WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 4

    Hey Hearties, and welcome to another Friday! Yes, it's time for me to post another chapter of my fan fiction! I hope you all have been enjoying it so far! Thank you all so much for all of your comments! I love hearing what you thought! You guys have been so sweet and supportive, and believe me it is SO appreciated! Thank you!💗

    Alright, let's get to it. Here's Chapter 4 for you! Enjoy!


Lucas lifted the coffee pot, pouring the steaming liquid into a small china cup. He watched Jeanette, or Jeanie out of the corner of his eye, staring in wonder at the saloon. He’d closed up early and made her rest in a room upstairs until he could talk with her privately. He’d had a sick feeling in his stomach all day as he waited for the last patron to leave.

The last time he’d seen his little sister was when he’d tried to help her escape the greedy clutches of Amos’ corrupt business….and a whole lot of other trouble.

“This place is amazing, Lucas!” She gave a twirl, running her hand over a table. “You were way too modest in your letters.”

Lucas gave a nervous smile as he remembered her statements to Elizabeth. “Was it really necessary to tell Elizabeth all that earlier?”

She smiled mischievously. “A girl always likes to know a man thinks she’s pretty. I was just helping you out.” She patted his shoulder, before walking off to admire a chandelier.

Lucas smirked. “I forgot. This is Jeanette,” He waved his hand out dramatically. “World-famous matchmaker I’m talking to.”

She scrunched her noise, batting his remark away. “Oh, hush.”

Lucas couldn’t help but laugh. Ever since his sister learned to walk, she’d been matchmaking, whether it was a kitten for her mother or a husband for the widow who lived on the end of the street.

“But seriously Lucas this is amazing.” She turned back to look at him, admiration in her eyes. “I always knew you were destined for greatness.”

Warmth filled his chest at the love he had for his baby sister, yet a pang of sadness. He could see the wistfulness in her gaze, and he knew why it was there. “That’s a bit of an exaggeration.” He placed a cup of coffee opposite him, and motioned for her to sit. “But it’s nothing compared to your place.”

“Sure.” Jeanette came and plopped into the chair across from him. “My tiny French café, with three tables, five windows, and lace curtains covered in mold.

Lucas smirked as he plopped three sugars into her cup. “And don’t forget the sunflower wallpaper.”

She laughed, scrunching her nose. “Oh, I hated that stuff.”

Lucas laughed with her, shaking his head. Jeanette could charm the whiskers off a cat, but he knew that something was wrong. And as the smile faded from her face, he knew that she knew that he knew.

Slowly he took a sip from his cup, and placed it back on the table. “What are you doing here, Jeanette? Or should I call you Jeanie?”

She ignored his raised brow. “Since when does it matter what you call me?” She casually reached for the plate of cookies between them.

“Since you’ve hated your nickname ever since I gave it to you.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “People change.”

“You also haven’t used it since you tried to escape Harvey.”

Suddenly her eyes went to the table, her lips pressing tightly together. Lucas felt his stomach twist.

“He’s after you again isn’t he?”

Jeanette traced the rim of her cup. She didn’t need to answer.

Lucas sighed, looking at her gently. “I thought this was over.”

“So did I.” She said softly, picking apart her cookie. “He showed up a little after you left for San Francisco. I told him that I’d already paid him what he was owed, and that I wouldn’t pay him anything more, but….he wouldn’t listen.” Lucas’ fists clenched as he watched his sister fighting down her emotions.

“He said he was going to tell everyone who I was if I didn’t…and…I knew he wouldn’t stop.” Her voice caught as her lip quivered, her eyes shining with moister. “He’d always want more and more money….and I didn’t have any to give him….and nobody wanted to eat in a place that almost burnt down anyway so….”

Lucas’ eyes went wide. “You sold your café?”

She looked at him, a tear running down her cheek as she gave a wobbly smile. “Yeah.”

Lucas felt his heart shatter on the floor beneath him. That café had meant the world to her. It was the first thing that had made her truly happy since her husband had died. He’d spent hours helping his sister fix it up, first after she’d bought it, and then after Amos had burnt half of it down. It had taken every dollar she’d had to make the down payment, and every ounce of strength to keep it afloat. Yet he’d never seen her happier.

“Jeanie…” He covered her hand with his, unsure what to say.

Janette sniffed and bit her lip, but it didn’t stop the tears from falling. Lucas rose from his chair, and pulled his sister into a protective hug. She buried her head in his coat, her shoulders shaking as she allowed herself to cry.

“Why does life have to hurt so much, Lucas?” She mumbled against his chest.

Lucas worked to keep his own emotions at bay. Again, the image of Elizabeth running to Nathan played through his mind. He sighed deeply. “I don’t know.”

“I still miss him, you know.” She sniffed, and Lucas knew she meant Scottie, her late husband.

“I know.” He rubbed her back soothingly, although he couldn’t help the bitterness that came with the thought of that dirty low-life. How he wished he could have saved his sister from the heart ache and betrayal that man had caused her.

“Is that wrong?” She asked softly.

Lucas pushed aside his thoughts of the man. “He was your husband, Jeanie. No matter what he did, it’s not wrong to miss someone you loved.”

Slowly with a sigh she pulled back, her eyes red. Lucas felt his guilt weigh on his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me this was happening?”

“You’d already done so much for me after Scottie died.” She wiped her swollen eyes with the back of her hand. “Up-rooting yourself from your life to come and take care of me, fixing up the café, and chasing the bad guys away. I wanted you to have your own life.” Her head drooped. “And not be burdened with looking after your kid sister forever.”

“Jeanie,” Lucas touched her chin, causing her to lift her violet eyes at him. He smiled gently. “You could never be a burden.”

She gave a wobbly grin. “Thank you. I’ll never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for me.”

He held his hands up. “You owe me nothing. After all you are my favorite little sister.” He couldn’t help but smirk as he reached up and tussled her hair.

She slapped his hand away with a laugh. “I’m your only sister, and I’m not little anymore, thank you very much.” She raised her chin in defiance.

“Sorry?” He squinted, his hand cupping his ear. “I didn’t catch that last part.”

She crossed her arms, raising her brows at him, but she couldn’t hold her grin back. Lucas smiled. All he ever wanted was for his sister to be happy, yet somehow trouble always seemed to find her. Which brought him back to the present situation.

“Does Harvey know you’re here?”

She shook her head quick, reaching for her cup on the table next to her. “Nope, and we’re going to keep it that way.”

Lucas sighed. “You can’t keep running from him, Jeanie. He’ll just find you again.”

She raised her cup to her mouth. “Not if you don’t tell anyone I’m here.”

“Well, with the entrance you made I’d say that everyone knows you’re here.”

“No,” She placed the cup back down. “They know Jeanie Claremont, childhood friend of Lucas Bouchard is here.”

His brow rose. “And when I tell everyone that you’re my sister?”

“Yeah…” She winced, her nose scrunching. “About that…”

“Jeanie…” Lucas’ voice went to his big brother tone, and Jeanette knew it.

“You just have to keep it a secret for little while.” She insisted. “Just until we know Harvey’s not coming after us.”

“Us?” Lucas’ eyes widened. “What do you mean us?”

Jeanie nervously bit her lip. “Well, if he can’t find me it’s only natural that he’d go to you. You’re the only family I have within like a thousand miles.” Her arms flew open wide demonstrating the distance, and he sighed at her drama.

This was just what he needed right now. To be thrown back into danger right as his life was spiraling out of control. And what if Elizabeth got caught in the middle of it again? No, he could never let that happen.

He sighed, his hand running over his jaw. “And what if he does?”

“You just tell him that Janette McElroy is not here.” She smiled hopefully. “And since everyone in town knows me as Ms. Claremont no one will be able to tell him I’m here, and then he’ll just ride off and everything…”

Lucas cut her off, as his mind was still on her first statement. “So, you want me to lie to the entire town?”

She put her hands to her hips determinedly. “It’s not a lie. I am Jeanie Claremont, and we really have been friends since you were four.”

“First off,” he countered. “I was five when you were born.”

She rolled her eyes. “Close enough.”

“And you changed your last name to our mother’s?”

Jeanette looked away. “I was tired of people relating me to the McElroy name. Everyone saying I was just as dirty and rotten as they are.” Suddenly her eyes dropped, her voice softening. “Or were.”

Lucas felt his heart ache for his sister’s pain. He gently gripped her shoulders. “This could all be over if you would just report him to the authorities.”

Jeanette looked to her feet with a sigh, and Lucas knew the answer. She never would. He’d considered doing it himself before but that man had a way with blackmail. The phrase “life or death” changed a person’s plans quite drastically.

Lucas sighed, rubbing his hand over his face. What could he do? He was not okay with deceiving the entire town, especially after finally gaining their trust. Or at least most of them. And what if Harvey did come to Hope Valley? He could never endanger them again like he had with Amos. Especially not Elizabeth.

But he didn’t even want to imagine what would happen if Harvey found Jeanette, and started spreading his lies around. His stomach sank as he realized what he needed to do. He hated to do it, but the most important thing was keeping his little sister safe. He blew out a nervous breath.

“Just for a week?”

Jeanette’s eyes shot to his face, lighting up with hope. “Yes! Just so I know he’s gone.”

“And you promise to tell everyone the truth?”


Lucas winced. He couldn’t believe he was about to say this, but he didn’t see any other way out. “I suppose I could…”

“Yay!” She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Lucas! Thank you! You’re the best big brother ever!”

Lucas hugged her back warmly, but his mind was a juggle of emotions. A good brother would have made sure this didn’t happen in the first place, but it was too late for that. The past was already written for both of them.

Jeanette pulled back, smiling ear to ear. “And don’t you worry. I’ll get a job and pay you for my room.”

Lucas smiled playfully, his hands resting on her shoulders. “Absolutely not. You’re my sister, and the saloon has a rent-free policy for family members.”

Jeanette looked at him in mock seriousness. “And a very fine rule it is. But I’m still paying you.” She patted his chest, grabbed a cookie from their table, and started toward the stairs.

Lucas laughed lightly. “Not a chance.”

Jeanette turned back at the bottom of the stairwell. “So, about Elizabeth.”

“Here we go again.” Lucas mumbled inwardly. He pulled out his pocket watch, and flipped it open. “It’s getting late. We’d better get….”

“Are you two courting yet?” Jeanette asked as she bit into her cookie.

The question caught Lucas off guard yet it shouldn’t have. She was always asking if he was finally in a relationship, yet it didn’t stop the pain from twisting his stomach. Lucas sighed, closing his watch. “No.”

Jeanette’s eyes widened, her hands plopping to her hips “Why not? She’s beautiful.”

Lucas worked to keep his emotions hidden. As if he didn’t already know that about Elizabeth.

Jeanette pressed on. “And if all you’ve told me about her is true then I don’t see…”

“Jeanie,” Lucas steps toward her, holding up his hands. “I know you mean well, but me and Elizabeth are just friends.”

Jeanette rolled her eyes. “Oh, contraire.” She smiled, poking his chest. “I saw the way you were looking at her.”  

Lucas turned her toward the stairs. “Well you’ve always had a vivid imagination.”

“Well, I think that…”

“I just remembered Gustave asked me to check on tomorrow’s menu.” Lucas smiled playfully, giving a slight bow. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Jeanette smirked, crossing her arms. “You can’t escape me that easy, Lucas Bouchard.”

Lucas turned and started toward the kitchen. “Pleasant dreams, Ms. Claremont.”




Lucas slipped out the back door, and started down the dark road. His conscience weighed heavy on him, but still he walked onward.

He loved his sister more than anything. Seeing the pain in her eyes, and feeling her body shake with sobs nearly broke him. He should have done more.

Well, this time he would. He couldn’t stomach the idea of betraying his sister’s trust, but so much was at stake here. And he would not make the same mistake he did last time and risk everyone’s lives. Especially the two women he cared about the most.

No. he was making the right decision. At least he hoped he was.

He walked up the steps to Bill’s office, and gave a light rap on the door. Bill slowly walked over, unlocked the door, and stuck his head out, brows furrowed.

“You’re out late. I would have thought you’d be busy with your guest.”

Lucas took a shaky breath. “That’s….why I’m here….”


Elizabeth fluffed the pillow Rosemary had given her, maybe a bit harder than it needed to be. Her thoughts were a whirl of emotions over last night’s adventure, Nathan’s dinner invitation, and now this mysterious woman Jeanie.

Who was she anyway? Why hadn’t Lucas ever mentioned her before? Of course, that was a ridiculous question.

They’d only known each other for around two years and didn’t spend all their time naming every friend they had. She herself had plenty of old friends from Hamilton that she’d never told him about. Still for an old friend Jeanie and him seemed rather close.

Suddenly Rosemary bustled in, carrying an extra blanket over her arm. “So, this Jeanie person just blazes through town, falls off her horse into Nathan’s arms, and then runs into Lucas’?”

Elizabeth shrugged lightly. “Pretty much.”

“And she claims she’s an old friend of Lucas?”

“She’s known him since he was four apparently.” Elizabeth cringed at the mocking tone in her voice. Was that really her talking?

Rosemary scoffed. “Well, I’ve known old “friends” like her,” She held up her fingers in air quotes. “And believe me they cause nothing but trouble.”

Elizabeth’s brows furrowed, as she tilted her head. “What do you mean?” She should have known that would launch Rosemary off into a story about her past.

“Well, I once was dating a man back in New York, when all of a sudden his “old friend” Colette showed up.” Rosemary rolled her eyes, as she flung a sheet open wide over the bed. “The next thing I knew he was breaking up with me and moving to France with her.”

She motioned her hand off in the supposed direction of the country, disbelief in her voice. Elizabeth swallowed, yet worked to keep a straight face. “Yes, well Lucas and I aren’t dating.”

Rosemary pointed her finger up with a smirk. “Not yet anyway.”

Elizabeth looked at her with a warning glance. “Rosemary…”

“Alright, alright.” Rosemary raised her hands in surrender. “You and Lucas are just friends.”

Elizabeth nodded stiffly. “Thank you.” She knew Rosemary meant well, but she already had enough on her mind as it was. And thinking about Lucas and his “friend” only added to her stress levels, although she wasn’t sure why. At least now they could move onto another topic.

Rosemary continued to arrange the room, smoothing a quilt down over the bed. “So, it doesn’t bother you?”

Elizabeth looked at her in puzzlement. “What?”

“Seeing Lucas with someone else.”

So much for a new topic. Elizabeth sighed frustratingly. “He’s not with her. She’s just a friend.” The fact that she wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince Rosemary or herself bothered her.

She rose quick and walked to Little Jack, who stood playing with Dog in his crib. She gently brushed his blonde strands back on his head. “Besides he’s allowed to have friends outside of Hope Valley.” Her voice came out sounding weak. What was wrong with her?

“A friend who runs and jumps into his arms.” Countered Rosemary.

Elizabeth jerked toward her, her chin lifting with determination. “She was just…” Elizabeth frustratingly fought for the words. “Happy to see him.”

Rosemary’s eyes softened, a small smile forming. “Just like you were to see Nathan?”

The question surprised Elizabeth, and suddenly made her uneasy. The hug she’d given Nathan was very different than the hug Jeanie had given Lucas. Hers had been out of immense relief and feelings she couldn’t quite explain. A thought that still troubled her. Why had she reacted like that to Nathan? And why did Jeanie hugging Lucas bother her?

Before she could answer Bill walked in the room, breaking her line of thought.

“I finished installing the new locks downstairs.” He slapped his screwdriver in his hand, flashing her a reassuring smile. “No one is getting in tonight.”

He’d shown up at the last minute and decided to install new locks in the Coulters’ house and hers. His only explanation was just how he should have replaced those old locks years ago. But Elizabeth couldn’t help but feel like he was acting a bit strange.

She looked at him appreciatively. “Thank you, Bill, but you really didn’t have to go through all that trouble.”

“He most certainly did.” Rosemary bustled over. “You can never be too safe in my opinion.”

Lee then walked in. He scanned the room, clasping his hands together. “Are we all set?”

“Yes.” Elizabeth smiled, overwhelmed with the generosity of her friends. They had sacrificed their time, and energy over and over again for her and Jack. Now they’d even given up a part of their house on the whim of a potential danger. She looked to them, a touch of moisture in her eyes. “Thank you all for everything. It means the world to me knowing I have friends who care so much.”

“You and Jack are more than friends.” Rosemary touched her arm. “You’re a part of our family, and family takes care of each other.”

Lee nodded. “Absolutely.”

“I agree.” Bill stepped forward, looking at her gently. “You should never be afraid to ask for help, even if you’re not sure just what it is you need help with.”

Elizabeth smiled, her heart filling with warmth. If nothing else this whole incident would be worth it just to know what amazing friends she had.

“Well, I’ve got some paper work to finish up in town.” Bill handed the screwdriver to Lee. “I’ll stop by tomorrow and see how things are.”

Elizabeth nodded. “Thank you, Bill.”

He nodded back to everyone, giving a small wave to Little Jack. “Bye-bye.” Jack smiled, giving him a happy wave. Elizabeth laughed lightly, feeling so grateful for the wonderful god-father her son had.

Bill then left down the hall. Placing her hands on her hips, Rosemary surveyed the spare room. “Well, I think that does it.”

Lee covered a yawn. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m beat. I think I’m going to turn in for the night.”

Rosemary smiled affectionately at him. “Okay, darling.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning to walk away.

Rosemary called after him. “Now don’t forget I left an extra blanket downstairs for you in case you get cold.”

He stopped dead in his tracks, and turned back on his heel. “Why would I need an extra blanket downstairs? Our bedroom is up here.”

Rosemary crossed to him, patting him on the shoulder. “Yes, but the couch is downstairs where you’ll be keeping watch tonight.”

Lee’s eyes opened wide. “What? No. I’m not sleeping on the couch.” He motioned his hand toward the stairs. “Bill just installed brand new locks on both doors. We’re perfectly safe.”

“Lee!” Rosemary’s brows shot up. “We have no idea what kind of a vicious criminal we’re dealing with.”

Lee sighed, keeping his voice even. “Rosie, the only way he could get in is if he broke the door down or shattered a window.”

Rosemary nodded taking his hand. “And you will be there ready for him should he do so.”


Rosemary smiled. “Sleep tight, sweetheart.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and started off toward their bedroom.

Lee looked helplessly from his wife to Elizabeth. Biting her lip, Elizabeth tried to give him a look of sympathy. She felt bad about disrupting his home, but still couldn’t quite hold back the giggle that wanted to surface.

“Good-night.” She tried to give him a thankful, yet reassuring smile. Lee sighed in defeat, giving her a faint smirk.

“Night, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth closed the door as Lee made his way downstairs. She crossed to Little Jack, with a shake of her head. Poor Lee.

    And that's all I have for you this week! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to let me know what you thought or what you think is going to happen next in the comments below or on my Twitter page. Like I said I love to hear from you guys! Have an amazing weekend and God Bless!


  1. Bravo!!

    I had an inkling that Jeanie was Jeanette, the widow- but making her his little sister as well, what a surprise!!

    I have thought that Lucas might have a little sister that would show up one day, just a feeling I have, but you brought that to life for me, thank you!

    I absolutely love your story, everything about it. Now I'm wondering how Elizabeth is going to take the chumminess between Lucas and the mystery lady, since she won't know it's his sister.

    You always leave me wanting more!

    Thank you so much! Your story is just about perfect!!

  2. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad to know you enjoyed the chapter! I just love the idea of Lucas having a baby sister! It would be so sweet! Just the thought makes my heart melt! :)

    Thank you so so much for all your support and encouragement! I always look forward to hearing your thoughts! God Bless!

  3. Thank you for another fantastic chapter! You have managed to capture Rosemary so perfectly that I can hear her voice and see her mannerisms in the story. The interactions that she has with Lee are spot on!

    I absolutely love how you have written Jeanie's character, and I love the idea of Lucas having a sister!! I hope he is able to help Jeanie get things safely straightened out, and I'm so relieved that he went straight to Bill for help. He is doing the best thing for everyone involved.

    I am looking forward to next week's installment! #TeamLucas

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy to hear you enjoy it! I'm also glad to know you like Jeanie! I absolutely love the idea of Lucas having a sister too! It would be adorable! Also happy to know Rosemary sounds like Rosemary! That's always good to know. Lol!

      Thank you so much for all your encouragement, feedback, and the comment! God Bless!


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