Hollywood Secrets: How to Hide a Baby Bump

       Have you heard the news? Andrea Brooks, who plays Faith Carter, is going to have a baby! She's already five months along and is expecting a girl! Congrats Andrea!

       This news brought about an interview with ET where she said that she's most looking forward to when she can play pretend with her daughter, and that she's craving fruit, berries, and pickles! Sounds familiar...
       She also claimed that it would be neat to see an actual pregnancy integrated into a character's storyline. I also agree that would be neat, but sadly it wouldn't work for Faith.

      You can read the article for yourself here! 

       All this, however, brought up a discussion on Twitter about Pascale being pregnant in season 2 of WCTH! I knew that she looked different, but I didn't realize it was because she was very pregnant while shooting. Obviously they did a good job of hiding it, (or I'm just clueless) because I had no idea.
       What is it that I'm getting at? Well, I thought in light of all this talk of pregnancy and baby bumps, that I could dive a little deeper and show how filmmakers hide the bump right under our noses!

Wear Bigger Clothes

       This one is really simple and can work quite well. The filmmakers will just have the character wear large, bulky, or "flowy" outfits to cover their growing belly.
This is what Hallmark did for Rosemary.
       Remember the giant red coat she wore in season 2? Yep! That was to hide that fact that she was pregnant with her second son.
       It actually worked really well. For anyone else the bright red coat and huge buttons would have looked out of place, but it was no problem for the flashy actress Rosemary. Especially during season 2 with all the fancy dresses being worn.

        Other actresses wore looser outfits, bulky coats, and different scarves to cover their baby bumps.

Carry Objects in Front of You

       This is another sneaky little trick, that I believe can work well if done right. The actresses just carry an object in front of their bellies. It's also another one that was used for Rosemary.

       Clever Hallmark! She carried her coat or a crate in front of her to hide her baby bump. Once again I had no idea, but after looking at a couple pictures I found, it's pretty obvious. (What was I thinking?)

       Another example is Kelly Rutherford, who happens to be the leading lady in Hallmark's own movie, Love Of Course. For one of the productions she was in, she carried designer bags to hide her pregnancy.

       I would never know that she was pregnant by looking at this picture! Other women carried towels, blankets, and even a bowling ball! Wow!


Other Methods

       Standing behind objects, clever camera angles, CGI, and even body doubles have all been used for different shows. In one situation a character got injured and got to ride a scooter and stay in bed for most of the season. That would hide it!
       All of these methods have their goods and bads. Some have worked, while some are super obvious, but this last one is something that never fails.

Mixing Reality with Make Believe

       What is the easiest way for directors to deal with an actress's real life pregnancy? Make their character pregnant! BOOM! Problem solved!
       There have been many many times where the writers will just incorporate the actress's actual pregnancy into their character's story. Like I said earlier, that would be neat to see, and you never have to worry about the bump not looking real!
       While this method works well to portray a realistic pregnancy, writers often don't want the character to be in this condition. So instead they will make the character have some sort of problem with their body or a disorder which will compensate for the added weight and change in body shape.

My Thoughts for Faith?

As we've already seen with Rosemary, the writers for WCTH have already had to deal with hiding a baby bump, and they can totally do it again! It would be fun if they could make the pregnancy a part of Faith's story, but the only way that could be remotely possible is if Carson went to Hamilton and eloped with Faith. (Yeah, not happening...) But, as I've stated, there are many creative ways to hide the lovely bump!

They can hide it behind Faith's apron, have her carry towels, make her wear looser clothes, or even make this season during the fall so she can wear bigger coats. Also the scenes with Faith and Carson can just show the top half of her, which they already sort of do anyway! So they're all set!

Over all, it's just neat to see how filmmakers deal with this unique situation, and find out the behind the scenes on how it all works!

Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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