Episode Review: Two of Hearts

       That's all folks! The last episode for When Calls the Heart season six left us with happy times, touching moments, and a million questions.

 SO MUCH has happened this past season and there's so much to discuss. So let's not waste anymore time and get right to it!

WARNING!!! SPOILERS BELOW!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------






Jesse and Clara's Engagement!

        Yes! It happened! They're finally engaged! Cue the confetti and balloons. :)
       These two have had eyes for no one else since season three. They've been there for each other through the ups and downs and their love has never dimmed. It's only gotten deeper.
        Yet it didn't seem to stop Jesse from shaking. Lol! And Clara had no idea what was coming. She just stood there looking all pretty and smiled so sweetly when he asked her to dance, not knowing his full meaning. Or how much her life was about to change in that moment.
        And Jesse was pretty sweet himself. Asking her to dance with him for the rest of her life! (Sigh!) He loves her so much!
      We're definitely looking at a season seven wedding. It will be interesting to see who marries them. Maybe Bill can? Or maybe a new pastor will come to Hope Valley. Either option sounds fun.

Carson, Grace, and Spencer 

        These three certainly had quite the time at the Founder's Day Festival. Carson and Grace tried so hard to make sure Spencer had as much fun as he could. He just missed his mommy and daddy too much. The poor boy! He's very lucky to have Grace. 
        She's so fun and bubbly. She's perfect to bring joy into all the children's lives that she cares for. I'm sure I will enjoy watching her in the new show coming this August, and it will hopefully help with the wait until WCTH season seven.
       Also, Carson, where did this super strength come from? Do all doctors possess this?


       This is actually a new thing. After Florence asked Ned Yost to dance, the idea of a romance between them was brought up by Super Channel Heart & Home's Twitter page. That would be something to say the least. Think about it, Ned would run the store while Florence runs the telephone. Seems reminiscent of another popular western show. Hmmm...
But it would be hilarious to watch them look all mushy eyed at each other!


         Fiona is bringing a modern touch to this small town. Ankle high skirts, short hair, and Ladies' Choice at the dance. I think she is a pretty and quirky girl and it's fun to see her spunk. Her hair styling skills also brings the added question, could a salon be coming to Hope Valley? She certainly will have to train Clara a little more though if she wants to hire her!😄

All Things Rosie

         Rosemary has changed so much since she first arrived. In season three the subject of children was very worrisome for her, and now she's loving on all the children she comes in contact with. She's definitely matured, I'd say, from the wild showgirl she was, and has become such a kind, loving, wife and friend.
         (Side note: Isn't her hair pretty in this scene?)
      Watching Elizabeth with the adorable Baby Jack must be heartbreaking for her, yet she remembers to count her blessings. And what wonderful blessings she has to count.
      Her and Lee are so great together. The beautiful love that they have for each other just comes spilling out for everyone to see. No matter the struggle they face, they hold each other up, and become stronger for it.
       Even though they didn't adopt Spencer like some people may have thought they would, I believe that there is still a very high chance that they will adopt. Whether or not it's Spencer, (I don't think it will be, but what do I know?) they have so much love to share and would make such wonderful parents.
      They need to adopt the kid who had the skinned arm! He was SO adorable!!! Please Hallmark make this happen!

Gowen's Past

       Oh, Henry... He's been dubbed the bad man of Hope Valley for so long, and understandably so. But after this episode, he's been cast in a whole new light.
       He actually had concerns himself about safety issues in the mine and tried to say something, only to be shut down by the company! Now he blames himself for all those miner's deaths! He actually cares that they died under his watch and now has to carry the weight of his past on his shoulders every single day!
      The conversation that Elizabeth had with him was something he needed to hear for such a long time. And he SO needs a big hug! With Abigail gone, it was great that Elizabeth was there for him. She actually needed that talk too!
      I also thought that she would maybe ask Henry to dance instead of her two suitors. Boy! Was I mistaken!

Battle of the Suitors

     Is it possible to hate and love something at the same time? Cause that's sort of what it's like watching these boys fight for Elizabeth. SO good yet SO terrible! But I have to say I love the competition!
      The battle for Elizabeth truly began in this episode. There was always an unspoken thing going on between Nathan and Lucas whenever one would see Elizabeth with the other, but it just went into full swing.
      There have been looks of attraction, gifts of generosity, and daring acts of bravery. All for one lady only, Elizabeth. Let's review what they've both done this past episode for the lovely Mrs. Thornton.
       First off we have Nathan's plaque. So sweet! I mean, he's a Mountie all day long. He would've had to spend every moment he had off to create something that polished and nice. And he did it all for Elizabeth. (Very subtle Nate...)

       Then we have Lucas' confession to Elizabeth. He said he would have done whatever it took to keep her safe, without fear or hesitation. (My heart's melting!) I don't know about you, but if a man is willing to risk his life for a woman, one that he hasn't know all that long, he must care quite a bit. And it says something about his overall character too, seeing that this isn't the first time he's saved a lady in distress.

       Then (brace yourself) there's Nate and Baby Jack. I may be #TeamLucas but even I can admit that a man holding a baby is adorable, let alone the silly faces Nate made, and the wonderful laughter that came from Baby Jack. That definitely earned him some points and Lucas saw it.

        Lucas and Elizabeth then opened the library and he touched her hand for the first time. (Nathan didn't seem to happy about it.) Then Lucas proceeded to interact with Elizabeth and Baby Jack by showing them a book, right in front of Nathan. He let Nate know that he's not the only one interested. (Oh, the suspense!)

       The ring tossing at the Founder's Day Festival was great, especially when Lucas admitted he didn't mean for the ring to bounce off the one bottle and onto the other.
       His tactic to win Elizabeth over seems to be doing cool things to impress her, which I believe may tie into his past. I'm going to go more into this topic in a future post comparing the two suitors.
        (And it was sweet for Lucas to win Baby Jack that bear!)
       Now the strong man test... That was good! Both guys tried to impress Elizabeth and in the end they both lost to Carson while giving Elizabeth and Allie some good entertainment. I guess Carson just has more torque then they do. :)
       Last thing to mention before the dance was Nathan's comment about the founders. Hew boy! That was so bad! Lol! But so funny! I think he better work on talking to pretty girls. Who knows what might come out next! :)
        And now the Piéce De Résistance!

The Dance

       Lots of people had been placing their vote on who they hoped/thought Elizabeth would pick as her dance partner. Lucas, Nathan, Baby Jack, or nobody at all. And now we all know.
       The whole concept of ladies' choice ran perhaps a little deeper than a simple dance. Especially for Elizabeth after having that conversation with Henry about moving on from the past. This was a more complex decision for her than the others. Think about it. This was her first dance since Jack passed! It was a very big and brave move. And it was Lucas.
       Before I go into the nitty gritty of it all, can I just say...Yay! What a great moment! Elizabeth tentatively touching Lucas' shoulder, getting his attention then softly asking him to dance, to which he gave the perfect response. Absolutely! He was so happy! And they danced, Lucas beaming at the woman in his arms, and Elizabeth giving him that sweet little smile of hers as turn around the room. (Sighs softly...)
     Then she sees Nathan and everything just comes crashing down. Elizabeth saw him in the doorway and she seemed to be struck with so much emotion at his sad face and him leaving. The question is why?
       I'm just so torn about the whole thing! I don't know what to think! Did she realize that Nathan has feelings for her and she might have some for him, did she regret her choice, or did she just feel bad about making him feel bad?
       I just don't know! She seemed sort of uneasy about dancing with Lucas, which is understandable, yet she chose him. She could have sought out Nathan if she wanted to dance with him, but she went to Lucas. Yet her face after seeing Nathan... Ahhh! (Pulls hair)
       Her choice and just the whole cliffhanger left us in quite the predicament. It was so controversial. #TeamLucas people like me were most likely thrilled and doing the happy dance when Elizabeth made her choice, and then were devastated and scared out of their minds at her reaction to Nathan. So much so that they jumped on the Internet and immediately started looking for all the comments to point to Lucas and Elizabeth. (Not that I did or anything...)
      #TeamNathan probably did things in reverse. Except the comment thing. :)

     Overall I think one of the biggest problems is the wait until next season. Everyone until then will be making their voice heard for who's side they're on. As I've seen, the Hearties are quite the group and if enough of them show their support on a subject, things can happen.

     In conclusion, the last episode for season six of When Calls the Heart held many fun and touching moments for everyone to enjoy. As for me, lets just say that I'll sleep easier at the end of next season. Until then, it's going to be one big roller coaster ride!


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