WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 5

    Hey, howdy hey, and welcome to Friday! I hope you guys have had a wonderful week so far! I've just been watching my rosebush blossom, re-watching WCTH Season 7, and....oh yeah! Working on my fanfic. Which brings me to today's post!

    As always I'm just so thankful for all of your absolutely wonderful support and feedback! I love hearing what you guys thought, and I really hope you enjoy today's installment!

    Here's Chapter 5 for you all!

“Good morning, sleepy head.” Lucas felt the familiar sensation of Jeanette’s hand ruffling his hair, as he sat in the saloon early the next morning. A plate of steaming muffins soon came to sit on the table in front of him. He smirked, brushing his wayward strains back into place.

“And how long have you been up?”

Jeanette batted her free hand, setting a steaming pot of coffee down with the other. “Oh, since five. Say, do you still take your coffee the same?”

Lucas couldn’t help but smile as he caught a glance at his sister’s flour covered face. It was a sight he’d seen nearly every day back when they’d lived in the same town, and the familiar sight filled his heart with warmth. It was so good to have Jeanette back in his life, especially after finding out the trouble she was in.

His stomach still twisted thinking of last night’s conversations, first with Jeanette, and then Bill. He cringed at the thought of betraying anyone’s trust, but he also couldn’t bear the idea of anyone getting hurt on his account. Again.

No, he’d done the safest thing he’d known to do for everyone involved. He just hoped that it was enough, and had spent a good amount of time last night on his knees praying it would be.

He turned his attention back to his sister, who’d gone and retrieved two cups from the kitchen. He smiled, shaking his head as she set them down and began to pour the coffee. “Jeanie, you really don’t have to do all of this. You’re my guest.”

She placed a cup in front of him. “And you’re my big brother.” She patted his head, setting a muffin on a plate for him. “Besides, baking for people makes me happy, especially if it’s you. And who else would make you cherry….”

“Cherry chocolate chip muffins?” Lucas’ eyes popped wide as he realized what sat before him. How had he not noticed the amazing aroma drifting through the saloon? Maybe his list of problems had turned off his nose?

Jeanette grinned. “Your favorite.”

Lucas shook his head, reaching for one of the delicacies. “I have a feeling that you are going to spoil me.”

She giggled lightly. “Well, you deserve it.” She took a seat opposite him, and began pouring cream into her coffee.

Lucas’ mouth watered as he took a generous bite. He closed his eyes and sighed contently. His sister was a master in the kitchen, and most often he had been the test subject of her creations. Those muffins had been her claim to fame back in Cape Fullerton.

Casually Jeanette stirred her coffee. “So…about Elizabeth...”

Suddenly his muffin started sticking to his throat. He gulped and swallowed, giving her a warning glance. “Jeanie…”

“What?” She stared back at him with the innocent look she’d perfected as a child. “Is it wrong for a sister to want to see her brother happy?”

“No,” he sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. “But meddling in other people’s personal lives is.”

She placed her spoon aside. “I think you should ask her out.”

Lucas worked to keep from choking, glancing to see if the few morning staff members had heard her. Why did his sister have to be so blunt? “Can we please change the subject?”

“Maybe here at the saloon.” She carried on as if she hadn’t heard him. “You can close early, and deck the whole place out in candles and rose petals.” She clasped her hands together, her eyes going into a dreamy daze.

“Jeanie, I…”

“Or a carriage ride through the woods!” She gasped. “Oh, that would be amazing!”


“And with it being so chilly out now you’d have an excuse to snuggle.”

Lucas’ face filled with heat, as he caught the mischievous sparkle in her eye. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “Jeanie, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I told you last night. Me and Elizabeth are just friends.” He sighed as he realized the truth. Again, that familiar pain rose in his chest as he remembered last week’s events.

“Besides…” he hesitated. “I…. think she’s interested in someone else.”

Jeanette dropped her cup to her plate, eyes wide. “What? Who?”

Lucas mentally groaned. Now why had he felt the need to tell her that? He looked away, reaching again for his cup. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Of course, it matters!” Jeanette looked at him in disbelief. “You love her!”

Her words pierced his ears and his heart. He sunk back in his chair as he caught all eyes pointed in their direction. Was it hot in here?

He glared at his sister, his voice low. “Can you please keep your voice down?”

She caught the onlooking stares, and seemed to rein herself back. “I’m sorry,” she replied gently. “But it’s true.”

“I never said that.”

She placed her hand over his, looking at him softly. “You didn’t have to.”

Lucas looked down at the table. Was he really that transparent? He’d done his best to keep his true feelings under the surface, but he couldn’t help the well of emotions he carried when it came to Elizabeth.

He’d never known he could feel this way about someone. A feeling so strong and deep it hurt. Truth be told he thought she was the one. The soulmate his father had taught him to diligently seek out and cherish. Now he didn’t know what to do.

What mattered the most was Elizabeth’s happiness. She’d been through so much already in her life. She deserved to not only be loved unconditionally by someone, but also to love them back just as much. Whoever that man may be.

Lucas sighed deeply. “Even if I did…it’s too late now.”

“It’s never too late until the guy puts a ring on her finger.” Jeanette wiggled his hand, a sympathetic smile on her face. “You should fight for her. Tell her how you feel.”

“And what if she doesn’t feel the same way?”

Jeanette grinned. “You’ll never know unless you ask.” She stood up, leaning over to plant a kiss on his head. “Enjoy the muffins.” She patted his shoulder and started off toward the saloon doors.

Lucas raised a brow. “Where are you going?”

She slipped her coat on, grabbing a basket off one of the saloon tables. She threw him a smile, that familiar mischievous sparkle in her eyes. “To see what Hope Valley has to offer.”


Jeanette lifted her chin and walked toward the building labeled, Abigail’s Cafรฉ. An ache stirred in her chest at the sight of the beautifully painted structure with all its hanging flower pots. This was what a cafรฉ ought to look like, and it brought her joy and pain just to look at it.

It had been her dream to own and run her own cafรฉ. Doing what she loved and feeding the people she cared about, all the while being able to stand on her own two feet. Something all her own that no one could take away, and owing nothing to anyone. To be free.

She pulled the gold ring she wore on a string around her neck out of her blouse. She fingered the cool, smooth surface, watching it sparkle in the early morning sun. The battle began again in her mind. As long as she wore it, she felt chained to a life she was trying to forget, yet for some reason she couldn’t toss it. She’d loved her husband more than anything, and she’d thought that he’d loved her too. Just not enough apparently.

She dropped the ring back down her shirt, squared her shoulders, and marched to the cafรฉ door. The sign there read, “Closed.” She should have figured as much, after all it was only six in the morning.

Cupping her hands around her eyes, she peeked through the glass. Oh, how beautiful it was! Everything was so polished, and pretty, with even a glass counter filled with muffins and pies!

An older gentleman came out from what she assumed was the kitchen, carrying a platter of scones. Even from here she could smell the amazing aroma of food cooking drifting out from the kitchen.

“You know it’s not polite to spy.”

The sound of a man’s voice made her jump. She turned quick, and found herself looking up at the Mountie who’d saved her the other day. She placed her hands to her hips.

“I’m not spying. I’m looking.”

“Oh, well,” He held his hands out in mock seriousness. “That’s completely different.”

She smirked, her nose scrunching. “Yes, it is.”

He leaned back against the cafรฉ’s white railing, an easy grin forming on his face. “And what is it that you’re “looking” at.”

She ignored his mocking tone. “I want to work here. Do you know the owner?”

He nodded. “I know the guy who runs it.”

This could be promising. She walked toward him, raising a brow. “What’s he like?”

He seemed to stutter on his answer. “He’s a…uh…he’s a good guy.” Not quite the ringing endorsement she was hoping for. What was wrong with this Bill?

The Mountie continued. “Course he’s also the town judge so….”

Her eyes shot wide. “The judge runs the cafรฉ?”

“It’s not as crazy as it sounds.” She tilted her head at him, and he winced. “Okay it’s a little crazy.”

She giggled, and watched as he laughed along with her, his smile making his blue eyes shine brighter. This guy was a puzzle to her, yet she couldn’t help but feel so at ease in his presence. She also decided that he was quite handsome, but that didn’t matter for her. It was too soon to start thinking about guys again, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t notice a good-looking guy when he came along.

Suddenly a new line of thought struck her. She hesitated, wringing her hands together. “Could you maybe…. put a good word in for me?”

He crossed his arms. “Well, seeing as though I don’t even know your name, that would be a bit hard.”

She kicked herself mentally. This man had saved her from becoming a western pancake and she hadn’t even introduced herself. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t know his name either. She smiled up at him, and stuck her hand out. “Jeanie Claremont. And you are?”

He stood up, and took her hand gently. “Nathan Grant.”

Jeanie looked puzzledly to their joined hands, wondering where on earth was this strange tingling sensation was coming from. Was her face hot? What was happening? Nathan seemed to catch her riddled expression, and raised a brow in confusion.

She gave his hand a firm shake and pulled back quick. Clearing her throat, she rubbed her hands down her skirt. “Well, it’s a pleasure to finally know my hero’s name.” She smiled at him. “Thank you for yesterday by the way. I really owe you one.”

“No.” He shook his head, beginning to fidget with his hat in hands. “I’m just doing my job.”

She snorted. “Oh, and catching flying women in your arms is just a normal part of a Mountie’s job?”

Something crossed his face, before his eyes dropped to his booted feet. Had she said something wrong?

He looked down the street, then to his hat, refusing to meet her gaze. “Yes, well….I’d better get started on my rounds.” He placed his Stetson back on his head, giving her a nod before starting down the cafรฉ steps.

She cocked her head, her face scrunching in confusion. “Rounds?”

He turned back to face her. “You know.” He motioned with his hand, but couldn’t seem to find the words. “Checking to make sure the town is safe.”

Oh! Now it made sense. She winced inside at how dumb her question must have sounded. She grinned brightly, hoping to cover her embarrassment. “Sounds exciting.”

Nathan shrugged. “It has its moments.”

He didn’t seem to think it was exciting as she did. What was it with this guy? One moment joking, and the next serious.

She could sense there was more to this guy, maybe a deep hurt hidden behind all that red serge. Suddenly she felt a deep compassion for the man, a connection even. She knew what it was to hurt deep in your being until you feel like you’re going to explode and the world around seems numb and colorless.

Maybe she could help him through whatever he was facing. Walking to the top of the steps, she held to the white post as she leaned out with a hopeful smile. “Well, be sure to come to the cafรฉ tomorrow. There will be a fresh blueberry scone waiting for my hero once I’ve been hired.”

The corner of Nathan’s mouth quirked. “You’re pretty confident for someone who hasn’t even met the owner.”

She grinned, turning back to the cafรฉ. “You just wait and see.”



Bill stared at the bright eyed woman before him. She’d burst in the kitchen door with barely a knock, and flat out asked him to hire her. He’d been wanting to have a chat with this mysterious woman ever since Lucas had come to talk to him the previous night. Now he stood looking at her and wondered just what Hope Valley was in for.

He raised his brow. “So, you say you have experience?”

“Yes, sir!” She nearly saluted. “I ran my own cafรฉ back in Cape Fullerton”

That was interesting to know. Lucas hadn’t mentioned that. Bill eyed the small woman suspiciously. “You seem pretty young to run a business. How old are you?”

Her chin went up. “Twenty-five, sir.”

Bill grunted mentally at the term, “sir.” Made him sound ancient. But being only twenty-five and having a business was quite impressive if she was telling the truth. But something wasn’t sitting right with him. “If you have your own cafe why aren’t you back in Cape Fullerton running it?”

Her face dropped a touch, her voice growing softer. “Because no one wanted to eat in a building that almost burnt down… sir.”

Bill suddenly felt compassion for the girl, yet great concern. Had she….

Quickly her eyes snapped back up. “But not by me.” Her face showed her obvious panic at him believing she’d burnt the place down.

Bill crossed his arms. “Then who?”

Her face scrunched as she seemed to search for an answer. Finally, she sighed. “Someone who wanted to make my life difficult.”

Suddenly Bill then remembered that she had been the one involved in the whole mess with Amos. Everything now made sense…and yet it didn’t. How much trouble was this girl in, anyway?

His voice softened. “I’m sorry about that, but just because you had a cafe doesn’t mean you’re qualified to work here.”

“But I am, sir!” He could hear the desperation in her voice. Her violet eyes shone with moisture. “I promise you I am!”

Bill winced. He couldn’t take the pitiful picture she made. “Why?”

Her words started flying out in a hurried jumble. “Because I’ll work harder than anyone else…. And…and I can bake muffins that’ll put your mother to shame.”

Bill jerked back at her sudden statement. “Was that supposed to convince me?”

She bit her lip, her eyes dropping. Suddenly she reached for the basket she’d brought in with her. “Here,” She quickly un-covered its contents, revealing four warm muffins. She held the basket out to him. “Try one. If you hate it, I’ll walk away, No questions asked.”

Well, she had guts, that’s for sure. Bill looked at her pleading eyes, then at the baked goods before him. They looked alright. And if he saw her tear-filled gaze one more time, he’d probably cave. He grabbed one and took a hesitant bite.

The muffin melted in his mouth, the flavor of juicy cherries and rich chocolate over his tongue sending his taste buds straight to Heaven. This was one of the best things he’d ever tasted. How had she even concocted such a creation?

He caught Jeanie’s wide hope filled eyes staring at him. He’d wanted to keep an eye on her anyway. Maybe he’d figure out her muffin making secrets too.

He schooled his features, swallowing his mouthful. “There’s an apron hanging on the door.”

A smile exploded across her face, her violet eyes shining. “Thank you!” Bill gasped as she ran and wrapped her arms around him tightly. For a second, he couldn’t help but smile. There was something special about this girl, although he wasn’t sure just what it was yet. And if what Lucas had told him was true, then it was probably good for everyone that she stayed where he could see her.

Suddenly she pulled back, clearing her throat. “I mean, thank you, sir. You won’t regret it.”

He nodded. “We’ll see.” She nearly skipped to the door to grab an apron. “And you can stop calling me, sir.” He added. “It’s just Bill, unless you want to call me Judge.”

She smiled wide. “Bill is one of my favorite names!”

“Well, she’s a keeper,” Bill smirked to himself.



Elizabeth yawned as she slowly made the trek to school. Funny how two sleepless nights could make a beautiful walk of a few minutes seem like miles. Then again it wasn’t that funny at all.

The “sleepover” had been a disaster. The night had proven to be extremely windy, and Rosemary had jumped at every single little bump and bang she’d heard. And then of course she’d had to check and see if her and Jack were alright, which in turn would wake the poor boy who’d then start crying.

At least there hadn’t been any trouble, proving the fact even more to her that there was no “scary guy” out to get her or anyone else. She’d probably just been hearing things due to the storm that night. At least she hoped, and prayed that was the case. All she knew was she sorely needed a good night’s sleep.

Nathan hadn’t told her anything yet about his investigation of her house. She chose to take that as a good sign, but maybe she’d stop by after school and ask him about it. Just to be safe. After all Nathan knew what he was doing, and would do everything he could to keep the town safe.

The thought of Nathan did bring to mind his dinner invitation, but she chose to push it aside for now. She’d already refrained herself from telling Rosemary the other night. She just wasn’t sure how she felt about it yet, let alone what she’d tell him.

Walking up to the library, she shifted her basket to her arm, so she could open the door. Upon entering her stomach flipped at the sight of Lucas shelving some books. She hadn’t expected to find him here. The thought of turning around and running came to mind, but he’d already turned and saw her.

 “Good morning.” He offered her a small smile.

She smiled back, trying to appear calm, while ordering the butterflies in her stomach to stop spinning. “Good morning. You’re here early.”

He placed his hand over a large pile of books on the table next to him. “Well, sadly a library won’t run itself.” Elizabeth felt a small sigh of relief inside at his easy manner. Yet when he looked at her again, she could see the dark circles under his eyes. Had they been there yesterday?

He looked to her, raising a brow. “Can I help you with something?”

She worked to make her voice sound light and casual. “I just need to get a book for story time at school today.”

He set down the book he held and moved toward her. “I can get it for you if you like. What book are you looking for?”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but grin, as she raised her fist playfully. “The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood.”

Lucas laughed lightly, a warm smile spreading across his face. “Very nice choice, and one of my childhood favorites.” He walked to the children’s book shelf and after searching through the titles, pulled the correct book out.

He strode to her, and held it out. “Here you are.”

Elizabeth smiled, and placed it in her basket. “Thank you.”

Their eyes then found each other, and an awkward silence settled between them. Elizabeth figured she should say something, or be on her way, but for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to do anything.

She felt herself become frozen in place. She scarcely breathed, as Lucas’ dark gaze lingered on her face, dropping for a split second to her lips. Suddenly he pulled back, clearing his throat.

“If you’ll excuse me.” He nodded stiffly, and walked back to continue shelving. Elizabeth watched him go, struggling to decide whether to go or stay. As much as her mind screamed for her to run out the door, she knew she needed to talk to him about what had happened last week. But how did she start?

“Did you have a chance to read the chapter I left you?” Lucas turned back quick at her sudden question. It was far off topic but she figured it was a start. His eyes dropped to his feet.


Elizabeth felt her confidence start to fade. “Oh.”

He winced. “I’m sorry. I meant to, but yesterday things got a bit….”

She raised a brow. “Complicated?”

Lucas sighed. “You could say that.” Elizabeth felt an odd twinge in her stomach. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it seemed to happen every time Jeanie was mentioned.

He went on. “I was so tired I felt I wouldn’t be able to do your writing justice.”

Elizabeth nodded, trying to hide her disappointment. “I understand.”

He held up a hand. “I promise I will read it tonight.”

Elizabeth smiled. “There’s no rush.” Her next comment took a moment to get off her tongue. “Jeanie seems…nice.” She immediately cringed at how obvious that sounded. Why had she even felt the need to bring Jeanie up?

Lucas nodded, a faint smile touching his lips. “She is.”

What did that mean? Elizabeth smiled nervously. “Funny, I don’t ever remember hearing you mention her before.” Now why did she have to go and say that? She bit her tongue, trying to regain her composure.

Lucas shrugged. “I guess she just never came up. I’m sure you have…. friends you’ve never told me about.”

And there it was. There was the very thing both of them had been trying to avoid. Lucas gave her a stiff smile, and she managed to catch the hurt in his dark eyes, before he turned to begin shelving again.

Lord, give me the words, she silently pleaded, and took a fortifying breath. “Lucas?”

He turned back to her, brows raised. “Yes?”

Elizabeth fought to get the words out. “I…. think we need to talk.”

He shrugged innocently. “About?”

Why was this so hard? She took a breath. “What’s happening between us.”

His eyes instantly dropped to the floor, and he turned back to continue shelving. “I’m not quite sure I know what you mean.”

Elizabeth sighed inwardly. He wasn’t going to make this easy. “I think you do. Lucas…” She set her basket aside, and took a small step toward him. “We’ve been avoiding each other all week, and when we do see each other, we barely talk anymore.”

Lucas still refused to meet her gaze, stuffing a book into the shelf. “I’ve been very busy lately.”

“It’s more than that.” She hesitated, her face growing warm. “And…. I think I know what it is.”

His hand stopped mid-way to the shelf. Slowly he turned and looked at her, his voice low. “What?”

Elizabeth gripped her basket tighter, willing her stomach to stop churning. “Lucas…. I think I owe you an explanation.”

Lucas looked to his feet, then back to her. “For what?”

Just say it. Elizabeth wrestled the words off her tongue. “For last week….”

“Elizabeth,” Lucas sighed, looking toward the far wall. “You owe me nothing. You are perfectly free to make your own choices and decisions.”

So that’s what he thought. It wasn’t much of a surprise to her, but hearing the words just made everything very real. Something she wasn’t ready for.

But she needed to clear things up. Both on what really happened, and where she stood. She walked a step closer, her voice gentle, but determined. “I wasn’t making a choice, Lucas. I was just so relieved I…”

“Elizabeth,” Lucas cut in quickly. He seemed to be fighting his emotions. He looked at her, his voice low. “You’re not obligated to explain anything to me.”

Her heart twisted inside her at his apparent hurt, and her own conflicted feelings that began to rise. “I just want you to understand.”

His lips pressed tight together. “I think I do.” He picked up the remaining books and walked toward another shelf.

She looked after him. “I thought he was dead, Lucas.” At her sudden outburst, Lucas turned back with a start. The intensity of her voice surprised her as did the rush of emotions that followed.  “And I was standing right on that same street when I’d heard that Jack had…”

She had to stop, that night replaying through her mind like it had happened yesterday. A rush of tears stung the back of her eyes, and she fought to hold them in.

Instantly Lucas dropped the books onto a chair, and came toward her. “Elizabeth…” His mouth worked, but the words didn’t come easily. “I….I didn’t know.”

Elizabeth took a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. “I don’t know why I did what I did… I just….I just felt so….”

“Elizabeth.” Her breath caught as he gently placed his hands on her upper arms, the heat from his hands searing through her sleeves. His gaze softened, his voice growing quiet. “You don’t owe me any kind of an explanation.”

The care and concern in his words touched her, and relieved her at the same time. She dared to look at his eyes and was taken back at the depth of emotion that they held. Suddenly fear rose in her chest. She started wringing her hands, feeling the cold metal of her wedding band.

“Lucas, you have been so kind and thoughtful….and I never meant to hurt you.” She took a breath, praying for the right words. “I’m just not ready to be anything beyond friends. With anyone.” She sighed, her thoughts tumbling over each other. “I guess I just need some time.”

Lucas nodded quietly, his gaze dropping to the floor. “I understand.”

She couldn’t miss the disappointment that sounded in his voice. Hesitantly she raised a brow. “Do you?”

Lucas’ eyes found hers again, a tenderness in his gaze. “Yes. I know you’ve been through a lot in your life. All I want is for you to be happy, Elizabeth.” His thumbs stroked her arms, sending shivers down her skin. “You deserve nothing less.”

She felt caught in a trance, her voice refusing to rise above a whisper. “Thank you.”

For a brief moment they just stayed like that. Elizabeth found herself searching his face. The honesty and genuine care for her filled her heart with warmth. But there was something deeper hidden there. Something that both intrigued her, yet made her begin to panic. Suddenly she realized that Lucas’ hands still rested on her arms. What was she doing?

She forced herself to take a step back. Lucas pulled his hands back, shoving them in his pockets, as he cleared his throat.

“So, are you coming to the movie night tonight?”

The change of topic caught her off guard a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. “I believe so.” She shyly glanced at him, her head tilting. “I’ll see you there then?”

He smiled, that familiar sparkle returning to his eyes. “Yes, you will.”

She couldn’t help the small grin that emerged. “Good.” Slowly she lifted her basket, and turned to leave, her emotions swirling.


She turned back quick, finding Lucas staring after her. Her heart pounded as she watched him walk slowly toward her. His face twisted, as he seemed to fight to get the words out. “I just need you to know….” His voice was soft and husky.  “I’m here for you.”

Elizabeth became frozen in place, barely drawing a breath. He came closer, his eyes fastened on hers.

“And if you need time…then take it. I’ll be here no matter what.”

They were now standing nearly toe to toe. Elizabeth’s mind whirled as she attempted a shaky breath. “So…. you’re saying ….”

“I’m saying, I’ll wait.” Slowly his fingers slipped under hers, his words a whisper. “Because I know…. you’re worth it.”

Elizabeth scarcely breathed, as he tentatively raised her hand to his lips. Electricity shot down her hand as he gently brushed a butterfly soft kiss to her fingers. She looked to his face. His eyes rested on hers, their brown color turning to a dark chocolate. A faint smile teased at the corners of his mouth, before he looked nervously to his feet, and walked out the door.

    That's all for now folks! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! Have a fantastic weekend, and God Bless!


  1. Swoon!! What a wonderful chapter!! I love Jeanie!

    And that last scene- just took my breath away!

    I can hardly wait until next Friday!

    I love your story! And I think Jeanie will give Nathan a run for his money.

    Thank you again, so much!


    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Jeanie is such a spontaneous character! I never know what she'll do next! Lol! Nathan's not even going to know what hit him. :D

      I'm also glad to know you enjoyed the last scene, as I was most excited to hear your thoughts on that one! ;) Thank you so much for your support, and the comment! I so appreciate it and always look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    2. Ok, I had to go read that last scene again. I can see it happening just this way! I almost expected him to say 'I love you' but he knew that she wasn't ready to hear that so he said 'I'm here for you.' I felt he really wanted to say more. And he hated seeing her in distress! He immediately had to see to her needs. You wrote him exactly how his character is.

      It is so obvious he is deeply in love with her, but is so concerned for her feelings in the matter.

      I love the way you write their story, and I can hardly wait for you to read my chapter 3. ;)

    3. Aww! Thank you so much! As I said, I really was curious what you would think of that last scene, and I'm so happy you found it believable! There is such a struggle of emotions going on between them! Makes for great drama, but a bunch of work for me! Lol!

  2. Great chapter! I always look forward to them. I think that Jeannie is going to give Bill a run for his money! And I think she’ll be great for Nathan.

    1. Yes! I like the dynamic with Bill as well. :)

    2. Thank you, Karen! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It's so fun with Jeanie and Nathan as I can literally see them falling in love in my head! God Bless!

  3. Wow!!!..so intense!!!..Great job..the storyline was soo great..I loved it all..the story with Kucas and Jeanie..can’t wait for Elizabeth to find out it’s Lucas sister๐Ÿ˜..and then bringing Nathan in to “check Jeanie out”!!..Bill give Jeanie a job!!!...a good place for her to me “safe”๐Ÿ’•..and then we have “the library”..wow!!!..there is “hope” in Hope Valley!!!..can’t wait for the next chapter!!!..Elizabeth and Lucas belongs together..it may take time but”it will be worth it”!!!!..thank you soo much๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•God blessings each day on your life๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! God Bless!

  4. I loved it! That last Lucas and Elizabeth scene was so well written and so necessary. I'm glad to see they're making progress and I love that Lucas was able to emphasize that he's willing to wait. And that hand kiss? I was swooning! I live for scenes like that lol.

    I enjoyed the Nathan and Jeanie scene as well! I may have already mentioned this but I can't remember (and I apologize if I am repeating myself)...but I don't like Nathan...at least not around Elizabeth. I don't like the jealousy, the bitterness and even the awkwardness that comes with their interactions. However, when Nathan is away from Elizabeth, he instantly becomes likable to me. So, reading this scene between him and Jeanie was refreshing. I'm hoping for more of these two in the future.

    You are doing a fantastic job with this story. I'm eagerly awaiting your next chapter!

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it! I have to agree with you. Nathan could have such a great storyline....if he was with someone else. Lol! Someone who just turns his world upside down, and brings him to life!

      I'm also very glad you enjoyed that last Lucas and Elizabeth scene! I didn't know at first that he was going to kiss her hand, but then that happened. :D

      Thank you so much for your support, feedback, and the comment! Have a great weekend! God Bless!

    2. Nathan is totally different away from Elizabeth. Of course, in his own words he is competing for her.

      I want to see what might develop -in the show- with Fiona. And in this story with Jeanie. I think he is going to be so much more relaxed.



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