Figuring Out the Love Triangle: Part 2 (+New Video!)

    Ding, ding, ding! It's time for round two, Hearties! (Beware, this post got incredibly long!)

    Last week I covered a range of topics and who they seemed to point to in this battle of the beaus. Anything from social media posts, to DVD covers, and even name placement in the credits. Here’s the link if you’d like to take a look!
    This post, however, I am going to be looking at a couple of last things, one of them being the actual cast’s votes and opinions on the Team Lucas vs. Team Nathan subject! ET put out a fun and interesting article where they asked the cast of WCTH what team they’re on and why. Now obviously the exciting news for me is that Lucas won! (YAY!!!) He never beats Nathan, but Nate’s got such an unfair advantage with that red serge. Oh Elizabeth please, please pick Lucas!
    (Clears throat. Did I type that all out loud?)
    Anyhow… Along with dissecting the cast’s comments, I’ll also be taking a quick look at some upcoming appearances for the guys. There's only one for Chris McNally, and of course Mountie Nathan’s appearances in When Hope Calls. That guy certainly gets around.


    I’m going to start with the smaller items. Now as far as I know, Chris McNally has no upcoming appearances on Hallmark except for in the Christmas Cookie Matchup, which I am really excited for! At first it appeared that Kevin McGarry was not going to be a part of this show, as his name was not listed at first. But then I saw something posted on Twitter about him being in it, and the web page for the show proves it. Just click on the cast page and low and behold he’s there. And so that removes any ideas I may have had about only McNally being there.
    Either way, I’m really looking forward to this show! It’s like something I could only dream up, and it sounds very fun!
    Moving on, Kevin McGarry has quite the lineup it would appear as far as movies go.

    First we have Christmas Scavenger Hunt airing November 3rd, but then we have two more films which I have no idea where or if they’re airing. 

    One of them which I found through McGarry’s IMDB is A Very Corgi Christmas, which if you had the wonderful privilege of attending the Hearties Family Reunion this year then you’ve possibly already seen it. IMDB says it airs December 1st, but I’m not sure where.

    The other is a movie I found the same way titled, Random Acts of Christmas. It also apparently stars Erin Cahill, and says it’s to be released November 17th. Maybe it’s not a Hallmark film, but the storyline sounds very much like one.
    All of this combined with his role in Heartland, plus WCTH makes him look like quite the busy guy! Whether this means anything for WCTH I have NO idea. All of these roles are separate, the only two relating to WCTH being the Christmas Cookie Matchup and When Hope Calls. I don’t know, but he seems to be a pretty popular guy right now.

When Hope Calls

    Speaking of When Hope Calls, I would be crazy to leave out the fact that Nathan Grant has crossed over from Hope Valley to Brookfield. Once again he seems to be all over the place right now. Does this mean Elizabeth will choose him? I really can’t tell.
    Is Hallmark doing this to get him out there so Team Lucas people will change their minds? Is it because Elizabeth is actually picking Lucas? Did he strike a big deal with Hallmark to be in a lot of stuff? Or is all of this simply an unrelated coincidence? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t really know.

The Cast's Votes

    And now onto the main topic. This has to be one of the biggest things to happen so far in the whole Lucas vs. Nathan debate. I discovered this video existed while watching footage from HFR5. I saw a picture on a projector screen showing that Lucas had beaten Nathan in a vote, and had to know what this video was. I wasn't sure where the votes came from or why they'd been cast. All I knew was that Lucas had finally beat Nathan! (All you Team Lucas Hearties know what I'm talking about.) Thankfully some Hearties on Twitter were able to help me and I found the article. (Thank you!)

    It was fun to hear each actor's opinion on why they chose which guy, and after finding the written part of the article I was able to find even more comments from the cast. I will now talk a bit about each actor’s comments, and give a few of my own!

    Thank you ET for the great article! Here's the links to the article and the video!

Kevin McGarry

    Let’s start with the Mountie first. McGarry is obviously Team Nathan. Now he did admit that Team Lucas has a lot of great things to offer, but he made a good point. He claims that,

  “I think Nathan might need Elizabeth more than Team Lucas needs Elizabeth. I think Team Lucas can offer her a lot, I think Team Nathan can offer her a lot but I think Nathan needs Elizabeth to enrich his life, to function, to be a better person."
    That is a fair point, but I also think that Lucas needs her the same way. He appears to have a wound from the past, and a need to impress everyone. It seems like he puts on this confident act and wows people with tricks because of his own insecurity, like people wouldn’t like him for who he is.
    Either way, I do agree with McGarry’s statement. Nathan definitely needs someone to love him, and help him be a better person. (Not that he’s not a good person already, but you know what I mean.)



    Next up is the man of mystery himself. (And my favorite of the two guys! As if it hasn't been obvious...) He is on Team Lucas because he plays Lucas. Lol! As to why he's the better suitor he says,

    "He forces her to shake things up a little bit. He challenges her, he's spontaneous, and exciting, and just has, I think, a little bit more flair than Nathan does."

    Very true. Lucas is so different than what we're used to seeing Elizabeth with. He definitely challenges her to step out of her comfort zone, and into something new and exciting. It's a  risk, but it's a risk that may be worth taking.


Andrea Brooks

    Moving on we come to Nurse Faith! She is on board with Team Lucas! She says,

    "I don't know if he's necessarily the better suitor but I think in terms of his character arc, it's been quite interesting. He kind of came into this town and we, as a town in Hope Valley, we didn't really know how to approach him or what his intentions were, and I think it's always interesting when someone comes in and they're not necessarily who you think they are when first confronted with them. I think it sort of taught all the characters to maybe hold off on judgment a little bit,"

    Very true! So many people judged Lucas, but he's never really done anything wrong. He's never said anything bad about anyone, yet everyone treats him like he's a vagrant. (I'm looking at you, Bill.)

    However, after Andrea complimented Lucas on his dapper pocket watch, the article went onto say,

   But according to Brooks, there's one very important factor working in Nathan's favor: his experience as a guardian. "[Parenting is] something Nathan has far more experience in. You can see how this is the impossible dilemma!" she quipped.

    Yes, Nathan's parenting experience is definitely not something to be overlooked. That is a skill Elizabeth would find attractive and comforting.


Kavan Smith

    Next up we have the man in plaid. Kavan is Team Nathan, and he gave two reasons why. He says that,

    "I'm gonna say Team Nathan, and I'm gonna say it's because of two things. Number one, I think the show was always about a Mountie and Elizabeth, so there is something about that that sort of rings true to the original incubus of this thing. Secondly... [Nathan and Elizabeth] kind of give each other the gears a little bit more. Not in a funny way, but they're kind of, they bicker a little bit. I kinda like that! A little friction, like he kind of puts her in her place a little bit and I don't think she's used to that."

    Interesting Kavan… As to his first reason I totally get it. WCTH, the show and the books, have always been about Elizabeth with a Mountie. It’s very true and that’s a big reason why some people have chosen Team Nathan. It’s also the main reason I doubt that they’ll pick Lucas. They definitely could pick Lucas and I would so love it if they did, but I have to look at this thing realistically.
I myself wouldn’t be totally against Elizabeth being with another Mountie, except for the fact that I like Lucas better. But the show has always been so different from the books.

    As to Kavan’s second comment, remember I’m biased, but I think I enjoy it more when Elizabeth bickers with Lucas. There’s more of a spark between them.


Martin Cummins

    Moving onto Mr. Gowen I’m happy to hear that he’s also on Team Lucas! He commented,

    "I like them both, but I gotta go with Lucas, I'm in business with him!"

    Lol! Along with that he also said Lucas is sort of “sweet and delicate” and commented his “slick” fashion sense. His description of Lucas is very nice and it sort of goes with my comment earlier about his character having a wound.
    I do believe that Lucas is very sweet, and has a good heart. I also believe that he’s been hurt and that’s where the delicate part would come in.


Pascal Hutton

    Next up is the other half of Team Coulter, and she's another vote for Team Nathan. (Well, at least Lee and Rosemary are in agreement :) Pascale says

    "Well, if you're asking Rosemary who she votes for, obviously she would say Nathan because Lucas rubbed her the wrong way at the very beginning when he brought in that darn piano that plays by itself and he didn't need Rosemary to sing... he robbed her of an opportunity!"

   Lol! Very true! However, reading onward I found out that she was actually on Team Lucas, until she saw the finale and turned to the dark side. (JK! I mean...the dark and handsome side...yeah that's what I meant...)
    I think that finale really, as Pascale said, pulled at people's sympathy strings, and after seeing Elizabeth's face... Yeah, there's a lot going on there.


Eva Bourne

    Next we have another vote for Team Lucas! Eva states that she loves them both, but thinks that Lucas is better suited for Elizabeth. She also claims that,

    "I think they have this connection over writing and storytelling and that's something that's vitally important for Elizabeth, so they connect on a different level than Nathan."

    That is true, but I think it will take more than a love of books to win Elizabeth’s heart. This last comment however made me excited! The article reads,

    As for the Mountie, Eva sweetly says he and Elizabeth have a “beautiful friendship.”

    Just a friendship? What does this mean? This again makes me excited, and hopeful that they might actually pick Lucas. I know that I read way too far into this stuff, but I find it fun, and I'm really curious who Elizabeth will pick.


Kayla Wallace

    For this girl her opinion seemed almost even about the two. She stated,
    "How could you choose?! It's so almost even with me!"

    However, when asked who’s the better suitor she stated that she’s Team Nathan. She says that,

    "I'm on Team Nathan because Elizabeth gets along so well with Allie and I would love to see a mother figure for Allie. So I think that's the one point over for Nathan why I would be Team Nathan, but Team Lucas is a close second."

    This again is another reason people want to see Elizabeth with Nathan. They love the idea of a blended family being formed with the two parents. For me personally, that’s not what I’m hoping to see. I enjoy watching Allie because she’s so mischievous, and not always perfect.
The thing is that if Elizabeth adopts Allie then I’m not sure if the writers will make her have another child. She’ll already have 1 boy and 1 girl and have lots of stories they can do about them. Now I could be totally wrong, but that’s how it’s looking for me.
Anyhow, Kayla also had some good things to say about Lucas as well. She states,

    "I love that he challenges her and it's so unexpected. He's sort of this bad guy type who has a heart of gold, but it's unexpected, so that's exciting."

    (Applause!) I agree with you, Kayla! (Oh boy, Team Nathan people are not going to be pleased with me…)


Aren Buchholz

    And we have yet another vote for Lucas! Aren is totally Team Lucas stating,

    "After being with Jack [Thornton], I think it would be nice to see her with Lucas, she's been with a Mountie... I think the chemistry between them, the mysteriousness of him, I think it goes well for the new storyline."

    I hear you, Aren! I know the story has always been about Elizabeth and a Mountie, and it was for a long time. I think now with Jack gone, there can be a new storyline, a new direction. 

    Aren also had this to say,

    "I love Kevin and what he does with the role and the character, it's great, but I'd like to see Lucas, Team Lucas all the way!"  (Yay!)


Paul Greene

    Next is Hope Valley's beloved doctor and he's a vote for Team Lucas! He states,

    "I am Team Lucas," Greene stated. "I can't imagine her going through the heartbreak of losing another [Mountie]. That's the risk, there's a little more risk there, that's why I'm leaning towards Lucas." 

    Very true, however if you watch the video he claims that this opinion is what Carson would say. As for himself he's for taking risks, and so that leans more towards Nathan.

Jack Wagner 

    Next we come to the newly appointed judge and he cast a vote for each guy! He says,

    "I love that Nathan has Allie. There's a little family thing there. I also love that Lucas is a saloon owner and charming. I think it gives Elizabeth, 'Oh, this is really yummy, oh that's so nice too,' right? So all women kind of like that little mystery and also that strength in family. That's where I stand."

    I understand, Mr. Wagner. Both guys have great things to offer. However, when asked who has the advantage he said,

    As for who the actor feels has the competitive advantage? He votes for Mountie Nathan. "He's got a red serge and she kinda digs red, that's all I know... Lucas has to step his game up, he's against the odds here and he will, he will."

    Yes, I agree. Nathan has a bit more of an advantage than Lucas because of the red serge. Elizabeth obviously likes that (who doesn't?) and so this gives him a one up.

    However the part that caught my little itching ears was the fact that after Jack Wagner said that Lucas would step up his game. What does this mean? I'm taking this in a very excited light. This is coming from a main character on the show, Mr. Bill Avery to be precise. He would know if Lucas is going to step up his game, and I find it really neat to hear that! (My insides are doing a happy dance as I type this.)


Erin Krakow    

    Last but most certainly not least we have the woman at the center of this whole thing. She like Jack Wagner cast a vote for each guy. (Come on, Erin! You wont give us just a little hint? Please...) She said

   "I'm not gonna be a tiebreaker because I'm gonna tell you both! I really think both characters would be good for Elizabeth, for various reasons. I also think they're both risky choices."

    I'll agree with that! Both choices are definitely risky. She then listed the pros of each guy. For Nathan she says,

    "I'm Team Nathan because I think he really listens, he has experience as a parent, he's gonna understand on a personal level what it's like for Elizabeth to be fearful about him being a Mountie, kind of a double-edged sword there, and he's very handsome and funny and the list goes on."

    Please don't scare me, Erin, although each of these are valid points. Then she went on to Lucas and said,

    "I'm Team Lucas because also handsome and funny, he is a new energy for Elizabeth and he's, I guess a little bit more of a bad boy, that's kind of exciting, and he's still good with a kid although less experienced and he's very generous. My goodness, he made her a library. Did I mention they're both handsome and funny?!"

    Yes, Erin, you did.😂 Once again these are all valid points. In the end, what I took away from this was Erin's long list of compliments for Nathan. (Which scares me!) But she also mentioned the fact that Elizabeth and Lucas have a new kind of energy which I agree with.

    In conclusion to this very long post, Lucas won!!! (Woohoo!) Both men have something great to offer Elizabeth. They're both kind, caring, sweet, and generous. Plus I also believe that each of the guys needs someone to love them, help them deal with their pasts, and make them better people. I just don't know who it will be! To me, Nathan seems to be the obvious choice, but my heart still has hope for Lucas!

New Video!!!

    And now for the cherry on top of this whole thing! I have a brand new video to share with you all, and it's all about this whole Lucas vs. Nathan debate! It's a very dramatic video and the hardest and most complex video I've ever created! Enjoy!

    Thanks for sticking with me through this very long post! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!  

    P.S. Want to show your support for your favorite team? Come by my shop to find some Team Lucas and Team Nathan inspired merch!


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