Love's Enduring Promise Movie Review

Found photo on Rotten Tomatoes. I don't know who owns it.   
    Welcome back everyone! The premiere date for WCTH just gets closer and closer every day! (As it should because that's how days work.) This has to be one of the most anticipated seasons yet! Now until that day comes when all the reviewing and chatting shall ensue, I thought I'd review some of the Love Comes Softly movies. I'm also reading through the books now, and so I now can see how different or similar they are.

    Last week I did the first, and so it only makes sense that next I'd do the second! WCTH? :)
This movie I may actually like better than the first. The story with Missie and Willie is fun, and the whole love triangle adds to the drama. (I wonder where Michael Landon Jr. got the idea for WCTH? :)

    We also got to see more of Clark and Marty's story which was nice. Overall this was a fun, but emotional movie. (Willie's story is SO SAD!!!) Now without further ado let get onto the review!



    We have Clark and Marty once again, which they're not too different, and even more in love. (Except for Clark's much longer hair!) But this time we got to see the sweet relationship that Clark has with his daughter Missie. He just loves that girl to bits, and it was so hard for both of them when the time came for Missie to leave with her new husband Willie.😭 Speaking of that guy...

    Found photo on Rotten Tomatoes. I don't know who owns it.

    Willie has such a heart breaking story. First, with his little brother dying right in his lap, and then with his father who can't forgive his son. (Oh Willie!) That whole story with his brother is total tear jerker stuff! He has so much emotion pent up inside, but you can see the good and kind heart he has. He's quiet, thoughtful, and sweet. (He's been carrying Missie's hair ribbons around while he's a grown man for goodness sake! Sigh, isn't it romantic?)

   Found photo on Rotten Tomatoes. I don't know who owns it.
    And now onto Missie. Some people may not agree with me, or maybe they feel the exact same way (I don't know) but this was not my favorite portrayal of Missie. January Jones just didn't work for me sadly, which I really wish she would have. (Please forgive me January Jones, and anyone who loved her in that role.)
    Now happily for me (and anyone who agrees with me) Erin Cottrell was cast to play Missie in the next FOUR movies, and I'm much more satisfied with her playing Missie. However all that aside, January still kept some of that fire and spunk Missie had in the first movie, and I will continue to watch it despite everything I just said.
Found photo on Rotten Tomatoes. I don't know who owns it.
    Last (and kinda least this time) was the other half of this love triangle, Grant Thomas played by Mackenzie Astin. My, oh my, did he show his true colors. He started off so intrigued, and polite to Missie. He didn't give up when she didn't show for their lunch date (although he almost did) and went after her. Turns out though he's just a wealthy man with a head full of hot air. He couldn't believe that someone would turn him, and his money down, but that fiery Missie sure showed him! (Yeah, girl!)


    The scenery didn't change a whole lot, we just got to see more of it. From the town, to Clark's fields again everything worked well for the period. It helps transport you into another time and place, which is fun!



    We had a couple "couples" to rate chemistry wise. Clark and Marty again work well together. They love each other and would do anything for them. Poor Marty had to go through Clark's infection, including looking at that nasty leg! (Yuck!) It really looked like Clark was going to die which would have been terrible! (For the viewers, and Marty!) She was terrified of losing another husband, but thankfully Willie came along, and everything turned out alright!
    Now for Missie and Willie. Despite my dislike of the actress playing her, Missie and Willie worked fine together. They had a sweet story,  Again, since I don't care for Missie in this movie, I have more of a poor opinion of their chemistry, but for other people who like her then they may say that they had good chemistry. (Although I do wonder if the parents were okay with that game of "kissing musical chairs" :D
    Finally we have Grant and Missie. Now (please don't start throwing tomatoes at me) I'm thinking that had Erin Cottrell played Missie in this movie, and January Jones played another character, I might have liked to see January married to Grant. I think they may have worked together, if the guy been such a rich snob. If he was a sweet and caring guy watching him love her could have been sweet. Alright I'd better stop here before I'm mobbed. (Please comment your thoughts on this matter!)


    And finally we come to one of the most important parts of a movie in general, the overall story. This one caught my interest with Willie, and his story. He was this mysterious cowboy, who didn't say much, but had a good heart and saved Clark's life. And as I said earlier his whole story with his brother and father is just very very sad.
    Another thing is that we had multiple story lines going on this time. It wasn't just about Marty finding her way, although that does make for a good story too. But we had Clark with his injured leg, Missie and her suitors, and Willie with his father and grief. There was multiple things going on and each was interesting.
    Now of course a good old triangle can draw in a crowd. (We all know this quite well, don't we Hearties?😂) I can find the, "Oh I saw her with the other guy, so she picked him and not me" story a bit frustrating at times, but where would the drama be without it, right? (I'm looking at you Nathan.)

    Also the relationship that Clark has with his daughter is touching, and sweet. He was so sad to see her go off with her new husband, and didn't want to let her go.

    Overall, I enjoyed it. It was fun, sweet, and very dramatic! If you have any blog ideas, or movies you'd like to see me review let me know in the comments!

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below, or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

Note for my readers: Since my blog wont allow me to comment directly to your comments without some research and fixing I try to respond by email. Only problem is I never know if any of you have received them. If you could just let me know in the comments that you have it would give me such peace of mind. I enjoy reading your comments, and want you to know that I do respond to most of them. Thanks! (Boy I have a lot to say about comments this post! Lol!)


  1. Oh my, I'd completely forgotten about the love triangle in this movie! For some reason I had it in my head that Willie concealing his identity and calling himself Nate/Nathan was the biggest plot point. Totally forgot about Grant (which shows how much I didn't like him...haha!). I agree with you, I much preferred Erin playing Missie. Didn't care for January's take on it. And Clark and Marty were so sweet. Have you finished reading the book? If so, how do you think they compare? It could be fun to see some blog posts on how the movies compare to the books, but there would have to be "spoilers warnings" everywhere, lol. To answer your blog comment question, I don't know if you've ever tried to respond to mine, but I've never gotten any. Hope that's helpful.


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