For My Readers: About Comments

Hey everyone! Just wanted to explain about the lovely comments you've been sending me, and the lack of replies. Something doesn't work right with Blogger (the blog site I use) and so I haven't been able to respond to you guys by simply replying to your comments. I had read that I could just email a response since I get email notifications whenever you guys comment, and that's what I've been doing for the past months.

However it appears that that doesn't work, to my dismay. I feel bad that you all have been commenting, and it looks like I've never responded to any of you! I truly have been. Please forgive me.  

So to fix this, I'm thinking I'll put out a separate blog soon for you guys, listing your comments, and the responses that I emailed to you. I'm sorry if you guys thought that I never responded, because I really do. I enjoy hearing what you guys have to say, and I've gotten some really nice comments! I really appreciate that you guys enjoy my blog, and that you take the time to comment. I'm going to be looking into this problem and trying to fix it.

Until then I'm thinking of a way to respond to you guys. Maybe once a week I'll put out a response post or at the end of a post I'll write my responses to you guys. Or maybe I'll just set up an email for you guys to use. Either way sorry for all the confusion. Again I really appreciate the comments, and your support! Thank you all SO much! God Bless!


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