A Moment in Time: Unconditional Love


    It's Friday Hearties, and I wish a very happy one to you all! I hope you've all been having a marvelous week so far! I've just been out in the heat, scrubbing my floors, and working on my fanfic. (Yes, I've far from forgotten about it, in case you were wondering. :)

    Today I'm doing another "Moment in Time" post. I actually haven't done one of these in awhile, as the last one was back at the end of July. Which moment have I chosen this time you ask? Okay....you probably already know from the title of this post. Yes, it's that short but sweet scene between Lucas and Elizabeth in Season 7, Episode 4 where Lucas tells Elizabeth that.....Well, I'll get to that later. ;)

    This scene is not only sweet, but actually shows us Lucas' character and his feelings toward Elizabeth. (Which are also sweet. Lol!) Let's dive right in!


    So first off we see Nathan walking down the boardwalk, while Lucas is talking up ahead to what appears to be some of his employees. Elizabeth joins Nathan who then tells Elizabeth that he's heard about Opal's chicken pox. Elizabeth then voices her concerns about some of the elderly folks out of town, and Nathan agrees to get right on it and warn them. 

    Meanwhile low and behold Lucas has noticed the lovely school teacher is walking with no one else but his rival, and overhears their conversation. He then walks over and states that Nathan has a lot of land to cover and he would be "more than happy to cover half." (I'm sure you would, Mr. Bouchard. Lol!)

    He was so obvious here. :D

    It makes me laugh what happens next, as Elizabeth looks to him and tells him how, "That's very kind of him," which in return produces this happy little school boy smirk on Lucas. It's just funny how Lucas just chimes in all of a sudden and tries to earn some Brownie points from the woman of his affection. And his smile afterward....This one to be precise....

    Just makes me smile. It's like the little boy with a crush on his teacher smirk when she's praised him for a job well done. And believe me, I mean this in a good way as I think it's cute. :)


    Meanwhile Nathan is far from pleased. His face is just like, "Seriously?"



    A funny thing a friend of mine pointed out to me  while we were analyzing this scene is the fact that after Elizabeth tells Lucas how kind he is, they end up gazing at each other, and may have.....forgotten that Nathan is standing there. Lol! I mean I know we can't see where Elizabeth is looking for part of the time, but it kind of looks like her and Lucas might have just sat there staring at each other. We go from Elizabeth's happy expression, to Lucas' little smirk, to Nathan's annoyance, then back to Lucas who's still staring at Elizabeth and smiling even more now. So....that may mean that maybe she was still staring back at Lucas. And poor Nathan has lost his solo moment with Elizabeth.

    (I think I'm going to write a post just for Nathan soon, listing what I like and dislike about him. Stay tuned!)

    So at the last moment Nathan pastes a stiff little smile on, and tells Lucas, "Yeah. Meet me in front of the jail in 15 minutes." And he then dismisses himself and walks on, clearly unhappy with the turn of events. Which I don't blame him for.

    So then Lucas and Elizabeth are left by themselves. Lucas starts the conversation, and what is the first thing he asks? What is the very first question he asks? "How's Little Jack doing?"

    Alright people. I'm about to do a bit of fangirling here. This guy could have asked her anything, but what was the first thing to come out of his mouth? He asks about her son. This automatically earns him some big points in my book. He knew that the town was dealing with an outbreak of chicken pox, and that Elizabeth's son is the most important person in her life. His face also held this look of concern as he said it, deepening the meaning.

    And part of the thing that stuck out to me is the fact that he called Little Jack by his name. This is one of the things I went back to find out when Lucas and Elizabeth had had that picnic. If he'd said, "Your son," that's really putting a barrier between not only him and Elizabeth but him and Little Jack. But in both instances he called her son by his name, making things much more personal.

    Okay, fangirling over. :)

    So Elizabeth responds that Little Jack is healthy, and thanks Lucas for asking. Lucas then asks what Elizabeth plans on doing with her free time. (Hmmm..... I wonder why he wanted to know that? ;) Elizabeth then tells him she plans on spending that time with her son. Reading, and playing, and cuddling. A lot of that last one. Lol!


    Lucas then laughs happily, and says how that sounds wonderful for both her and her son. Elizabeth then gets this sort of pause before smiling and saying....

    "Well, there's nothing quite like unconditional love."

    Lucas then becomes thoughtful, his eyes dropping then returning to her before he replies...

    "You deserve nothing less."

    Alright, let me here all you Team Lucas fans. (Awwwwww!)

    It's such a simple yet telling statement, which can be taken two ways in my opinion. I'll get the one I like the least out of the way first, which is that it could signify the fact that what Lucas cares about the most is Elizabeth's happiness. Why is this my least favorite of the two? Well, it could come off to mean that should she decide she wants Nathan and not him, that he just wants her to be happy and would step out of the way. (Sniff...Please don't do that to me, WCTH writers!)

    The happier version of this statement (Okay, happier for me) would be it showing us his true feelings for Elizabeth, which hopefully would lead to a Team Lucas ending. He respects, and cares that much about her and wants only the absolute best for her. (Secretly hoping he could be the one to shower her with that unconditional love.) Not to mention the fact that they are actually discussing the idea of "unconditional love" together. Could this signal a Team Lucas finish? I hope so, but as always I'm left to guess.

    The thing about Lucas is that due to his past of always moving around, and having both his parents busy working, is that he now has this want for a settled family life. He always loved Christmastime because it brought him and his family together. Now he's come to Hope Valley so he can start a family of his own. This is something very sweet, and (IMO) perfect for Elizabeth. 

    Not that this was Jack's fault, but due to his profession Elizabeth sometimes had to get pushed to the back-burner in their relationship whenever his Mountie duties called. He'd leave to fight the bad guys and a huge part of Elizabeth life would get put on hold in a way while he was gone. Once again that's just the life of a Mountie and what Elizabeth signed up for in choosing him.

    Now after Jack's death there is a man who cherishes the idea and meaning of family (Not that Jack didn't because he absolutely did, but you get my point.) and wants to settle down in Hope Valley. Elizabeth has just been through so much in her life and I believe deserves to finally have that happily ever after with her husband and children that she dreamed of.

    Of course this doesn't mean that she has to or will pick Lucas. I just think Elizabeth's past with having Jack leave so much, and Lucas appreciating and wanting to have that happy family life in Hope Valley is a really sweet and perfect combination.

    Okay, enough with the rabbit trailing. Lol!


    The last thing I want to mention quick to end the scene is just Elizabeth's face after Lucas tells her she "deserves nothing less than unconditional love." Just look at her expression. She's just kind of like, "Whoa." I mean after all that was quite the statement from Mr. Bouchard. I think she's got some thoughts rolling around after that. I know I certainly would after that comment!

    All in all this was a very sweet moment. Lucas showed that he really cares about Elizabeth, and only wants the best for her and her son. He sees what a beautiful woman she is, inside and out, and believes that she deserves nothing less than unconditional love. 😍

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts about this scene below in the comments or on my Twitter page! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


  1. Agreed with most of it, but I don’t take the “unconditional love” comments as indicative L would back off if she chose N. Not saying that I think he would not accept her choice; but I just don’t see that comment as related to his willingness to let her make a choice.

    For me the remark was more blatant, like he was saying “I know I could love you in the way you deserve: unconditionally.”

    He’s also proven that with his ability to respect her opinions when they’ve disagreed over things (the Amos incident, her questioning his motives w/ the library, sending her chapters to his mother, the card trick argument, his dealings w/ Henry & the oil company). He’s not once held a grudge against her for her accusations, whether they had merit or not. He always respectfully listens to her point, then presents his own and lets her decide how to take it. He also apologizes when he’s done something that has hurt her (his critique of her writing & sending the chapters to his mother). He commented, to Nathan no less, about how ‘sweet’ she is and that she deserved happiness. He told her with the flowers that she didn’t have to say anything (didn’t have to validate his feelings for her) but just to enjoy the flowers. So to me, he has both said and proven an ability to love her unconditionally (regardless of her possibly entertaining the idea of another suitor, of her disagreeing with him over things, etc.).

    1. You make great points here! Lucas has never held a grudge against Elizabeth, and has continued to just shower her with kindness!
      I honestly don't know if his comment was foreshadowing that he'd back off if E picked Nathan. It's all up to what the writers are trying to accomplish. I truly hope that this next season will give us Team Lucas fans the Team Lucas ending we've been hoping for! Lucas is so sweet and caring, and tries so hard to make Elizabeth's dreams come true!

      God Bless!

  2. Eu amei o texto e a análise! Realmente, Lucas se preocupa com ela e com L Jack, o que mais uma vez nos mostra que ele não quer atropelar nada com Elizabeth, mas sim, conquistar ela e também a afeição de seu filho amado.
    Bom, eu acho que ela o ama, ela só precisa ter certeza rsrs 🥰🥰

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I too believe that Lucas truly cares about Elizabeth and Little Jack! Hopefully in Season 8 Elizabeth will finally "be sure" and choose Lucas! Lol!

      Thank you so much for the comment! God Bless!

  3. Love this one!

    I think perhaps he wanted to make her think when he made that statement about unconditional love- you deserve nothing less. He knew she had lost a husband. Maybe by him saying that she would start looking in his direction to find that unconditional love. And that he would give it willingly because he feels she deserves it.

    Perhaps a simplistic view, but I'm a pretty simple person. :)

    Thanks for another awesome blog.

    Blessings, sk

    1. Thank you! You make good point here, and as Elizabeth said, "Simple is good." ;)

      Lucas has shown us again and again that he believes Elizabeth deserves the best and wants to give that to her. He believes she's fully deserving of unconditional love, and has continued to just shower her with kindness.

      Hopefully Elizabeth will start seeing things our way! Lol! Thank you for the comment! God Bless!


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