My Store is BACK!

       Yep! You read that right! After all the chaos once I found out that selling "Hearties" merch is copyrighted, I've gone back and updated my merch store, and it's finally back! Thank you all SO much for your support! The Hearties came through, and were there for me during all the trouble! (Thank you!)

       Now without further ado, I introduce to you the new and improved merch store the, Heart & Family Mercantile! (Great title for a store selling merch to Hearties, right? A friend gave me the name idea, and it just worked! It embodies everything that the show and the Hearties stand for!)
       Right now I just have the team merch, but rest assured that I will be adding new designs soon! Also the 15% discount is still here for 5 more days, so be sure to jump on that while you can!

Shop Now!

And thank you again for everything! I'm so grateful that God has blessed me with you all, and given me everything that He has with this blog and my store!💗 God Bless!


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