be fun! Like they think they can't have children and so they adopt a little boy, only to find out not to long later that Rosemary is actually pregnant! Oh, that would just be so cute and fun! Can't you just picture Rosemary with this big baby bump waddling around while learning how to be a Mama to her little boy? (Please grant my wish, WCTH writers!)

    Either way, these two absolutely NEED a child, and would make such wonderful parents. (And if they don't get a child, the writers will feel my blogger wrath! Lol!)


Rosemary Hosting a Play


    Alright. It's about time this girl got her wish and gets to do some kind of play. Whether she's directing the children again in the Founder's Day play, or doing a full out production of Hamlet, it's been a long time since Hope Valley has had a play. I actually think it would be really fun to watch Rosemary attempt to cast and direct all the adults in a play. Lol! Oh, the comedic scenes we'd get! 

    Imagine the casting process! Rosemary would so want to play the lead, yet Lee would have to convince her to have a fair audition process. And I'm not sure what play they would do, but anything that results in Lucas and Nathan sword fighting would be hilarious! Plus Rosemary would totally be a control freak and tell everyone what to do and just how to do it. Also should Elizabeth somehow end up as the leading female role, and the guy she likes as the leading male role....let's just say the temperature in that room would suddenly spike. Lol! And the scene possibilities just go on and on.

    All in all I think a play could be a really fun idea, and would finally bring Rosemary's original dream of a play in Hope Valley to life. I mean...it was only in Season 2 that Lee promised to build her that theater....

A Pet?

    Now I really don't know if this would happen, and it's not really a "must see" thing for me, but I thought it would be really funny if the Coulters got two cats. Rosemary would find these two little kittens out alone in the cold and bring them home one night. She'd sort of hide them from Lee at first, and say how they really should get a pet. Lee might then turn down the idea saying their too busy or something, when all of a sudden he'd hear a little, "Meow." I think we all can see where things would go from here. Lol!

    But like I said, it's not something that needs to happen. I just thought it would be pretty funny if it did. :D

Family Comes to Town



    And finally just as we discovered Lee's family and past this last season, I think this season we could learn more about Rosemary's. So little has been discussed about her family in the past seasons. Actually there's been really next to none.

    We know that Rosemary's father is a Mountie, and he very possibly knew Jack, but what else? Is he still alive? Is he still a Mountie? And then we have Rosemary's mother.

    I have this idea of Rosemary's mother being even more extravagant and larger then life than Rosemary was when she first came to town. Then if she came to Hope Valley Rosemary would get a taste of her own medicine as her mother steals all the attention with her flair. And Lee....yeah all I can say is, Poor Lee. Lol! Oh, he would go crazy!

    And who knows if Rosemary has any siblings as well? There's all kinds of stories to be told here!

    But aside from Rosemary's family, I also think this season Lee's niece and nephew could come to visit him in Hope Valley. We really don't really have any teenage or young adult characters in town, (Other then maybe some of the school children, as Robert indicated when he wanted to become a Mountie) so it would be nice to have some younger people in town. Plus it would create some fun and heartfelt moments. After all, Lee barely knows them and one's in high school while the other is already in college! Some time together in Hope Valley is just what they all need!


    And there we have it! Just a few thoughts for the future of Lee and Rosemary! Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your hopes for this lovely couple below or on my Twitter page! Have a fantastic weekend! God Bless!


  1. If I didn't know better, I'd ask if you were reading my fanfic, because I put that exact scenario you mentioned in there - Lee and Rosie adopt Fred from Brookfield, and then not a few weeks later Rosemary finds out she's pregnant! (At the same time as Elizabeth, of course, lol). But I absolutely agree with your assessment; we NEED to see the Coulters with a child! Personally I'd love to see them adopt and then get pregnant - it would just be so much fun, and it hasn't been done on the show yet, so it would be a new storyline.

    Lol, LOVE your idea about the play/theatre angle! That would be so much fun! Please, writers, let this happen (I'm not above begging :D).

    And yes, I agree that we need to know more about Rosemary's family. We got a little bit from season 1 (and 2?), but we really need to know more. Assuming both her parents are still alive - which I kinda wonder about, since she didn't even mention them when she was getting married - it would be fun to see them come to Hope Valley. A window into Rosemary's past! And the sibling question is a great one. Is she an only child, or did she share the spotlight with a sibling? So many questions....:)

    Another wonderful post! Hope you're doing well.

  2. Thank you, girl! I'm doing well, and I hope you are too! And Y.E.S!!! We NEED the Coulters to have a child! I really just love the idea of them adopting an adorable little boy and then finding out that they're pregnant! It would be so sweet and hilarious at times!

    And yes, I have so many unanswered questions! You make such a good point! If Rosemary's parents are still alive, why wouldn't she mention them on her wedding day?

    And I just thought of this, but what if the larger then life Rosemary had a shy little brother? Lol! That could be so sweet! (If only we could write the show, right?)

    Thank you again for the comment and your wonderful support! I so appreciate it! Have a fantastic weekend! God Bless!

  3. What a fun post!

    The play would be a cute storyline. And Rosemary and Lee sooo need a child to raise and love.

    Thank you again!!

    blessings, sk

    1. Thank you! I think the majority of Hearties agree. Lee and Rosemary NEED a child! They would make such wonderful parents! Fingers crossed for it finally happening in Season 8!

      Thank you for the comment! God Bless!


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