What if They Were a Couple? #TeamFate

       And now it's time to play everyone's new favorite game, What if They Were a Couple! Every time a new character joins the beautiful cast of WCTH or someone becomes single one of the biggest questions to be asked is, who will they fall for?
        In this post I'll examine the idea of two of Hope Valley's newest residents as a potential couple.

Nathan Grant & Fiona Miller

"I hear he's quite a dish." - Fiona Miller

       Big city girl meets small town Mountie. Hmmm... Sounds like a romance novel plot if you ask me. And I love romance novels!
       The idea of these two as a couple is a very interesting idea and one that is growing on me as time goes by. I've yet to see them really interact with each other so I can't give an accurate opinion of them as of yet. But I can entertain the notion and try and imagine what the future could hold for them.

       First off we have their very different personalities.

       Fiona is fun and spunky and loves all things big, wild, and modern. She is very sweet and kind and seems to have a great sense of family and friends. She also happens to have a very cute dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Very nice bonus!

        Nathan on the other hand is quite the opposite.

       He's a shy, doesn't talk a lot, down to earth kind of guy. Yet he's also very kind and generous, and takes great care of his family and those around him. And he happens to be tall and dresses in red surge!
       Though they seem completely different they actually share some of the same beliefs. They both care about the people around them and their families. They're kind, generous with their time, and enjoy helping people.
       Aside from all that they say opposites attract and in this case they very well may. Fiona would add excitement to his life and help him be spontaneous. She would help him open up and teach him to love again. On the flip side Nate would help ground Fiona. He would give her a strong rock to lean on and keep her safe.

What About Allie?

       The thing about whoever falls for Nate is that they have to be willing to accept and raise Allie. Thenceforth they need to possess a love for children. We already know that Nate has that, and I believe that Fiona may too.
       Her confession that eating pancakes was a weekly tradition in her home leads me to believe that she may have some siblings. Even if that's not the case, she appears to be a very kind woman, with a heart for others, and I can't imagine her not liking kids.
       Her and Allie would be fantastic to watch! They would be best friends and get into all kinds of trouble together! I would love to see them cooking together, doing each other's hair, and having all sorts of adventures! Nate would certainly be kept on his toes!


       Fiona's job with the telephone would make for some great scenes between her and Nate and may actually be very helpful. Imagine if Nate started to fall for her. He would always be looking for a reason to use the jail's telephone and jump every time the station got a call. And Fiona could use the 'ten seconds' she hears over the phone to help him fight crime.

       As for Nate being a Mountie, I'm not exactly sure how that would go over. There would be the usual concerns about him facing danger and being assigned to a new post, but I'm uncertain how she would react. What I do know is that she'd be pretty pleased that her beau is a dark handsome heroic Mountie.

How Would They Come Together?

       This does pose as a problem because Nathan already has his eyes on another lovely lady, AKA Elizabeth. It would almost seem that Fiona would become a consolation prize and be his second choice. But I believe that the WCTH Writers can work their magic and throw these two together through out season 7 and win us over on the idea.
       Just like Allie brought Elizabeth and Nate together, I believe she could do the same for him and Fiona. Her and Allie could become friends and get into trouble together, thus requiring Nathan's attention. Maybe Fiona would become a closer friend then the other children for Allie, seeing that she thinks adults are way more interesting then children
       We already know that Fiona thinks Nate is a hunk, so it's only a matter of them coming together and realizing the attraction they have for each other.

       All in all they could make a really fun and cute couple! I've just never really seen them together so it's harder to tell if they'd have chemistry or not. I think the idea of them together could be cool, including the idea of Fiona and Allie making mischief. I'm looking forward to seeing them interact next season and watching to see if the sparks fly!
      What do you think? Do you see them together in season 7? Feel free to drop a comment here or on my twitter page! God Bless!


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