Episode Review: Queen of Hearts

       I know my last post was an episode review, but I have something fun planned for my next post that requires a bit more work. Besides, this is the infamous episode where we are introduced to the first handsome half of the love triangle. And believe me it's worth the watch!

       Side note: If you want a seek peek of what Friday's post is about, follow the link on the left to my Twitter and find the poll at the top of my page! And leave a vote too!

       I'm very glad they didn't wait until the middle of the season to introduce Lucas' character. He brought a lot of excitement and mystery to the show. And on that note let's dive right into the review!

(WARNING! SPOILERS BELOW!!!)----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lucas Bouchard 

       And enter man of mystery. He's just the guy that no one can keep their eyes off of. He's charmed the women, and the guys can't help but stare and wonder what he's all about.
       For me, the arrival of Lucas is a huge contributor as to what made this season so great. Yes, yes, I know he's handsome and gets that sparkle in his eyes when he smiles, and has dimples... (Clears throat)... but it's not just his looks that did it.
       Lucas is so different compared to all the other characters. He may have a mysterious past like many, but he doesn't act like it. He's bold and confident instead of quiet and sullen. He also brought back an element to the show that I love, which is mystery. Season 1 had lots of it, and that was part of the reason it was so fantastic. He's just a character that you have no idea what's going to happen to next, and you're waiting anxiously to find out what he's all about.
       His magic tricks are a definite plus as well, and he just brings a fresh new take to the show. And he speaks French for goodness sake!!! And all in his deep intriguing voice! (I'm not swooning, you're swooning!)

Meeting the Locals

       Lucas managed to do quite a bit of socializing during his debut episode and met nearly every main character.


       By the way of his impressive slight of hand magic, Abigail was the first to meet the charming mystery man. She tends to always see good in everyone, which is a very nice trait to possess, and tries to give him the benefit of a doubt. She too seems to have fallen a bit for his charming ways but throughout the entire episode she just really is unsure what to make of him.
       As for Lucas, he is nothing but polite and a gentleman to her, even while avoiding her personal questions about him.


       Oh, boy... For me, this was not Bill's finest moment. I know he's just trying to keep his town safe, but he bent the rules a bit too far this time. First off, when they met, he could have been a bit friendlier. (Yes I know this is Bill we're talking about!)
       Then all the spying he did with Fiona. (We'll get to her later.) I mean, sheesh! It's not a crime to have a personal life, but he just started calling up some acquaintance of Lucas' to dig up more info.
       And then there's the pièce de résistance when he demanded that Lucas open the crate. That was too far. Lucas did not have to do that, yet for Bill's reassurance he did. All while keeping a cool head. Well done Mr. Bouchard!
       Now before you defend poor Bill, who I just berated, let me just say that I understand why he did it. He's seen more than enough crime, and wants to keep the people he cares about most safe. That's totally honorable, I just think he went too far. (Sorry Bill!)


       And in typical Rosemary fashion she enters with a flourish and leaves with... less than a flourish, It's funny, every time she introduces herself the same way, as the former actress Rosemary Leveaux, and every time no one has ever heard of her. She tried so hard to make an impression, but it just didn't work.
       She tried speaking French and was shut down. Then she offered her "services" to entertain and was politely turned down. Then (Gasp!) to her horror, she had to wait to find out what the entertainment would be! Just. Like. Everyone. Else.
       Oh boy! Lucas face said it all once she left. "What just happened?"


       And the sparks are a flying! Two things are very clear from Elizabeth and Lucas' first interaction.

       1. He is interested in her right away.
       2. She is not. (Well, I believe she was intrigued by him, but definitely not looking for romance.)

       Lucas' whole "I can read people" thing actually sort of reminds me of one of my favorite lines in season one. The part when Jack got Elizabeth to admit she wasn't disappointed he showed up for dinner. (So good!) Lucas read her right about being intellectual, and Elizabeth knew it.
       Yet try as he may with his charming ways, Elizabeth shut him right down by introducing herself as MRS. Thornton, and not clarifying that she's a widow. Then her son is introduced! Lucas was clearly disappointed, and a little embarrassed for flirting with, what appeared to be, a married woman. But he's not done putting his foot in his mouth yet! (More on that later too!)


Timmy & the Bike

       For what it's worth, in my personal opinion, the kids' stories just don't interest me as much as the adult stories do. However, I will note that Elizabeth is a great teacher in the fact that she never gives up on her students. Even when they give up on themselves. She's always trying to help them reach their dreams with love and encouragement. Whether it's going to college, or just learning how to ride a bike, she's patient and kind and always comes up with creative ways to help her students succeed.

Clara's New Job

       After learning that Jesse wants to conquer his financial problems before he'll marry her, Clara has made a rather bold move. She's become a beer maid! (Cough! I mean, a waitress at the saloon...)
       Truthfully, since this is Hope Valley, working at the saloon isn't as bad as it could be. (And I've seen enough Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie to know!)
       Jesse, however, is less than thrilled and I may understand why. Besides his dislike of the job's location, and the owner in general, I think that he may feel that he's failing. He might want to be able to take care of everything himself and Clara having to work two jobs just makes him look worse.
       I also understand why she did it. She wants to get married! I think they both need to be more understanding of the other and talk this through. True, Jesse can't make her quit, but she should take his feelings into consideration too. And vice versa for Jesse considering Clara's.


The Grand Re-Opening

       Lucas has certainly turned that place into a more luxurious saloon than it used to be! New wallpaper/paint, fancy glasses, and plush seating. Ooo la la! (That's French for, "How fancy!" Or something like that...) In what appears to be a very short amount of time he has left quite the impression on everyone. Some better than others...

       The poor man! He thought he got it wrong the first time with Elizabeth, but this was worse. He's just trying to be polite to the pretty lady and asks where is her husband, and then finds out that he died. Come on Lucas! He probably gave himself a mental kick after that, and what he said to the Coulters was pretty on point.
       "I have a knack for saying precisely the wrong thing to your lovely school teacher." (But he did call her lovely.) And Rosemary's response was good too! Apparently anything less than a yes, is wrong.
       Over all, it will be neat to see what happens with the saloon in the future now that it's all gussied up. And see what it holds for Lucas and the lovely school teacher!

       Side Note: Remember what Henry said about Lucas changing the name of the saloon! It may be a foreshadow of a story to come!!!


Abigail & Henry

       I'm not sure, but I may be in the minority on the topic of Abigail and Henry being a couple. They've just been through so much and their relationship has gone under huge changes from the first season. And after seeing Henry almost ask Abigail to dance, it began to seem like a real possibility.
       I'm not going to go into their past here and how they would work as a couple. (Maybe in a future post.) But it's worth noting how different their thoughts on each other have changed.
       What I will say, however, is that Henry telling Abigail that she doubled her money, even though she didn't, and then giving her his own money to make it look like she did was definitely something. It was like sweet, yet wrong, and so pitiful all at the same time! He didn't want to have to tell her that he failed her. Thankfully Abigail told him that he didn't, although his face when she tried to return the money was priceless! This is around the third time I've watched it and I still laughed outright! His face said everything!


A Special Dance

       And he did it folks! Carson Shepherd has made the first move and asked Faith to dance. A bit of a corny line coming from him about his feet doing the talking. Let's see what the lady says...and she's accepted! They're moving onto the dance floor now, and by the look on that girl's face, I'd say she's thrilled! Man, watch that big grin on Carson's face! He has completely redeemed himself from last episode's catastrophe. Finally, these two are together! What a sight! Yes sirree, there's a wedding in the making right here, folks!

       (I'd like to thank you now for indulging my comedic side!)

The French Spy

       Mais Oui! But yes, we have a spy in our midst! Fiona teaming up with Bill was a fun idea. She's literally the last person you'd think of Bill working with, and yet she's the one who started it. I think her way around the rules impressed him. (And got him the info he wanted.)
       It's also very interesting that she speaks French, and I believe Lucas found it quite enlightening as well.
       She was totally caught in the act when Lucas eyed her across the street watching what happened with the crate of fish. I kind of have to agree with Lucas. It's not very sporty. I understand why she did it. She was concerned. (And maybe just a wee bit curious?) She just needs a bit more spy training. Lol!


The Money?!?

       I know I'm not the only one wondering this. Where did all that money come from? I have a couple ideas, but look at it all! It wasn't just a couple bucks, or even a couple hundred. That was thousands! Maybe he won it gambling? Maybe it's an inheritance? Or maybe he owns lots of businesses in other places? Please comment here or on my Twitter page with your idea please!!!

       In Conclusion, I have SO MANY questions! But over all, as usual, I can say that it was fun and entertaining! Lucas is such a different character compared to what we've seen before and I can't wait to learn more about him!

       Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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