Episode Review: Disputing Hearts


       My last review was for the episode Surprise, so it stands to reason that I'd do the next in line. Besides, it's always great to have an excuse to sit and watch When Calls the Heart! (I told my family I was doing research! :)

WARNING!!! SPOILERS BELOW!!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------



The Library

       Elizabeth is doing great things for this town. She cares so much for her students and everyone else who could benefit from a library that she's trying her hardest to get one. Books were the main source of information and learning back then so it's pretty important. Elizabeth knows that more than anyone.

Florence...A Telephone Operator? 

        Need a telephone operator? Let's get the town's biggest gossip to do it! I'm not sure Fiona knew exactly what she was doing when she made Florence her second in command, but it's going to be good!
      It was really nice the way Fiona handled everything. Time and time again Florence made mistakes and she could have fired her at anytime, but she didn't. She encouraged her and sure enough she got it! It's really a great testament to her sweet and kind character and says a lot about her.
     Florence's confession about never having a job was also so sad and touching. She just never needed one before because her husband provided for her. So glad Fiona helped her, and it will be really fun to see how this plays out in the future. I can only imagine the info she'll hear and the gossip she'll spread!

It's A Gusher!

       Love that scene! Mike running into town whooping and laughing, all covered in oil, announcing the news to the whole saloon. The whole concept of striking oil brings so much to the story, and the fact that the land used to be Jesse's, story wise, makes things even better.

       His face said everything, and truthfully it's pretty sad for him. But Clara spoke the truth. They have each other, and that's what really matters.
       As for Gowen, well, let's just say that he's back in business, and it scares me. First off, we have a very lucrative enterprise and the whole reason he's on parole is because of his issue with money. What if he lets it all go to his head? I mean, it's great that after all he's been through that he can finally have something go good for him, but what happens if it's short lived? This brings me to my second point. I would hate for him to lose everything. I would feel SO BAD! Yeah, he did some pretty bad stuff, but to me his story is so sad and I believe he deserves a second chance.
     The other person this affects is Lucas, and while he didn't do the happy dance, I know that he's pleased his investment paid off. I just wonder what he'll do with his cut of the proceeds.

Smart Alec Allie

      Well, I guess the saying is true that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Just because Allie skipped school, does not in the least mean that she isn't a smart little thing. Then again it does take some smarts to evade your Mountie uncle and play hooky so...
        It was great to learn about Allie and Nathan's past and as could be expected it's less than sweet. Her mother dying is horrible enough, but then to have her father abandon her! How does a father do that to his four year old daughter?
       She is very lucky to have her uncle Nate, and it's great watching the two of them together! And now that they're a part of Hope Valley and have Elizabeth as a friend, things are definitely looking up. This brings me to my next topic.

Self Taught Lessons 

       Elizabeth must be a good teacher! Not only did she teach Nathan about what Allie is going through, she also taught him and herself about what they're going through. Each one of them is suffering from the loss of a loved one, and is now scared to let people get close to them. It was a good moment of self realization for both of them, and a chance to try and move on.

       Of course that's easier said then done, but I believe that as the show goes on each one of them will find peace and learn to love again. Especially Elizabeth.

Angry Neighbors

       Wow! The thought of prosperity and jealousy over someone else's fortune really drove people to do crazy and selfish things! Mainly it was Robert and Timmy's dads, and, for me, it added a lot more excitement to the show.
       Now I know greed can make people make some bad decisions, but wow! Charging the guy with all the money toll just so he could get half of it! Really?
       Mr. Lawson was really mad about Mr. Wolf (Robert's father) making a better buck then him! The whole gate situation was quite the predicament, and then when he found out he couldn't, oh boy...
       But Mr. Wolf was no saint either. Making all those idle threats at Henry, just because he didn't get a portion of Henry's own wealth, was not good. It was his own fault. Henry told him what he was getting up front. He just thought about the money and oil and not the long term outcome. It's sad, but true.

Rosemary's Concerns

       I've discussed this topic before in a previous post but it's a pretty big part of the story and it resonates with a lot of people. I can't speak out of experience but it must be so depressing to not be able to have a child, and then on top of that find out you're in perfect health. I'm sure she was looking for some sort of solution from Carson, but a dose of communication is something everyone can use.
       It's very sad, especially for someone so full of life like Rosemary, to be so...well...sad! Then of course she's taking on all these extra jobs to keep herself busy, and wearing herself thin. If only Lee would notice...
       I really would love to see Rosemary and Lee as parents, so whether they adopt or eventually become pregnant it will be wonderful to see! I sort of agree with some of the comments I've seen about them adopting and then becoming pregnant. That would be really fun!

First Name Basis

        This is a pretty minor part of the episode but it is worth mentioning. When one of your potential suitors asks you to call them by their first name, it's definitely a step in the right direction. Just like at the end of the very first episode when Jack asked Elizabeth to call him Jack. (Sighs...) Only I'm not sure she was as thrilled when Lucas asked.

Faith's Father

       The telephone has come in pretty handy with this particular situation. Plus it's WAY easier then trying to find the words to say in a letter. It's wonderful that Faith got to talk to her father after all that time, and hear him say that he missed her. Happy tears were completely needed, as she had. That was sweet of Carson to care so much about her and her father.
       Though I have to say, that was a bit over the line. She could have gotten really mad about it and he would have made things even worse. But he did it out of a loving heart and had only the best intentions. Thankfully in the end it all worked out!

Bill & Lee

       Bill and Lee have such a great friendship going on. They may not be the first two you'd imagine being friends but they actually work nice together. And it supplies a nice bit of humor which is always a plus!

       In conclusion, this episode had some fun aspects to it that I've never seen before in WCTH and was enjoyable to watch.
       Feel free to leave a comment below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


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