A Moment in Time: The "Spicy" Library Scene

Thank you to @Divine_Lustre for the artwork!

    Welcome Hearties! Now in case you were wondering, no I haven't melted from this laser beam sunshine. (Yet...) But man, has it been HOT!

    Speaking of hot....(Nope. Not going to use that segue. The thought didn't even cross my mind. ;)

    Anyhow, I now come to the topic of this post, which you probably already know by now is another, Moment in Time! This time we are focusing on that super memorable scene, other wise known as the "spicy" library scene between Lucas and Elizabeth. (Thank you Eva Bourne for that title. :)
    This is no doubt a Team Lucas favorite. (Then again aren't all of their scenes? Lol!) And I am now going to attempt to break it down and flesh it out for you all! Now this a shorter post as the scene itself isn't that long. About 42 seconds actually. But the potential foreshadowing, and spark flying that went on make it so worth mentioning.

    So the scene starts off with Lucas unwrapping the string around some new books for the library. (And already I'm going to start a Lucas lecture.)

    I just want to point out the fact that Lucas is still building up the library. He didn't just buy it, help get it started, and then disappear. He continuously works to make it better and better, often out of his own pocket. Books are something that he values and takes joy in. He also knows the importance of a library, as does Elizabeth, and generously offers his time and money to help it grow.

    Okay, I'm done. Moving on Elizabeth then enters, and is obviously surprised to find him there. They exchange a sort of quiet, and slightly nervous "Hi" and "Hello" before Elizabeth happily realizes that Lucas bought more books. (Aww!) He then replies that, "A library can never have too many."

    We then get this sweet little smile out of Elizabeth, before she tells him that she just came to return a few books. And then being the gentleman that he is, he sweetly offers to put them away for her. (And this is one of the reasons why Team Lucas loves this guy! So thoughtful!)

    So she comes toward him, he comes toward her, starts to take the books, and.....(ignition!) The sparks start flying!

    Now this is the really interesting thing I realized as I watched this moment for the umpteenth time. Elizabeth started staring at Lucas first. He's busy taking the books from her, and she's sneaking a look at him while he's not looking! AND....she's giving him the "lip stare" in the process! (Where does your mind go, Elizabeth?)

    Then Lucas looks up, and their eyes lock. They are caught up in the moment, and can't move. And once AGAIN Elizabeth does the "lip stare!" She literally looks from his face to his lips, back to his face and then his lips again!

    And Lucas himself also seems to have this shy/nervous demeanor. My friend pointed out to me that whenever he's shy or nervous he does this sigh thing like when he gave Elizabeth the flowers or when she accepted the tickets to Union City. And he also has this habit of looking down to his feet as well, which he sort of did as he broke eye contact and shyly looked down to the books between them with this little nervous smile. He obviously can feel what's happening between them....and so can Elizabeth.

    Immediately she starts backing away quick in a panicked sort of way, telling him that she'll see him at the wedding. BUT! And this is a big but. Aside from the fact that she can barely get her words past her mouth, she's feeling helplessly for the doorknob and cannot find it. Probably because she's too busy looking at him. Yes. That's right. Her eyes never leave his face until she realizes that she can't find the doorknob. Lol!

    She then opens the door, gives one final nervous smile at him, and she is out of there! End scene.

   This scene is so short, and yet says so much! Why on earth would Elizabeth feel the need to back away from him so suddenly, and then get out of there so fast if she didn't feel anything?

    Here's the funny part. Right behind Lucas you can clearly see Nathan's sign stating, "Do what you are afraid to do." (Thank you for that wonderful little reminder, Constable Grant. Lol!) This is hilarious as obviously in that moment Elizabeth was dealing with her fear. Her fear of opening her heart again. And the guy she just happened to be with in that moment was Lucas. (Snickers happily, while gleefully clapping hands.)

    As always I have to point out that this could mean nothing at all. But isn't that quite the coincidence? Or is it? (Dum dum duuuummm!!!)

    Well, there we have it! This scene may have been less then a minute long, but a lot of emotions were swirling around that room, along with some fiery sparks. Oh, and I also find it funny that the title for the video clip of this scene on WCTH's website is "Help." This probably comes from the fact that two scenes were combined in the clip and the next part was where Florence screams for help after the crook escapes. But I have to say that title seems to work for both scenes. (Wink, wink...)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this scene down below in the comments or on my Twitter page! Have a great rest of your week, and God Bless!


  1. Oh, I love what you said here! Yes, that ever present sign that Nathan made for Elizabeth and the library just hanging there doing it's thing in silence, but saying so much. I have so many favorite LucaBeth scenes, but this one is definitely in my top three.

    We know Lucas is in love, but watching Elizabeth's body language shows that she is quite smitten with him as well, and there is just something about those lips that she can't help but stare at...

    She is scared of falling in love again. It's quite obvious. And I believe her feelings for Lucas are quite strong and that terrifies her. She is definitely drawn to him.

    Thanks for this post, once again you nailed it my friend!


    1. She was totally caught up in the moment and couldn't seem to keep her eyes from wandering. And just the fact that she felt the need to flee like that speaks for itself. She's so scared of her feelings, yet continues to find herself lost in a certain pair of brown eyes.

      I hope this is just even more foreshadowing for a LucaBeth ending! Thank you so much for your support and the comment! As always I look forward to hearing your thoughts! God Bless!

    2. This is one of my absolute favorite scenes as well. I wish it was longer, but I'll take what we got. Now, this is something I like to do with this scene...I like to watch it in slow motion to enjoy every millisecond of it. Maybe that's a slightly embarrassing thing to admit, but I highly recommend it to everyone lol.

      I love the timing of this scene. It happens right after things become "real" and Elizabeth admits to herself that she has feelings for Lucas. It's the most intense romantic moment between them until that point and it happens right after she is completely aware of her feelings for him. We have the scene with the coats at the beginning of the episode where you can see some sparks fly, but this is them confined in the place that has become special to both of them, and the emotions are heightened.

      I wish the camera had been more zoomed out for this, but does Elizabeth hesitate with the books? It appears as though she's so affected by the closeness that she doesn't let go and is busy looking at him. I think that's when he looks up...kind of like he's wondering why she froze...and then he freezes lol. I also love how genuinely confused he is when she backs away. He has the most adorable look when she first jerks back. I was also pleased by the amount of stuttering she does...the whole moment REALLY affected her.

      On the other hand, we didn't see this sort of reaction when she saw Nathan in that episode (who also gave her flowers that we didn't see). It also highlighted for me that they don't have a special place to connect them (and he didn't set foot in the library all season...thank goodness). It all points towards Elizabeth & Lucas for me. Ok, I think I've gushed away a lot more than intended, but I am so thankful we got this wonderful scene!

    3. Good point, Divya! If the camera would have just zoomed out a little bit we might have been able to see what Elizabeth was doing. And slow motion definitely would has helped me actually during the writing process of this post! Oh, well....

      And I didn't even think about the fact that we didn't get a scene like that with Nathan in that episode, just like we didn't get to see E's reaction to his flowers. The closest thing was when he told E that he wasn't afraid of competition but that was right out in the middle of the street, and not an intimate moment in their own special place, which like you pointed out, they don't really have one.

      And man. I didn't realize that he hasn't even been in that library since it's opening! Wow. That's really not good for a guy trying to win a book loving teacher. Lol!

      Thank you so much for sharing and for the comment! Also thank you once again for letting me use your artwork! God Bless!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice analysis! I do love that Lucas is so invested in helping make the library the best it can be. That's very sweet of him.

    I have some thoughts on why Nathan's plaque always seems to hang between Lucas and Elizabeth, but I'll keep then to my Team Nathan self 😂😁

    Great writing, as always!

    1. Dang it!!! I deleted my first draft of the comment because of typos, and there's another one in there. It's supposed to say "them to myself" not "then." Note to self: proofread before commenting!!! Lol🤦‍♀️😅

    2. Oh, no worries, girl! I sometimes accidentally send my messages before they're even done. 🤦‍♀️

      And yes Lucas just continues to make the library better and better! The sweet thing is that I believe he generally cares about the people of Hope Valley, and wants to help. He's just so thoughtful, and really wants to be there for "the town". (Wink wink. Lol!)

      Thanks for putting up with my Team Lucas self. 😁 God Bless!


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