Episode Review: Phone Rings and Heart Strings

       Next in line for review we have what I like to refer to as Episode 1 for Season 6. (Although others may call the Christmas Special the first one.)

       This was the one that kicked off the start of a new season of life for Hope Valley. It's like the  gloomy night finally passed away, and the sun came up on a fresh day. I'm glad that it was bright and happy, and not really sad and depressing.
        This also was back when Abigail was still in Hope Valley.

The Telephone

       And progress has touched Hope Valley once again. Having a telephone is big news for a small town, and I sort of like the idea. Sure it was fun with the old-time telegrams, but there are a hundred and one stories that could take place with the telephone. My personal favorite was when Lee pretended to use it, imagining that he had some big client on the line! And then Bill caught him! Lol!!! That was fantastic! He could barely hang it back up, and couldn't even think of an excuse!


       Watch out! Cuteness overload! Baby Jack, played by the adorable Taylor twins, has quite the personality and such a wonderful smile! You cannot help but smile back when you see it! Hallmark did a good job casting! Just like Lee said with an amazing amount of enthusiasm, "He's SO CUTE!!!"
       Becoming a mother is a really big change for Elizabeth's character. Nothing will ever be the same. She has someone else to feed, someone to always care for, and she can no longer just get up and go somewhere without thinking about her son.

       With all that being said, if there is anyone who would make the perfect mother it's Elizabeth. She already has such a love for children and a desire to see them do well.
       She could barely get out the door, without looking back at her son one last time. She just loves him so much! I don't blame her! It must be extremely difficult to leave your son for most of the day to teach.
        But Elizabeth figured it all out and will do Jack proud by their son!


Nanny Laura

       Elizabeth's idea to hire Laura was a good one in my opinion. That schedule with Molly and Florence would have driven me crazy! Especially if I'd have to go on a scavenger hunt everyday to find my son! Not only does this give Laura a good steady job, with time to study, (Not to mention a more prominent role for the actress) but it provides Jack Jr. with stability. A normal routine for his day. 
       It also must be such a relief for Elizabeth to know where he is, and that he's always taken care of. Plus she's being the great teacher she is and helping Laura accomplish her dreams! It's a win win for both of them!


Saloon for Sale

       In a town like Hope Valley that only has one saloon, the news of Tom suddenly selling it left more than one citizen with a dry mouth. On the topic of Tom leaving, it is sad. He has been there since the beginning when Elizabeth spent late nights studying and drinking all his coffee. But his decision to leave and take care of his mother is noble and sweet. It was the right thing to do, and hopefully one day he'll come back for a visit and we'll see him again.
       As for who bought it, I forget when, but it dawned on me one day that McNally would! It was like, Aha! That's who Chris McNally will play! A bartender, and he has a great personality for it. I did picture him shyer, and having a personality more like his character Tom from Sailing Into Love, (If you haven't seen it I definitely recommend giving it a watch!) but he still works well in the role.


Bill & Gowen as Partners???

       This was bound to happen at some point in their lives. Though the fact that either of them would agree to this is quite the event. They must have been EXTREMELY desperate to have that saloon.
       Although it didn't happen in the end, if Bill and Henry ever did team up they would actually be quite the force to reckon with. They're both very smart, and seem to know something about everything. Whether they know it or not, they would work very well as a team if they could ever put their bad blood aside.



Jesse & Clara

       And the plot thickens! First Jesse buys land and surprises Clara, then he practically proposes to her, then we find out he stole money as a kid! Wow! He's been quite busy!
       It's so great that Jesse has been sending ten dollars to the man he robbed so he can pay back his debt. Once again it just shows how much he's changed. Plus I'm sure it helps that he's got a pretty lady to please. Clara was very understanding and supportive to him after finding out what he did. She's been there through thick and thin and will continue to stand by her man's side!


       Once again we say a big "Hello" to progress and the modern times. Not only do we have a girl telephone mechanic/operator, but she's doing it while flashing some ankles! Fiona Miller is a very interesting and fun addition to the show. She actually looks, acts, and sounds like a city girl. Using different words (Swell!) and drinking soda pop really brings out a different sort of world beyond Hope Valley.

       For me, when she first showed up it was obvious Hallmark was going along the lines of, "Girls can do anything boys can do," again. Sometimes it becomes a bit much for me, in the form of their personality rubbing me the wrong way, but Fiona is different.
       She's cute and spunky, yet knows her stuff when it comes to the telephone. In my opinion a girl who knows her way around tools and mechanics can be a really fun character if done right. Fiona could turn out to be a really nice addition to WCTH's cast. I just really need to see more to get a better idea.

Faith & Carson

       Carson and Faith as a couple? Ridiculous! I mean, I've only had this idea since season four. It may not have been a kiss, but this was the first big nudge in the right direction. Even if it was instigated by matchmaker Rosemary!
       It's true that they make a great team, even if it's at the expense of poor Ned Yost.  I know the doctor and nurse romance is cliche, but if done right it could be good. I'm not convinced about their chemistry as of yet. I don't think it's extremely strong like the Coulters or the Thorntons, (Then again is anyone's?) but they are cute together. Time will tell where this goes!
       Note to Carson: Maybe never use the word ridiculous for Faith again, unless you're defending her.😀


Agreeing to Disagree

       I don't know about you, but this totally reminds me of an episode or two of, I Love Lucy. Lee and Rosemary have such great chemistry! The whole surprise dinner was fun, and then when they started arguing while Rosemary was trying to prove how great marriage is! That was great!
     They are such a beautiful couple. Every time they disagree they just get closer, and stronger in their love for each other. It's an inspiration to everyone around them!
       And I have to say, like I did earlier, that their idea for Bill and Gowen to be partners in the saloon was a good idea. Only so long as they can keep from killing each other.

     In conclusion, I enjoyed it! Romance, humor, and a super smiley baby is a great combo! Remember this if you ever try and make a television show you hope millions will watch!
       Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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