WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 3

    Hi everyone and welcome to Friday! The 4th of July is just around the corner, and I hope you all have a great weekend whether you're watching fireworks, or Hallmark movies! :)

    Well, I'm back again with another chapter for you of my fanfic! Thank you all once again for all of your kind words, encouragement, and support! I truly appreciate it!

    I hope you enjoy chapter three!

Elizabeth found herself even more tired as she walked home from school than she had been during the morning’s craziness. Then again teaching over a dozen children, who'd rather be out playing, about the laws of gravity could do that. She strolled along at a leisurely pace, enjoying the warm rays of sun on her cold face. Fall had come to Hope Valley, and with it came not only the colorful falling leaves, but also cold breezes, and midnight chills. Only it wasn’t the weather that had occasionally given her goosebumps throughout the day.

Teaching school had offered a bit of a distraction from her current situation, and thankfully she now felt a bit more prepared to face the night ahead. She prayed she was wrong and Bill or someone else had just stopped by while she wasn’t home, therefore explaining the boot prints. Either way staying over at the Coulters for one night wouldn’t hurt. It might even be fun, she decided.

Suddenly the sound of hoofbeats rumbled behind her. She started to turn toward it and found a wild horse charging straight at her.

“Elizabeth, watch out!” A voice shouted and she found herself enveloped in a strong pair of arms pulling her out of the way. Wind whipped her hair back as the speeding horse blazed past her. Yelling echoed off into the distance as the animal galloped away.

Elizabeth panted rapidly, her heart racing. Suddenly she became aware of the deep breathing against her hair. Slowly she looked up and found Lucas’ dark eyes looking back at her.

For a moment she didn’t move, their gazes locked on each other. Lucas’ hands gently yet protectively gripped her upper arms.

“Are you okay?”

His words jolted her from the daze and she found that her hands tightly clutched Lucas’ coat. She quickly released him, stepping back. “Yes. I’m fine.” She brushed her hair from her face, refusing to meet his gaze. “Thank you.”

An uncomfortable silence settled between them. Lucas looked to his feet, then down the road. Elizabeth wanted to say something to break the tension, yet walk away at the same time. She’d known that things had gotten frosty between them. She just didn’t know what to say, or if she was ready to face him.

“So how is…” Both of them started at once.

“I’m sorry.” She stumbled. “You go ahead.”

“No, please.” He motioned for her to go first. Elizabeth gulped.

“So how are things with the oil company?”

Lucas looked away, something crossing his face. “I’m managing the best I can.” Something in his tone of voice made her think things weren’t doing as well as he wanted her to believe. But he continued on before she had time to comment. “How’s the writing coming?”

She smiled bravely. “I finished another chapter.” A thought presented itself, and she found herself asking it before thinking. “You…could read it if you want.” Immediately she wished she could take the invitation back, yet hoped he’d say yes. What was wrong with her today?

Lucas stuck his hands in his pockets, looking to the ground. “Things have been really busy lately. I haven’t had a lot of spare time for reading.”

Elizabeth felt her heart sink. “Oh, I see.” She should feel some relief, but for some reason all she could feel was disappointment. Lucas never had turned down reading her work before. Suddenly the distance between them seemed to grow farther, and she was left reeling.

Lucas seemed to catch her dismay. “But I’m sure it’s great.” He added quick, a sudden lightness taking hold of his voice. He gave her a gentle smile. “I know how talented you are.”

Elizabeth’s spirits lifted slightly, but she could sense he was hiding something. She looked at him softly. “Lucas….is everything alright?”

His eyes dropped again, before looking back at her. “I’m fine.” He nodded to her stiffly, before walking off toward the saloon.

Elizabeth sighed, watching him go. Her heart felt so twisted, and confused. How could someone feel drawn to someone yet want to run away from them at the same time? She never meant to hurt him, and yet couldn’t bring herself to talk to him about it.

Slowly she started toward home again, her confused emotions swimming in her head.


She turned back quick, and found Lucas looking at her.

“You can drop the chapter by the saloon if you’d like. I’m sure I can find some time to read it tonight.”

Elizabeth smiled, warmth filling her chest. Lucas gave a small smile back, before continuing on to the saloon. Elizabeth stood there for a moment, unable to hide her happiness.

Somehow things didn’t seem so hopeless anymore. She started for home again, a grin seemingly cemented to her face.  

Suddenly the wild horse came charging back around a corner, with Nathan chasing after it. Elizabeth gasped, and moved quickly to the board walk. Looking closer she found a woman hung over the saddle, shouting as she was jostled up and down.




“Whoa!” Nathan charged after the runaway horse, watching the poor woman struggling to stay on. The horse must have spooked as she was mounting as she was stuck hanging over the saddle with one foot in the stirrup. She grunted with every bounce of the animal as it fought to free itself of its rider.

“A little…ugh… help?” The woman called fighting to remain atop her steed.

Nathan ran as fast as he could, repeatedly shouting, “Whoa! Whoa boy!”

Suddenly the horse stopped, a wild look in its eye, and reared up. The woman finally lost her grip and with a scream went flying toward the dirt.

“I got you!” Nathan bolted toward her and caught her in his arms. She clung to him tightly, wrapping her arms around his neck in a breath sucking grip. Fighting for air, her rapid breathing matched his, as he held her for a moment, allowing both of them to process what had just happened. Two men managed to catch the horse and began leading it away.

How long had she held on like that? The horse had come charging down Main Street nearly trampling Elizabeth under hoof. Luckily someone had pulled her away, as he never would have been able to reach her in time. Although the fact that it was Lucas who’d wrapped his arms around her made his jaw clench.

Suddenly the woman’s perked up and he came face to face with the brightest violet eyes he’d ever seen. How did someone get eyes like that? As if the color had been extracted straight from a wildflower.

A smile spread across her face. “Thank you, kind sir.” And with a tap of his hat she suddenly released him, jumping down from his arms with a giggle. “That was some ride.”

Nathan worked to regain his composure, eyeing the gathered town’s folk watching them. “Are you…alright, miss?”

“Absolutely.” She brushed down the front of her lavender jacket, letting out a sigh. “I love this part of the west. It’s incredible.”

Nathan stumbled for words as the woman continued to giggle, brushing her extremely windblown hair from her face. It’s rich coffee color only made her eyes shine brighter as she flashed him a smile.

Any other woman would be in tears after an experience like that, or worse passed out in his arms. This girl was exhilarated, even thrilled after her perilous situation. Maybe she was in shock?

She was a tiny little thing. Her head just reached his uniform’s chest pocket. She looked to be no more than twenty-two maybe twenty-three. Nathan studied her face, cocking his head to the side as he looked for any signs of a concussion.

She caught him staring, and raised her brow. “Is something wrong?”

Her words caught him off-guard, her intense amethyst gaze making him stutter. “No. I…ah… I was just thinking…”

She scrunched her turned up nose, waving a hand at him. “I know.” She looked down the front of herself. “I must look a mess. Prairie dust isn’t too kind to any clothes, let alone lavender. I shouldn’t have listened to my friend and just worn the brown suit I’d planned on.”

Nathan quickly tried to correct her. “I didn’t mean…”

“And I really must apologize for falling into you like that.” She giggled throwing her hands out. “I had no idea Daisy was so afraid of snakes. Although it was actually a good thing you were there, or I would have been flatter then that old dead rattler we found a couple miles back that started this whole thing.”

Nathan cocked his head. “We?”

She laughed. “Me and Daisy.” And she jerked her head to indicate her horse now standing at the hitching rail outside the jail.

Suddenly he remembered the end of her statement. “Wait, you rode like that for a few miles?”

Her eyes widened, her voice turning serious. “Once she starts running there’s no stopping her.”

Nathan found that fact in itself worrisome, but he over looked it and pressed further. “Where did you start?”

She shrugged, casually walking toward her horse. “Around that old cabin up the creek a ways. Had this boarded up well, and way too much poison ivy growing on it.”

Nathan’s brows shot up and he followed after her. “That cabin is three miles away.”

The girl, who he still hadn’t found out her name, just smirked playfully patting her horse’s belly. “Like I said. It was quite the ride.”

Nathan’s head was spinning by now. Clearly this woman was suffering from heat stroke or maybe something worse. No one in their right mind could ride a galloping horse on their belly for three miles, much less a tiny woman like her. Nathan glanced toward the Infirmary.

“We have a doctor just up the road. Maybe you should head over to the infirmary to make sure you’re okay, Miss...?”

“Oh, I’m perfectly fine.” She grunted as she worked to untie her bag from Daisy’s saddle, seeming to ignore his request for a name. The crazy looking knot holding it in place looked as if it would take the rest of the day to undo.

Nathan moved to help. “Are you sure about that? Cause I….”

Her head jerked toward him quick cutting him off. “I could actually use your help, if it’s not too much trouble.”

Couldn’t be any more trouble than dealing with her crazy horse, he mused to himself. “Help with what?”

“I’m looking for someone, and I thought maybe you…” Suddenly her face exploded with excitement as her eyes locked onto something passed him. She gasped, clapping her hands together. “Lucas!”

Nathan turned to see a dumbstruck Lucas frozen in the street. His brow raised as he ambled closer. “Jeanie?”

And suddenly “Jeanie” was off and running, leaping straight into a puzzled Lucas’ arms.


Elizabeth’s mouth dropped as the woman launched herself straight into Lucas. She giggled giddily, wrapping her arms around his neck, and lifting her feet off the ground. Lucas nearly fell backwards with her eagerness, but quickly regained his balance and returned her embrace with almost as much joy as she had. “What are you doing here?” He smiled, placing her back on the ground.

“I wanted to surprise you.” She couldn’t seem to stand still, bouncing like the curls dangling from her head. Suddenly her face snapped to Elizabeth, her eyes lighting up. “Is this the school teacher you’ve been writing me about?” The girl quickly dragged Lucas by the hand, as she made her way to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth felt her cheeks flush. He’d written this woman about her? What had he said? And why did she feel such discomfort in seeing this girl hold Lucas’ hand?

Lucas stuttered, his face turning a slight shade of pink. “Jeanie this is Elizabeth Thornton. Elizabeth this is…”

Jeanie stuck her hand out quick cutting him off. “Jeanie Claremont.” Elizabeth slowly reached for her hand, but Jeanie snatched hers up and gave it a hearty shake. “And I have been dying to meet you Elizabeth!” Her eyes danced as she seemed to inspect Elizabeth from head to foot.

“Lucas,” she gushed. “You didn’t do her justice in your letters!” She clasped her hands together gleefully. “You are even prettier than Lucas said you were.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened, as she glanced toward an even redder Lucas. “Really?”

Lucas sort of smiled and winced. Elizabeth didn’t know what to make of all this. She turned back to Jeanie. “How do you and Lucas know each other?”

Lucas opened his mouth to speak but again was cut off by Jeanie. “We’re old friends.” She batted her hand casually. “I’ve known him since he was four years old.” She turned to Lucas, her brow raised. “Right, Lucas?”

He seemed confused for a moment before quickly nodding as he cleared his throat. “Right.”

Jeanie sighed contently. “I can’t wait to finally get to know you in person, although with how much Lucas has already told me, I feel…”

“Why don’t we get you settled in.” Lucas cut in quickly. “I’m sure you’re tired after your long trip.”

Jeanie’s eyes lit up excitedly. “Oh yes! And then I can finally see your saloon!” She turned, looking at the surrounding building. Suddenly she gasped in the direction of the saloon.

“Is that it?” She grabbed his hand and yanked him toward the building. “I can’t wait to get to know you, Elizabeth!” She called as she dragged a helpless Lucas behind her. “I feel like we’re best friends already!”

Lucas looked back at Elizabeth and winced apologetically, before catching up with Jeanie, nearly tripping in the process.

Elizabeth just sat and stared at the pair of them, her mouth hanging open. Bill walked over from the jail, and stood next to her. He crossed his arms watching them leave, his puzzlement mirroring her own. “What did I miss?”

Elizabeth fought for words. “I…don’t know.”

    That's it for today! Thank you all so much for reading! Feel free to let me know what you thought in the comments below or on my Twitter page! Have a wonderful weekend, and God Bless!


  1. Oh.My.Gosh. I am in love with your story!

    This chapter sucked me right in! So glad to see Lucas rescue Elizabeth. And this Jeanie, I love her already! A spunky little addition to the story! Methinks Nathan is a little smitten already, and Elizabeth will be jealous of her and Lucas!

    Love love love it!! Really girl, sooo good!!!

  2. You're so sweet! Thank you! And yay!! I'm so glad you like Jeanie! Thank you so so much for all your kind words and support!!!

  3. Loved it! I was sucked in from start to finish. OMG, that Lucas and Elizabeth moment was intense. I can see those two staring into each other's eyes and forgetting all about their surroundings so clearly. I'm glad that Lucas didn't disappoint her for long and told her he'd like to read her chapter and I like that it had her grinning. I wonder why, Elizabeth...

    Jeanie seems like a wonderful addition to the story and I can't wait to learn more about her and her history with Lucas. I'm always down for a little jealous Elizabeth. Could our Constable Grant be on his way to finding another romance..? *fingers crossed* Excited for the next installment!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And yes, I can't imagine why Elizabeth would be so happy about Lucas reading her chapter.... :D

      I'm also happy to hear you like Jeanie! More to come on her next week! ;) Thank you so much for all your support and feedback! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  4. Oh Div..I missed chapter 2 & 3 reading chapter 1 & 4..so I’m getting caught up!!!..I know Jeanie is Lucas baby sister!!!..she is something else...I know she’s going to be trouble but I look forward to chapter 5 to see what happens!!!..thank you dear friend for your talent..now looking for chapter 2...don’t worry I remember chapter 1 of the break-in..hope you have a wonderful week-end๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  5. I already saw your other comment, but I thought I'd reply here too! I'm so happy you have been enjoying the chapters so far! Jeanie sure is something else. Lol! But I just love the idea of Lucas having not just a sister but a baby sister! So cute!

    Thank you so much for the support and the comment! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!


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