When Hope Calls Episode Review: Where Hope Goes

    Sound the trumpets, and blast the confetti cannons! The time has come for me to review the FINALE of When Hope Calls. I'm going to miss having a new episode to watch every week, but at least it went out with a bang! (Literally.)   
    I really have enjoyed this show, and it's been nice to have something to watch while I'm waiting for WCTH to come back. I'm not going to say anything else for now, and save my thoughts on the series as a whole for my future post. Let's just dive right into the review!


Lillian's Protectors

    Oooo Lillian, what a lucky lady you are. Now you not only have two admirers, but now one has been assigned as your loyal protector. If only you knew you were being protected.
    Now I have quite a few things to say about this whole thing, starting with how Gabriel so directly asked Lillian to breakfast. Wow! You go man! It wasn't for any specific reason other than the fact that he wanted to, which is wonderful. That is, until Sinclair poked his nose in of course!
    Not only did the dirty scoundrel have the nerve as to shake her hand, but then he goes and threatens Gabriel saying he might hurt her! (For sshhaammee!)
    The interaction between Gabriel and Sam in this episode was great. Sam was like, "Are you serious?" when Gabe asked him to guard Lillian, and I love what Gabriel told Sam afterwards.

    "Do you think I'd be asking you if it wasn't?" Lol! 
    He clearly voiced how he dislikes the guy for the first time, and right to his face. Yikes! They both obviously know that the other guy is interested in Lillian. (Ring any bells, Hearties?) Yet this shows how much Gabriel really cares for Lillian. If he's willing to ask his competition to protect the girl he likes, that says something.

    As for the center of the men's attraction, she was not pleased. After the whole thing was over she was mad at both of them, and this is the part I don't totally get. Why would she be so mad at them? The one cared so much about her that he assigned her a bodyguard, and the other was willing to take on that responsibility and keep her safe. AND he even admitted to her that he has feelings for her!!! (Mic drops)
    Maybe this has to do with Lillian's past. Maybe someone she cared alot about kept secrets from her, or wasn't trustworthy. Maybe she was upset that for once this was all out of her control. Maybe she's afraid of losing someone or it being her fault they get hurt. Who knows?
    That's where we are at folks. That is where the writers have left us and the story. They are practically making us beg for a second season! Why!?! Everyone loves the show so I'm sure they'd have no problem getting it renewed for another year. Then again, where would we be without the drama?
    I'm just sad that I have to possibly wait a whole year before I find out if Gabriel and Lillian finally become a couple. And that's only if we get another season! #meandyou4season2



A Hand to Hold

    How could I forget this? How could I forget about Helen’s parents and the ship fire that killed them? It all makes sense now! Of course she doesn’t want to get on that boat!
    Grace made such a loving and bold move to accompany her all the way to LONDON! Back then traveling wasn’t as easy, or as pleasant as it can be today, so it was even more of a leap. Jocelyn Hudon shows such emotion when she acts that you can see the struggle and what she’s feeling just by watching her face. For so long she's wanted to be loved and apart of a family, and now once she’s finally got it, she has to leave it. For Helen, it's almost the same thing, only she's leaving to finally be reunited with her long lost Grandpapa.  
    Miss Lillian gave Grace a tear filled goodbye TWICE even though she didn't want the children to see her "breakdown" which she didn't, but she wasn't very happy, though.
    Let me also say kudos to the children for their singing! Definitely a bittersweet touch to the moment.

Sitting Ducks

    And Nathan Grant is back again! Before I get into this part of the story I just want to say something first. Now do not take this statement to mean that I've dramatically switched teams or anything, because you'd be dead wrong. I'm so Team Lucas that my poor heart is going to be in an awful tizzy if Elizabeth doesn't pick him. (Would I sound crazy if I told you I've been praying for it?)
     Anyhow, the point I was going to make is that I'm really enjoying Nathan's personality in When Hope Calls. When he was in WCTH I found him more boring, and a bit grumpy at times. Now the writers have spiced him up and given him this funny, cocky, one liner throwing side that's fun to watch and really helped make his character even better. His one line this episode, and the inspiration for this segment's title, is one of my favorites!
    Anyhow, back to the plot. Gabriel sure was willing to risk it all to catch this guy. He was setting up this whole plan to catch Sinclair, which Nathan did not agree with. However, Sinclair found out that the bait was fake, and decided to take matters into his own hands.
    He waited around a corner, and...ALMOST SHOT NATHAN!!! (Silence falls)

    Okay can we just take a step back and think about this for a moment. Nathan was almost shot. He could have died, and Hope Valley would have lost it's Mountie again! Can you imagine if Elizabeth had been his beau at the time, or had danced with him instead? She would have had a heart attack or possibly heart break if the Mountie she loved hadn't come home again. (Exhales deeply) Okay, Just thought I'd share that with you all. 😁
    Now let's not forget the Gabe could have been seriously injured or worse as well, but his sharp eye caught Sinclair's reflection just in time. Then his fast Mountie feet carried him across the boardwalk, and he caught him! Hooray Gabriel! And good job to Nathan for catching the other guy! (But seriously, hanging out with Gabe seems to be pretty hazardous to your health.)
    However, during the struggle for Sinclair to get the gun we had a surprising turn of events which brings me to my next topic.


Working with the Mounties

    Tess was in on this the whole time!!! (Dum, dum, DUM!!!) This whole thing was confusing to me at first, as there was nothing that indicated that she was working with Gabriel. It was kind of just sprung on me, with no clues as to what was going on. In the end, though, it's nice that she was on the good guys team! She must have lied to Ronnie about lying to Gabriel, or something. Like I said, I was very confused and still am a bit.
    Ronnie seemed to get the worst of the bargain. Oh you poor soul! That door hit him so hard, that it re-broke his nose! But he must be so happy and relieved now that he's free at last, (And for goodness sakes lady, leave the poor man's nose alone!)


Chuck Says Goodbye

    YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...etc. FINALLY!! The moment I've been waiting for all season long! Team Chace (Chuck and Grace) finally kissed. However, before that, we had quite a few bumps along the way. The air was totally not cleared from their last encounter, and now Chuck isn't even eating at the hotel! (What about the special???) Then again, Grace's attitude probably made him lose his appetite.
    Next, we've got Chuck actually agreeing to go on the cattle drive. That pleased his mother immensely  I'm sure, and to top it all off we have Lucy leading the whole thing!
    But, the big finale came at last. Chuck confesses his plan was to leave for a week and hope that everything would blow over while he was gone. (Not the best idea I've ever heard, but I kinda get it.) Then he hears that Grace is leaving for England! What does he do? He gets right back on that horse, and rides all night long so he can say goodbye! (Awww! How romantic!) As if that's not something in itself, he then pulls Grace away from everyone, and confesses his feelings for her! In the words of Chuck himself,

    "You really matter to me, Grace, and I hope I matter to you too."

    Then the big moment arrives and the two kiss. Now the first one was sweet, but Grace going in for that last big one added the final "sigh" moment the finale needed. Now they're officially a couple! Go Team Chace!!!


Tess the Meddling Mother

    No Tess! NO! Don't even go there! Can't you leave the poor sisters and your son's love life alone? Now I see the soft side of Tess, and her good heart, but after this...oooo...this takes things to a different level.
    The orphanage inspector said that if Grace gets one strike against her he will take the sister's license to run the orphanage. This could ruin everything, and that may be exactly what Tess wants. Now I don't know what scale of destruction Tess plans on. Is it just Grace that she's after, or does this all have to do with the grudge she has against Lillian's family? Either way, this does not sit well with me, and may dampen my opinion of her.
    Of course they had to leave this as a cliffhanger. Until I see other wise she will have to remain a goodhearted stinker in my books. Tess this is your warning...Back away now before it's too late!

    In conclusion to this whole kit and caboodle, I enjoyed it, but....now I have to wait...again...most likely a whole year. Oh, Team Gillian! Will I ever see you become a couple? #meandyou4season2!

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

   P.S. Feel free to come on over, and find some fun WCTH inspired merch for you or a friend! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


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