When Hope Calls Episode Review: Surprise

    It's Wednesday Hearties and Hopefuls, (As if you didn't know. :) and you know what that means! Time for the next When Hope Calls Review! I also have some fun stuff coming soon for you all. What kind of stuff? Well, maybe a blog post diving deeper into the love triangle, and a new video I made about the two potential suitors... Stay tuned for that!

    For now let's get down to business and talk about this past episode of WHC!  We got some tears this time, and learned even more about Grace's past. We also got deeper into the mystery with Sinclair, and got the start of ANOTHER love triangle!!! (Oh, Hallmark! What are you trying to do to me?)


Grace's Birthday

    My applause goes to Jocelyn Hudon for the level of emotion and tears shed in this episode! Bravo! You could see and feel how she felt, and how hard this was for her. The most emotional scene of the whole episode was when everyone surprised her in the hotel. Her face said SO much. The happiness she felt at their love, yet her uncertainty and sadness from the past birthdays. Well done!
    Once again we got another glimpse into Grace's past, and how traumatic it really was for her. I can see how it's truly scared her, and affected the way she lives. She's afraid of reliving her past, and letting people in. I'm assuming that's why she's a bit distant with Chuck. But she broke down that barrier just enough to give the cowboy a sweet peck on the cheek! In the words of the children, "OOOoooo!"

    We also got to see not only the wonderful family that Grace has now, but also the beautiful relationship with her sister. Lillian said it perfectly. She wanted to celebrate the day her wonderful sister came into this world. Lillian is such an amazing lady. She pours everything into whatever she does. She worked so hard to fix that music box, along with Sam, and it paid off. In the end, they got to share a wonderful moment together remembering the past, all the while making a new one.


One of My Favorite People Waits Tables

    Oh, Chuck you've done it again! There may not have been a whole lot of Grace and Chuck this episode, but man does Chuck have a knack with words. Why can't Chuck just invite her to dinner already? They've done everything but kiss...Oh wait! That's not quite true anymore!
    Those two are definitely fan favorites, and why not? They're cute together! Grace is bubbly yet shy at times, and Chuck is sweet like apple pie! (Or should I say peach pie!)
    Steps were definitely taken in this relationship, and who knows what future episodes hold for them? I'm predicting a kiss by the last episode. How about you guys?


Fred's First & Second Job

    Oh boy! I know where this is going! Tess is going to adopt Fred! Okay this is just my speculation, but I'm sure that I'm not alone with this idea. Fred is adorable! He is so cute and his expression to Ronnie at the party was so good! Fred's first job may not have gone very well, (Come on, Ronnie!) but his second one sure did! Well, it did after the whole thing where he let the cows out, and Tess got a bit too harsh with him. I wasn't very happy with her reaction to Fred, but she fixed it right away, and showed us her heart. She taught him about ranching, and even let him ride a horse. Fred and Tess may not have had the best start, but in the end something special happened.

    Tess realized that she misses having a little boy around, (Hint, hint...) and Fred found out that he really likes ranch life. Put two and two together... BOOM! Perfect! Tess gets to have a sweet little boy running around again, someone who will grow up and may actually want to run the ranch, and Fred gets a loving home. (Not that he doesn't already have one, but you get what I'm saying.)



Love Triangle #2

    Look out Gabriel you've got some competition! It's starting again people! Another love triangle between a Mountie and a man of mystery! (Maybe if Lillian goes with Gabe, Elizabeth can choose Lucas? What? Just saying...)
    Gabriel totally likes Lillian! His face lit up at what appeared to be Lillian asking him out somewhere. Then it dropped after finding out it wasn't as personal as he'd hoped, but he was happy to go anyway. (Ask her out yourself, Mountie!)
    The whole scene with those two guys and Lillian is my favorite scene in this episode. Sam dropping those planks between Gabe and Lillian was hilarious! Gabriel is so jealous! He saw Lillian with Sam and immediately he wasn't pleased. You can also tell that Sam seems to be almost protective of his relationship with Lillian. You saw his face as she led Gabriel away to get him some cake. This is developing everyone! Now my personal opinion is that she is definitely going to end up with Gabe. All the promo pictures indicate that she will and it's kinda obvious. (Did anyone tell Sam this?)


The Perfect Team

    Now let's talk about Sam. There's definitely some chemistry between him and Lillian. (Just look at the picture!)
    I was not impressed, however, by his comments to Lillian, regarding her mistake in the previous episode. I mean, yes what she did was hurtful to him, but he should understand her responsibility to protect the children. After all she hasn't known him for very long, so how was she to know? Yet Lillian did not lash back at him, and just quietly walked on, being the graceful woman she is. That acted as a mental kick in the rear for Sam, and he followed after her, happily receiving her invitation to Grace's party.
    Then they got pretty cozy as they helped each other work on the each other's project. I have to admit that there is definitely something between them. Sparks flew, and Sam is not short on compliments for the lovely lady working beside him. Then we have the end. (Exhausting long sigh!) This doesn't remind me of anything. Nothing at all... Except maybe WCTH's Season 6 finale! Why must they tear me back and forth? I want Gabriel to get Lillian, but at the same time they made Sam look so pitiful! AHH! (Breathe. It's just a show. Just a show.)



Gabriel & Meeks

    And the plot thickens! Well, Mountie Gabriel has managed to catch one of the elusive ex-bankers. As it turns out, however, Russell Meeks seems to be an honest man. He saw that his boss was up to something shady and he tried to investigate. Now the poor man is running for his life it would appear.

    Gabriel is doing his best to figure this whole thing out. He hears how terrible Sinclair is and wants to catch him and put him behind bars. If only he'd realize how close he is every day to one of the man's operations. If only Ronnie would tell him what's going on. Something has got to happen soon, before something happens to Ronnie again.

    In conclusion, oh boy things are heating up! Once again kudos to Jocelyn Hudon for the wonderful acting, and I look forward to seeing how this all plays out!

     Note to Sam: Lillian is for Gabriel! Sorry :(

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


  1. Sorry for the late reply. I am only seeing these episodes now that they are showing them on the Hallmark Channel. This was my favorite so far. Fred and Tess is an interesting idea, but it seems more like she would be getting a ranch foreman instead of a kid as Chuck doesn't want the job. Reeks of slave labor. I just don't trust Tess, but you clearly saw a more maternal interest. I am nervous about a potential love triangle with Lucie. Chuck clearly wants Grace only, but maybe triangle is the wrong word as Lucie is just a trouble maker. The problem is that Grace is so skittish that Lucie could be highly effective as a delay tactic. Sam is great for comic relief, but it sure does seem like Lillian and Gabe are endgame. Not sure why Mountie was the gold standard for single men in that territory. Polish, education, bravery? It is hard not to root for Sam as a classic underdog. I keep hearing that Season 2 is not a lock. Not sure why. Who doesn't want to see orphans getting a break? Townspeople aren't as interesting? Of course there is no Rosemary, but I like Joe and Maggie, and I have laughed out loud at Ronnie. Fingers crossed for Season 2!


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