WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 7

    Hello Hearties, and happy Friday! I hope your week has been wonderful so far, and that your weekend is even better! I'm back to give you guys the next installment of my fan fiction! Now this chapter....may have turned out a bit longer then usual. :) I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you all so so much for your continual support, and feedback! I love to hear from you guys, and I truly appreciate your encouragement and comments so so much!

    Well, here we go! Onto Chapter 7 of, Making Sure! Enjoy!

Elizabeth carried Little Jack down Main Street, watching as everyone gathered for another movie night in Hope Valley. This time Lucas had managed to secure a brand-new western film from an old theater acquaintance, and the whole town was buzzing with excitement.

Elizabeth walked in front of the saloon, yet something stopped her from entering. She walked to the bench seated around the corner from the door, and placed Little Jack next to her. She caressed his head as he played with his little toy horse, her thoughts whirling. Not even a full day of teaching and a conversation with Rosemary could remove the effects of her and Lucas’ last encounter.

The fact that surprised her the most, however, was her own response. Her brain had been screaming at her to run as fast as she could out the door. Yet it was as if she’d been in a trance, completely caught up in his gaze, and drawn by his touch. His kiss had awakened something inside her, something that stirred her heart, yet terrified her at the same time.

Heat radiated in her cheeks. She shook her thoughts and feelings away, scolding herself. She’d told Lucas she wasn’t ready for anything beyond friendship, and she wasn’t. Not to mention she still had to give Nathan an answer to his dinner invitation. The thought only added to her stress levels.

“Good evening, Elizabeth.” She looked up quick and found Lucas standing over her, an easy smile on his face. Her stomach flipped.

“Hi.” She placed a smile on her face, although she couldn’t quite bring herself to look him in the eye.

He looked to the empty spot on the bench next to Jack. “May I?”

She nodded, taking a silent breath. Calm down, Elizabeth.

He looked to Jack, a smile on his face. “And what have we here?”

Jack gave him a quick glance, raising his wooden toy up. “Horsie.”

Lucas chuckled lightly, “So, you like horses, do you?”

Elizabeth laughed, beginning to feel slightly more at ease. “They’re his favorite, which is a good thing because I can’t seem to find Dog anywhere.”

He looked to her, raising a brow. “Dog?”

“His favorite toy.” She explained, wondering why she’d volunteered so much information.

Lucas nodded, understandingly. “Well, don’t worry.” He turned back to Jack. “I’m sure Dog will turn up somewhere.” He gave his foot a playful wiggle, causing Elizabeth to laugh softly.

A warm feeling filled her chest as she watched the two of them. It really was so sweet to watch Lucas play with her son. Of course, it was when any of her friends did. Oh, why were things so difficult right now? She fidgeted a bit, repositioning her skirts.

“I hope so. It helps him sleep.” She looked down to her son, touching his chin. “And somebody didn’t do much of that last night I’m afraid.”

Just remembering last night made Elizabeth feel even more exhausted. She was so glad she was going to sleep in her own bed tonight, although she’d yet to tell Lee and Rosemary that. Wearily she raised her hand to her mouth, covering a yawn.

Lucas eyed her, concern in his gaze. “It looks like he’s not the only one.”

She smiled tiredly. “The perils of motherhood.

Lucas nodded. “Well, Jack is certainly blessed to have such a devoted mother like you.”

Elizabeth felt herself begin to blush at his compliment, and looked back to her son. What was it about this man that caused her heart to flutter, and seemed to steal her ability to speak?

When she could finally bring herself to look back at him again, she found him looking gently back at her. “If you need to cancel, I completely understand.”

She winced, knowing he was disappointed. To be honest she was disappointed to miss the night herself. She’d really been looking forward to it.

“I’m sorry, Lucas.” She sighed. “I planned to come, but Laura got called away last minute, and Rosemary isn’t feeling well so her and Lee stayed home.”

Rosemary hadn’t been able to shake that “off feeling” she’d had earlier, and after barely touching her dinner Lee had declared she was to go straight to bed. Elizabeth had felt wrong leaving her friend, and offered to stay, but both Lee and Rosemary had insisted for her to go and enjoy herself.

Lucas nodded to her softly. “I understand.”

Suddenly Florence walked up, smiling at the two of them. “Good evening, Elizabeth. Lucas.” She then turned to Little Jack, her eyes shining. “And hello, young man. Oh, he’s getting so big.” Elizabeth smiled warmly, planting a kiss on her son’s head.

Lucas looked up at Florence with a smile. “Are you coming to the movie night?”

Florence placed a hand to her heart. “Oh, no. Hearing about these horrible bandits is quite enough without watching them.”

“I assure you that you have nothing to fear.” Lucas replied. “The theater manager assured me that the film is suitable for everyone to enjoy.”

Florence stiffened, pulling her jacket down. “Still, it’s not my idea of a pleasant evening, thank you.”

Lucas nodded. “Of course.”

Suddenly she looked worriedly to Elizabeth, glancing to Jack out of the corner of her eye. “You’re not bringing Jack, are you?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “Oh, no. He wouldn’t sit still long enough.” Although she knew that wasn’t what Florence was worried about. Apparently she didn’t approve of Jack watching cowboys and bandits, which Elizabeth agreed with. Maybe when he was bit older.

A smile lit Florence’s face, as she clasped her hands together. “Well, I’d be most glad to take him off your hands if you’d like.”

Well, this was unexpected. Here was her chance to attend the movie. But did she really want to take it? She struggled with idea of Jack being far from her, and then there was the whole awkwardness with her and Lucas.

She winced, hesitating with her response. “Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“Nonsense.” Florence batted her hand. “I was only going to go home and cross-stitch. I’d much rather spend time with this little one.”

Elizabeth fought her tumbling emotions. “He’s been a bit fussy lately.”

Florence smiled, looking happily to Jack. “Oh, we’ll be fine.”

Elizabeth nearly consented, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the other night. She still worried every time she left him to teach, despite her constant prayers throughout the day for his safety. Maybe she was more shaken by this than she realized.

“Still, I’d really rather have him close by.”

Lucas turned to her. “There’s an empty room in the saloon you could use if you’d like.” He replied gently. He then looked to Florence. “It’s in the back so you’d be away from the noise, but close enough if there was a problem.”

Florence didn’t seem too sure about that idea. Her brows pinched together. “I’m not sure….”

Lucas seemed to read her uncertainty. “Gaustave could bring you both some refreshments.” He added quickly. “On the house.”

That seemed to make her reconsider his proposal rather quickly. “Well, I suppose that would work.”

Lucas smiled. “Great.”

Elizabeth looked to him. “Are you sure?”

Lucas grinned, his dimples deepening. “Absolutely.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile back. “Thank you, Lucas. This is really sweet of you.”

His dark eyes sparkled. “I’ll get you the key.”



Lucas smiled to himself, as he retrieved the room key from behind the bar. He’d been anxious all day after him and Elizabeth’s last encounter. Had he gone too far? Had he said enough to make his intentions clear, or had he said too much and scared her away?

He knew he needed to be patient with her, but he couldn’t help but show her how he felt. The kiss he’d given her hand had just sort of happened, but he’d meant it along with every word he’d said. No matter how long it might take, he would wait as long as he had to. He just prayed that she would feel the same way he felt about her.

Suddenly he bumped into Jeanette who was coming out of the kitchen carrying a jar of popcorn kernels. He sighed, giving his sister the “big brother glare.” “I thought I told you to stay in your seat. You know what Carson said.”

He’d gotten the scare of his life after watching his sister walk out of the Infirmary, her ankle all wrapped up. Then he’d nearly fallen out of his seat after she’d told him about how it had happened. It was only a slight sprain, which while it didn’t prohibit her from walking, he really wished he could tie her to a chair for the night. But he knew from experience nothing he said or tried would be able to keep his sister down.

Jeanette rolled her eyes. “I’m perfectly fine. Besides I’m too excited to sit.” She nearly bounced with excitement. “How on earth did you forget to tell me that you have a movie projector?”

Lucas took the jar from her hands, giving it to a waiter as he passed by. “Well, if you would have gotten my last letter you would have known.”

Her nose scrunched, as she poked his vest. “But that would mean I wouldn’t be here to see it in person.”

Lucas smiled, placing his hand to her shoulder. “True. Just please take it easy.”

She crossed her hand over her heart in mock seriousness. “I promise.” Lucas just smirked, resisting the urge to ruffle her neatly styled hair. He started to walk back toward the saloon door, when Jeanette followed after him, a slight limp in her step.

“So, is she coming?”

Lucas worked to keep from sighing, yet couldn’t help but tease her. He raised his brows innocently, picking up a glass from the bar and pretended to examine it. “Who?”

She crossed her arms, clearly annoyed at his charade. “Elizabeth?”

He placed the glass down, looking at her calmly. “Yes.” He started off again, when Jeanette caught his arm.

“Well?” She looked at him expectantly.

He shrugged. “Well?”

She groaned, looking like she wanted to kick his shin. “What’s your game plan?”

Game plan. Lucas shook his head at his sister’s choice of words. “Do you ever think about anything else than marrying me off?”

“You’ve got to sit next to her.” She carried on, ignoring his protest.

Lucas walked off into the middle of the gathered towns folk. “What?” He put his hand to his ear. “Sorry. There’s too much noise.” He signaled as if she couldn’t hear him, unable to hide his amusement.

She crossed her arms, her brows furrowed, but he could see her grin peeping out at the corners of her mouth. “It won’t be my fault your single and alone when your fifty.” She called after him. Lucas just grinned, and made his way back to Elizabeth.


 Elizabeth stood in the saloon, feeling the excitement in the air. Florence and Jack were situated in the empty saloon room, and Florence had promised to come and get her if there were any problems. Now if only she could silence the butterflies in her stomach.

She smiled at Jesse and Clara as they passed by, arm in arm. The newly-weds were barely ever not seen holding hands, or sneaking a kiss when they thought no one was watching. Elizabeth sighed, wistfully remembering her own newly-wed days, despite how quickly they passed.

Suddenly Lucas’ words played through her mind. Love certainly is special. Well, she couldn’t argue with that.

She then caught Lucas coming down the stairs, flashing a smile at her. “Everyone’s settled and Little Jack is now constructing a very fine corral for his horse.”

Elizabeth pressed her lips against a laugh. “I can see he enlisted your help.”

Lucas looked at her puzzledly, and she reached over and pulled a Lincoln Log from his coat pocket. Lucas smiled shyly, taking the toy from her. “Oh.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. “I wondered what was taking you so long.”

Lucas smirked mischievously. “I didn’t realize you’d miss me.”

Elizabeth felt her cheeks beginning to blush, but heard someone shout behind her before she could respond.

“Elizabeth!” Suddenly Elizabeth turned quick and found Jeanie coming toward her, a huge grin across her face. Elizabeth smiled at the bright-eyed woman, although the action felt a tad forced. She wasn’t sure why she felt so nervous about interacting with this woman. She was just a friend of Lucas.

Pushing her silly feelings aside, she forced herself to produce a more genuine smile. “Hi.”

Jeanie nearly skipped to her, Elizabeth catching what looked to be her ankle all wrapped up. Was she limping just slightly? “I’m so glad you came.” Jeanie grabbed her hands up in her own, grinning excitedly. “I’ve been dying to talk to you.”

“Are you okay?” She asked, genuinely concerned for her.

“Of course,” Jeanie assured her. “But you’re so sweet to ask.”

She didn’t seem like it to Elizabeth. “What happened?”

Jeanie waved her hand casually at her question. “Long story.” Elizabeth wondered what that long story entailed, but Jeanie carried on.

“Anyhow, I really wanted to track you down sooner, but somebody wouldn’t let me out of their sight.” Jeanie raised her brow at Lucas, giving him a slight nudge with her elbow.

Lucas sighed. “You’d walk from here to Buxton even if your ankle was broken.”

Jeanie rolled her eyes, placing her hand on Lucas’ chest. “He’s so over-protective.”

Elizabeth felt a spark of annoyance at how “touchy” this girl was around Lucas. It was like she thought she owned him.

Still Jeanie continued on. “And so is Bill actually. He made me peel potatoes for the rest of my shift to make sure I didn’t move.”

Elizabeth’s eyes went wide at this new information. “So, you’re working for Bill?”

Jeanie smiled wide, excitement sparkling in her eyes. “Yes!” She clasped her hands together. “Oh, the café is so gorgeous!”

Elizabeth worked to keep her emotions hidden, smiling nervously. “So, you’re staying?”

“Yep!” Jeanie looked as if she would have spun around in glee. Instead she looked happily to Lucas, poking a finger at him. “Lucas finally convinced me.”

Elizabeth’s brows shot up, and she looked to Lucas. “Did he?”

Lucas seemed to fidget uncomfortably. “I may have suggested…”

“Suggested?” Jeanie looked at him incredulously, crossing her arms. “This guy has practically been begging me to give Hope Valley a try. He….”

Suddenly Lucas cut in, motioning toward the rows of chairs. “We’d better get you two seated.”

Jeanie looked excitedly to Elizabeth. “Ooo! We could sit together! And I know just the spot!”

Jeanie grabbed her hand and dragged her off toward the back of the rows of seats, seeming to completely ignore her injury. All the way in the back were two chairs placed, almost privately away from the others, yet still with a decent enough view of where the movie would play. Jeanie giddily placed Elizabeth in one, then went to sit in the other.

“Oh shoot!” Jeanie jumped up quick. “I just remembered that I need to talk to someone.” Suddenly she grabbed Lucas by the arm, and basically pushed him into her empty chair. “Hold my seat until I get back.” And quickly she skipped off, limping once or twice.

Elizabeth’s head was spinning. What had just happened? And why wasn’t that girl sitting down somewhere? Elizabeth nervously looked to Lucas, who now sat beside her. He winced, and gave a shaky smile back.

“Sorry. Jeanie can be a bit…”

Cautiously Elizabeth raised her brow, looking for just the right word to use. “Free-spirited?”

Lucas laughed lightly, nodding in agreement. “Yes. That would be her.” Elizabeth couldn’t figure out if his amusement was merely in consensus with her, or stemmed by something else. She looked at him hesitantly.

“She clearly thinks a lot of you.”

Lucas smiled gently, though he seemed to hesitate with his words. “We’ve…. known each other for a long time. I helped her out awhile back when things got tough.”  

Elizabeth could see the genuine care he held for Jeanie, and it both touched her and made her feel uneasy. Although she couldn’t figure out why.

Lucas continued on. “She may seem like a bit much at times, but she truly has a heart of gold.” Elizabeth suddenly felt very unsettled for some reason. Then Lucas’ eyes took on that familiar sparkle. “Reminds me of someone else I know.”

Elizabeth smiled shyly, looking to her hands in her lap. She felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster today.

Lucas looked to his feet. “I’d better go and announce the movie.”

He gave her a smile, before rising and walking off to address the crowd. Elizabeth took a calming breath, trying to sort through her feelings.

Suddenly Jeanie walked back, looking very distressed. “I’m so sorry, Elizabeth. I really wanted to chat with you, but I promised Allie I’d sit with her.”

Elizabeth wondered how those two had become so closely acquainted with Allie being in school all day, and Jeanie working at the café. However, she brushed her questions aside, and smiled up at her.

“Oh, I understand.” She hoped that sounded sincere and not like she was glad to lose her company. She honestly was interested to learn more about this mysterious woman who lit up every room she entered.

Jeanie reached for her hands, her eyes seeming to try and read if she was really okay with things. “Are you sure?

Elizabeth gave her hands a squeeze. “I’m sure. Now that you’re staying, we still have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

“Absolutely!” Her eyes lit up. “Come to the café tomorrow, and I’ll give you one of my famous lemon-raspberry scones!”

She flashed her an excited smile, and then quickly went off to join Allie. Elizabeth couldn’t help but grin. That girl was something alright. She also couldn’t help wondering how ‘famous’ these raspberry-lemon scones were.

Suddenly the crowd quieted as Lucas stood before them. He smiled brightly.

“Thank you everyone for coming out for our monthly movie night.”

A round of applause rose from the crowd.

“Tonight we have a brand new western for your viewing pleasure which I hope you’ll all enjoy.”

He then cued the lights, projector, the music, and the movie night was underway.

Elizabeth looked excitedly to the sheet that was hung in front of everyone, as the movie started to play. Carson began playing the piano, and suddenly the “moving pictures” came to life before everyone’s eyes.

Elizabeth watched excitedly as the cowboy rode his horse across the desert. Suddenly her stomach flipped as she caught Lucas walking over to her. He looked puzzledly to the empty chair next to her. “Where did….”

Elizabeth smiled, knowing his thoughts, and looked over to where Jeanie now sat between Nathan and Allie. Lucas smirked, laughing lightly. “As you said. Free-spirited.”

He stood there for a moment looking out to the rows of chairs then back to her. “Would you like me to find you a better seat?”

“Oh no, this is fine.” Elizabeth assured him. An awkward silence then settled between them. Lucas shifted uncomfortably, before he turned to leave.

“Would you like to sit?” The words came out on an impulse and she inwardly cringed at how nervous she sounded. Why had she felt the need to say that at all? Because your being polite. She corrected herself. Honestly this whole confusion with him had seemed to make her forget her manners at times.

Lucas seemed like he would have sat, but looked to her cautiously. “Are you sure?”

She nodded quick, cautiously motioning for him to sit. Quietly he sat beside her, smiling. “Thank you.”

Elizabeth turned her attention back to the movie, yet she couldn’t help the fluttery feeling in her stomach at Lucas’ closeness. Was he nervous too?

She dared a glance at him, and found he’d decided to look at her in the same moment. She smiled stiffly, and jerked her eyes back to the movie. Heat filled her cheeks, and she thanked the Lord the room was dark. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Suddenly Gustave walked up behind them holding a large pitcher. “Where do you want the lemonade?” He whispered.

Lucas turned to face him, his arm coming up to rest on the top of her chair. Elizabeth worked to stop the pounding of her heart as she felt his coat sleeve brush her neck.

“Next to the popcorn would be fine.” Elizabeth felt the warm breath of his whisper drift against her cheek and she fought against a shiver.

He turned back, and she found herself staring into his eyes, his arm still around her. He looked at her for a moment, before quickly removing his arm. He cleared his throat. “Sorry.”

Elizabeth smiled nervously, looking to her sweat coated hands in her lap. She turned back to the movie, exhaling slowly. Relax. She told herself. It wasn’t like this was a date or something. Just two friends sitting next to each other, watching a movie. Nothing more. She was totally capable of getting through this without completely embarrassing herself.

Suddenly a masked bandit appeared in the film. He raised his pistol above his head and fired a shot. Surprised Elizabeth jerked back involuntarily at the sight. Lucas must have noticed, and looked toward her. She hesitantly met his gaze, finding concern and something else in his brown eyes.

Then he looked down between them, and she realized that her hand was tightly holding the top of his. Heat rushed to her face, and she quickly drew her hand back. She looked to her lap, clasping her hands together in an attempt to stop the tingling sensation she felt. “Sorry.”

“No apology necessary.” A few moments of silence passed between them. Elizabeth worked to keep from fidgeting, and focus on the film.

“Can I get you anything? Lucas’ voice startled her, and she took a shaky breath.

“Some lemonade would be nice.” It was the first thing that had come to her mind.

Lucas nodded and quietly rose from his seat, heading off to the refreshment table. Elizabeth worked on recomposing herself while he was gone. What was happening between them lately? It seemed like they’d gone from barely speaking to each other to being too close.

Her hand still burned with the touch of his. Had he felt the same spark she had at the contact?

She shook her head, readjusting herself in her chair. She was being silly. Everything was fine.

Slowly she began to relax. She then realized just how tired she was, bringing her hand up to cover a yawn. Opening her eyes wide she tried to shake the sleepiness off, and focus on the film.

Another yawn tried to surface, and she worked to keep it in. Her eyelids felt as if they weighed ten pounds each. Slowly they started closing, and she opened them wide again. She would not fall asleep. Again, her eyes started closing. No. She would….not…fall….


Lucas quietly made his way back to his seat, a lemonade in one hand, and a bag of popcorn in the other. He’d been grateful for a reason to leave for a moment, giving himself a chance to calm his racing heart. He could still feel the warmth of Elizabeth’s hand over his, and electricity that had shot through his skin at her touch. He’d been so tempted to thread his fingers through hers, and looking into her blue eyes had nearly been his undoing.

He wanted so much to hold her, to be there for her, and to just simply spend time with her. He’d never met a woman who made his heart pound like she did. Someone who stole the breath right out of him, and inspired him to try harder and reach farther.

But he knew he had to pace himself. He’d promised her time, and time he would give her. No matter how much he was drawn to her.

He made his way back to his “row.” Funny, he didn’t remember placing these two chairs here. Jeanette certainly was one determined match-maker. He hoped her innocent attempt to secure his happiness didn’t do more harm than good.

He reached the chairs and quietly reclaimed his seat. “Here we are.” He turned to Elizabeth, holding out the cold drink out to her, but was taken back at the sight of her sleeping soundly. Her head hung slightly forward, as she breathed softly.

“Elizabeth?” Lucas whispered, but she didn’t stir. He winced, trying to figure out what to do.

His heart filled with sympathy for her. He’d seen her yawning earlier, but he hadn’t realized just how exhausted she was. He understood raising a young boy wasn’t easy, especially all by one’s self. Yet he’d never seen her so tired before.

Quietly he set the lemonade and popcorn down next to his chair, and turned toward her. He wasn’t exactly sure what to do, but he figured that she wouldn’t want everyone seeing her like this after the movie ended.

“Elizabeth?” He tried again, gently touching her shoulder. This time she did stir, shifting slightly. He sighed with relief, until she started leaning toward him. Slowly she relaxed again….right into his shoulder.

He stiffened at the feeling of her face resting against his arm, her warmth searing through his sleeve. What should he do? Should he wake her up? Probably. She’d most likely be extremely embarrassed to find out she’d fallen asleep, let alone against his arm.

He looked to her angel like face as she slept. But she was so tired. Surly it wouldn’t hurt to let her sleep for just a little bit. She needed all the rest she could get as far as he could tell.

Slowly he started to relax, daring another glance at her. She was so beautiful, even while sleeping. His fingers itched to brush her hair back from her face, but he knew he shouldn’t. She needs time, he repeated to himself.

Finally, he decided to let her sleep for a little bit. She apparently was in sore need of some rest, and he certainly didn’t mind acting as her head rest for a while. He could wake her up right before the movie ended. They were seated in the back anyhow, and it was dark. None of her friends would see…


Nathan felt his eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as he glanced back into the dark saloon. Was that Elizabeth sleeping against no one else then Lucas Bouchard? He squinted, willing his eyes to see past the darkness. Yep. It was.

His mind started to whirl. Ever since that death grip hug she’d given him over a week ago, he’d thought that maybe he stood a chance. And she hadn’t turned down either of his dinner invitations. That had to be a good sign, right?

Yet there she sat, using Lucas’ arm as a pillow, and Lucas certainly didn’t seem to mind. His jaw started to clench. What did Elizabeth even know about this guy? After all he was a self-proclaimed gambler, and he knew better than anyone else what it was like to live with one of those.

Elizabeth had already suffered so much heartache in her life. The last thing she needed was more.

“You know it’s not polite to spy.”

Nathan jerked his head back, finding Jeanie looking at him with a raised brow. Apparently, her and Allie had become friends somehow and before he knew it she was sitting with them. Then after Allie had made a last-minute seat change to be with Opal who was afraid of the bandits, he’d found himself left with Jeanie.

Not that he minded, as she made for very “interesting” company. Although he couldn’t help feeling sort of awkward sitting this close to her.

He cleared his throat. “I wasn’t spying. I was….”

“Looking?” A playful smirk broke through her serious façade and Nathan couldn’t help but smile.

“Something like that.” 

She crossed her arms, tilting her head. “And what or rather who were you “looking at?”

The image of Elizabeth resting against Lucas’ coat sleeve played through his mind again, making his body tense. “Nothing.” He looked back to the movie, but he couldn’t seem to stop his jaw from clenching. Could his day get any worse?

He’d been restless all day ever since him and Jeanie had stumbled upon that camp site, or rather that bag. Things were pretty clear now, and the realization hit him hard. He knew he needed to tell Elizabeth what he’d discovered, but by the time he’d found her, she had been walking into the saloon for the movie night. He’d wait until afterward.

Him and Bill had decided it was best to wait a bit before telling the town, that way no one would tip the guy off. Meanwhile they’d formed a secret night watch to keep an eye on things. Still he couldn’t help wondering if he should be doing more.

He was going to position himself outside of Elizabeth’s house that night, although she wouldn’t know. No one was going to hurt the woman he cared so much about. He hoped she’d agree to his invitation to dinner at the café. Yet for some reason thinking about the café made a certain pair of violet eyes flash through his mind.

Suddenly he felt a slap to his arm. He turned quick toward the source of those eyes, but found Jeanie staring innocently at the film. He rubbed his arm, frustratedly. “What was that for?”

She shrugged. “I thought I saw a fly on you.”

Nathan just stared at her. He hadn’t seen a fly all night, despite the aroma of popcorn drifting through the building. Rolling his eyes, he shook his head hopelessly. He’d never understand this woman.


Jeanie stared at the film, her arms crossed. What was wrong with this guy? She’d tried talking to him for the past five minutes, and he’d managed to ignore every single question she’d asked, or comment she’d made. Only a firm slap, that had probably gotten the attention of everyone in the room had been enough to get him to notice her. Whether there may or may not have been an actual fly didn’t matter.

What was it about this guy that frustrated her so much? Why did she care if he paid attention to her or not? Back in Buxton she’d had multiple guys making eyes at her, and asking for a date, and she couldn’t have cared less. Then again, none of them were anything near as heroic or noble as Nathan, and she was nowhere close to his level of prominence in town.

Maybe that was it. Maybe Nathan saw her as beneath him. That’s what anyone who knew about her late husband did. Did he know about her past? Suddenly she began to feel uneasy.

It wasn’t fair. Why should she be judged for another person’s mistakes? She’d had her suspicions, but hadn’t truly known about her husband’s terrible deeds until the sheriff was dragging him out the door.

She grit her teeth, remembering Scottie’s lies. He’d insisted he was innocent, even as he was bound in handcuffs, and buffeted by a spitting mad posse. Tears welled in her eyes, as she remembered his last words to her.

“A good wife would have saved her husband.” His dark spite-filled eyes had haunted her, as the sheriff had led him away to face his crimes.

She drew a breath, wiping a tear away. It didn’t matter anyway. None of it did. Scottie was gone, and she wasn’t ready to date anyone yet, if ever. But was it too much to ask for a guy to engage in simple conversation?

“Are you alright?” The sound of Nathan’s voice startled her out of her thoughts. She turned toward him, pasting a smile on her face.

“Yeah, I um…That scene was really something.”

Nathan crocked an eye brow. “They were giving a dog a bath.”

She raised her chin. “I love dogs.” Nathan eyed her, either trying to read beyond her white lie, or figure out if she was mentally sane.

She just ignored him, and looked back to the movie, sniffing down her emotions. Of course, now the man wanted to talk to her.


A wave of applause suddenly sounded, causing Elizabeth’s eyes to jerk open. She winced against the light, blinking repeatedly. Where was she?

Suddenly everything came rushing back. The movie night. Had she fallen asleep? Her head rested against something warm and soft, something that suddenly started shifting beneath her cheek. She pulled back a little and was met by the dark gaze of Lucas. She gulped.

She’d fallen asleep against Lucas. Heat flooded her face, as she quickly pulled away from him, her cheek instantly missing the warmth of his coat sleeve. How long had she been like that? Or rather who had seen her like that?

Quickly she rose to her feet, forcing a smile as everyone began moving from their chairs and talking excitedly about the movie. The one she’d just slept through….against Lucas’ arm. She felt herself blush all over again.

She glanced at Lucas, keeping her voice low. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

Lucas winced. “I tried to, but….”

“Elizabeth?” Suddenly she found Nathan walking toward her. She schooled her features, praying her face wasn’t as burning red as it felt.

“Hi, Nathan.”

Nathan seemed uncomfortable, looking from her to Lucas. Had he seen her asleep against Lucas? Oh, she hoped not!

Nathan shifted anxiously, and cleared his throat. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “Oh.” Was this about his investigation? Her stomach twisted. Surly he hadn’t found something. Had he?

Nathan looked to the far wall, then back to her, his words seeming to stick to his throat. “Can I….walk you home?”

Lucas shifted uncomfortably, seeming unsure whether to stay or leave.

Cautiously Elizabeth glanced from Nathan to Lucas. What did she say? She didn’t want to give Lucas the wrong idea by accepting Nathan’s offer. Yet she knew by the look on Nathan’s face that whatever he had to tell her was important. And if it was about his investigation she needed to know. Her son’s safety depended on it.

Finally Lucas smiled stiffly at her and Nathan, before turning and walking off to attend to someone standing at the bar.

She watched him leave, her heart twisting inside her, before she nodded hesitantly to Nathan. “I’ll go get Jack.”


 Lucas watched as Elizabeth walked out with Nathan, his heart sinking inside him. Oh, why hadn’t he woken her up? He knew she’d be less then pleased to find out that she’d been sleeping against his arm, and he’d totally meant to wake her up before the movie had ended. Somehow between watching the movie and catching occasional glances at her sleeping face, he’d completely forgotten.

Jeanette walked up to him, her eyes shining.

“That was amazing!” She bounced, grabbing his arm. She then must have caught him staring after Elizabeth, as she turned to see what he was looking at. Suddenly she gasped, her mouth dropping open. “Is that…”

Lucas sighed. “Yep.”

She gasped again, seemingly louder this time. “Nathan is the other guy!?!” Her words came out in a horrified sounding whisper.

Lucas pressed his lips together tightly, the sickening feeling he’d felt after witnessing the hug hitting him all over again. He turned toward the bar. “Jeanie…not now.”

Jeanette grabbed his arm and turned him toward her, propping a hand on her hip. “Are you going to just watch him walk off with your girl?” She pointed toward the door Elizabeth and Nathan had just exited, brows raised high on her head as she waited for his response.

What was he supposed to do? Just go after her, and demand she spend time with him? Command her to love him and not Nathan? He’d shown her how he felt, that he cared for her and was willing to wait. Maybe she didn’t want him to wait. No matter how he felt about her, the most important thing to him was that she was happy.

He sighed, rubbing his hand over his jaw. “She’s not my girl, Jeanie. Now can we please change the subject?”

He started off toward the back of the saloon, but Jeanette followed after him.

“He’s probably just telling her what he found about the guy who broke into her house.”

Suddenly he stopped cold, his heart dropping into his stomach. “What?” He jerked around to face her. “Someone broke into her house?”

Jeanette winced, looking to the floor. “I heard Nathan talking to Bill about it. Apparently, some guy broke into her house and left these muddy footprints behind. At first they weren’t sure, but today Nathan found a camp site after he rescued me that had boots that matched the prints, an item of Elizabeth’s, and….” She hesitated a moment, before finally finishing. “And a gun.”

Lucas felt his heart stop. The blood drained from his face. Someone had broken into Elizabeth’s house, and that someone owned a gun. Now everything made sense. Rosemary searching so desperately for Nathan, and dragging Elizabeth off like they’re life depended on it. Elizabeth’s tiredness, and not wanting Jack to be far from her. She was scared. Scared of someone hurting her and her son.

His fists clenched. Well, they wouldn’t. Not so long as he was still breathing.

He spotted Bill across the room, and nearly marched to him, pulling him away from the gathered townsfolk. Bill looked at him irratedly, yanking his arm back. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Lucas looked at him sternly, his voice low. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Bill’s brows furrowed. “Tell you what?”

“That someone broke into Elizabeth house.” Lucas worked to keep his voice even, despite his racing heart.

A look of understanding washed over Bill. He placed his hand on Lucas’ arm, his demeanor softening a touch. “Just calm down. We didn’t know for sure until today. Elizabeth didn’t want to worry anyone in case it wasn’t true.”

Lucas couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “So, someone really did break-in?”

Bill nodded sadly. “Yes.”

Lucas’ mind began spinning faster at Bill’s confirmation, voicing his next thought. “Was she hurt?”

“No.” Bill responded evenly, as if trying to calm him down. “She never even saw the guy.”

Well, thank goodness she didn’t have to have this crook alone. Without another words Lucas quickly strode off into the saloon’s back room. Rather recklessly he began pushing boxes and crates aside, searching for his cedar chest.

Bill and Jeanette followed him. Bill staring after him puzzledly. “What exactly are you doing?”

Finally, Lucas found the chest. Unlocking it he moved aside a pile of sheets and tablecloths until he found the rifle he’d hidden at the bottom. It wasn’t that he planned on shooting anyone. He just wanted to be prepared.

He pulled the gun out, checking to see if it was loaded. Bill seemed to realize what he planned to do, and grabbed the barrel, looking him in the eye.

“Lucas, there’s nothing you can do. We’ve already set up an undercover night watch in town and at the row houses. You’d just be in the way.”

Lucas couldn’t believe all of this had happened without his knowledge. He understood Elizabeth not wanting him to know, especially if she wasn’t sure what happened, but at least someone could have told him about this. Grabbing a couple bullets, he loaded the gun. “Well, you just got yourself another watchman.”

Bill shook his head. “Lucas…”

Ignoring Bill’s protest, Lucas walked over to Jeanette who’d stood by watching him silently. He’d seen that worried look on her face before. Once when he’d gone to face Harvey, and then again with Amos. He placed his hand gently on her shoulder.

“Stay in the saloon, and don’t open the door for anyone.”

She nodded, seeming to understand what he needed to do. She gave him a quick hug. “Be careful.”

He hugged her back, asking God to protect his baby sister. “I will.” He then turned to Bill. “Where are you positioned?”

Bill sighed. “The jail.”

Lucas looked him straight on, meanwhile reaching for the coat he’d left in the room. “Then I trust you’ll be keeping watch on the saloon?”

Bill nodded, understanding full well what Lucas was asking him. “I’ll make sure nothing happens to her.”

Lucas slipped his coat on, and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you.”

He strode to the back door, but Bill called after him.

“What do you plan to do?”

Lucas opened the door, and turned to face him. “To keep watch.”

And he raced out the door, rifle in tow.

    And that's all for now! Feel free to comment your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! Thank you all so so much for reading! Have a great weekend, and God Bless!


  1. This chapter was so entertaining!! It is my favorite so far! Jeanie cracks me up! I love how she set it up for L and E to sit together. And could our Elizabeth be a little jealous? It sure appears that way. Nathan certainly was when he looked back and saw her napping on Lucas' shoulder...

    I knew Lucas would be livid when he found out about the break-in. He loves her.

    Bravo on this chapter, girl. It was simply perfect. :)

    1. Aww! Thanks, girl! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! Jeanie is one determined matchmaker! :)

      And Elizabeth jealous? No! Never..... ;) And anybody even thinking about harming Elizabeth better watch out! Lucas has got a rifle! Lol!

      Thank you so much again for all your support and the comment! God Bless!

  2. I'm with Sue - my favorite chapter as well! I've loved them all and am really enjoying your story, but you spoiled us with so much LucaBeth in this one - Thank you!! Elizabeth is so affected by his closeness; I loved all the moments between them. I'm also liking the jealousy. I feel like he's been so attentive and so devoted to her that she deserves to have that taken away a little. Looking forward to seeing how the night watch plays out!

    1. Thank you, Divya! So happy to hear your enjoying the story so far! Elizabeth is in such an emotional roller coaster right now, and Jeanie is just rocking the boat even more. Lol!
      And I hear you. Elizabeth has just been showered by Lucas with thoughtfulness and attention. A little supposed competition might do her some good. :D

      I'm so grateful for your support and comments and always look forward to hearing your thoughts! Thank you! God Bless!

  3. Wow!!wow!!wow!!!...girl..you kept me on the end of my seat...I am so anxious to see who it is breaking into Elizabeth’s house and why...I hope to find out soon...I felt sorry for Elizabeth I know being a mom..school teacher and worried about somebody breaking into your house can take a lot out of a person!!!..love Lucas sister and can’t wait till Elizabeth finds out about it...love Lucas gentleness with Little Jack and Elizabeth..a great chapter ..please continue..loved it all..waiting for the next chapter💕💕💕

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Yes, Elizabeth has so much going on right now. Good thing Lucas was there to act as her head rest in her time of need. ;)

      Thanks for all your kind words, support, and the comment! I so appreciate them all! God Bless!


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