Who's Nick? The Things We Didn't See

       Turns out, we have more than one man of mystery.       
       During it's hiatus, Hallmark worked on removing all of Abigail Stanton's scenes from the rest of season six due to what happened with Lori Loughlin.
       The revised episodes were well done, and I truly applaud the WCTH team for their great work. However not everything from the original version was removed from the web, leaving us with snippets of what would have happened and clips of unused story. (How exciting!)
       So for this post I played junior detective, and worked to bring you the evidence of what season six was really supposed to look like. So hold on to your butts! (Jurassic Park pun!:)

Side Note: Don't take this post as meaning I didn't like this season, because it's very much the opposite. It was great! This was actually one of my favorite seasons so far! I'm just bringing you the cool information I found about the original season.😁

The Missing Episode

       I can hardly imagine having to edit just about an entire season of footage. The very thought makes my head spin, but everyone working on this did a pretty good job making it feel like what was shown was the original stuff. There were a few places were it was pretty obvious Abigail was supposed to be there, but overall it worked out fine. But as a result of all the editing we actually lost a whole episode titled, Heart on My Sleeve. 

       On the list of episodes for WCTH's wikipedia page, I read that the footage for Hope is With the Heart and Heart on My Sleeve was combined to make one episode. That would help explain why the season felt shorter. It was shorter. The season was originally supposed to have ten episodes and the Christmas special, but due to editing was cut down to nine.

Theo Richardson

       This brings me to my next topic. The man of mystery.
      At some point Hallmark had posted descriptions for future episodes for season six. One of these episodes included the arrival of a mysterious painter friend from Abigail's past named Theodore Richardson. There's an article on IBT Times that talks about the new character. He was to be played by Rob Estes and another article by ET says he was only to be in two episodes.

       Now of course his character never debuted, but if you go to the videos section on WCTH's website and watch the video titled, This Season - When Calls the Heart, you can see him with Abigail and even Cody at one point. 

       He appears to like Abigail quite a bit, but he was only to be in a couple episodes. Was he going to be a kiss and run thing like Bill and Dottie? (Hearties, you know what I'm talking about.😃) 
If so then poor Henry... (Yes, I'm one of those people who believe Abigail and Henry should be together! It's just so obvious!)

Missing Scenes

       Now is a good time to bring up the scenes we didn't get to see. You may be thinking, how do I know if nobody saw them? Well, like I said earlier, Hallmark didn't quite remove all the evidence. 
Some of the biggest pieces is actually in the trailers for the season. Not only did we get to see Theo, but I found out that there was supposed to be more interaction between Elizabeth and Lucas at the end of, A Call from the Past.
       If you watch the video titled, Preview - Season Six is Here - When Calls the Heart, you'll see Abigail running to and embracing Elizabeth after she exits the saloon. 

       What does that have to do with Lucas? Well, if you go and read the episode guide for A Call from the Past, on the last page it says this,

       None of this is shown and some is simply implied. We saw Lucas try to give Elizabeth his coat, but she rejected it. Then the scene is cut and shows the town's folk and Bill with the other criminal. When we go back to Lucas, Elizabeth is gone. There is no apology, no more words between them, and nothing that told us she went to be with baby Jack, except our own common sense.
       While this isn't a big deal, being Team Lucas I really wish I could have saw that scene. It maybe would have shown more of his good character. In losing the scene we also lost some of the emotion, but either way it was a good episode.
       Other scenes are so much missing as they were just altered. Like the girls night with Elizabeth and Rosemary. If you watch the same trailer I just mentioned you can see that Abigail was supposed to be there.
       Then there's when Bill announces that he got offered a judgeship. Once again a trailer reveals that he was supposed to tell Abigail, but instead he told Lee.
        The last instance I'll mention is this. 

       Back before the hiatus, Hallmark put out descriptions for three upcoming episodes. As you can see here, it was Abigail who was supposed to deal with the jealous town's folk, but instead it was Bill, Lee, and Nathan. Also you can see it says that Nathan was supposed to encourage Bill to become a judge, not Lee. I'm not sure why they changed that, but it's interesting either way.


Who's Nick?

       Last but not least I'm going to tell you about Nick. I'm sure you're wondering as the title implies, "Who's Nick?" The truth is, I don't know.
       In the episode guide for, A Call from the Past, it says something very interesting.

       As you can see from my brilliant red circle, Bill doesn't catch Amos' partner in crime. 'Nick' does. Further more in the guide for, Two of Hearts, this 'Nick' is mentioned again.

       This one is more confusing. It starts off saying Bill confronts Henry about the letter, but ends saying Henry tells Nick to do what he wants with it. How odd.
       Maybe someone else originally confronted Henry but then they re-shot it with Bill? Maybe it's just a typo and Nick is Bill? Or maybe Nick is actually Theo.
       Fun Facts: Rob Estes was actually in a series called 90210 with Lori Loughlin, and he also played a character named Nick Townsend in CSI: Miami. Now that is a pretty far fetched idea, but once again I just don't know.

       I guess this all just goes to show what a hard job the WCTH team has and what a good job they did fixing everything to bring us a wonderful show that we adore. I know I wouldn't have wanted to be in their shoes when the retooling happened.
       What about you? Did you notice anything else about this season that I didn't mention? Please feel free to comment below or on twitter and let me know! God Bless!


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