What Is This!?! (Warning! Spoiler Alert!!!)

    Yeeek! Team Lucas alert! Team Lucas alert! You guys I found something on Instagram that's making me wish this new season for WCTH was here already! (Oh, yeah, and hi guys! Welcome to my blog post!)


    While casually looking at WCTH's Instagram page... Hey, and before you say anything I had a legitimate reason for checking the page, as Brian Bird is supposed to be answering Hearties questions. Anyway, anyway, I caught a glance at a pic on there, and saw Lucas! Now in my general lukewarm no spoiler way, I only caught a glimpse, and moved on. I wasn't sure exactly what was going on or what. Anyhow, I went back yesterday, again looking to see if a response to my (cough) our questions had been posted and then I saw it. What? I saw what appeared to be Hope Valley's beloved school teacher in the same pic! (Dum dum dummmm!)

    "Sure," you say. "She's been in lots of scenes with him." BUT! This picture was answering a question I had had, about another picture, and raising a whole bunch more! Confused? Let me explain.

    Around a week or two ago I came across this here picture on Twitter.

    Now aside from this being a fun pic that raises excitement, but doesn't spoil anything, this here picture got me wondering. Who is she peeking at? And why? Her face is clearly nervous for some reason, whether she's spying on someone or just doesn't want whoever to see her. Anyhow I let it go, and kinda forgot about it for awhile.

    THEN!! Yes then... I found (thumps desk in a drum roll...) this picture!

    Oh yeah! She be peeping at no other than the well-dressed man himself! (Proceeds in happy dance) To be clear, I don't have concrete info saying that these pictures are from the same scene. I just found them separately, and saw that it really looks like it's from the same scene. Just thought I'd clarify. :)

    Now as you'd expect... I. Have. Questions. She's seems to be hiding from him, like she doesn't want him to know she's there. Why? Did something happen the previous day, that's made her nervous? Is she spying on him? I'm not sure why she would be, seeing as though he's not going to say much to his book. Speaking of which, can we just give a nod to that fact? I never see anyone in that town just simply reading a book somewhere. Shows his personality, and his hobby.

    His face also looks like he was reading, and looked up because he thought he saw someone. (AKA Lizzy) It looks very much like a humorous scene!

    Now as for Elizabeth maybe, just maybe could she be nervous because Lucas actually, maybe, very possibly made an advance towards her the last time they spoke? Is she nervous to be around him because she realizes that she feels something for him? Or could he actually have asked her for a coffee date!?! (Jaw drops)

    Deep breath... OOookkaaayy. Now to bring myself to reality. Well, actually there is a chance that any one of these could be the reality. Who knows? All I can see is that she's peeking around the corner, and apparently hiding from him for some reason.

    This makes me even more excited for this new season, and happy! I laughed when I looked back and forth from these two pictures. What were the chances that my hopes would be fulfilled and she'd actually be peeking at Lucas? Okay, my chances were actually higher with this whole love triangle thing, but still this makes me really happy!

    What kind of fun, sweet, or humorous scenes await us this coming season? It's only 23 more days! And to think not too long ago, we were all lamenting over the long wait after the season ended. Okay, yeah, lets be serious. The wait is always really, REALLY long. But it's almost here!

    Thanks for reading! Do still feel free to post a comment below even with my lack to respond. I'm still planning on posting all my responses to your past comments in a separate post so maybe I'll be able to answer you then. Then you can comment on that post, and so on. Really, though, I'm going to get this figured out one way or another so please hang in there!

    Also you can comment on my tweet for this blog post too if you'd like! Either way I'm grateful for your love and support! Thanks so much for reading! God Bless!


  1. Love this..team Lucas all the way..maybe it is Elizabeth's book that Lucas is reading?? He is helping her with her writing..maybe he will help get it published 😉

  2. team nathan maybe he is just reading one of pages from the book

  3. I read this when you posted it .. but was working on the ambulance and we got called out when I was almost done the blog. Just getting back to re-reading it.
    I am soooo excited that you've made the connections in pictures, bc I think you've nailed it!
    #TeamLucas ..


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