When Hope Calls Episode Review: New Hope (And Giveaway Winner!)

       It's official! When Hope Calls is out! Well, it's been out, but you know what I mean.
       I got a special treat Friday, and found that the episodes had been released before 8 p.m. (The time I was told they would be.) So I got to watch the first in the afternoon, and the second that night!

     When Hope Calls is a mixture of new and old. It most definitely has When Calls the Heart flowing through it's veins, and some of the situations are incredibly similar to ones from the original show. Now for some people, they absolutely love it. For me, it's a bit too similar, but don't think for one little tiny minute that I didn't enjoy or like the show! (Because you'd be dead wrong!)

       I very much did enjoy the show! It was funny, touching, dramatic, and romantic! All the things I love to see in shows, and movies alike! It also has a colorful cast of characters, like WCTH, and I'm looking forward to learning more about each of them! (Especially Grace and Gabriel!)

       I'm going to be reviewing the first episode today, and put out the second on Friday!

Special Note: 

       Please forgive me for the mishap that has happened regarding my merch shop, The Heartie Mercantile. I have been informed that it is illegal to sell "Hearties" merch on my own without approval, and have taken my store down until I can fix it. Please forgive my mistake as I had no idea that it was illegal. Thank you to everyone for the support you have shown me! My store will be back soon without the "Hearties" merch. Now onto the post!

The Sisters

       First and foremost, let's talk about the two main characters, Lillian and Grace! Their story is a beautiful and touching one. Two sisters separated after the death of their parents, being reunited years later and running an orphanage together. They live in Lillian's childhood home, and Grace's tear filled eyes said a million words as she looked at Lillian's growth marks on the wall. The whole thing is such a sad, yet wonderful story!

      Let's start with Lillian! She is just a beautiful and gentle person. She has this peace about her. She's so soft and kind, and loves her sister and the children in her care SO much! Yet, she's still got a kick to her! She's got some sass, and plenty of determination.
       It will be interesting to learn more about her past as the show goes on. Especially finding out what happened with her father and Tess Stewart's husband! And seeing how this brand new Mountie relationship goes! (You know it's coming!)

       Next we have Grace! She is just a happy ball of energy and fun! She's so quirky and cute, and has a never ending hope filled spirit! Yet underneath all of it, I can see that she is seriously hurting from the death of her parents, and the fact that she was never adopted. And I don't blame her! 
       What must she think about herself and the world? No one ever picked her, so that would mean no one ever wanted her. I'm interested to see how this will play out in future episodes, and her future romance! (Again, you know it's coming!)
        P.S. Kudos to Jocelyn Hudon for the tears! She definitely knows how to turn on the water works!

The Men

       Now we move onto the other "main attraction." Yes, you guessed it. The men.
       Both of them are cute and have fun personalities. They got some sass to them, and have big hearts.

       Let's start with the man everybody is looking at in that bright red serge! I like Gabriel's character. He has that manly voice, and dark hair, both of which is a plus in my book, but there's more to him. He actually reminds me of Jack a bit. He's confident, knows how to do his job well, and yet refuses to call himself a hero. Now this of course has to do with his past, which I eagerly await for more details about!
       I'm kinda hoping that he will have crossed paths with Jack at some point. Maybe even turn out to be the man that Jack died saving. But sadly, with the details he shared about being injured, and a bank robber, it doesn't quite add up. But I'm still looking forward to finding out what that's all about. (And watching him fall for Lillian!)

       Next, of course, we have Chuck Stewart, the veterinary cowboy! He definitely has that country charm! He's easy going, knowledgeable, and just a nice guy! He's good humored, kind, and has those dark eyes, and sweet smile to boot!
       Now there may be more to this man then meets the eye. He obviously is still dealing with the grief of losing his father, but I think he's been able to move past it better than his Ma. Either that or he's real good at hiding it!
       I'm looking forward to seeing his romance with Grace! They look like they'd both drive each other crazy!

Tess Stewart

       Yep! This woman gets her very own section! There is something up with Tess. I'm not sure what it is, but it doesn't sound good. I know something happened between her husband and Lillian's father that apparently resulted in his death, but there's something more going on.
      She really wants to get in good with Mountie Gabriel, and make sure he thinks that there's nothing going on. But you know what that means...
       Yet despite all of her rough edges, I see good in her. The way she held Lillian after she was found in the burning building said SO much about her character. Truthfully, she may not be hiding her own secrets, but the secrets of her deceased husband. Maybe, like Cat Montgomery, her husband did some less than perfect deeds, and now she's trying to protect herself, her son, and their ranch. I guess we'll see!

The Children 

      And of course I can't forget the children! Six beautiful, precious children all in need of the love and care of the two sisters. 
      This episode we got to see the heart touching story of Sofia. Her giving Lillian the letter that was meant for her mother is such a huge gift! And the contents of that letter were so sad and touching! That would be a treasure for as long as I lived, if she'd given it to me! And I'm sure it will be the same for Lillian.
       I think that as the show goes on, and we watch more episodes, we may learn more about the children's stories. Maybe where they came from, what brought them there, and get to see Lillian and Grace show them the love and support they need to overcome whatever hurt or challenge they're facing.

Bone Dry

        They have animals!!! Yay! Now yes, yes WCTH had plenty of animals, but did you see all those cows? And Lillian and Grace actually have one of their own! (If only we could buy cows for eight to twelve dollars!)
       Now, let me say that the little girl who's milking "Virginia" is cute! There's a lot of personality going on with that one!
       Also, it certainly was nice of Chuck to come and pull out Virginia's bad tooth so she'd produce milk again. Does he do this for every pretty young damsel with cow issues? P.S. He will never be my dentist! Especially after touching a cow's mouth!


       One word to sum up the town? 1910. Just like WCTH, Brookfield was built fresh from the ground up just for this show! Now this town appears to be even smaller than Hope Valley, but it has its charm. Once again the town transports you to a different time and place, allowing you to imagine what it would be like living there in that time period. I find it interesting how the town has a hotel instead of a saloon, but it's different and makes for new stories.

       The orphanage is cute and homey! Not just the charming green gable exterior, but also the quaint interior. It looks like something out of Anne of Green Gables! It's so old fashioned and sweet. Then there's all the furniture, and that kitchen! SO wonderfully old fashion!
       Everything just has that Season 1 look and feel, and I'm really glad that it does! It just feels...not so cut and clean. It's got some grit to it, and I really like that kind of look and feel!


The Fire

       I did not see that one coming! The whole building burned down! Did someone have to build that whole building, and then really burn the whole thing down? Wow, and kudos to them too if they did!
       Now the fire was dramatic enough, but then we have the banner on the hotel that catches fire, and Joe sacrifices his store for the town! AND THEN we have Lillian who runs into the burning infirmary to save the doctor, and gets knocked out from a falling beam!
       I love this part, and that is because I love this kind of drama! The poor damsel in distress, and the brave Mountie who comes to save her! And what a kick Gabriel! I actually read that he's a black belt in karate, so that explains a LOT!
       Also, I read on Twitter that when Morgan Kohan (AKA Lillian) first read the part where Gabriel carries her out of the fire, she imagined it a bit differently. She thought he'd carry her out "princess style" and not fireman style. Well, she got a surprise!



       What's the secret sauce to captivate a viewer? Secrets! And lots of them! (Well, that's one way...💗 +  ⃤ ) This is only the first episode, and already I have so many questions! We have Grace's past, Mountie Gabriel's past, and the whole big thing with Tess Stewart! So many secrets, and I have the answers to none of them! (My grave will read, Died of Hallmark Drama and Suspense. I'm looking at you Brian Bird! And you Alfonso Moreno!)


       In conclusion, I am eagerly awaiting the next episode! When Hope Calls gave me laughs, potential romance, suspenseful secrets, and one dramatic Mountie kick!


Giveaway Winner!!! 

       And we have a winner folks! First, let me just thank everyone who participated! (THANK YOU! :)
       Now for the grand announcement! The winner of the When Calls the Heart Soundtrack is....


       Congrats on winning! I will message you about your info, so I can send it to the owner of Edify Films! You will receive your prize after it's released in October! Again thank you Elliott Wallach for sponsoring this giveaway!

       Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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