When Hope Calls Episode Review: About a Girl

 Image Credit: Parade

    Hello, hello everyone, and welcome back for this week's review for last week's episode of When Hope Calls! Can you believe that we only have two more episodes left? I'll be sad when it's over and I hope it gets another season, but I have a lot I'm looking forward to in the coming months! These are just a few examples...

Christmas Scavenger Hunt: November 3rd

Christmas Cookie Matchup: November 13th

Sense Sensibility and Snowmen: November 29th

When Calls the Heart Christmas Special: December 25th!!! (Yay!)

    There's also a few other Hallmark Christmas movies I'm looking forward to as well, so I should have stuff to keep me busy till the WCTH Christmas Special. The thing is, I love Christmas time so I want to enjoy it, but... I REALLY want it to be Christmas so I can see WCTH's Christmas episode so it's kind of a push-pull thing for me.
    Anyhow, let's get down to business and get on with the review!


    We were introduced to a new character this time around, and she's a pretty important character at that. Eve is practically a sister to Grace. She and Grace grew up taking care of each other, all the while dreaming of a better life. For Grace, I can totally imagine how important and special a person that Eve is to her, and I think Lillian can see this too.
She seemed to feel slighted by Eve's knowledge of Grace's past, something that Lillian has only had a glimpse into.
    Truth be told I wasn't sold on Eve's character. She was so kind to Grace, but the way she seemed to rub her and Grace's friendship in Lillian's face wasn't flattering. Now ordinarily when a character comes in who becomes another character's rival, they generally gain some dislikement. (Remember Rosemary?) Now this is a very different situation, and she definitely was very nice, I'm just not that fond of her character. Then again if anybody tries to take Grace from Chuck, they better be prepared to face me!
    Anyhow, despite everything, both Eve and Grace got to follow their dreams. Eve went to New York, and Grace chose her sister! (Yay!)


Helen's Grandpapa

Image Credit: Parade

    Come on, Mr. Talbot! Helen has already been through SO much! Give the girl a break!
As usual, I understand the actions he took. He was protecting his client from more heartbreak, which is really noble. He may even be close friends with Helen's Grandpapa. He should realize, however, that Helen has been through just as much, if not more, heartbreak.
    She was so excited at the prospect of being reunited with her family, only to have her dreams dashed to pieces. But Miss Lillian wouldn't take no for an answer! She defended her child like the mama bear she is, and fought for her. She rallied the troops and in the end she brought a family back together. The work that Lillian and Grace are doing is truly beautiful. They give these lonely, heartbroken, and scared children a home filled with love, and work hard to give them the best future possible.

 Image Credit: Parade
Side Note: Sam must really like Lillian a lot! He cut down a whole tree for her! I know that people are feeling the chemistry between these two, and I'm not going to deny what a nice guy he is. He's funny, strong, kind, caring, and is a jack of all trades. Yet, even with all that I still have to stay on Team Gillian. (Sorry Sam! You're still a great guy, and deserve true love and happiness! It's just not Lillian...)


Maggie the Therapist

Image Credit: Parade

    Well, Maggie had quite a different kind of patient this episode. First off, let me just say that was a big "no, no," on Ronnie's part to tell everyone that his hotel has "restorative properties." That poor woman was so desperate she believed it, and if it hadn't been for Maggie's expert nursing abilities she would have gone home even worse than when she came.
    Now I will say that Maggie's first attempt at restoration only caused more anxiety. (AKA a buggie in the belly.) However, her second attempt worked quite well, and was pretty smart of her. Once Joanna Larkin helped reunite Helen and her Grandpapa she felt better, happier.
    Together with the wonderful assistance of nurse Maggie, Joanna was able to find joy and happiness. Who knows? Maybe she even found her true calling.


Tess to the Rescue

    Tess may be rough around the edges, but that don't mean she ain't got morals. It really says something about her character since she was so against lying to Gabe. After all, just like Ronnie, she too may get in trouble with the law for her lie, and not to mention all in all it's just wrong to lie.
I'm telling you what, Ronnie better count his blessings in having a sister-in-law like Tess. She lied for him, hid him in her house, and then to top it off she stood up to Sinclair's henchman and drove him away.
    Speaking of that, she really gave it to that guy. She told him exactly what she thought of him, and that she's not dealing with him anymore. (That guy had that coming!)
Tess has shown me her heart in these past episodes. She is a good person who cares about the people around her. She's just still grieving for her husband, and after watching WCTH I really can understand that.
    I wonder if in these last two episodes, she and Lillian will finally bury the hatchet. Or if she'll finally accept Chuck and Grace together. The latter one I'm not counting on.


Harassing Ronnie 

    Each week Gabe keeps getting closer and closer to figuring this whole thing out with Sinclair. Finally, he followed the bread crumbs leading to Ronnie, and the guy isn't happy about it. Gabriel grilled him to a crisp, and in the end Ronnie made the unfortunate and possibly dangerous choice to lie. (Yes, he lied to a Mountie.)
    Now I understand his concerns. If Gabriel found out how he got the money to built his hotel, he could be in trouble. Yet at the same time I've got to say that he would be a lot better off if he'd just tell Gabe. I trust the Mountie, and I've never even met the guy. I know that Gabriel would treat Ronnie fairly and maybe even let him off a little easier then another Mountie might. (Especially if Ronnie wasn't sure if Sinclair was a complete crook.)
    Anyhow, may I just say that I'm enjoying Gabe's fun personality as he does his "Mountie business." He's smart, better than the bad guys, funny and kind, yet you can tell he knows that he's good at his job. What's to come next? I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that Sinclair's rein of terror is about to end.



There's a Lot of Horses in This Town

Image Credit: Parade

    It's becoming a weekly tradition for me to gush over Chuck, and so this time I shall try and restrain myself.
    Chuck was...really...I mean he was...nice...to Grace...and... Ughh! Who am I kidding?
   Chuck, once again, was so sweet! The compliment he paid to Grace about her being the hotel's special. I mean, he called her special! Man, Chuck, why haven't you asked her out yet? (Excuse me, why haven't you tried courting her yet?)
    But, one of the best things he did in this episode was when he tried to stop Grace from "leaving." He was so concerned about losing her. But he got quite the surprise when he realized that she wasn't! Lol! And it was after he made that big proclamation too!
    I'm really rooting on these two finally becoming a couple by the end of this season. Lillian and Gabe's story will probably continue into the next season, if they have one, but I'm predicting a wonderful happy ending for Team Chace!


An Electrifying Touch

Image Credit: Parade

    There wasn't a lot of growth for either of the potential couples, but don't think I missed that little exchange between Lillian and Gabe. She touched his arm in a sweet, gentle way, and he definitely noticed. His face went from surprised to pleased fast.
    In the last two episodes I would really like to see these two grow even closer. Now I'm a hopeless romantic and I love drama so I would love some danger added to the mix, and my guess is that we're going to get some. Sinclair hasn't been caught yet, so anything could happen. Maybe he'll kidnap Grace since she works at the hotel and hold her for ransom? Maybe he'll threaten Lillian? Who knows, but I'm betting on someone being in danger real soon.

    In conclusion, I enjoyed it! I am sad, though, that I'm almost at the end, but I'm hoping that these last two episodes will be the best ones yet!

   Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    P.S. Check out my shop to find some fun WCTH inspired merch! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



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