Only 30 More Days!

    It's...oh wow...this season...season''s almost here!!! Yes sirree, only 30 more days to go, and we shall hopefully get to the bottom of this love triangle. I'll go insane if they carry it out any longer! But I'm also really excited to see what happens, and that my favorite show is finally coming back! (YAY!)
    I really wish the wait wasn't SO long, but it is what it is, and IT'S ALMOST HERE! (Clears throat.)

    So I do have a piece or two of Season 7 news to share, but this is all stuff that I've heard from other people, so don't think I have some secret WCTH Intel or something. (Wouldn't that be something though!) You can probably read it all through ET's articles which I will list below.

    Now I say probably, because I've kinda avoided reading most of this stuff. I may have skimmed a bit through one, but I really don't want to spoil the plot, so I've had to restrain myself. (It's okay...gasp...only a few more weeks...gasp.) So if you don't want to take my word for it (And I wont be offended if you don't) you can go through the articles yourself, and see what they say. Here's one!


    (Also please don't tell me any spoilers in the comments or on Twitter. I'd like to be surprised.)

    First off someone commented to me that Nathan's dad is supposed to make an appearance! (Mic drops) Oh, boy is that going to add some drama! This should be very, VERY interesting. How will this play out? How will Nathan act? Will they play his father off as redeemable, or is he still a crook?
This will be an essential thing for Nathan's story, and possibly Elizabeth's depending on how this plays out. And let's not forget about Allie too!

    The whole reason Nathan is who he is is because of his father's cheating ways. (Or whatever his father did.) If his father comes back as redeemable, than Nathan is going to have to find a way to forgive him. Or harder yet, if he comes back as a criminal Nathan will have to work to find forgiveness despite everything! (Poor Nathan :(

    I also heard another Heartie say that Elizabeth is going to continue her writing. Here is the article I believe she got it from.

    I'll say this, she sure has a lot to write about now! I'm interested to see where this goes, and what both suitors have to say about it. I imagine they'd both be very supportive. (Although Lucas is the book lover so...)
It would be really sweet if Lucas helped Elizabeth achieve her dream of being published like Jack did. (Just saying...)

    Finally here are a couple of pictures I found online for you all to enjoy! You all may have already seen them, but I thought I'd post them here too.

    These two :D The most unlikely best friends! (Really, how crazy is it to say your best friends with your late husband's ex-fiance?)

    Erin Krakow posted this herself as a little teaser for us all! I wonder what she's talking about? (Or who she's talking too...)

    And last but not least we have pirate Lucas! Lol! It's a fun picture with this greatly beloved cast! (And Deidre Behar who gives us our inside scoop!)

    Well, it wont be too long before Season 7 will begin. And sure to come with it will be a boat load of romance, drama, and a WHOLE lot of talk from us Hearties! :) Have a great weekend!

    Thanks so much for reading! Please feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered via email.) God Bless!


  1. Shoot, I mentioned Nathan's father...sorry about that! I didn't mean to spoil anything. Really looking forward to this upcoming season. It's looking really good!


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