When Hope Calls Episode Review: House in Order

 Image Credit: Parade

    Hey, everyone and welcome to this week's When Hope Calls episode review! Last week we got to watch the episode before the last! We only have ONE left!!! While WCTH is still my favorite of the two shows, I've definitely enjoyed getting to watch WHC every week. It's a nice bit of excitement and fun knowing that I've got a new episode to watch.

    Now before I dive into the review I wanted to let you all know something. One day it simply dawned on me that I had forgotten the fact that I haven't yet finished reviewing WCTH S6!!! This is a bit crazy seeing as though it finished a lifetime ago, and I fully intend to review the last episode. When I started my blog, WCTH was already well into the season, and I started on episode 7. (I'm not counting the Christmas Special as an episode here.) After reviewing the finale I went back and did episode 5-6 and then finally started at the beginning. By the time I reached episode 3, WHC was almost out, and I just never reviewed the last episode. And it's a pretty important episode.

    Never fear my fellow Hearties, as I totally plan on doing the review in the near future. Possibly even next week! Anyhow, now that I've confessed all this, let's get to the review!

Lover's First Quarrel

    No, Chuck, no! This is the opposite of what I wanted! Everything started out so nice and sweet with Grace teasing Chuck about the other man in her life. (Benson her horse) Then they agree to go on another horse ride together. Everything was perfect until Chuck saw that horse...
    Now don't get me wrong, what Chuck did was noble. He saw the poor horse suffering, knew of a better treatment, and really wanted to help. Ken Newsome just wasn't willing to listen, and that made Chuck mad.
    The problem here is communication between Chuck and Grace, and a whole lot of stubbornness. Grace was trying to keep the peace and therefore protect Chuck, but he took it the wrong way. Yet at the same time, I think she should have just let the men duke it out, and kept her nose out of their argument. Chuck, however, just cares about animals so much that he wanted to help Ken's horse, and it frustrated him that he knew a better cure and that Ken wouldn't listen.
   I will say, however, that I am more on Grace's side in this debate. Chuck has got a temper issue, and as Grace said, some Stewart pride. Grace even tried to fix things later and explain to Chuck why what he did bothered her, but he didn't want to hear it. He got all up on his high horse, and even made the assumption that Grace was apologizing! Not that she couldn't for the misunderstanding, but he needs to as well! (Come on, Chuck!)
    This most definitely will be resolved by the end of the final episode. I'm guessing there will be some danger, possibly involving Grace, and that should shake them out of this argument. (I don't watch the previews for the next episode, so this is all speculation on my part.)

Redeeming Lillian's Father

Image Credit: Parade

    The past is suddenly becoming very present. We finally have the whole story right before us, and the emotions of both women. It's not just Tess who suffered through this bridge disaster, granted she suffered terribly. After Tess blamed Lillian's father, he couldn't get work close by, and drove himself crazy analyzing every teeny tiny detail of that bridge to prove his innocence. It may have eventually led to his death when he died miles away of a heart attack.
    All this time I've seen the grief Tess has suffered at the loss of her husband, but now I've learned of the hardship and grief that Lillian and her family suffered. Tess tarnished Lillian's family's name, yet it was her own husband's recklessness that killed him.
    Now Lillian has a chance to set it all straight. Just like with her children she fought for answers, and she found them. The problem then is she would have to hurt Tess and Tess' family to redeem her father. She could have done it. After all, she could very easily blame Tess for her own father's death and bring shame upon Matthew Stewart's name, just like Tess did to her father. Yet she didn't.
    She chose to spare Tess all of the pain she's had to endure and let the Stewart's remember their father with pride and joy. Hank said it right. The better story just walked out the door.


Meeting Sinclair

    And we finally have seen the man's face! Old, Sinclair, alas we finally meet. Not to mention we've had a random Mountie Nate sighting! Him and Gabe seem to becoming good friends, even if they can't agree who's the best tracker. Lol!
    Tess just wants out of this whole situation, as does Ronnie. She even sold her own land to by Sinclair out. Ronnie should be offering her free meals for life...
    Anyhow, I don't think Tess handled Sinclair the right way. First off, I wouldn't have just thrown all that cash at him, before I knew if he'd agreed to my deal. Second, I really would have wanted the deal in writing, even though I know being involved with him in the first place could get me in trouble.
    Sadly in the end, though, Sinclair may have agreed to back off about the hotel, Tess and Ronnie still seem to be in a big kettle of fish. And now Sinclair is coming after Gabriel! (LOOK OUT, GABE!!!)


Gabriel's Comfy Investigation

    I wish I had a job where I could just sit back in a comfy chair, and do pretty much nothing all day. (Oh, wait. I kinda do...)
    That Gabriel is a smart one. He just sat back, and waited for the truth to reveal itself. And it did.
But before that, he got a cute little encounter with Lillian. Oh, why wont they become a couple? We only have one more episode, and with the whole "love triangle" thing going on with Sam, I know we're going to have to wait till the next season. That is if we even get one! (Dum, dum, duuummm!!! Did you hear the organ on that one?) Seriously though, it wouldn't surprise me if we got a second season with all the people who love this show.
    Anyhow, Gabriel saw Tess and Ronnie leaving and knew something was up. He followed along and with the surprise assistance of Mountie Nathan Grant, they watched the whole exchange go down. (Oh boy, Tess and Ronnie. You're in trouble now!)
    It's only a matter of time before someone strikes. My guess? It's going to be Sinclair, but on who I'm not sure. I said it before, and I'll say it again. LOOK OUT, GABE!!!


Maggie's New Home

Image Credit: Parade

    Maggie's putting down some roots! She's gotten her own little piece of Brookfield in the form of a little yellow house. Only problem? She doesn't have very many things. Lucky for her Eleanor is on it!

    Eleanor has such a heart for others. She went out of her way to make Maggie feel at home, and it wasn't just her. She rallied the troops and had everyone help out. Including Joe Moody. His expression said something, when Eleanor told him that Maggie was moving. It said, "What? No! I don't want her to leave!" Is that so Joe? Oooo! The plot thickens! He certainly had a nice big helping hand in bringing a bit of England to Maggie's home. They'd be cute as a couple, don't you think?
    Anyhow, in the end three events took place.
    1. We now know that Joe has feelings for Maggie. What feelings, I'm not sure as of yet.
    2. Just like Hope Valley, the people of Brookfield are like a great big family. They take care of each other and help put a smile on each other's faces.
    And 3. I learned that rain boots are called, "Willies" in England! (I may have heard that somewhere else, but I can't remember.)

    Note to Maggie: May I please have your tea set? :)

    In conclusion, once again I enjoyed it! Despite the stress of Grace and Chuck's relationship, as of the moment, there was a valuable lesson to be learned from Lillian's beautiful sacrifice. And, we got some trouble brewing in the background. Gabriel better watch his back, before he gets shot again!

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    (Note About Comments) Due to the set up of my blog I'm unable to comment directly to you through the comment section. Instead I receive an email telling me that you've commented, and I respond to you directly through the email. I enjoy reading your comments and wanted to be sure you knew I saw them, and responded to most of them.)

P.S. Check out my shop to find some fun WCTH inspired merch! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


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