Season 8 & News to Celebrate! (Warning! Spoilers!)



    Alert! Alert! Breaking news!!! Oh, and hi guys! Welcome to another Wednesday and the month of September! Just think. In a few weeks it will be Fall! (And closer to that WCTH Christmas Special!)

    So recently I've been putting out a few WCTH Season 8 blog posts with the pictures and videos I've been finding on social media. It's a pretty hot topic right now in the "Heartieverse," especially with the love triangle still unresolved. (As far as we know, anyway. ;) Once again I had planned on posting another "What's Next" post, but.....then I saw something else....and my plans changed. Again. :D


    I'm sure most, if not all of you, will recall that tweet Brian Bird posted back in July and his big pot stirring words for Season 8.


    Subtle Papa Bird. ;) This tweet had everyone guessing what in the world could "boom" mean. Some wondered if it meant a literal explosion. I myself was thinking more along the lines of the story or dialogue and how it was shocking or just that good. Then along came yonder picture and I'm now rethinking my first assessment. (I have got to stop looking for these pictures. Lol!)



    I could say a lot right now, but I'll limit it to, BOOM! I mean....what....what's....gahh!!! What in the blazes is happening here?!?

    Okay, okay. Let me recompose myself. (Where's Jack or Lucas to help me breath?) So, first off I have to state the obvious. Lucas has trimmed the beard! For me this is something I'm very happy about as I preferred the shorter beard. (Sorry, Chris! Just my personal preference.) This also makes me very curious as to why he had the beard so long in the first place. 

    Was he so depressed and stressed due to the hug and the failing oil company that he grew it out? And did something....change....that made him cut it back? (On either account.) Or had he just not cut yet since quarantine, and had Erin take a fun pic before he cut it shorter? The thing is that he was already in costume and so I have my doubts with that theory. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    Anyhow, going back to the whole picture.... what on earth is happening? To state what we already can see, we have Bill, Gowen, Nathan, and Lucas all together looking at something. (And nobody seems very happy about it.) I'm not positive where they are. Maybe where Gowen first struck oil, or another drilling site should they have one. Again, I'm really not sure where they are.


    I've seen quite a few pictures of some of the actors in the woods so far, including this one of Gowen at this sort of shed/shack. There are some barrels around him, and it's just kind of out in the middle of nowhere. Could this site be connected somehow to the picture of all the men? I don't know.

    Another thing to notice in the "Men of Hope Valley" pic is the lighting on all the men, as well as their facial expressions and the direction of their eyes. It kind of looks like there could be a fire or explosion of some sort that took place. But this is me just throwing ideas out there. I could be totally wrong. And yet....there's always that chance I could be right. :)

    Did a literal "boom" take place in Hope Valley? Did it involve the oil company? Has the entire business gone down in flames?!? (Literally and physically?) Or is it something else entirely that's burning like a house or business? OR is there no fire at all? (Breathe...just breathe...) At this point it's all just assumptions.

    And of course, I absolutely cannot glance over the fact that out of all the HV men in this pic, Lucas Bouchard seems to be the ONLY one covered in dirt. Yes, that's right. Dirt. I mean just go back up a second and look at him! Have you ever seen this guy so....messy? I've seen some Hearties making the comment that Chris did say he wanted things to get "messy" for his character, and he appears to have gotten his wish. Lol! Yes, he has.

    If there is a fire, did he try and put it out but realized it was to late? If a building is on fire, did he run in and save someone? Did an explosion happen and he was hit by it!?! Was there an enormous butterfly and he fell down a hill trying to catch it? (Where does my brain go? :D ) Again I'm left to guess.  (Sniff...why do the cast and crew torment me so?)

    I have so many questions, and seeing these pictures is making the wait until Season 8 SO hard!!!

ET's Big Announcement






   Last but certainly not least, I want to talk about the news that ET shared for Season 8! I thought it might be some Season 8 interviews with the cast, but in fact it's about an entire new plot line for the upcoming season! A new family has come to Hope Valley! If you haven't yet, meet the Canfields! Here's the article for you to read!

    Now I did force myself not to read the article and any spoilers it might contain. I, however, may up my Instagram later.....and saw this pic.


    Eeeeeek!!! First off, oh my goodness we actually have a whole new family moving to Hope Valley! Not just a dad and his kid, not a widow and her children, but a whole family! And secondly....Viv Leacock is coming to Hope Valley!!!! (Excuse me while I squeal and jump up and down for joy!) I was SO excited to learn this!!!! I've watched him in the Hailey Dean Mysteries and he's one of my favorite characters! It is going to be so fun to see him in WCTH!

    Natasha Burnett is coming as well. You can see her in Love at First Bark, and Karen Kingsbury's, The Bridge movies. (All of them are Hallmark movies.)

    And to top it all off the kids in the picture are Viv Leacock's actual children!!! How sweet is that? This is quite the announcement, and I'm curious what stories  . And may I extend a big welcome to all four of our new Hope Valley members!


Side Note: Please don't tell me ANY spoilers in the comments. Please and thank you! :)

    And there we have it! Oh boy, the wait suddenly got so much harder! Kudos to the WCTH cast and crew as I'm so excited and chomping at the bit to finally get to December for that Christmas Special!

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! (Just no spoilers please!) God Bless!

    P.S. My shop is having a sale! 10% OFF EVERYTHING! There are only 3 days left for the sale, so feel free to stop by and check it out!




  1. Well here goes--

    You hit all my points about the beard. Was the longer beard pic done before filming? Did he have it a short time for whatever reason- possibly sad over the hug? Did he cut it again because something awesome happened?

    Here are my thoughts. They may seem a bit jumbled and don't make sense- but they do in my ADD mind, so here goes. ;)

    I think he had the beard for a few episodes and that it was because of the hug. Perhaps he just let himself go a bit because he was busy, or perhaps it was so the audience could actually see that the hug devastated him. (that's my belief) It makes perfect sense that they would do something to let the audience feel-and see- his pain. I also think the fact that he cut it means something good happened. And in my mind, that something good is Elizabeth finally figured out that she cares about Lucas. No proof to back up those thoughts, just positive thinking. :)

    As for the 'boom', I have thought that it would be an actual boom, unlike many Hearties who wanted to believe it had to do with the triangle. It could still be that,(and may lead to that) but this pic really reinforces my original thoughts. Now this is a weird one, I actually think the fact that Lucas is the only one dirty is good for Team Lucas. Mainly because that means he was probably in danger, and we should get to see Elizabeth's reaction to that. This may be the catalyst to help her make a decision. I certainly hope so! (if she hadn't already made it before this, which is possible since the beard is already short here)

    I really think we will be able to see her feelings pretty early in the season, could be wrong. I am hoping they don't play with us for the whole season--huge eye roll if they do. I would love to see some of our couple together before we have to wait another year...

    Now I have to mention Lucas' pants and shoes. What the heck? Those pants are not the usual fit for him, and he is wearing what looks to be loafers. Wonder if they are changing his wardrobe to fit the 20s- who knows.

    The new family. I said months ago- probably after the last Christmas special- that I wish they would bring some people of color to the show. I have always been a huge fan of The Waltons and Little House- I love period pieces- but one reason I loved them so much was the fact that there were families of color included in many episodes and in some episodes they were the main storyline. I won't go into my upbringing, but this was very important to me to see that the main families in both shows showed no prejudice towards those of different skin color. I place WCTH in the same category as both of those shows for family friendliness, and I think it's about time they decided to diversify. Big kudos to them! Can't wait to see how they fit in to Hope Valley and who they are. I thought it was really cool that the kids belong to Viv Leacock! I think we will see some closeness in that family that is genuine, more than just acting. So looking forward to that.

    That's all I have for now, once again thank you for your blog. It keeps my mind busy in this off season. I appreciate you!


  2. I appreciate you too, girl! Thank you so much! You make great points, and your thoughts totally make sense! I too think that Lucas being all dirty like that could mean something good for Team Lucas as well. Combined with the whole beard situation, I've got my hopes raised even higher now! (Yay!)

    I agree that I want to finally see L&E together this season in some way. So even if the writers make us wait, (My poor heart if I'm kept guessing again!) I would want in the very least some great romantic moments with E & L. Even if we have to wait through most of the season for her to actually pick. But we've already been waiting SO long, that I kinda think the writers owe us something before then. Everyone just wants to finally see E in a relationship again, and it's about time if you ask me. Lol!

    And I'm very curious how this new family will fit in too! I'm thrilled that Viv Leacock is coming to Hope Valley and the fact that the kids are actually his is so sweet! I wonder what their story is?

    Honestly seeing all this has just made me so excited and impatient for Season 8 to finally get here! Thank you so much for the comment and your wonderful support! God Bless!


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