When Hope Calls Episode Review: From the Ashes


       Here we are Hearties! (Or Hopefuls! Whichever you prefer!) Onto the second episode of When Hope Calls! It was a treat, and yet mean of them to spoil me with two episodes in one day! Now this week I only can have one! (Phooey!)     
       But...It came out early! YAY! And so I got to watch it a day a ahead of the proposed schedule! But don't worry, as I will not say anything about it until my review for it next Wednesday!      
       Until then, lets take a look back at the second episode, and remember all that took place!


Faith & Prayer


       Okay I know what I just said, but this is something that I should have talked about in my previous review, but it escaped me as I was writing. In today's culture, you rarely find people coming together to pray, and having faith in God that He will take care of them.WCTH and WHC continues to incorporate this into their stories, and it was impressive when all the children and Grace stopped to pray as they watched the town fight the fire. They didn't have to. They could have made Grace's answer be something else, but when asked what could they do, her answer was so right. She said they could pray, and all held hands as they did so. 
       Let's all give a round of applause to the hard working team at Hallmark who continues to bring us wholesome, family-friendly television. I never have to worry about seeing adult content or hearing curse words with these shows. And I send a big thank you to my Savior Jesus, for giving us these fun and clean shows!


Familiar Faces


       Yay! Some of our favorite characters from Hope Valley have come to Brookfield! Now I was hoping that they would adopt a kid while they were there, but sadly they didn't. I get that this is a big deal, and it will definitely be explored in WCTH Season 7, whether they adopt or get pregnant. I just hope it doesn't take all of Season 7 for it to happen. It would be so cute if they had a little boy or girl. Seeing Rosemary with a little five year old boy would be adorable, but since Elizabeth already has a boy, maybe the writers would make them have a girl. I'm not really sure, but both would be fun!
      Along with their usual cuteness came a bit of news on Elizabeth and her growing son! (I've seen pictures, and Hope Valley better look out for this kid!) We also got to hear Pascale Hutton do a British accent, which is always fun to hear an actor try! And to top it all off, Rosemary got to watch them put on a play! She even got to coach Sofia, which I'm sure was a highlight of the trip for her!
      Lee also stepped up and was a father figure of sorts to Vincent and Christian. He showed them how to look after their family, and be the men around the house. Very nice Lee! You'll make such a fantastic father!
      It's fun that we get to see some characters from WCTH appear in WHC, and I'm looking forward to seeing another familiar face soon...


A British Nurse


       Blimey! Maggie Parsons is quite the colorful addition to When Hope Call's cast of characters. It's really a fun idea to have someone with an accent, and we've never really had someone from another country as a main character on either WCTH or WCH.
       She is a quirky girl to be sure, but very sweet. She looks like she's been a lot of places, and has a lot of knowledge on different doctoring methods. Some of which, may seem unusual to some, but she's smart and knows her stuff! (And she has that cute little hat! Yay!)
       I'm curious as to who she'll fall in love with. The only two men available at the moment is Daniel the Stewart ranch foreman, or Joe. I personally do not think it will be Daniel. He's not really a "main" character like she is. It could be Joe, as he doesn't have a girl, and they could be cute together. Only time will tell!
       (We've got to come up with some team names for these potential couples! Comment here or on my Twitter the ones you come up with please!)


Missing Cows

       Hhhmmm... What is going on? First Ken Newsome says Tess is stealing his cows and now he's making an official complaint to Mountie Gabriel. Something doesn't smell quite right here. (And it's not the cows :) Both ranchers seem a bit shady to me. (And a bit grumpy)
       Then we also have this little thing going on between Ben and Tess. They seem to be buddy buddy with each other, and I'm not sure why. It's like he's her spy. It may be nothing, and he's just watching out for her, but you never know.
       Now of course Tess will turn out to have a good heart in the end. It's not like she'll end up as the villain and go to jail. (She's on the cover for crying out loud!) But there is something going on and it's deeper than the cows. Once again I'm left to wait and see! (If only I had some WCTH to keep me company while I waited. Oh wait, that's why we have this series.)


Romance in the Air


       Oh, boy! Somebody is making eyes at somebody! Chuck didn't waste anytime did he? It's only the second episode, and he's already asking Grace to lunch! Sadly, he didn't get that far, as she turned him down. Now, she may have told Lillian that it was because of the big tiff going on between Lillian's family and the Stewarts, but I'm not sure if that's the only reason.
       Grace may be reluctant to get too close to Chuck. She may be scared, or not willing to open herself up to him. They both have suffered loss and have a past, but I'm sure that they'll work things out. Chuck just shouldn't have made his fairly obvious remark about Grace in front of Rosemary. She was on it in a heart beat, but only time will tell how this romance blossoms!

      On the other hand, things got pretty heated between Lillian and Mountie Gabriel. But not necessarily in a romantic way. She wouldn't take that man accusing her boys of something so bad as starting the fire. Or lying. (Anyone remember Elizabeth defending Cat about the church fire?)  But, as hard as it may be for Lillian to admit, Gabriel was right. But he didn't have to be so arrogant about it. (Maybe his horse isn't the only one with the big head... ;) Then again Lillian wouldn't admit that she was wrong either. (Once again we got two stubborn people who are bound to fall head over heels in love with each other.💕)

     They may be a bit behind compared to Chuck and Grace in the romance department, but the way Gabriel stared after Lillian said quite a bit...


Joe's Family


       Once again we see a wonderful display of a community coming together to take care of one of their own. That was so generous of them to give Joe a new building for his store, especially after he sacrificed his old one for the town. I don't know much about him, but he looks like someone who has suffered some loss in his life. He doesn't appear to have any immediate family, and I can just sense that he has something sad in his past. He needs the people of Brookfield, and they need him too!
      Eleanor wouldn't let him just ride away in defeat to go live with some distant relatives. After making a terrible toast, she and the town rallied together and showed him that he didn't have to go far to find his family.


Who Started the Fire?

       Don't mess with mama bears Lillian and Grace! They stood up for them, Grace putting down Ben and telling him the truth. Those children are hers. (You go girl!) They wont let even the Constable talk bad about their boys!
       Yet, in the end, as infuriating as it may have been, Gabriel was right. He's smart and after finding that baseball, he knew that Vincent and Christian weren't telling the truth about the night of the fire. (Who else got a total flash back to when Jack found the whale oil in the ruins of the old church?) The boys were hiding something, but it wasn't that they started the fire. Shoof! I'm glad it wasn't them!
       But we didn't find that out without them going missing. Once again it reminded me of WCTH Season 1 when everyone was searching for Rosaline. But it turned out that they were just picking flowers to help smooth things over with their confession. At least they told the truth in the end.
       But this all leaves us with the question, who did? We all know that there is something going on with Tess Stewart, and the fact that her horse is the same kind that was seen the night of the fire means something. What her whole story is I'm not sure. Either way she would never start the fire directly, and like I said in my last review, I see good in her, despite the rough edges.

Big Sister Advice

       It meant a lot for Lillian and Grace to have that sweet sister to sister talk. They've never really gotten to do the things that sisters usually do, and that would include girl talk and giving advice. And by the tears in Grace's eyes, you could tell what it meant to her to have her big sister on her side, giving her advice. These sisters have a wonderful love for each other. They were basically strangers, and now they are becoming each other's best friend!


       In conclusion, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything plays out! I want to uncover the secrets of Tess Stewart, but most of all I want to see romance blossom for both of the sisters!

Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

P.S. Also feel free to check out my new store, Heart & Family Mercantile! There's a 15% discount going on for only 4 more days, so be sure to look before it's gone!


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