When Calls the Heart Christmas Special Preview!!!


    Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.... We have gotten the very first preview of When Calls the Heart's new Christmas Special! This is such exciting news, as all we've had so far is just some behind the scenes pics and videos. After days of my mind playing tug of war, I finally gave in and watched it. I really like to be surprised at the story lines, and so I try and limit the spoilers I see. Especially since I know that Hallmark gives WAY too much away in their trailers. 
   This preview, however, was actually pretty good. It gave us a little sneak peak into the show without giving very much away. I now know a little bit about the plot of this Christmas story, but have no idea what problems or fun moments may come with it.
    I'm not sure where to find the video, as I've only seen it on Twitter, so I can't post the link. (Sorry!) I will, however, re-tweet the video so you can find it on my Twitter page, underneath the tweet for this blog post! (Twitter link is in the left side bar.)

WARNING!!! If you'd rather not know anything about the Christmas Special, please don't read beyond this. 

    So it would appear that Lucas is hosting a Christmas festival! How generous of him! He's done no advertising, yet he's got people going from near and far. Gowen, being a bit of a Grinch, comments how this whole thing has tripled Lucas' bottom line, but Elizabeth shushes him. She defends Lucas, and how he's put a lot of work into this whole festival. (Oooooo!)
    This of course means nothing for the love triangle. She could very easily have defended Nathan, or even Gowen had they down the same thing. It is interesting, however, that she did defend Lucas. It shows she supports him, and while this is nowhere near a confession of love, it is nice that she's sticking up for him.

    Side Note: Purple seems to be Elizabeth's Christmas color.

    We also got to see the Coulters, and Baby Jack in his adorable winter hat with a giant pom pom on top!

     Alright, this is my big question after watching the preview. Why has Lucas decided to host this event? I mean, it doesn't appear to be some little thing he threw together for the town. It looks like he went all out for Hope Valley with all the decorations, and the food cart Bill was at. After all that wasn't just any hot dog Bill was eating.

    So, (rubs hands together) here are my three ideas. (I have a fourth, but I don't like it.)

#1. Lucas is doing this to make up for the Christmases he didn't have as a child. Maybe his parents were poor, or they tragically died. Maybe he never got to have a happy Christmas like other children, and now wants this Christmas to be everything he imagined it could be, and more. Also this, in a way, helps him be apart of everyone else's Christmas. (Does anybody have their hankies out yet?)

#2. Just like with his magic, he wants everyone to like him, and so he's trying to impress everyone with this grand Christmas festival. Maybe he believes everyone wouldn't like him for who he is, and so he's trying once again to impress everyone with his generosity and the festival. (Awww...The poor guy!)

#3. Maybe the holidays bring pain from something that happened in his past, and so he's trying to keep busy and not be alone. Once again, maybe his family tragically died, or something else dramatic happened that hurt him, and Christmas brings all the bad and sad memories back. By doing this festival he can work hard and keep the sad memorizes away. (Someone please give this man a big hug!)

#4. For what it's worth I'll list my yucky idea, and it would be that he's just doing this to make money. Now the extra cash is definitely a nice thing for Lucas, and I'm sure he's happy about it, but I don't think that's the whole reason why he did it, or the reason at all. Lucas is a good man, and isn't just a money grubbing investor. He's been generous and sweet so far, and I'm absolutely positive that he cares about more than money. (So get that thought out of your head!)

    Either way, I'm SO excited for WCTH's new Christmas Special!!! Only problem? It's a "Christmas Special" which mean I have to wait until, yep you guessed it, CHRISTMAS!!! A whole ??? days away! The sad part is that Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year! I want to enjoy the Christmas season, but I REALLY want to see this new Special, now preferably. This means I need to get through the season really fast, but...but...(Oh, boy...)

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

P.S. FREE SHIPPING at my shop, but ONLY today!!! Feel free to come on over, and find some fun WCTH inspired merch for you or a friend! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


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