When Hope Calls Thus Far

       Happy hump day everyone! So far we have gotten to see three whole episodes of When Hope Calls! Now usually I would put out an episode review today, but I would like some more time to go back and re-watch the episode so I can write a proper review. So I thought since it was requested of me on Twitter to blog more about the show, I'd give an over view of the show so far. Yes, three episodes is not alot, but there is definitely a lot to talk about!



       So far we have had the pleasure of being introduced to a brand new cast of colorful characters. Each one has their own personality, quirks, and has their own interesting story to follow.
Lillian is so gentle and sweet, yet very determined. She loves her family and friends and jumps right in when she sees someone in need.
Grace is just a bubbly ray of sunshine, who would do anything for her kids. But don't cross her or you'll get an earful!
Gabriel knows his job and does it well, yet, like Jack, has a sense of humor and a playful side. (Also a little bit of pride. But who doesn't?)
Chuck is what he looks like. An easy going, charming cowboy. Yet he also is very educated and bright as a veterinarian.
Tess is a rough cowgirl, who is still grieving the loss of her husband. Yet she still has a soft loving side to her and I believe that she has a good heart.
I know little about Joe, yet I can see so much. He's a good man who has suffered some sort of loss or tragedy in his life. I'm looking forward to finding out what.
Maggie is a sweet and quirky nurse who loves to help others. She is quite smart and by her cute little interaction with Fred, I can tell she likes children.
Eleanor is gentle and kind, yet she's got a kick to her! She's almost like a third mother to Lillian.
And of course we have all of the precious children! Each may have a troubled past, but together at Lillian and Grace's orphanage they all can have a new and bright future.




       Hallmark did pretty well in this department. The orphanage is so "period-ish" and cute! It really feels like something you'd see in Anne of Green Gables, Road to Avonlea, and other period shows and movies. And it's not just the house. The little building next to it and even the grassy field surrounding it all contribute to the feel.
       Now the town of Brookfield is also very western. As I said in a previous post, it helps transport you to that world and time. I can imagine myself in a corset and long skirts, carrying a basket on my arm down the boardwalk on my way to the store.
       The one negative thing I will say is that the town looks like it was built and then just dropped into an empty field. Hope Valley is bigger and looks more established, with rows houses near by and the church off to the side. Now this is a show based in the 1900s, and so maybe towns looked somewhat like that. Also, this is ranching country and so the houses are just farther apart which may also contribute to this factor. Either way, it's still cute and very 1900s-ish.
       I also like the addition of the cows, and ranches. It's a fun new aspect to explore that we never really see in WCTH.




      Well, I'll say this...I got questions. They started the show off on the right foot by giving us mystery and secrets. And it's not just with Tess. Gabriel has his own past that I want to know about, and then there's Joe. That guy, is dripping with signs of a very sad past!
       Yet, I have to say that one of my favorite character stories is Grace's. It's so filled with tragedy and loss. Then she gets that sheen of tears over her eyes... That girl needs a heavy dose of love! She's so not used to people having her back, or caring about her. Well, if the look in Chuck's eyes says anything, I think her life is about to change.
       Again there is one negative I'll give for this section, and I think many may disagree with it. Now I know that this is a WCTH spin off series, and it definitely has the feels. It just can get a bit to reminiscent of it's founding series. Between the fire, Gabriel searching in the ruins for the culprit, accusing someone who the main girl scolds him for, the boys supposedly running away, and the Mountie and his potential love interest rubbing each other the wrong way, it was a bit much for me. This in no way means that I don't like the show, as I'm eagerly waiting each week for the next episode. It's just a bit too similar to Season 1 of WCTH for me.
       Another great aspect that I mention in my last post is the inclusion of faith. Most shows would never show their characters believing in God or praying, but this one did! Thank you Hallmark!




       It's still pretty early in the romance department, but I am starting to get a taste for where things are going. Now this doesn't just mean who I think will end up with who. (I think everybody already knows that :) I'm getting a feel for what the chemistry and relationships will look like in the future. You know...after both perspective couples finally realize they were meant to be. Do you think we'll have to wait till the end of the season to see both couples kiss?
       Anyway...back to the topic! I believe that both couples will have chemistry. Whether it's Jack and Elizabeth level...that remains to be seen. Chuck and Grace look like they would love each other a lot, and yet drive each other crazy.

       With Gabriel and Lillian it's harder for me to say, but they look promising so far. Gabriel with his playfulness and a bit of pride, paired with Lillian's gentle grace and stubborn determination should be interesting to watch. I think in many ways they can balance each other out, while in others they may butt heads. (As we've already seen.)


       In the end I can say that so far I am enjoying this new show, and I'm waiting impatiently for the next episode!

      Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

P.S. Also feel free to check out my new store, Heart & Family Mercantile! I have a new design I'm working on that I hope to share with you soon!


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