Episode Review: The Greatest Christmas Blessing

       In honor of Hallmark Channel's Christmas in July, I think it's completely fitting to do a review for When Calls the Heart's Season 6 Christmas Special. (It also gives me a chance to re watch the rest of the episodes I didn't review yet in order!) So I went and re-watched it for this post and have lots to say!

       The thing that set this one apart from the others is two major factors.

       1. This was the first Christmas special to not have Jack. (Sniff...sniff...)
       2. Elizabeth was pregnant! (So fun!)

       As to the first fact...yeah...that was kinda hard. The first time I watched it I was just like, Jack should be there, and, that would have been so much fun if Jack was there! (You catch my drift.)
       It was an adjustment, and a pretty sad one at that, but I survived. Now I'm a-okay and ready to move on to happier tidings. It is Christmas we're talking about so that's not hard!

Pregnant Elizabeth 

        Note from writer: Please indulge my enthusiasm. :)

        This was one of the best parts of the episode! Elizabeth was so cute! (Though she may not have felt like it:)

       Her with that baby bump, and the little waddle she had when she walked! Lol! Love it!
      Her outfits were great too! All the dresses with the little frills and buttons. So cute!!! I actually wish she would wear a dress or two when she's not pregnant. Don't get me wrong, she wears some beautiful outfits, I just think a dress would be cute!

       Erin Krakow played the part well. The way she walked, sat, and even held her back for support as she got around was all great! She made it look like she was someone who had been pregnant for awhile and wasn't her complete usual self. She slouched more and even used her belly to hold her teacup! So good! That and the cookie thing at the cafe!
       Her cravings were...interesting as well. I saw marshmallows, crackers, sardines, and of course pickles. Ned was a bit grossed out by the sardines and pickled eggs, but that was nice of him to throw in the carbonated water!
      All this goes to say, thank you Hallmark and kudos to Erin Krakow for bringing this to us Hearties!

Henry Gowen & Children

       Wow! Who saw that coming? Henry reading a story to a little girl was not what I was expecting, but it was very sweet! And sort of awkward, remembering him from season 1, but it brings a soft side to him that's nice to see. I'm glad he was the one to get Millie talking. It added a very sweet and sentimental touch to the story.
       I'm sure he can relate to her sad situation and it was great of him to encourage her to be strong and that things would get better. He knows this from experience. Time and time again I get to see the good in Henry come out bit by bit. He really isn't the terrible man he appeared to be, and I look forward to seeing his true colors shine as the show continues.


Lillian & Grace

       These are the lovely new faces of the coming series, When Hope Calls. I for one think, excuse me, know that I'm going to like the new show. I love the sister's stories, and the whole idea of them running an orphanage together is great. Very good concept for a series with so many great stories that could take place.
       (SPOILER!) I also know that some familiar faces are going to make an appearance in the show which is exciting! (END OF SPOILER!)
       The sisters tend to be polar opposites at times which is sure to result in lots of fun! (And some arguments.) They both have very sweet personalities, and are very pretty ladies too.
       I'm sure soon I'll have another series that I can't wait to watch each year! It'll be nice to have something to look forward to after WCTH.
       My biggest question is, who are the guys playing their love interests??? (Please comment if you know!)


The Children

       The story with the Hope Valley children was very sweet and a good challenge for ourselves. They got rid of their own Christmas wishes and only wanted to bring joy to the orphans. In doing so they gave more than just the toy they didn't want anymore. They gave something that was special to them, maybe even something they still would have liked to keep. A very great message for everyone of love and selflessness.
       Although I have to say that Opal giving away Brownie probably hurt me more than it did her.😂 She's got a big heart, that girl! I was actually sad and disappointed that she wouldn't have him anymore. But I guess things don't stay the same forever. She's getting older and wont always carry a teddy bear around. (Sighs...)


Missing Lissing 

       I'm going to take a moment and discuss a more sadder topic. After all, just because it's Christmas doesn't mean that we or Elizabeth have forgotten about our beloved Mountie Jack.
       Elizabeth is a remarkable woman. I probably would have been bawling all over the place, but she remained positive and put a smile on her face. Granted she missed Jack greatly. She was so pitiful sitting outside of the infirmary, and standing in the empty nursery. Although it's sad, it is definitely realistic that she would still be missing Jack. To tell you the truth I think she didn't miss him enough, but it would be way to sad to watch her cry the whole episode. So in the end it worked.
       Honestly, it was sad and sort of depressing for me to watch this episode without Jack. At the time I really wished he was there, and still think it would have been better if he had been. But like Elizabeth, we Hearties will solider on!

Jesse the Human Puzzle

       "Bill, Lee wants your pants." Great job Hallmark! Not only is this another example of what a wonderful community Hope Valley has, but it was great fun to watch! First off let me say how sweet it was of Jesse to get Clara the tickets, even though he didn't know it was ballet.
       And then everyone pitched in, even Gowen, to help him get his suit. Between Lee's shoes, Henry's coat, Carson's shirt, and Bill's 'fancy pants' he's got himself a smart outfit for a great night out.
       Jesse has come so far from his criminal days. He went from robbing others to giving of himself to those in need. And to the woman he loves! Now all he wants is a wonderful future with Clara as his bride. (Which I'm pretty sure he's going to get very soon!)


The Nursery

       Once again the women of Hope Valley banded together and helped a friend in need. Truthfully, Elizabeth really needed that. It would have been too much for her at the time to set up the nursery and very sad if she did it alone. In the end they did a great job and the nursery turned out very nice.
       Side Note: I miss seeing the ladies hair done up like that. It reminds me of season 1 and that's still my favorite season!


The Birth 

       Once again I gotta give it to Erin Krakow. Great job! It's not easy to act, let alone act out something you've never felt before. I'm sure Pascale and Lori gave her some pointers about labor. Her expressions were good and the way the makeup people were able to make her look pale and sweaty really added to the realism of the scene. If I could ask Erin a question, how she prepared for that scene would definitely be on the list. That and who's gonna end up with Elizabeth, and what's it like working on WCTH and a thousand others!


The BABY!!! 

       Oh. My. Goodness!!! Cuteness overload!!! A lot of the time in movies when someone gives birth, the baby is already a few months old. Not this time! He was so tiny! Probably only a week or two old! And the yawn when Carson came to examine him! Yeek! So precious! Even Elizabeth thought so.

       As for the name, Abigail said it right. Nobody ever had a doubt. Of course she would name him Jack!
       And did you see Lee's face? He was so enamored at the sight of the baby! (Hint, hint...) He just smiled so hard, telling Rosemary what a good job she did. Oh wait! He was talking to Elizabeth. Lol!

       I think that Elizabeth having a baby was a way to try and save the show after Daniel Lissing left, but I think that it sort of saved her.
       If she wouldn't have, then she may have grieved deeper and longer over the loss of her husband. Everyday she would have came home to an empty house with no one to take care of, or anything to take her mind off Jack's passing. In having her son, it gave her hope and another reason to carry on.
       Personally I think that it was a way to not have her be super sad, so we could get back to the usual happy episodes. Even if it would be more realistic for her to be sadder, very few people if any want to watch a Christmas special that's like season 5's finale.
       Anyhow it's fun to see Elizabeth as a mother. It's something, I'm sure, most Hearties have wanted to see, including myself. And she will be an absolutely wonderful mom!

       In conclusion, Erin Krakow should just wear the baby bump regularly, and babies are adorable! JK! (About the bump, not the babies!) Oh, and salami is now a Christmas main dish!
       Note to the WCTH Writers: Thank you for fighting through every obstacle to bring us this wonderful show! Keep up the great work!

       Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless and Merry Christmas in July!


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