Mayor Maybes

     Continuing with the theme of last week's post on pastor possibilities, I thought I'd discuss another role that needs filling. That role being one of the most important. Yes, you guessed it, the mayor. (Oh, wait. The title gave that away.🤭)

     We've had Dottie's husband, Silas, then Henry Gowen, and we ended with Abigail. Now there's a huge job with no one to do it. The thing about this job is that you can't just have anyone do it. They need to know the town inside and out, and to do that you have to have lived there for a decent amount of time. Plus they need a good head for business and know how to make tough decisions. But above all, they need to care about the town and the people in it.

       Here's a few of the candidates and my opinion of each.

Bill Avery

       For the moment he is my top pick. I think he would make a great mayor. He's tough enough to make the hard decisions yet cares enough to make sure that everyone is happy. He's fair and honest, (even if he doesn't play by the rules) and cares greatly about others and the town. He also happens to be really smart, and would know how to close the deal.
       Honestly, he pretty much has all the qualifications needed for the job and in my opinion he would do Hope Valley proud.
      Now I know that he already took the judgeship, but I think he could do both. Plus, I believe that a lot of people would vote for him. They know what a good man he is and that he would just work even harder to make the town safe and a better place. Need I say more?

Lee Coulter

       Out of the possible candidates Lee comes in second for probability, but truth be told I don't want him to be, and I don't think he would either. While he would do a good job, he was less then pleased about being the sheriff while Bill was gone. And that was only for around two days! He's too busy anyway with the saw mill and he's most likely going to be a father next season, whether by adoption or pregnancy.
       Now, even though I just shot him down, he does have some great qualities that would make for a good mayor, and who knows? Maybe Hallmark wont listen to me.
      Lee is straight forward, honest, hard working, and fair. As we saw when he was sheriff, he is smart and quick thinking. All of this is perfect for the proposed job, not to mention he's one of WCTH's oldest residents, him being around since season 2!
       Lee would want the best for the town and for everyone to be happy and get a fair chance. He seems pretty well suited for a mayor and, my gosh, he would definitely get LOTS of votes! Who knows? I heard from somewhere that the WCTH Writers were discussing men for the job, when Lori Loughlin said, Hey! Make me mayor! Maybe Lee was already being considered.

Henry Gowen

       Alright! I know what you're thinking! Are you CRAZY! He stole from the town! He's corrupt and can't be trusted! He's on parole for crying out out! But please just hear me out.
       Now right off the bat I'm just going to say that, yes...sure. He's not first rate mayor material. But out of all the people in Hope Valley, he has had the biggest character arch of them all! Just take a look at him from season 1 if you need proof! (Glad he lost the beard!)
       He's changed so much, especially after hearing that he tried to do the right thing with the mine and his conversation with Elizabeth. I see good in him, and maybe this time he'd try to do right by Hope Valley. Now he is already busy with his new oil enterprise, but he could maybe do both.
As for his qualifications, he is 50/50. Half good, half bad. Good because he's done it before. He knows the town better than anyone, and what is required of him. He can make tough decisions when needed and knows business like no other.
      Then there's the bad... The power has gone to his head before, and yeah, that is why he was arrested. For being mayor and stealing the town's money. Frankly, I really don't know for sure what would happen. I think he'd start out with good intentions, but he would be tempted to fall back into old habits. He also might make some decisions that wouldn't be super popular, but he would have the town's interest at heart.
       All in all, he's far from the best choice, but you never know.

Carson Shephard

       Once again, not my first choice, but he does qualify as a possible candidate. Carson has been around for long enough to understand the town and it's inhabitants. He's a nice, smart guy with a big heart for others so you can be sure that he'd want the best for everyone. He just doesn't necessarily have the business experience that all the others do. Then again, I don't know everything about him so maybe he does.
       I just don't think he'd want to be mayor. He probably would think he's not the right man for the job, and only do it if it was absolutely necessary. On top of all that, he also happens to be a doctor, so I don't think that's the best idea for him.
       I'm sure that with some help he would manage and after awhile he'd learn the ropes and do well. Like I said, he's just not my first pick.

       I think what all this says is that there are some great men in Hope Valley, all with good mayor potential. And I don't want any of them to have the job. 😄 I enjoy the way things are now for the characters and if one of them became mayor their lives would sort of turn upside down. I'd personally like to see someone new be mayor, but I really don't know how they'd do that. But the writers know what they're doing so, I'll just have to sit back and wait.

     Who do you think would make a good mayor for Hope Valley? Feel free to drop a comment below or on my Twitter page! Thanks for reading! God Bless!


  1. Bill would be my choice if I lived there. But having just assumed the new role of Judge perhaps not the right time.
    Lee and Henry could both have conflicting interests.
    Carson is not the type and is needed as a doctor.
    In all honesty, I would like to see Abigail recast. Her character was of great importance in Hope Valley. Lori would be difficult to replace due to her wonderful acting ability but I for one think I could adjust if the right person was cast.


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