When Hope Calls Episode Review: The Search

    Woah! Hold on a minute! Just hold your horses one little second!

   Welcome back everyone to the next When Hope Calls episode review! And boy did we get some excitement with this one! It was an explosive good time! I'd even say it was dynamite. (Okay, okay... I'll stop.) This episode was extra special because we got the pleasure of a familiar face. It's one half of the WCTH love triangle, Nathan Grant!

    Well, without further ado, let's dive right into the review!


Nathan Grant the Dynamite Mountie

Image Credit: Parade
    Huh. This guy looks familiar... Is that...no it couldn't be...BUT IT IS!
    It's Mountie Nathan Grant! (Sorry Nate for the confusion. I didn't recognize you with all that hair.😁) It's fun to see another familiar face in Brookfield, although his visit wasn't nearly as calm as the Coulters'. Since he's only been around for one season, we haven't gotten to see much of him. Sadly none of his past was revealed in this episode, but that's okay.We can save that for WCTH.

    I will say this, however, Elizabeth will not be happy to know that he was nearly blown to pieces. Tell me your jaw dropped at that part! I was like, "Oh my gosh he's gonna get blown up!" And then we had his flying leap! (That better be a gif!) Then he was lying motionless on the ground! Yet after all that he was able to get back up and save the day!
    I do think he should have been more careful. I mean, with the camp fire and the crook's bag lying there, you'd think the guy was close by. But it all turned out good in the end. Nathan caught his man, and rode off into the sunset. (Okay, it was still daylight, but it sounds better this way.)
    My two questions are these: Will this story carry over into WCTH? And how did they pull off the explosive leap?


    Sam had quite the time this episode. Where do I start? First off let me say that him teaching Fred to whistle with grass is sweet! I was so sad when he wasn't there when Fred finally figured out how to do it! (Sweet little Freddy is so cute!)
    At this point we really didn't know a lot about this man. He seemed nice enough to everyone. But you can't deny that the wanted poster looked very much like him. It definitely made me wonder, as it did to Lillian. I don't blame her for the actions she took. All of those children are in her care. It's her responsibility to keep them safe, and if there is a potential danger she needs to act on it.

    But, poor Sam. He was so hurt. As if it wasn't bad enough to have two Mounties point their guns at you, he then discovered that it was Lillian who directed them at him. And speaking of hurt, that was quite the injury Sam had! (Ouch!) You could clearly see how awful Lillian felt about what she'd done. She saw how bad she'd made him feel and regretted her actions.
    After everything, though, I still stand by her decision. The children come first for her. Hopefully Sam will forgive her and they can be friends again.


Sweet Cowboy Chuck

    AAAWwwww!!! Chuck was SO sweet! (Plus his smile is adorable!) And he called Grace a daffodil! (Clears throat) Anyway...
    Chuck is as kind as they come. He heard about the bandit, and what does he do? He rides to protect his lady! And the others, of course. He went above and beyond for Grace, and in the process he became a part of their family, for at least a little while anyway. He was great with the kids, and even volunteered to help with dinner. That man is going to make a wonderful husband and father.

    Then we have when Sam showed up. Ice ran through that cowboy's veins. He stood firm, rifle pointed at the potential danger, and ready to defend the people he cared about. He risked his life for them. Sadly however, he ended up blaming an innocent man. But I applaud his actions. He didn't take any chances, and protected them from the potential danger. 
    During this whole adventure though, Chuck realized something. After coming from a house where he was an only child, to a house with six, he found out he liked the change. He enjoyed the craziness, and the noise. He felt the love in their home, and got to be a part of their teamwork. Then he made the ultimate confession and told the girl he's sweet on that that's the kind of home he hopes to have someday. (Oooo!)
    Then we got the pièce de résistance with him leaving Grace a daffodil. (Sighs contently) He is just so sweet!



Miss Lillian Misbehaved 

    Oh, the poor girl! (Not Lillian! Her friend who Lillian tried to cut her hair with Gulp! garden shears!) Chuck's stories sure depicted a different Lillian then the one we know. It sounds like those two were thick as thieves. It's interesting to hear about how close they were as children, and see how they are now. They're still good friends, but I'm sure the whole thing with Tess has changed things some.
    Either way the children sure enjoyed the stories! It's hard for them to picture her ever misbehaving.



Fools Gold

    Maggie is such a sweet and quirky girl. At the thought of finding gold she was all in a fluster, running to Joe for a Jimmy bar. (Excuse me. Crow bar. The other one sounds like a candy bar!)
This was a great bonding moment for the two. They got to know each other better and build a deeper friendship. I'm pretty sure I'm nit the only one figuring on these two falling in love. What better way to form a relationship than by tearing up the new infirmary floor?
    Then what do we have? Only a little after Joe joins in the gold quest, Pearl comes along and decides to help too! These three make quite the group, don't they?

    And each one's thoughts on how they'd spend the gold shows us their character and values. Pearl would go and buy her daughter lots of nice things, while Maggie would use it to further her adventures and see more of the world. But Joe's answer is one of the best. He's so content with the life he has that he can't really think of anything he'd like to buy. It's a wonderful thing to be so content with the life he has, and really serves as a lesson for us all.

    In the end they may not have found real gold, but they are already so rich in the friendship they share.


Tess' New Foreman

    Finally Tess hears what she's needed to hear for awhile, and who better to tell her than her brother in-law Ronnie. It may be her dream that Chuck runs the ranch that her and her late husband started, and why wouldn't it be? Who would she want more than her son to carry on the Stewart Ranch legacy? But Ronnie spoke truth. That's not Chuck's dream. He studied hard to become the vet he is, and he's good at what he does. He finds joy in his job and helping the people (and animals) around him.
    I do have a few things to say about who Tess chose to hire however. Lucy? Really? Yes, she fits the bill in experience and trustworthiness, but why the girl she wants to match with her son? I want Chuck and Grace to finally get together! This wont help! (Deep breaths. Deep breaths.) I'm...sure everything will be...fine. Maybe?



Following the Clues

 Image Credit: Parade

    It's Mountie Gabe on the case! He's had quite the time this episode. I mean, he was shot at, like, three times and almost a fourth! (Thanks Nate!) This guy lives quite the dangerous life. But he and Nathan worked together and caught the bad guy. Gabriel seems to be pretty good at his job, and Brookfield is lucky to have him.
    But there's this whole other mystery that he hasn't solved yet. Yes, you guessed it. The whole thing going on with this Sinclair guy. Gabe knows that something isn't adding up with the stolen money from the bank. Sounds like this "Sinclair guy" is pretty crooked, with the way he treated Ronnie and the missing money from the bank. The bank "he" himself used to work at.
    The thing is that we know that Sinclair is involved with Ronnie's business, but Gabriel doesn't. How long will it take for him to find this out is the question. And what will happen to Ronnie in the mean time?
    For now, though, Ronnie seems to be making out pretty good with the whole bad guy on the loose thing. Isn't that a pretty low trick Ronnie? Scaring people into staying longer at your hotel. Just saying...

    In conclusion, Woah. I did not see all this coming, and I look forward to watching more! I'm especially looking forward to seeing WCTH Season 7!

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

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