When Hope Calls: First Impressions (SPOILERS!!!)

       During the long, tedious wait for season 7 of our beloved show, there is hope on the horizon. Hope in the form of a new spin off series titled very appropriately, When Hope Calls.
       Now I know this is a When Calls the Heart blog, but When Hope Calls is a spin off after all and so I deem it perfectly acceptable. Besides, I'm sure everyone who loves WCTH will also love WHC.

       To be honest I'm more strict about watching previews and trailers before seeing the actual episodes. I find that Hallmark gives away far too much and I like to be surprised. That being said, I have seen bits here and there, (I watched eight seconds of the latest trailer!) and it's made me really excited!

       (WARNING!!! SPOILERS BELOW!!! Read the bold before proceeding!!!)
       I would just like to warn anyone who may be like me that there are images and info below that could be potential spoilers. It's all info you can find online or in the series' description, but if you know nothing about the show and want to keep it that way, I would skip this post. Sorry!

       When I first heard of the show it was exciting news, though very little info was given away at the time. Eventually it just got pushed to the back of my mind and I was more focused on WCTH. Little by little more would come out for When Hope Calls, but I wasn't as excited. Then I saw a glimpse of a first look trailer, ET's first look picture, another two pictures, a bit of the latest trailer, more pictures, and now I can officially say that I am really excited!

       Here's the link to ET's first look article!

 The Feels

Picture from ET

       First off, the entire look and feel of the show is wonderful! The lighting, the scenery, the costumes, the hairstyles, and pretty much everything just feels fantastic! It's so reminiscent of WCTH season 1, and that is still my favorite season. It just has this old time country look. Truth be told it's the feeling I get from just looking at it that makes me the most excited!

The Clothes

Picture from ET 

       This again contributes to the feel of the show, but I have to give a round of applause to the costume designers. Lillian and Grace's outfits are so country and so pretty. I've seen plaid and flowered dresses, aprons, braided and up-done hair. (Giant sigh of wonder) I love it! This is a big part of what made WCTH season 1 so great. It takes you to another time and another place. It lets you live, even for just a little bit, in another lifetime and in another person's shoes. Even the men, as far as I've seen, are dressed the part as ranchers, and not to forget the red serge wearing Mountie!

Picture from ET

       Which brings us to my next topic!


The Characters

       Now, I'm obviously really out of the loop, because I didn't know that one of the main guys was a Mountie until recently. But then again, how could we have a When Calls the Heart spin off series without a Mountie? (Slaps forehead) I didn't even know who was playing the men until a few days ago.

       We have Ryan-James Hatanaka playing the Mountie... 

       and Greg Hovanessian playing what appears to be a rancher.

       I have seen neither of these guys in anything so I really don't know what their characters will be like. Although I will say, how do these women get so lucky? Lol!
       I also know that Jefferson Brown will be in it. He appears to be playing maybe a store owner? Finally, there's Wendy Crewson, (I have no idea who she plays) and of course a group of precious children!

       Now on to the stars of the show.

Picture form ET
       I love the story with these two! Two sisters separated after their parents died, one got adopted, one didn't, who finally find each other as adults. Then they start an orphanage for poor children like them! The fact that they're sisters is a great addition to the story. It's like they don't know each other, yet they do, and they have this beautiful bond running through them that only sisters can have.

       It's Grace's story that intrigues me the most. As she said in WCTH's Christmas special, she was never chosen as a child to be adopted. How that is even possible I may never know, but she obviously is still very hurt by it. She probably feels like no one would want her, and that makes for a great story with her love interest! He'll come in and show her that she is wanted and loved for who she is! (Please Hallmark make this happen!)

Familiar Faces 

       The final and possibly biggest spoiler I have is the guest appearances from some of WCTH's cast! (STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHO!!!) 

       I have no info on what they do in the show, but if you read the Hallmark Movies Now description for the show it says that Nathan Grant and Lee and Rosemary make a special appearance! 
       My best guess for the Coulters is obvious. They're going to adopt! How exciting! As for Nathan, it's probably some sort of Mountie business. I wonder if it will play a part in WCTH season 7? 

       All this goes to say that I am really looking forward to When Hope Calls! It will be nice to have something in between WCTH seasons and from the looks of it, the show will most likely be a new favorite for many!

       Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to share your excitement for the show by dropping a comment below or on my Twitter page! (Pretty please no spoilers beyond what I've shared!) God Bless!


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