When Hope Calls Episode Review: Lost and Found

      I'm back everyone! Thanks for your patience while I took a break this past week.

    Hold onto your couch cushions and hankies because this episode is a roller coaster ride of emotions! Welcome back everyone to yet another episode review for When Hope Calls! I know it's been a while since I posted something for When Calls the Heart, but never fear because I have something planned! (Maybe a little something about Lucas and Nathan....)

    Anyhow, getting back to the main topic, I can say that this past episode of When Hope Calls is one of my favorites so far! We've got fun chemistry between potential couples mixed with some heartbreak and drama! They even left us on a cliff hanger! So while we wait to see the next part of this story, let's discuss what we've seen so far!

Grace's First Riding Lesson

    Oh yeah. She's a total natural. Lillian teaching Grace to ride before her outing with Chuck was a sweet and fun moment. Grace may have over exaggerated on her "riding abilities" to impress Chuck and now she's paying the awkward sideways price of learning to ride a horse in a day.
(Was there anyone who didn't laugh at that scene?)
    It was really a nice bonding moment for the sisters. Big sister Lillian teaching her baby sister to ride. Plus it also showed how much Grace wanted to impress Chuck. I'm sure it wouldn't have bothered him if she'd told him the truth, but it was fun watching her learning experience!


Chuck's Surprise Picnic

    Well, Grace wasn't the only one who got a surprise! That was very sweet of Chuck to set up a whole picnic for her. And after hearing him list off the different food items, it sounds like he went all out. Now if only the bears hadn't...
    Luckily Eleanor's mandatory sandwiches saved the day! That's pretty smart of her to always send food with the girls. You never know if they'll get lost in the woods and have to spend the night there. But like that has ever happened in a show like this. 
    This was the first "date" like outing that Chuck and Grace have been on. They even rode together on the same horse during their ride back! (Ooooo!)
    It is very clear that they both like each other. Chuck gets that sweet old smile, and stares after Grace. Grace giggles at him. They both are totally falling for each other. And I'm all for it! Go Team Chace!



Keeping Gabe Company

    Subtle Gabriel. Real subtle. I mean, of course he meant nothing by his suggestion. He just wanted some "company." And if he could have the pretty red-head Lillian as his company, well, that's just a double win.
    This was his first big move in showing his interest toward Lillian. She kept turning down his repeated offers for help, but that didn't stop him. He pushed on and finally she agreed.
    During this trip we got to hear about Lillian and Grace's beautiful reunion. That would be a beautiful thing to see in the show! And so dramatic! They didn't even need to say anything to each other. They just knew! Family is a powerful thing! I'd love to see flash back's in the future of the girl's past. Especially of Grace's childhood. It would give so much depth to her character, and really help us understand what she's been through.
    Anyhow, back to Lillian and Gabe! Lillian showed us her determination as she dug through all those boxes. She doesn't give up, even when it means she has to stea... I mean "borrow" some official Mountie files.

    Meanwhile we got to meet Gabriel's almost killer! There is something going on with that guy! What's all this about missing money and the banker quitting? We will definitely find out more about this as time goes on. (Although it will most likely end with guns...)
    In the end the trip ended successful for at least one of them and they returned home. That's when we get to hear Gabe give Lillian his first compliment! She's anything, but mundane you say Gabe? How interesting...


Tess the Heart Breaker

    NO Tess! Not the pie! How could she do that to poor Grace? Now of course it's going to turn out that Tess only wanted the best for her son, or something like that, but still!
    Grace was heartbroken! Her tears and silence said it all. She likes Chuck, but seeing him with his rancher friends who are probably richer than others, just deflated her hope.
    And her pretty pie! She was so happy and excited to make that for Chuck. (Especially since it wasn't Elanor's recipe!) Then comes Tess who makes her slice it all up and give it to everyone else!

 Image Credit: Parade

    Yet the whole time, Chuck has no idea what's going on. He just finds the girl he likes at his mother's party and is happy to see her. Then she brushes him off. But both times he's talking with Lucy, he can't keep his eyes off of Grace. He's falling for her and she's the only girl he really wanted to see.
    Fix this Chuck! Tell her she's the only girl for you!


Helen's Family

    Hooray for Helen! Lillian found her Grandpapa! I've never really heard that title for a grandpa. Usually I hear Grandmama, like in Heidi, but hey, now I know it's used for grandpas too.
    That must be very worrisome on both the grandpa and the granddaughter knowing that the other one is out there somewhere but you don't know where. It's already hard for Helen since she lost her parents. Thankfully she's at Brookfield with Lillian and Grace! Lillian has found an address for her grandpapa and they may be reunited at last! Although, I can't help thinking that it wont go that smoothly.



Joe's Past

    I called it! I said it! I was right! (Clears throat.) I mean...how tragic!

    Joe always just had that sad way about him. He doesn't have a family of his own, or any near by. This, plus just his general manner, led me to believe that he'd suffered some kind of tragic loss. And I was right.
    Oh Joe! It's already such a horrible tragedy for him to lose his wife, but then to believe that he was the reason it happened is even worse! The guilt and shame that must plague him! I know I said something like this for Grace last time, but he needs a great big gigantic hug!
    Luckily for him Maggie is the busybody she is. She sees someone in pain and needs to soothe it. A true sign of a great nurse! She feels sympathy for the man who's hurting physically and mentally and she gave him something to help with both.
    He felt so bad it seems that he never tried to heal his wound as a punishment to himself for the death of his wife. But his wife wouldn't want him to be in pain as Maggie lovingly pointed out. Joe deserves healing, and a second chance in life for happiness. He needs to allow himself to heal, physically and mentally, and slowly move on from that terrible tragedy. (As a wise school teacher once told someone!)


Happy Horses and Cows

    It's sad for Chuck that he can't enjoy helping his "clients" without his mother's constant nudging for him to run the family ranch. I understand her reasons. What mother wouldn't want her son to work with her? Plus he'd be the most trustworthy foreman she could ever hope for!
    But Chuck's heart is with his animals. (Or his neighbor's animals. You know what I mean.) He wants to make his own way in life. If he took over the ranch it would be his in time, but not exactly. He wants to make his own legacy and not be handed his father's. So he's become a vet! And he's a good one as far as I can tell. People trust him, and he's got lots of "clients" to keep him busy. (Sounds better than saying he's got to see a sick pig! Lol!!!)
    I'm sure in time that Tess will be at peace with his decision and show her support and how proud she is. It will just take some time.

    In conclusion, this has been one of my favorite episodes thus far and I look forward to seeing more!

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

   P.S. Check out my shop if you have a chance! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


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