WCTH Episode Review: Home For Christmas

    Happy new year everybody, and welcome to 2020! This past year has been the start of some fun things for me with my blog, and merch shop, and am so grateful for you guy's love and support! I'm also grateful for how God has blessed me with all this, and pray that He continues to!

    By the by, sorry this post is a bit later than usual.

    Now, let us move onto the topic of today's post, and what everybody is talking about. Yes, you guessed it, WCTH's S7 Christmas Special!!! (WHOO HOO!!!) I had waited SO LONG to see this, and I have so much to talk about! Really, there was a lot that happened in those 84 minutes, and I even considered splitting this review into two parts. Instead I figured I'd just give you all a very long post. Hope you enjoy it, and on that note let's dive in!

The Festival


    First off we have the obvious. Lucas' grand Christmas festival tops off all previous Christmases in Hope Valley. That guy went above and beyond to make Christmas special for everyone, and I think we all know why he did it. His absence of an answer to Henry kind of speaks louder than if he'd actually given one. It even says in the episode description that he did it to impress Elizabeth, and that he did.
    He even hung some mistletoe in the saloon. Maybe he was hoping the Christmas season would bring them closer together. Well, it did, yet it didn't which brings me to my next topic.


Elizabeth & Nathan

    (Sigh) Alright, I'm just going to come out and say it. I. Was. Disappointed.  This being on more levels than one. Okay where to start...

   First off, I'm sorry Brian Bird, but no matter how much you stuck Elizabeth and Nathan together in this episode it did not change my mind. In fact, if anything it only convinced me more that I'm Team Lucas. I just...I just don't feel it between them, not in the way that I want to anyway.
Elizabeth seems to always be uncomfortable around Nathan, and I totally understand why. First off he's a Mountie like her late husband was, and so I'm sure that brings back a lot of painful memories. Secondly, she seems to have some feelings for him (whatever they may be) and that makes it difficult for her to be around him.

    Either way, even if I leave Elizabeth out of this, Nathan still has some work to do. Now I saw him in WHC and I noticed an improvement in his character. He was funny, witty, and happy. Then he went back to Hope Valley, and everything changed. He went right back to being grumpy, and boring. He lost that charisma that made me laugh, and it's sad.
    He and Lucas also are still at square one. Lucas makes conversation in the mercantile (granted it was him kinda bragging) and what does Nathan do? Again, he's rude, and bad mouths Lucas. Now if he doesn't like crowds, and it has something to do with his past then it's more forgivable. Yet, later on as he's gathering food for Lucas, he can't seem to help saying something negative about him.
"Leave it to Lucas to run out of food." Really Nathan? He either has been really hurt in his past, or maybe their interest in the same woman has something to do with it...
    Speaking of which, I don't really agree with Elizabeth's anger at Nathan for not telling her about the promotion. They aren't that close of friends, and Nathan wasn't obligated to tell her anything. Yet, she seemed very upset to the point of tears over it, which sadly for me would seem to indicate her feelings for the guy. However, with Nathan being a Mountie, maybe just the thought of another Mountie going away really struck a chord in her. It probably reminded her of when Jack went away, and that has to be very, very hard.
    In the end the main thing that I noticed about Elizabeth and Nathan was that the writers seemed to put them together a lot this episode. Things really seemed to be progressing fast between them, and I don't like it. (Crosses arms, and wrinkles nose like a five year old.)


Carson & Faith

    So close, yet so far! Man, these two went through a lot in the span of a day or two. But all ended well, and I actually felt a bit more chemistry between them! (YAY!) They're reunion was sweet, and you can see that they really care about each other. Maybe another proposal is in the distant future?

    By the way, good try hiding the baby bump, but I can definitely still tell that she's pregnant. She even had this little waddle as she went to run and hug Carson! Lol


Lucas' New Friends

    Awww! He's made some friends! Lucas has officially found his footing, and is now a part of the Hope Valley family. Now he's got his own little circle of friends, and they are some of the Hearties' favorites! Gowen and Team Classe! Now they can all eat pancakes together, and be merry! And Jesse and Lucas finally buried the hatchet. Now Jesse and Clara can have one less problem to worry about.



    Welcome Walter to the Hope Valley family! He is a very nice young man, and so optimistic. He's a role model to us all. Even though he wasn't rich, and he wasn't selling any brushes, that didn't keep him from smiling all the time. He was just working hard and enjoying life. (It's a shame his product didn't work better. :(
    Now, sadly for a bunch of Hearties, Walter will not be returning once Season 7 starts in February. An ET article said so, and so that was the first and last time we will be seeing him for awhile. However there is always a chance that he could show up in When Hope Calls. (That is if they finally will give it a second season!) Maybe he'll come back some day. Well, until then, Walter, keep on being you!


Elizabeth & Lucas


    For a moment...all was right in the world. The moment Lucas and Elizabeth gazed into each other's eyes in the moonlight as the paper lanterns flew away...it was just right.
   Okay, now onto my actual thoughts. Well, actually that is kinda how I feel. ONCE AGAIN, I'm very bias in my opinion because I like Chris McNally more then Kevin McGarry, but Lucas and Elizabeth just give me the feels! When they were standing in the street while the lanterns floated by there was a moment that reminded me of Elizabeth and Jack.

    Elizabeth turns to him and asks, "How did you do this?" Lucas then replies, "I had help." It totally reminds me of when Jack first showed Elizabeth the church he'd built for her!
    Anyhow, we got some more sweet moments between the two of them, and (Wait for it...) learned more about Lucas' past! Yes! Turns out he's traveled the world! Germany, China, Japan, man this guy got around. Also turns out that his parents were busy people and weren't always around as much as he would have liked. (Awww! Poor Lucas!) This helps me further understand his character, and adds some more spice to him.

   Yet, despite all my hope, the writers did the exact thing I did not want them to do. During that last scene with Elizabeth and Lucas talking in the saloon, and Nathan sees them and walks away pitifully...(Tsk, tsk, tsk...) I got very high friend zone vibes. FRIEND ZONE. (Sniff...Why, Alfonso? Why?) I still say that Lucas has a chance. If the writers, (cough) decided they want Elizabeth with Lucas then it's still totally doable. It's just not looking to good for him right now.
    The sad thing is that the love triangle doesn't seem very even anymore. It's like she's already chosen Nathan. It's not as exciting now going into the rest of the season, because it really looks like she's going to end up with him instead of Lucas. I guess it's nice to know in advance so I'm not as disappointed during the finale, but still...

   On a brighter note, you can't ignore the enormous smile Elizabeth gave Lucas in the saloon before the floating lanterns. I mean, look at her! Her face lit up at the sight of him, and even other times she just gets this super happy, and sweet smile whenever Lucas is around.
   These two are just cute together. I mean, just look at the glances they give each other, and tell me they aren't meant to be together!

    I'm really, really, REALLY hoping that there's going to be some kind of plot twist. You know, where they make it look like she's going with Nathan, but then in the end she goes with Lucas. (WCTH writers please hear my plea!)


Lee & Rosemary

    Man... It really looked like Rosemary might have found out she was pregnant. She was holding coffee and everything! It would have worked so well for her to become pregnant during the Christmas Special as then she could be close to her due date once the rest of the season started. Well, they can always still adopt.
    I really appreciated it when she told Elizabeth that she didn't have to tip-toe around her when the subject of children came up. I would definitely feel the need to, but she's trying to handle this with grace and a smile. Rosemary has come so far, and her and Lee will make great parents whenever the time comes. Hopefully sooner than later!


Baby Jack's Birthday

    Wow! Hickham you are an amazing woodworker! And how cute was Baby Jack as he was playing on it? He rocked it! (Excuse the pun, please.) And be honest, how many of you cried when he finally said his first word? I wasn't sure what it would be, and it would have been really tear jerking if he would have said Daddy, or Pa. Mama was a good one.

    Now, please do not take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure that Baby Jack being born the day before Christmas was the wisest move. Now the Christmas Special will also be known as his birthday. It's fine for now, but I'm hoping it doesn't get old. Either way, he is adorable, and I'm interested to see what's next!



    We didn't learn a lot about Fiona in this episode, but we did get a nice story from her past abut her Grandpa roasting chestnuts. We also got to see what a sweet friendship she has with Florence. Those two have really bonded over their whole experience at the telephone, and now have this wonderful connection with each other. I also think that they both love some good gossip, so that makes them perfect friends. (And I think your gift was not Florence taking home her work Fiona, so you can rest easy about that!)


Where's the Wedding???

    I have to ask this question, especially since I wanted it to happen in this episode. WHERE'S THE WEDDING!?! Jesse and Clara didn't even mention the fact that they're getting married. If I hadn't seen S6's finale I wouldn't even know that they are engaged.
    It's not a huge deal, it's just a bit strange. I'm also sad that they didn't have the wedding at all during the Christmas Special as I think it would have been the perfect time to. They could have been married by the end of the episode, and then have came back from their honeymoon once the season started in February. Oh, well...


Nathan & Allie

    My goodness! How much did you grow since I last saw you Allie? She's becoming a young woman with lip stick and everything! Anyhow, she had one whirlwind Christmas, that's for sure! Although you have to applaud her for her response to Nathan after finding out that they had to leave. She could have thrown a fit, or ran crying, but she didn't. She kept a stiff upper lip, and answered respectfully. The poor girl! She couldn't help tearing up then, and during the choir's Christmas performance.
    Luckily Elizabeth knocked some sense into Nathan's head, and he gave her the best Christmas present ever, a home. And that girl deserves it! Now her and Nathan can enjoy their holiday traditions, and start lots more. That charm bracelet was a very sweet gift, and even the pot of dirt was. (Once he explained what it was... Lol!)


The Glare

    Really? Again? Nathan wants to see Elizabeth, finds her with Lucas, and then pitifully walks away. Again.
    This is going to get old. Now, Nathan just seems like he has a hard time expressing his feelings, and that is a very sweet and sad thing. However, he needs to open up. We need to know what happened to him in his past, and he needs to finally muster up the courage to tell Elizabeth how he feels. It hasn't been that long, (episode wise) and so he still has time, but he keeps running out with each sad stare.

 Bill's Present

    Okay, this one got to me. The whole compass was sweet enough, but just hearing those three words made it so much more emotional.

    "It was Jack's."

    Man... That just does it. That was not only a present for Baby Jack, but also for Elizabeth. She now has yet another memento of her beloved late husband. That was such a selfless act on Bill's account. That had to have so much meaning to him, but he decided it would be better for Jack's son to have it. Oh, Bill you big softy!

    I'd also like to take a moment, and discuss some comments I saw on Facebook regarding Elizabeth and Bill. Apparently due to the hug pictured above, and some other moments between the two, some people think that Elizabeth should be with Bill. Now I will not go on some lengthy lecture or tirade. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is just my own...

    No. They are bonding as friends over the death of a loved one. They are not falling in love. He's also 60, so no. Just no.

Random Thoughts

    There is just SO MUCH to talk about in this episode. Here are a couple more random thoughts.

    Mountie Patrick came back! I was so surprised when he walked on screen! It was a fun call back, and hopefully we'll get more surprises like that this season! 

    One of my favorite lines from this episode is something you might not expect. Clara tells Lucas that they're running out of food, and that Hickham is eating the last of the pot roast. Everybody then begins eyeing him, and he scoops up his food and carries it away. This itself is funny, but it was Lucas assuring Hickham that he's not going to take his food that makes me laugh. The scene would have been fine without it, but just the fact that he said what everyone was thinking is a really fun touch.

    Gowen is becoming quite the softy, isn't he? We can now see that he actually has a good heart, and wants to help others. Hurry up WCTH writer and give him a love interest already!
    I was curious when I saw them using paper plates during the festival. I wasn't sure if they'd been invented yet, or if they were used for events like this, so I looked it up. According to Answers.com the paper plate was first used in 1904, so we're good! (That is if the info is correct. Never know with these things.)


    In the end, it's one of my favorite Christmas Specials so far. I was very disappointed that Elizabeth seemed to choose Nathan, but there's still some hope for Lucas.

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page. (Blog comments will be answered via email.) God Bless!

    P.S. My shop will be having a sale Jan. 8th - 11th  20% off EVERYTHING! Click here to take a look!


  1. I wonder if Nathan's walking away every time he sees Elizabeth with Lucas harkens back to his potential abandonment issues with his father. I'm guessing that his father's thieving ways meant he wasn't a good dad, and Nathan probably has a hard time putting himself out there because he's experienced rejection from the one person you should never have to receive it from, making it doubly hard to talk to Elizabeth when he thinks he's losing her to Lucas. I read that his father will be making an appearance in Hope Valley this season, so that should be interesting! Maybe it'll be the catalyst Nathan needs to put his past behind him and move forward with Elizabeth.

    I totally understand your hope for a plot twist where Elizabeth ends up with Lucas -- I'd be feeling the same way for Nathan if the episode had been leaning toward a Lucas/Elizabeth romance. But man, it would be a hard blow if that happened for us Nathan fans. I've experienced that before in a novel series, where it leaned toward one couple then went and slammed everyone with an ending with the other guy, and that hurt big-time. I'd be very disappointed if the writers pulled a plot twist like that on us. It would be very un-Hallmark-like. I'm actually re-watching the series, and just finished season one. This current "triangle" is giving me Jack-Elizabeth-Billy vibes from season one, or even Jack-Elizabeth-Charles from season two. I liked Charles a lot, and I like Lucas a lot (especially after the Christmas episode), just not for Elizabeth. Isn't it strange how certain people feel the chemistry between Nathan and Elizabeth while others feel it between Lucas and Elizabeth? I'm still trying to figure out why the writes had the goal of dividing Hearties between Nathan and Lucas -- someone's going to lose, and about half of the fan base will be disappointed. Seems like a strange move on the part of the writers.

    Speaking of writers, I always enjoy reading your blog posts! You are an incredible writer and most definitely have a gift for it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! (And Henry's redemption story arc...ahhhh!!!!! So amazing!!!). God bless you in this new year.

  2. i am team Nathan but who every she picks i will be happy for her to be with Nathan he has to speak up more Lucas remines me of charles to much and i didnt care for him at all and i would love to see henry fall in love well that is all and i love reading your blog so amazing


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