Lucas or Nathan?

       She picked Lucas, or she didn't pick Lucas. That is the question that is burning inside every single Heartie right now, eating them alive and causing massive Internet scouring to find every comment to their favor, therefore bringing peace that the man of their choice will also be Elizabeth's. (I'm not the only one right?)

       The season may be over but the wait has only just begun. The writers did such a darn good job of confusing people as to Elizabeth's choice, and making both potential suitors a worthy option.
       In this post I am going to attempt to break down both men and show the pros and cons of both. 
      I will also super analyze their past and dig deep into their souls, revealing their inner emotions and who they really are at the center of their core! JK! But I am going to give my thoughts on who I believe they are and how they'll progress in future seasons!

       Both men possess many of the same traits. They are both kind, generous, caring, sweet, protective gentlemen. And of course they’re both handsome! But each one is from a different side of the coin, or at least it would seem that way. Nathan being the law upholding Mountie, and Lucas the gambling saloon owner. But I believe that they both are worthy of Elizabeth’s affection.

       Now I may be #TeamLucas but I’m going to start things off with Nathan.

       Nathan is a great guy with some first rate qualities. He also still has a bit of mystery left to him which I'm sure we'll discover in S7.


       Nathan is an upright, man with a kind and generous heart. He’s quiet, and shy and doesn’t always have the right words to say, but he’s determined and will do whatever it takes to keep the people he cares about safe. He’s smart and quick thinking, which can be pivotal for a Mountie, yet he’s soft and fun with his niece. The fact that he took in his niece says a lot about his character and his choice of profession is a big declaration of what he believes. He wants justice for the oppressed and to keep evil behind bars.

       All of the above makes him quite the guy, but no man is complete without some flaws. 


     Nathan tends to be suspicious of others, and is guarded. He seems scared of opening up or interacting with others which would explain his dislike of small talk. He tends to make judgements before knowing a person fully and I'm also not on board with how he went off on Lucas for Allie's gambling.

      For me Nathan being a Mountie is both a pro and a con. Pro because, duh… he’s a Mountie. A tall, strong, red serge striking Mountie. I mean, come on. Who doesn’t like that? 😁
     But it’s also a con, for me, because it’s already been done. He’s a shy, noble, puts his foot in his mouth kind of guy like Jack, so it’d be like watching Elizabeth fall in love with Jack all over again, only it’s not Jack. Sort of déjà vu. 
     Don’t get me wrong, that kind of guy is great, I’ve just already seen it for Elizabeth.

       Now I will give my Heartieologist diagnosis of Nathan. (A family member gave me that pun!😁)

      He already gave his reason for becoming a Mountie. His father was dishonest and ended up in jail. That would contribute to his guardedness, but also it would give the reason for his suspicious nature. I mean, if you can’t trust your own father who can you trust? It would also make him ashamed and not want anyone to know that about him.

      The other reason he keeps to himself would be the death of his sister. The death of a sibling is a huge deal. I’m sure it inspired fear in Nathan about getting close to anyone, much like it did in Elizabeth after Jack's death. That would help explain his dislike for small talk too. If you don’t talk to people, you don’t get to know them, therefore you don’t get as personal with them.
      Nathan needs someone to show him that it's ok to let people in and that he can love again. He also needs to realize that he is not defined by his father's mistake/s. He is a good and honorable man despite whatever transpired in his past.

       Now let’s move on to Lucas. 

       Being #TeamLucas I’m definitely bias on my opinion of the two, but I’ve seen even #TeamNathan people like him as well. While some don't like the fact that he runs a saloon and gambles, I see a good man in him.


       Lucas is a man of flare and class. He is sweet and kind to others, especially Elizabeth, and is generous with his time and possessions. He is a good and upright man who cares about others and is willing to risk everything to protect them. Even his own life. He supports education and appears well educated himself. He's clever and smooth with his words and definitely good at giving a compliment.  He's also calm under fire, and willing to fight for the people he loves.
       Once again all of the above makes him a good catch, but even I can see he's not perfect.


       Lucas does happen to have a bit too much confidence at times. He enjoys the thrills of gambling and takes risks for the payout at the end. He also doesn't seem to like being told what to do or how to run his business. He does have some trust issues as well and hasn't asked for help when he needed it.
      As for owning the saloon, in some places that wouldn't be a good thing, but Hope Valley is different. The people there are kind and caring, and often come there to socialize with friends or have a bite to eat. I mean, Faith goes there, and Clara even works there, and they are good upstanding women.

      Lucas is quite the puzzle to piece together, which is a good thing. Unanswered questions make for an interesting character that people want to see more of so they can uncover all of their secrets. I’m going to attempt to break him down.

Heartieologist diagnosis of Lucas

     Lucas has an air of confidence about him. He’s a smart dresser, classy saloon owner, and loves to wow people with his skills in magic and other tricks alike.

    When Nathan confronted him and said he didn’t seem like a good fit for Hope Valley, Lucas replied that that seemed to be the story of his life.  He also said that as a child he had a hard time making friends, so he would wow them with magic. This would actually suggest that his confidence is a mask, and that he doesn’t have much self confidence if any.

     I believe that this all ties to something in his past that we’ve yet to discover. Something with his parents or childhood, or some event that shaped his life forever.

    Maybe because of it he felt that people wouldn’t like him for just him, so he learned a sure fire way to make sure he was liked, and that people would want to be around him.

     Lucas has so much potential to grow and I would love to see the writers give him a hero journey to become the man I believe he could. I think he needs someone to show him what true love is, and that he is liked for himself. Not his tricks, or his money, or his three piece suits. Just his kind hearted sweet self and that he can be the great man that is inside of him.

Overall, when it comes down to it...

       Both men are great in their own way and Elizabeth could choose either one and walk away with a wonderful man who would love her dearly as well as her son. My personal pick is Lucas. I enjoy watching him and think he would be more exciting. But that doesn't mean Nathan isn't a great guy too, because he is.

       Here's what some other fans had to say...

I see #TeamLucas with Elizabeth in S7 but I also see a great friendship between Nathan & Lucas. I hope the writers have them as friends, not men competing for Elizabeth. As for Nathan, I think he & Fiona would be a great match (she'd become a supporting character!!) #Hearties

I think one of them will be with Elizabeth but I’m thinking it might be Nathan! #Hearties #canadianhearties
       I really can't wait to see what happens with these two in season seven! Already we've seen the sparks fly as the rivalry takes place. But I think the battle may have only just begun for Elizabeth's heart! 
      Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page your thoughts about these two! God Bless!


  1. I am #TeamLucas, I love his intellectual and witty side as well as how much he cares for others. I am really looking forward to learning more about him, because he seems like he is super well educated and well read. I also really like Nathan, but I would like to see him with Fiona as I think they would compliment each other nicely. I am ready for Elizabeth to embark on a new love story that is completely different from a Mountie relationship as we had that dynamic for 5 wonderful years!! Lucas brings a new dynamic and flare, and I love him with Elizabeth and Baby Jack...they are adorable!!!


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