WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 6

    Hello and welcome to another Friday Hearties! Have you been enjoying your summer so far? It's kind of crazy to think we're getting close to August isn't it? The days just fly by!

    Well, I'm back again to deliver to you the next chapter of, Making Sure! As always I'm so appreciative of you guys' support and feedback! Honestly, one of my favorite parts about writing is sharing it and hearing what other people think!

    Alright, without wasting anymore of your time with my chatter, here's Chapter 6! I hope you enjoy it!

Nathan bounced along the dirt road on his horse Newton, his head swimming with a thousand thoughts. He’d completed his investigation at Elizabeth’s house with next to no clues except the large muddy boot prints Elizabeth had told him about. They certainly were a big calling card for someone’s presence being there, but he had no idea when or how they’d gotten there.

He’d discovered that they were a man’s sized prints so that eliminated Rosemary or Laura. A fact that only made the situation worse. So, he’d come up with an odd sort of plan to try and eliminate the rest of Elizabeth’s friends and neighbors.

Well, the plan had worked in a sense, but had ladled him with a whole new set of questions and worries. Now he was left to piece the puzzle together the best he could. Oh, and tell Elizabeth the truth of her situation. He winced at the thought.

Why would some man want to break into Elizabeth’s house? She was a simple school teacher, her only claim to wealth being her family. Okay, actually she was more than a simple school teacher, at least in his opinion. She truly was an amazing woman, who was quite beautiful too. Any man would be crazy not to see that, and with that thought his worry only rose higher.

He had to get to the bottom of this. He’d already failed Constable Johnson and he would not allow anyone to ever harm Elizabeth. He urged Newton onward. A crisp fall wind bristled past him, swirling orange and yellow leaves through the air.

Suddenly he heard something. He halted Newton, straining his ear. The most beautiful voice he’d ever heard drifted through the wind singing, Amazing Grace.

The voice rose and fell so seamlessly, so delicately. He couldn’t help the chill bumps that rose as the singer so skillfully preformed each note with such a beautifully light yet clear tone. Immediately he became totally entranced by the song.

Who was singing? Gently he nudged Newton forward, trying to follow the voice. He rounded a bend, and felt the song fall over him. His eyes drifted shut, as he breathed in the angelic music. A peace filled his soul, and suddenly he couldn’t remember what he was even doing out there.

Then he realized the singing came from above his head. He squinted against the rays of sun, looking up at the trees surrounding him. Why would the sound be coming from the trees?

A woman’s silhouette suddenly appeared sitting on a branch, the sun casting rays around her. Maybe it really was an angel. He eased his steed toward the tree, the sun now being blocked by some branches.

Was that Jeanie? Nathan shook his head in disbelief. It was. There she sat apron clad on a branch, her one foot dangling over as she continued to sing.

The afternoon sun cast a golden glow around her, and Nathan couldn’t help but stare. She was a beautiful sight to behold. Her dark hair shone in the light, while her sweet voice flowed over him.

Suddenly her head turned, her eyes popping wide at the sight of him. She jerked back, and for a split-second Nathan thought she was going to fall. Quickly she caught herself, placing a hand to her hip. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you its rude to sneak up on a woman?”

“Sorry,” He called up. “I’m not used to finding women in trees.” Dismounting from Newton he walked closer to the tree. “What are you doing up there?”

She shrugged, putting her arms out. “Just…hanging.”

“I can see that.” Nathan propped his knee on a rock, taking note that her one foot seemed to be inside the tree. “Do you…need some help?”

“No…no I’m good.” She smiled brightly, seeming to try and convince him. Nathan worked to keep a smirk back.

“Are you sure? Because it kind of looks like you might be stuck.”

“Oh, no.” She rolled her eyes, batting her hand at him. “I’m great. Just great.”

Nathan raised a brow at her. “Really?”

She snorted. “Oh, yeah. I climb trees all the time. It’s amazing how far you can see.”

Nathan couldn’t quite hold back a laugh this time, pressing his lips tight against it. “Alright then. Enjoy your tree.” He saluted to her, before turning back to Newton with a grin. Three, two, one….

“Nathan, wait!” He bit his lip against a smile, schooling his features before turning back toward her. Her wide eyes seemed to search for something to say. “Where are you headed?

He pointed his thumb backward. “Back to town.”

“Are you done with your rounds?”

Nathan smiled, remembering their former conversation. “Yeah.” He waited for her to say something more, but she just sat tracing the design on her skirt. He started to turn back to Newton again. “Well, I’d better be going.”

“Nathan…” He turned back, and watched her shoulders sagged in defeat. “My foot is stuck.”

He couldn’t help but feel some pity for her, as she made quite the sight. But still he couldn’t help but tease her. “I believe the word you’re looking for is….”

Her violet eyes took on a puppy dog stare. “Please?”


Jeanette sighed as she watched Nathan climb up the tree to her. How was it that every time this guy saw her, she was making a fool out of herself? She tried twisting her ankle again, but it was still firmly stuck in the hole she’d planted it in.

“Ouch!” The tree shook as Nathan bumped his head on a branch. Jeanie winced, as she watched him rub the spot irritatedly. Could things get any more embarrassing?

He finally reached her, a crooked smile spreading across his face. “Can’t you find less dangerous things to occupy your time?”

She smirked. “Now where would be the fun in that?”

He steadied himself, and then reached for her ankle, but stopped mid-way. He looked back at her, a slight touch of pink in his cheeks. “Um… May I?”

She nodded, her face mysteriously filling with heat. He was just doing his job. What was wrong with her?

He gently grabbed hold of her stuck ankle, and gave a light pull. Jeanette winced, sucking in a breath. Nathan looked back to her face. “Sorry.” His eyes shone with concern. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, forcing a smile. “Yep.”

He grabbed her ankle again, this time feeling around it, and the hole it was stuck in. His brows furrowed.

She looked to him hesitantly. “What is it?”

He seemed to have a hard time getting his words out. “Your ankle is… pretty stuck.”

Was that all? She rolled her eyes. “I know that.”

He wouldn’t quite meet her gaze. “It might…hurt to get it out.”

Oh, now she understood. He was afraid of hurting her. A touch of warmth sprung in her heart. He really seemed to care, something she was far from used to when it came to strangers. Usually they could care less what happened to her, let alone if she got hurt.

Well, she’d try and make it as easy for him as she could. After all, she’d suffered worse injuries. She sucked in a courageous breath. “Go ahead. Do whatever you have to do. I can take it.”

Carefully he unlaced her boot, loosening it as much as he could. He felt around her ankle again, before gripping it gently. He looked to her softly.

“Are you ready?”

Jeanette nodded quick, closing her eyes. She didn’t know why doing that would help, but she just couldn’t bring herself to watch.

Carefully he twisted her ankle. She winced at the slight pain, holding a little tighter to the tree branch that steadied her. Apparently, it was more injured then she thought it was. Finally, with a slight tug he managed to carefully slide it out of the hole.

Jeanette sighed with relief, reaching for her slightly swollen joint. She rubbed it softly, scrunching her nose at the bit of pain it caused. Oh, she could already hear the speech Lucas would give her once she got back.

Suddenly she caught Nathan rubbing his neck, seemingly uncomfortable.

She cocked her head. “What?”

He stuttered, looking down at his hands, his ears turning red. “Do you mind if I…uh…check for any injuries?”

She shifted uncomfortably at his request. Honestly, she’d probably just climb right down and walk it out, but she’d never hear the end of it from Lucas. Trying to mask her embarrassment, she raised her chin sarcastically. “Well, I’d be disappointing in your Mountie training if you didn’t.”

Carefully he felt her ankle. She felt a little pain when he pressed, but was more concerned about him not seeing her red face.

Finally, he finished his assessment, clearing his throat. “At the worst it’s probably just a slight sprain.”

She sighed, thanking God she wouldn’t have to face her brother in a cast. “Well, that’s good.”

Nathan smiled in agreement, although he wouldn’t quite meeting her gaze. He turned toward her boot still sitting in the hole in the tree, and she took a breath to regain her composure.

He grabbed her boot and handed it to her. “Here you are.” She smiled, nodding as she took it from him.

“Thank you, kind sir.”

Nathan smirked, shaking his head slightly. “You’ve got some guts for sure.”

Jeanette looked at him cautiously, unsure how he meant it. “Is that a good thing?”

He smiled at her warmly, sending an odd rush of butterflies to her stomach. “It is in my book.”

Jeanette looked away quick, unable to hide her smile as she began placing her boot back on her foot. What was happening to her? She was behaving like a silly schoolgirl. Which was ridiculous as she wasn’t in love with him or anything.

Nathan shifted awkwardly on the branch he sat on. “Let’s get you down.”



After carefully helping her down the tree Nathan helped Jeanie up onto Newton, being careful about not bumping her ankle too much. Apparently, she’d ridden Daisy out, but once again she’d been spooked by something and had run off. He shook his head, as he mounted in front of Jeanie.

He felt a little uncomfortable for some reason as he settled into the saddle with her behind him. Much like he had a moment ago up that tree. He couldn’t understand it. She was just a member of the town, who happened to need his help. Nothing else. It was probably just the awkwardness of the “situation” he’d just had to deal with.

Suddenly he felt her arms encircle his waist, and an odd sensation filled him. Was his face hot? Nah, he was just being ridiculous. After all it wasn’t often that he had a woman riding behind him, let alone one as young and pretty as she was. Now, where had that thought come from?

Nathan shook it off, and urged Newton onward.

“So, how’d you end up in that tree?”

“I was chasing down some crook who thought his lunch was free,” Her voice vibrated through his back. “But he got the slip, and left me lost in the middle of the woods.”

“Wait,” Nathan stopped Newton, turning to look back at her. “You chased some guy out here because he didn’t pay for his meal?”

She lifted her chin. “Nobody steals on my watch.” Nathan stared at her in disbelief, before turning back, and urging Newton on again. Never had he met a girl like her before. He wasn’t sure if she was really brave or just plain crazy. Maybe it was a bit of both.

 “Besides it’s my first day.” She carried on. “It would look bad if I let a customer get away during my first shift.”

He smirked, remembering her bold statement that morning. “So, you got the job then.”

“Of course.” Nathan could hear the victory in her voice. “I told you I would.”

He smiled. “Yes, you did.” A few moments of silence passed. Nathan wasn’t sure if he should try and make more conversation or just enjoy the quiet. He wasn’t the best when it came to talking to women, although Jeanie seemed to make it easier somehow. Maybe it was just because she had so much to say.

“You have an incredible voice.” As soon as the words were out, he wished he could take them back. Now why had he felt the need to bring that up?

“It’s alright I guess.” She replied lamely.

“You guess?” Nathan turned to look at her in disbelief. How could someone with a voice like that talk so unsurely. “Jeanie your amazing.” He said with a sudden burst of emotion. “Where did you learn to sing like that?”

“I didn’t.”  She replied casually. “I just like to sing while I work sometimes. It’s nothing special.” She shrugged it off, turning to look at something along the trail.

Nathan couldn’t believe this girl. She had no idea how good she was. “Nothing special? People would pay to hear you sing like that.”

She laughed. “I appreciate you trying to save my pride after pulling my ankle out of a tree, but let’s not go crazy.” She patted his arm, and again looked off into the woods. She didn’t seem to believe him, thinking that he was just pulling her arm or something. How did he make her understand?

“Jeanie, I’m serious. You….”

“What’s that?” Suddenly Jeanie leaped down from Newton. “Ouch!” She winced and hopped a bit before starting over toward a clearing.

What was she doing? She was injured. “Wait.” Nathan turned Newton toward it, hopping down as Jeanie bent over something. “You’ll make it worse.”

“Looks like someone made camp here,” Ignoring his protests, she poked a stick at an apparently used campfire. Her head came up, and she moved toward a low hanging tree branch. “And he left his boots.”

Nathan went to stop her from further hurting herself when his eyes widened at the sight of two muddy boots, hung over a branch by their laces. Jeanie walked toward them. “He left his bag too.” She reached out to grab it.

“Wait!” He leaped forward and grabbed her arm. She jerked in surprise, her brows furrowed as she pulled her arm back.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

He gently led her to a rock, holding his hand up. “Just…let me look.” He moved toward the bag, ignoring a huff from Jeanie.

“You Mounties are always so serious.” He saw her arms fling out dramatically. “It’s just a saddle bag.”

Nathan looked for any sort of identification. The initials “JJ” were engraved in the leather. Cautiously he flipped it open, his eyes widening at the contents inside. Jeanie must have caught his expression and hobbled over, peering over his arm. “What? What is it?”

Slowly Nathan pulled out a familiar small plush dog, followed by a shiny silver pistol.



Nathan didn’t talk the whole way home, just pushing Newton as fast as he dared with her “injury.” Honestly, he was being overly dramatic about it, but she appreciated his concern. Jeanette’s mind whirled a hundred miles an hour at what might have caused Nathan to act the way he did.

Obviously, it had something to do with that bag they’d found. Did it belong to a dangerous criminal?

Suddenly a thought struck her. What if that was Harvey’s gun Nathan had found? What if he was here, and coming after her? Her heart began to race. She’d thought she’d managed to finally lose him after months and months of sweat, tears, and blackmail.

Did Nathan know about her past? Oh, she hoped and prayed not! Nothing was ever the same once people learned her late husband’s name.

Nathan pulled up in front of the Infirmary dismounting before gently helping her down. He helped her up to the bench outside before opening the door. “Carson?”

Jeanette watched him pick up a note and read it, before closing the door and turning to her. “Dr. Shephard should be back any minute. Are you okay waiting here?”

She snorted annoyedly. “No.”

Suddenly concern shone in Nathan’s eyes. Boy, this guy was dramatic. Jeanette put her hands to her hips. “I want to find out the mystery of that bag we found too.”

“Shhh!” Nathan winced, holding his hand up. “That bag doesn’t concern you. This is private Mountie business, which means you can’t tell anyone about this. Understand?”

Jeanie crossed her arms, scrunching her nose. “I understand.”

Nathan nodded, and walked on. She watched him leave when she saw that Bill was coming down the boardwalk. Yikes! She knew she was going to get an earful from him, after disappearing for two hours during her first day on the job. Quickly she ran inside Infirmary, hiding behind the wall.

“Bill,” She heard Nathan call. “We need to talk.”

“About?” Bill replied.

“I think I just confirmed that someone really did break into Elizabeth’s house.”



 “No, and that’s my final answer.” Henry rose angerly from his chair, walking past Lucas to stand in front of the woodstove in his living room. Apparently he thought their conversation was over. Lucas had finally managed to track the man down, and against his will he’d listened to Lucas’ request. Now things were going about as well as Lucas had expected.

“I’m at my wits end with this company, Henry.” Lucas worked to keep his voice even. He rose from the chair Henry had barely offered him, and walked toward him.

“I’ve exhausted every option I can think of to keep things afloat. If I can’t find another backer in three days….” The words seemed to stick to his tongue. “I’ll have to shut the company down.”

Henry stared off silently into the fire. Lucas rubbed his hand over his jaw.

“I know nothing about this industry.”

“Yeah well,” Henry grumbled. “You should have thought about that before you decided to buy me out.”

Lucas knew there were multiple retorts to that response he could have answered, but he held them back. That wouldn’t help him, and he didn’t come here to fight. He took a breath.

“I need your help, Henry.”

Henry turned toward him irritatedly. “That’s not what you said a week ago.”

Lucas knew Henry wouldn’t make this easy. How did he make him understand? “I never wanted things to end up this way.” He sighed. “I hoped we could work things out.”

“Then why did you pull out?” Henry’s voice rose suddenly. He ambled toward him, anger and hurt in his eyes. “How is my partner abandoning me when things got tough you wanting to work things out?”

“You wouldn’t listen to reason, Henry.” Lucas replied. “You moved way faster than you should have. Expanding things far before we were ready.”

“Apparently you don’t understand this, Lucas, but the oil industry is a very competitive business. You either take a gamble or fold.”

Lucas grit his teeth, looking after him. “I wanted to understand, but you never trusted me enough to tell me the truth. Maybe together we could have stopped all this before it got so bad.”

“Yeah, well,” Henry’s arm swung out, seeming to bat his words away. “I guess we’ll never know that now.”

Maybe this had been a bad idea. Maybe he shouldn’t have come here. But the faces of the men that worked for him pushed him onward. He sighed, his voice low.

“Henry, this is about more than you and me. Men are going to lose their jobs, and won’t be able to provide for their families.”

Henry slumped into a chair. “Well, that’s the sad reality of life, Lucas. Things don’t always end the way we want them to.”

Lucas shook his head in disbelief. How could Henry just sit by and watch these families lose their income? He knew Henry’s pride had been extremely damaged, and he’d never wanted to take his company away from him. But time and time again he’d refused to ask for help, treating him as nothing more than a convenient pile of cash he could continually take from. Something that had no importance or say in anything.

Determinedly he strode behind Henry to the man’s desk. The file he’d brought in of the company’s financial standing and his plan to save it still sat there unopened. His lips pressed tightly together. “No, they don’t. But we can at least try.”

He turned to leave, but something stopped him. He looked back to Henry.

“And I wasn’t the only one who pulled out, Henry. You did too. I came here hoping that together we could find a way to fix things.”

Henry just stared off into the fire, his jaw set. “Well, apparently you thought wrong.”

Lucas looked to the floor, his heart sinking inside him. “I guess so.” His burden now even heavier, he walked out the door.



 “He kissed you?” Rosemary gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. Elizabeth sighed, once again wondering if she should have relayed this information to her friend, but against her will the fact had just slipped out. She busily arranged their tea cups, and cookies on a tray, feeling heat rise in her cheeks.

“It was on the hand, Rosemary.”

She could just see Rosemary’s pointer finger raise in the air. “A kiss is still a kiss.”

Elizabeth took a breath, working to calm the crazy emotions swirling in her chest. Looking down to her hands she could still feel the touch of Lucas’ lips on her fingers. She’d sensed the caution in his actions, as if he knew he was treading on shaky ground. But she could also feel the genuine honesty in his words, and the bridled passion behind his kiss.

Behind her, Rosemary continued on excitedly. “What did you say?”

Elizabeth brought the tray over, setting it on the coffee table in front of her couch. She sat next to her wide-eyed friend, trying to act casual. “Nothing. He left before I could say anything.”

“Well,” Rosemary pressed. “How do you feel about it?”

Elizabeth smiled nervously, avoiding Rosemary’s stare as she reached for her cup. “About what?”

Rosemary’s hand reached out and grabbed hers before she could claim her tea, her brows raised. “Elizabeth.”

Sighing, Elizabeth drew her arm back in defeat. “It’s not that simple Rosemary.”

Rosemary smiled gently, giving her arm a squeeze. “I think it is.”

Elizabeth began to fidget, smoothing her skirt. “Can we please talk about something else?”

“Elizabeth,” Rosemary took her hand in both of her own. “You can’t keep changing the subject every time your feelings are involved. Sooner or later you’re going to have to face reality.”

Elizabeth felt a twist of fear in her stomach, afraid to ask what her “reality” was. But her curiosity got the best of her and she asked anyway. “And what’s that?”

Smiling, a small sparkle shone in her friend’s eyes. “That you like, Lucas.”

Rosemary’s words felt like a blow to her system. Her heart had nearly beaten out of her chest at Lucas’ closeness. His dark eyes had gazed at her so deeply, telling her even more than his words had. He cared for her, and on such a deeper level than she wanted to admit.

The way he’d pushed aside the hurt he was feeling and comforted her had made her feel something she hadn’t in a long time. But that didn’t mean she….no she wouldn’t even let herself think of that word. Suddenly panic started to grab hold of her.

She rose quickly, walking toward Little Jack who sat playing happily in his pen. She fought for something to say. “I like a lot of people.”

Rosemary’s eyes rolled, as she rose from her seat and followed after her. “Now you know perfectly well what I meant.”

Elizabeth winced helplessly, turning to face her friend. “It’s too complicated right now.” She sighed looking back to Little Jack, lovingly brushing her hand over his head.

Rosemary gently placed her hands on Elizabeth’s shoulders, turning her to face her. Her voice was soft, her eyes gentle with understanding.

“Elizabeth, you’ve been through so much in your life. I don’t blame you in the least for being cautious or even scared of opening your heart.”

Elizabeth wanted to deny it, but she couldn’t. Losing Jack had been the hardest and most painful thing she’d ever been through. Now as her heart was healing, she was feeling the nudge to let someone in again, and the fact terrified her.

Rosemary continued on. “But it’s been over two years. At some point you have to finally move on.” She grabbed Elizabeth’s hands. “Jack didn’t want you to be alone.”

Tears pricked the back of her eyes as the words of Jack’s last letter to her played through her mind. “I know.” Her words came out more choked than she would have liked. She fought for the right words. “I’m just…”

Rosemary gave her hands a squeeze. “I know.” And looking in her friend’s eyes, she knew that she did.

“I told Lucas that I can’t be anything more than friends with him right now, and he understood.”

Rosemary’s brows raised. “Was this before or after he kissed you?”

Elizabeth gave her a warning glare. “Rosemary.”

Rosemary laughed softly, pulling her into a warm hug. “Oh, Elizabeth. You know we all just want the best for you.”

Elizabeth smiled. “I know.” She embraced her tightly before pulling back, warmth filling her heart.  “Thank you.”

Rosemary smiled back. “You truly deserve every happiness.”

Touching her friend’s shoulder, she sent the one thousandth prayer of thanks for her amazing friend. “As do you.”

Rosemary grinned. “Thank you.”

A few moments past. Both of them watched Little Jack, each caught up in their own thoughts. Finally, Rosemary broke the silence.

“So…. what about you and Nathan?”

And there they went again. This was just another one of the many problems that came with having multiple suitors. They had to discuss both guys.

She bent down, retrieving the toy horse Jack had dropped outside of his pen. Oddly she hadn’t been able to find Dog that day. “What about him?” She replied innocently.

Rosemary’s brows rose. “Well, as I recall you did shoo me out of the jail the other day so you two could talk.”

Elizabeth sighed. It truly was amazing that Rosemary had held off this long to ask her about it. She thought of brushing her off and skipping the part about Nathan’s dinner invitation, but honestly she really wanted some advice. She took a fortifying breath. “He asked me to dinner at the cafΓ©.”

Rosemary’s eyes widened, her hands flying up in shock. “And you’re only telling me about this now? Well, what did you tell him?”

Elizabeth sighed. “Nothing.”

Rosemary glared at her, brows furrowed. “Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth pushed Rosemary’s retort aside, walking back to their tea. “It doesn’t matter because I can’t go with him.”

Rosemary followed after her. “And name one good reason why you can’t?”

Elizabeth turned to face her, her hands on her hips. “Do you know what that would look like? And after I just told Lucas…”

Rosemary winced, seemingly getting the picture that would paint. “Oh, dear. That would look bad.” She sat down with a plop, reaching for her now cold tea. “Well, I guess the important question is, do you want to go?”

Elizabeth shrugged, her stomach starting to turn in anxiety. “I don’t know. We haven’t even talked about….what happened.” She swallowed, already feeling the awkwardness that would most likely ensue. Oh, why did she have to run and hug him in the middle of the street for everyone to see?

Rosemary smiled, that sparkle returning to her eyes. “Well, this is the perfect opportunity to discuss it.”

Elizabeth quirked a brow at her, a little annoyed. “But I’m not dating anyone right now.”

Batting her hand, Rosemary quickly returned her cup to its plate. “It doesn’t have to be a ‘date.’ Just….a nice friendly meal between two friends.”

That actually didn’t sound so bad. After all, even though she wasn’t dating either guy, they were still her friends. And she really did need to talk to Nathan about…everything. She’d already told Lucas where they stood. Nathan needed to know the same.

She mulled it over. “Maybe.”

“And if you just happen to figure out your feelings in the process…..”


Laughing Rosemary patted her arm. “Alright. Alright. I’ll stop.” She grinned, a mischievous look in her eyes. “For now.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but laugh back at her friend. She really was such a blessing, despite how exasperating she could be. She reached for the plate of cookies, offering one to Rosemary.

Her brows furrowed as she watched Rosemary almost cringe at the sight of them, before holding her hand up, pushing them away.

“Oh, no. I’m fine.”

Elizabeth looked down at the cookies puzzledly. “But these are your favorite.”

Rosemary winced. “I know.”

Suddenly Elizabeth was filled with worry. “Is something wrong?”

“Oh, no.” Rosemary waved her concern aside. “I’ve just been feeling a little off today. I’m probably just tired.”

Her answer didn’t completely sit right with Elizabeth. She couldn’t help but notice the circles under her friend’s eyes, and thought her skin even might be a touch paler. She’d have to keep an eye on her, and make sure she got a good night’s rest.

Yet at the thought of last night she couldn’t help the corners of her mouth from turning. She raised her brows, bringing her cup to her lips. “I wonder why.”

Rosemary’s eyes widened in innocence, before a defeated smile played across her lips. Elizabeth couldn’t hold back her grin.

    That's all for this week! Feel free to let me know what you thought below in the comments or on my Twitter page! Thank you all so so much for reading! Your support has been so wonderful and such a blessing to me! Have a great weekend, and God Bless!


  1. I love reading your story..it is soo good..love the Nathan and Jeanie part!!!..that would be great ..i(in the future) Nathan being Lucas brother-in-law!!!..hmmmm..loved it even if Nathan was just doing his job..Lucas and Henry trying to work through this oil company..hoping the stress doesn’t get Lucas down to much..and then Rosemary..what would be do without her😊😊😊..can’t wait for the next 10 chapters!!!(hint..hint)...thank you for entertaining us and bring Hope Valley back to us!!!till next Friday!!!..God blessπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  2. I love reading your story..it is soo good..love the Nathan and Jeanie part!!!..that would be great ..i(in the future) Nathan being Lucas brother-in-law!!!..hmmmm..loved it even if Nathan was just doing his job..Lucas and Henry trying to work through this oil company..hoping the stress doesn’t get Lucas down to much..and then Rosemary..what would be do without her😊😊😊..can’t wait for the next 10 chapters!!!(hint..hint)...thank you for entertaining us and bring Hope Valley back to us!!!till next Friday!!!..God blessπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    1. Aww! Thanks! I'm so glad you like it! Jeanie is so random and fun! And yes! Nathan and Lucas as brothers-in-law would be SO fun!! I love that idea!

      Thank you so much for reading, and the comment! And ten chapters you say? Hmmm... Guess we'll have to wait and see! Lol!😊 God Bless!

  3. I'm all in on Nathan and Jeanie! She's already proving to be a better match for him romantically than Elizabeth. I think Nathan needs a girl that is lively, outgoing and more of a challenge because I believe she'd bring more out of him.

    Elizabeth needs to look into her heart and realize who is already in there! It seems like Rosemary has figured it out, now Elizabeth just has to see it. I enjoyed this chapter! Looking forward to next Friday :)

    1. Thanks! So glad you're enjoying Nathan and Jeanie! I really think they both make each other better people! But I might be a little bit biased....Lol!

      And yes! Elizabeth really just really needs to take the leap, and realize what (or rather who) is in her heart. Course that's way easier said then done for her. :)

      Thank you so much for your feedback and the comment! Have a great weekend! God Bless!

  4. This chapter was awesome! I absolutely love Jeanie! I think she is perfect for Nathan. I can just see her up in that tree and not wanting to admit she was stuck. Then she realized she better or she wouldn't get down at all. Nathan is totally smitten!

    Uh-oh, Jeanie overheard about the break-in-- is she going to tell Lucas? I can hardly wait to find out.

    And Rosemary, sigh. She's not feeling well? hmmm

    What a great plot you are writing! I am enjoying every bit of it. Thanks again!!


    1. Thank you, girl! I'm so happy that you're enjoying the story! And I may have said this before but I'm so glad you like Jeanie! She's just so spontaneous and bright, and I never what crazy or funny thing she might do next. (And this is coming from the writer. Lol!)

      Thank you so much for your wonderful support, and for all your feedback! I always look forward to hearing your thoughts! God Bless!


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