When Hope Calls Episode Review: A House United

    Hello everyone and happy Friday! I'm still dealing with some congestion, and have a lovely cough, but it will not keep me from this show! (Take that germs!)

    This particular day of the week has become an exciting day for many, due to the new episode of When Hope Calls they get to see! For me that day is actually Thursday since I watch through Amazon. I don't know why but the episodes are debuted extra early there! (But I'm scared to jinx it and talk about it on social media!) I wont say much here about the latest episode, just three words. Oh. My. Goodness! Okay that and the fact that a familiar face shows up! (If you read the opening credits you know who!)

    Anyhow, here I am with another review for last week's episode! As usual it held my interest and had bit's of suspense and romance! We even had a new character added to the mix.

    After getting through a little over half the season I can say that I do enjoy the show, but When Calls the Heart is still my favorite of the two. But how nice is it to have a fun show to watch while we wait! 
    And on that note, let's get onto the review!

The Inspector

    Oh boy! Just filing taxes is enough to make some people squirm, but to have a government agent inside your home inspecting everything you do is 10 times as scary! Not only that, but this guy has the power to shut down their whole orphanage! (DUM dum dum!)
    Now at first this guy appears particular, snobbish, and just rude. Grace thought so and didn't give him the best customer service she could have. Then again she wasn't extremely rude or anything. She was just frustrated with this guy. Then he reveals his identity, and I'm sure she wishes she could have a do-over.
    Although he started out with not the greatest of impressions, he turned out to be an alright guy with a kind heart. (Who loves cookies! He ate the whole plate!) He saw the love and care that Lillian and Grace are giving those children and how they put the kids needs first. Even before him! Happily for them he renewed their licence, but left a very ominous message that if there is just ONE infraction he'll shut them down! Yikes! I wonder if that will come into play later on in the series.




    Enter man of mystery! (That sounds familiar for some reason...) Sam Tremblay is an interesting fellow. He just comes out of nowhere, with the biggest beard WCTH or WHC has ever seen! I'm curious if it was real or not, but I'm guessing it was fake. (Comment please if you know!)
    Now right off the bat Sam shows that he's a good guy by stopping a man from stealing an apple from Joe. Then while delivering some food to the sisters, Lillian decides to hire him to fix the roof so the inspector will be happy. Now she was definitely sketchy about him, even accusing him of stealing their food. I absolutely do not blame her. Grace said it right, "You hired the vagrant?" Now "vagrant" isn't exactly the nicest word to use on someone, but I do have to say that that was a risky move. I for one wouldn't have trusted him that easily. (Sorry Sam!) But he turned out to be a great help to the girls and a pretty stand up guy so far.
    He even shaved the beard after Lillian "hinted" to him about it. Okay, she more than hinted. She said everything but, "Can you shaved that big fuzz ball off your face?"
    There's still more to learn about Sam. Where he's from, who his parents are, and so on. Could he become a potential option for one of the girls? I say definitely not Grace, but maybe Lillian. I'm not sure, but Gabe better step up his game!



Grace's Past

    Once again we learn more about Grace's tragic past. Upon learning about Grace's childhood, and a potential theft she might have committed, Mr. Anderson isn't sure that Grace is a fit partner to run the orphanage. Now we all know that this is preposterous. Grace is perfect! However, during her confrontation with the man we got to hear another story of her past.
    Grace ran away from EVERY orphanage she was placed in. Wow. What a traumatic childhood she must have had! And not only did she run away, but the last time she did she spent two weeks in a church basement! Oh, Grace.
    Once again I think that if the show added flash backs, it would really help us grasp the sister's past. Now just hearing about it, definitely paints a picture in my mind, and helps me feel it. I also know that it may be a bit too dramatic or sad for some people. I just think it would help add even more depth to their stories. But I'm fine without it!


 You May Experience Some Discomfort

 Image Credit: Parade

    Well, you can't say that she didn't warn you! That was great that Maggie could fix Ronnie's busted nose without him having to go all the way to a hospital. Although I'm sure some people could have done without the scream. Lol!
    This whole situation, however, brings up a very important question. Who is Sinclair? How did Ronnie get involved with him? When will we find out? Okay that's three questions, and I could probably come up with more, but this will do for now.
    This guy is obviously taking advantage of Ronnie and has been for a while. He's a money grubbing man who sends his minions to do his dirty work. All the while hurting poor Ronnie in the process!
    Tess apparently also knows about this man, and very generously gave the money she was going to buy a truck with to help her brother in law. But this wont hold Sinclair over long, and I'm sure that we're going to be hearing more about him soon!



Three Handymen for the Price of One


    Oo la la, ladies! We have Gabriel in some causal attire! This is the first time I've seen him in something other than the red serge or the shirt and suspender he wears underneath. (And I like it!) He really looks like he'd fit very nicely into Lillian's life style.
    Both Chuck and Gabriel were very sweet and thoughtful to come and help the sisters with the roof. Chuck even went as far as to buy the extra shingles they needed. He wouldn't take no for an answer! But they were in for quite the surprise!

    Their faces said everything after hearing about Sam. And then as they watched the girls expressions at Sam's clean shaven face, you could see their puzzlement!  They have no idea that Sam used to have a huge beard, so the girls wonderment at the appearance of this man must have been really confusing and disturbing. Lol! Gabriel was not happy with Lillian's speechlessness, her mouth gaping at some other guy. Now maybe he's just protective. Oh who am I kidding! The green eyed monster got a hold of him and he was jealous! Yes I do believe that he was being protective of the town and Lillian, but just watch his expression! He was not pleased with Lillian's reaction! But like Sam said, "Suck it up, Buttercup." Lol!


Helen's Missing Locket


    As with all families, there are going to be rifts and arguments, and the same is true here. Everyone hasn't been together very long and so trust is something that is still being learned. Helen's locket is very precious to her and rightfully so. It may be all she has left of her mother. So when it went missing it was a big deal.
    Now I will say that I do not agree with her actions. I felt sorry for Sofia as Helen blamed her and even earlier when Helen kept putting her down because she's younger. Once again, however, they haven't been together long, and so respect and trust are still being built.
    It turned out right in the end though and that's what matters!


Grace and Chuck 


    Oh Grace! Why must there be tension in romance? I mean it only adds drama, suspense, intrigue, realism, and makes people come back every week to see what happens next. Why do we need that?
    The thing is that Chuck isn't even sure what's wrong. He just knows that Grace is being distant for some reason. I hope they get this worked out. I want to see more romantic moments between them, like with Elizabeth and Jack. It doesn't have to be a kiss or anything. (Yet...) But I would like them to get a bit closer. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

    In conclusion, I want Grace and Chuck to finally get together, and I've got questions!

    Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!

    P.S. Check out my shop if you have a chance! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile 


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