Episode Review: Surprise

       Recently I went back and re-watched episode six of WCTH S6 and thought, why not do a review for it? I plan to do one for all the episodes of season six and possibly for older seasons during the wait for season seven.
       It was very enjoyable. There was lots of humor and suspense, and all the stories really got started in this particular episode.

WARNING!!! SPOILERS BELOW!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------








Allie's Arrival

       First off we have the 'surprise' arrival of Mountie Nathan's niece Allie. I for one like her. She's got so much spunk, and gets into so much trouble. I love it! I think she's a nice addition to the clan of Hope Valley children and I'm interested to see what happens next with her.
       The idea of Nathan or even just a Mountie raising his sister's child is a great concept with many story possibilities. It brings a much softer side to him and makes for lots of fun and humorous moments.
       Allie's whole personality is so different and fun and I love her mischievous nature. Her debut at school that never happened was great. ("Let me have this moment." LOL!) And her little gambling den with the other students! Oh, Boy! Elizabeth has never quite had this kind of trouble before!
       Yet under it all, she's a sweet, fun loving little girl, who's just scared to get close to anyone. Hope Valley is the perfect place for her.

Jesse Striking Oil

       This was a great twist to the story. When the black ooze started coming up out of the ground it was like, Oh my, it's oil! That's a dream come true for a guy like Jesse. All his problems centered around his financial situation and then BOOM! Oil! He was so excited, and got oil all over Clara!
       But that joy sorta got cut short when he found out there was only a 40% chance of finding more and that it would cost THOUSANDS of dollars to dig for it. Why is everything thousands?
       Gowen's offer to buy his land was a really good deal for Jesse, cause in the end he got everything he needed. Enough money to pay off his debt, with enough leftover to buy a better piece of land. (One with a lot less rocks!)

Dying on the Vine?

       Oh Rosemary... You poor girl! She's always so dramatic when it comes to people she cares about, but I guess that just shows how much she really does care.
       Rosemary and Elizabeth's friendship is so wonderful and fun to watch, and they do make quite good neighbors. (Especially since Rosemary stopped listening through the walls!)
       Having to care for a baby who wakes up at all hours of the night and then having to teach more than a dozen children during the day would be incredibly exhausting, so it was nice for Elizabeth to get a break for an hour or two. And Rosemary really went all out!
       There was so much food! I know Abigail was originally supposed to be there but there was still more than enough, and I'm sure they had leftovers. If they just would have invited me...
       But with Elizabeth having her rejuvenation night, someone needed to watch Baby Jack, and this brings me to my next topic!

Judge Bill or Babysitter Bill?

       Lee is going to make such a great Dad! Him and Baby Jack are so cute together and he does a great job with him. But things got way more interesting once Bill arrived.
       I forgot about the fact that Bill once was a father, and it's crazy to think that the rough and tough sheriff turned judge knows how to burp a baby better than Lee. But it was great! One of the best scenes was when Jack stopped crying when Bill went to get something, and Lee laughed saying that Jack just wanted Bill to go away! So funny!
       Lee and Bill have really started interacting a lot this season, which is nice. Though they tend to clash on occasion, (then again I think anyone would clash with Bill) they work very well as friends. Bill told Lee he'd be a good father, and Lee told Bill he'd be a good judge.Very nice!

Teaching Children to Gamble?

      I learned quite a bit through this whole situation about Lucas. First off he likes kids, which is VERY important, and he handled Allie pretty well. Second I learned more about his past.
     The fact that he could relate to Allie and her trouble with fitting in and making friends says something. It shows what it was like for him as child and possibly where his fascination for magic tricks began. It also makes him more relatable and adds more sympathy to his character.
       Lastly, and arguably most importantly, I saw the sparks fly between him and Elizabeth.
      This was one of the first big interactions between Elizabeth and Lucas since when she first met him. It was also the first argument they had and it gave me an idea about how they'd interact in the future.
       Of course Elizabeth had every right to be angry. What teacher wouldn't be if they thought a man was teaching innocent children to gamble and trick others? But Lucas redeemed himself and gained some respect from her.
       And I do believe that he realized how much she intrigued him at this point. That smile he gave as she left said more than words could.

       He did not, however, get any respect from Nathan.

       Nathan's confrontation with Lucas was a bit much. I'm not saying he shouldn't be mad if he thought Lucas was being a bad influence on his niece, but this definitely wasn't his best moment.
       Nathan didn't have any right to tell Lucas that he doesn't seem like a good fit for Hope Valley, especially since Nate's been there less time than him. But Lucas took it pretty well, and stood his ground. He didn't go off on him, but he made it very clear that Nate couldn't scare him away.
       Now I believe that Nate is better than this and moving forward he'll learn to have more faith in people. But this whole thing did, however, show interesting characteristics for both of them.
       Nathan tends to have a suspicious nature about people, and obviously dislikes cheaters, trouble makers and dishonest people of all kinds. This of course is tied into his past which we'll discover more of in the future.
       As for Lucas we saw that he was cool under pressure, which would suggest that he is used to people making unkind remarks about him. This also would be tied into his past, which we'll learn more about as the show progresses.


Faith and Carson's Relationship

       Well, I think it's safe to say that everyone knows about Faith and Carson's relationship after that kiss! (But I think everyone already knew before that!) That was more of a scandalous thing to do back then, but Carson didn't care. He dropped everything, doctor bag and all, and showed everyone how much he cares for Faith.
       They make quite a cute couple. The kind and strong doctor in love with his beautiful and sweet nurse. Sounds kinda like a soap opera...but I like it!
       I have been rooting for these two since season four and now they're finally a couple! They work well together. Both of them understand being in the medical field and have suffered the loss of a family member. And they both know what it's like dealing with family that doesn't approve of you.
       Carson is such a nice guy. Someone else might have been scared off or made uncomfortable by Faith sharing the story about her father, but not him! He truly cares about her and even encouraged her to reach out to her father and make things right! The world needs more great guys like Carson! And more sweet kind hearted girls like Faith!

Gowen and Lucas' Alliance

       Lastly we have Gowen teaming up with Lucas so he can mine for oil with Lucas' money. It's quite the risk for both of them, and scary to watch! I really don't want Henry to go for this and suffer a major loss! He's already suffered through so much and it would be heartbreaking to watch him lose this!
       As for Lucas I have one question. Where does all that money come from??? I have no idea and I really want to know! Did he win it gambling? Did he partner with someone like he did with Henry? Did he inherit it? I just don't know!

       In conclusion, the WCTH writers did it again and and gave us another great episode filled with humor, mystery, and romance. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Allie, learning more about Lucas and Nathan, and watching pretty much everything above progress and see how it plays out in the future!


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