When Hope Calls Episode Review: Out of the Past

       It's Friday, Hearties and Hopefuls! Once again I'm bringing you a review for last week's episode! It's a bit harder to do right now because of the fact that I had the pleasure of watching this week's episode early, and it's one of my favorites so far! Now I have to remember last week's episode. I've been re-watching episodes for these reviews, especially since When Hope Calls' episode guide isn't like When Calls the Heart's, which lists all the important events. I usually would use it to help me remember what happened, but for these I guess I'll just HAVE to re-watch the episodes. (Oh poor me! All the trouble I go through for you all... :)

       (Side Note: I usually would put a warning for spoilers around here, but I don't think that it's necessary. The term "episode review" is pretty self explanatory, so from here on out I wont be doing that anymore. In case you were wondering!)

       Now onto the review!

Grace's New Job

       Oh boy! The sparks are a flying! First off let me say that it was very sweet and noble of Grace to get a job at the hotel. She saw a need and jumped at the chance to help bring a little more money to the orphanage. She's not afraid of hard work, and gets the job done, all with a happy smile on her face! (Well...most of the time.)
       Chuck was a regular before at his uncle's restaurant, but something tells me that he's going to be eating there a lot more. This guy may deny his feelings for Grace, but those eyes are telling me something different. He is VERY interested in that girl. Now Grace also is definitely interested in Chuck, but I think she's a little more uncertain then he is.

       But she is certain that she doesn't need Chuck giving his two cents to her boss. In all fairness to Chuck, he was being sweet by taking concern for Grace's well being. However, I understand Grace's concern about Ronny getting the wrong impression of her, and thinking that she's complaining behind his back. It wasn't as bad since Ronny is his uncle, but maybe he should have thought before he spoke. Grace probably should have as well. She was just in a fluster and gave him a piece of her mind. His face said it all once she left! Lol! It was like a bull just came charging through! Thankfully, Grace realized he was only looking out for her and forgave him.


A Blast From the Past

       If there's one thing you need to know about Lillian, it's that she doesn't give up. Stumbling upon a photo of her and the Stewarts, she remembers how life used to be, and wants to try to make amends with Tess. Only problem, Tess doesn't really want to make amends with her.
I understand Lillian's concern with giving Tess the photo. It may just make her even sadder to see a picture of her deceased husband and remember all over again everything that she's lost. But Grace was there for her and told her that you can't protect people from their pasts, because they've already lived them.
      This seems to be a little hint to Lillian. Grace doesn't want her sister to hide pictures of the wonderful family she had or when they were kids. She wants to be a part of her sister's life, and not be sheltered from the possible hurt. She already had to go through a lot in her life. Now she wants to reconnect with her long lost sister, and be a part of a family again. It may be scary for her, but I know that she wants to be loved again. And she already is by the beautiful family she has with Lillian, and the children in their care!



Mountie Gabriel's Arrest

       And we have the first Mountie arrest of the season! Gabriel knows what he's doing, doesn't he? He knew something was up, when he couldn't find Daniel and wouldn't take no for an answer! He hunted Daniel down and so carefully snuck up on him. Not even a whack with branding iron wrapped in a bedroll would stop him! Good going Gabe! (Can I call him that?)
       This scene helped show his skill level as a Mountie and how he does things. He's very smart and good at his job. He also proved this by asking for both the Newsome and Stewart ranches branding irons. That was a clever move and thankfully put Ken Newsome's claims against Tess to rest.
To top it all off we found out how the fire was started. It definitely was not as terrible as when Mr. Spurlock burned the old Coal Valley church down over Cat, but it still was very destructive. Not only did he destroy his own life by rustling cows and then trying to cover his tracks, but he also destroyed Joe's store, the Cattleman's Association, and the infirmary. Not to mention it's doctor!
      Boy, Daniel had his chance, but apparently it wasn't good enough for him.

Grieving Tess

       Yes! I was right! Tess may seem like a tough woman to everybody, (which she is) but it's not without a cause. She just misses her husband so much and any reminders are just too painful. Knowing this makes it easier to understand her rough ways, and forgive her less than tactful comments. Especially seeing her with her son! 
       How sweet and touching was that? Tess with tears in her eyes, resting her head against her son's shoulder. I can tell that she just adores him, and they sat remembering the wonderful times they'd shared in the past with his father. This definitely helps alter my opinion of Tess. Never the less I still think there may be more to her story and I look forward to finding out what it is.


The Case of the Missing Fever

       I don't detect a fever.  -Lillian
       It's hiding.                  -Fred

       Lol! Please tell me you laughed at this line! That little boy is so adorable! So tiny, with his round cherub cheeks! He was going to use that fever for as long as he could to get out of school work.
However, before we came to this cuteness we got to see some more interaction between Lillian and Gabriel. After learning from Fred that his nose whistles when he breathes, Gabriel thought he'd say something clever and replied, "But can you whistle, Yankee Doodle Boy?"
       Smooth Gabriel. Real Smooth. You could tell afterward he was like, "Why in the world did I just say that?" But don't worry Gabriel because I actually like the line, and think it's cute. Definitely not as bad as Mountie Nathan's line about, "the Founders being proud." Yikes! Very bad yet very funny.
It may not have been flirting, but his embarrassment shows that he wanted to make a good impression on Lillian. And so the romantic progress continues!

Too Organized?

       Moving onward we got to see the very sweet interaction between Maggie and Fred. She was so soft and gentle with him, and even gave him a sweet for when he got better. She apparently is good with children which is a good thing to know moving forward. Who will she fall for? Well, I think the most eligible bachelor is Joe Moody. He definitely has a very sad past. I can see it in his attitude and manner. Something has hurt him, physically, and mentally. What better way to find healing than with a kind and caring nurse? (Yes, I just did that.)

       Maggie also got some needed help organizing the infirmary from Lillian! She did an amazing job, although it was a bit too amazing for Maggie. I'm sure she'll get used to it after awhile!

       In conclusion, I. Want. More! This is only the third episode out of ten! What all will take place, I'm not sure, but I'm looking forward to finding out! Why must I wait a week for each episode? Why not give them to me all at once? Then again, where would the suspense be in that?😉

      Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

       P.S. I have a brand new design in my shop! It's my personal favorite so far, and I'd love for you to check it out! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


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